Hey guys. Srry this update took soooo long. stupid school. Readand reivew and I will try to update sooner.
p.s reviews make me update

Disclaimer: I down own the puppy…

What We Want

Chapter 15: What She Wants

Two friends, both sat alone across town from another. They both sat in their dark rooms. One watched as blood fell down her arms as the other poured alcohol down her throat.

Each had different pain, both handled it the same. They took all their pain out on themselves instead of others. Their self destructive ways slowly killing them inside.

One of those girls stagger out onto the street, to disoriented to notice as she hit the pavement, or the cop car driving by.

Clunky shoes made contact with the ground beside her. The officer looked down onto her unconscious body. Her arms had nasty buries, and as he soon discovered her face did as well.

"Stupid human."

The man picked her up, his long silver hair falling into place on his back as he stood up carrying her to his cruiser.

He had just recently finished his schooling and was finally on the field. He didn't know why he chosen this profession, maybe because he got to carry around a gun.

He didn't mind pushing stupid humans to the ground when they tried to resist arrest, but patrolling the streets at night was not enjoyable.

Right now he didn't know what he should do. No were in the handbook did it say what to do with beaten up, passed out, drunken chick. But he couldn't just leave her there.

Not that he felt any sympathy towards the human. It was their fault they were so stupid and weak.

It was about three in the morning, all other officers were out on patrol or were off duty. Carrying her into the back room, he dumped her in one of the cells.

Who knows, she could have done something illegal.


The spicy smoke filled her lungs making Kagome sigh as she leaned against the brick wall behind the school.

It was Friday after school, and today there was a football game, which ment she had to fulfill her duties as a cheerleader and bounce around for a bunch of over exited football freaks.

What the hell was so interesting about the game anyways?

Run three yards, pile up. Run three yards pile up. Where was the excitement in that?

It was nothing like a race.

There you had intoxicating fumes giving you a high as you watched as bikers risked their lives for some cash.

No one shook hands at the end of the game, you got humiliated not a pat and the back and a 'good game'.

To ease her nerves and to get her a little more energized Kagome had gotten some weed off her friend. So there she was, smokin' up with Sango behind the school.

"Fuck that's good." Kagome said breathing out grey smoke into the air.

Closing her eyes she relaxed at the burning in her throat. Opening her eyes she noticed a shadow coving her form. Looking beside her, Inuyasha was standing there seething.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" He yelled outraged.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She said smugly.

He grabbed the pipe from her cold hand and poured the remaining contents onto the ground.

"What are you doing?" She yelled watching the rest of the stash fall onto the dirty school pavement.

He gave her a blank stair.

"Are you high?" He asked grabbing her chin and looking into her glazed eyes.

"Damn Kagome. What are you thinking?" He said angrily not letting go of her chin.

"Do you know how bad that shit is for you? How the hell do you expect to cheer like this?" He asked noticing her outfit.

She was wearing the skimpy uniform. 'Damn,' he thought admiring her long legs, short skirt and tight top.

'Get your mind outta the gutter Inu.' He scolded himself. This was no time to be having those thoughts.

He was already late and needed to get changed. He had been walking to the change rooms when he smelled something like burning leaves from around the corner.

Praying that a certain someone wasn't doing something he rounded the corner to see his fears were answered when he saw his girlfriend holding a pipe up to her mouth. A lighter in her other hand, burning the little green leaves, letting out small whiffs of grey smoke.

It disgusted him to no end, why someone enjoyed this was above him. Some might think his opinion to be a little hypocritical considering what he had done the other night while at the race. He had done that simply to impress her friends, not for his enjoyment.

She pulled her face free from his grasp.

"Fuck off! No one asked for your opinion." She said angry that he had scolded her.

"What are you? My father?"

Sighing he wrapped his arms around her saying, "I'm your boyfriend. I'm just worried about you." He said trying to calm her down.

It seemed to have worked as her ridged body went slack in his arms. Smiling dizzily she wrapped her arms around his form shoving her face into the crook of his neck. She opened her mouth, her hot breath tickling his skin.

"Ohh Inu." Her stoned self moaned into his ear. Blushing, he pulled back when she started to kiss his neck.

"He-hey stop that you." He said embarrassed. He really didn't need her doing that. This wasn't the kind of 'pumped up' he was supposed to get before a game.


After dragging her over to the other cheerleaders practicing he raced to the change rooms, only to be bitched out for being late.

Damn girlfriends.

The half time buzzer went off signaling the end off the first half. The score was 56 nothing in their favor. It looked to be a blowout and the crowd was ecstatic as the cheerleaders ran onto the field.

Staggering behind, Kagome followed the other girls getting into formation. Her mind was still foggy, but etleast this was a simple routine. Being light Kagome was one of the girls to be thrown up into the air.

Seeing as they were wearing skirts and being tossed around, all the girls were given boy shorts to wear under them, keeping what little modesty they had left.

Kagome wasn't one of these girls. She had devised a plan to make the school regret ever forcing her onto the squad.

At first she was merely one of the girls waving her pompoms in the air in rhythm with the music. Then the girls started to make the pyramid of girls. Three of them, two girls holding one girl on top. Kagome was center top.

The whoosh of going up sent her skirt flying up with her, giving the audience a nice view of her thong clad ass. The crowd behind them sent out a roar of cat calls.

The audience in front of them soon understood the uproar as she jumped down, skirt lifting up and around her body. Soon their side was whistling louder and cheering.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see the horror on Kagura's face. She should have expected something like this really.

Coming out of the change room after their short break, Inuyasha's eyes bulged out of his sockets at the site before him.

There was Kagome doing cartwheels, her skirt floating away from her body reviling that she was wearing only a little thong showing off her ass to the whole crowd.

Inuyasha felt a growl rise in his throat as his fellow team mates whistled. Glaring back at them they shut up.

'What the hell does she think she's doing?'

He noticed Sango laughing hysterically beside the bleachers, snapping a picture with her camera.

Finally the routine was over. The girls ran off the field, Kagome being the last one she flipped up her skirt up giving the crowd a wink.

He was pissed.


The final score was 80 nothing, Inuyasha having taken out all his anger on his opponents.

He found Sango and Kagome sitting on the curb waiting by his car. They were laughing as Kagome got up and did another cartwheel, still in her uniform. She fell to the ground clutching her stomach as she tried to control her laughter.

He walked over to them quietly glaring at the girl on the ground. Grabbing his keys from his pocked he slung his bag down to the ground as he unlocked the door. He had grabbed a quick shower and changed cloths not wanting to sit in those sticky things the entire ways home.

Kagome got up from the ground looking over at him oddly. 'Why didn't he say hi?'

He glared at her opening his car door.

"Get in."

After his angry command Kagome quickly slipped into the car saying a goodbye to Sango.

She didn't know why he was so pissed at her. It was just a little joke…

The car ride was silent. Inuyasha had driven to his apartment, saying nothing as he got out and slammed the door. Kagome following behind him.

He unlocked his apartment door, kicking off his shoes he waited until she came in then slammed the door shut. Turning to look back at him, she found her body quickly pressed against a wall.

"Inu?" She whispered as he started kissing her neck.

"If you're going to act like a slut, then I'll treat you like one." He growled out into her neck. Kagome quickly inhaled understanding the meaning behind his words.

No, this wasn't how she wanted their first time together to be.

'Wait what the hell did I want our first time to be?'

She felt his hands slowly creep down her sides, sliding over her breasts. His sharp claws prickled her skin through her uniform.

His hand slid across her bare stomach invoking a warm feeling to flicker in her tummy.

'Why do I want this to be different from the rest? It's, just sex.' She thought trying to convince herself as she felt his hands creep to the back of her thighs.

'Not with him it isn't.'

"Inuyasha wait." She said as she felt him grab her ass under her skirt, lifting her up to wrap her legs around his waist.

He stopped his movements and waited quietly for her to continue.

"I don't want to have sex with you," She paused but quickly continued when he looked at her hurt.

"What I mean is. I. I just. I want more then that." She stuttered blushing.

"I want more then a meaningless fuck. I want something real."

"I want you to love me." She said the last part so quietly he almost missed it.

Frustrated tears burned in her eyes, she felt exposed, vulnerable. She hadn't known him that long, but for some reason, being in his arms just felt right.

Inuyasha unwrapped her legs from around him, setting her feet back on the floor. She looked up at him surprised.

Was he rejecting her? His smile told her otherwise.

Giving her a peck on the cheek he grabbed her hand leading her to his bedroom. He still hadn't said anything and it was starting to unnerve her.

His room was neater then the last time she had been there. The bed was cleared off of any cloths and his floor looked half decent.

The curtains were open, the glow of the moon the only light in the room. Inuyasha closed the door, looked right in her eyes and slowly pulled his shirt over his broad shoulders.

The sight of his toned chest was enough to make any girl melt. He flashed her a smirk before undoing his belt on his jeans and let them fall to the floor.

Stepping out of them he walked towards her. Grabbing the hem of her shirt, she instantly lifted up her arms letting him pull it from her body.

She was thoroughly confused now.

"Why are you being so quiet?" She finally asked as she stepped out of her skirt.

"Because your about to get really loud." He whispered into her ear then pushed her back onto his bed.

He waited as she scooted over into the middle of the bed, and then climbed in beside her. Lying on the bed beside her he grabbed her side, rolling her over to face him.

She slowly ran her hand down his side making him shiver. Putting his hand on the back of her neck, he brought her face to his kissing her gently. Her mouth opened to his and the battle began. Rolling over onto her, bracing himself on his arms he depend the kiss, nibbling on her lower lip.

His body felt so warm over hers. She pouted when he parted his lips from hers.

"Kagome. I don't want to tell you I love you." He said it so gently it hurt.

"I don't want you to think I'm only saying in to get into your pants." He said seriously, looking deeply into her eyes.

She smiled up at him understanding what me ment. But still, not hearing the words hurt.

Something in her chest was pricking against her heart, making her nauseous.

"I want to say I love you when I sneak up behind you at school."

"When were on the phone late at night so tired we don't know why were still awake, but can't hang up because the thought of not hearing your voice is too much to bare."

"I want to say it after we fight."

"I want to say it when you're green in the face with the flue and I still find you beautiful."

"And I want to say it when I know you'll believe me."

Something was overwhelming her, melting her insides and seeping into her empty heart.

His words ment so much.

They shouldn't have affected her as much as they did.

Kissing her forehead, thoughts of sex forgotten he rolled onto his back, bring her body to rest against his. Closing her eyes she smiled as she heard his heartbeat.

'This is what I want'


The girl fell to the floor, watching the beautiful red liquid seep onto the carpet. She couldn't take it anymore. All she wanted to do was fall into the darkness, let it overwhelming her, and bring her to a place of peace.

Yes. This is what she wanted.


Well, there ya go! Got a lil drama and a lil lime. Now, I know everyone has their personal preferences. I'm not sure what crowd I'm catering too so I will ask.

Would you guys prefer a lemon or not? I try to please all I can, not saying that if you say no you wont get one. I will take your opinions into consideration, that's it. Anyways I'll update as soon as possible, grade 12 is hard….
