"Surrogate" Author's Note

I did not write The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto own Zelda; I do not. This version was adapted from the Manga of the video game. The Manga was written and drawn by a woman named Akira Himegawa. Most of the credit goes to her, Mr. Miyamoto, and Nintendo. The only credit that I deserve is actually writing and typing the written English version. I am NOT getting paid for doing this; I did it only for pleasure. You can visit Japan and purchase a The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Child and Adult Chapters, but it will be written in Japanese. The comic Manga, like so many others, has never touched the shores of the United States.


Well, now that we got that outta the way, I gotta go post chapter one of the Child Chapters: "The Deku Tree's Crisis."

P.S. I'm going to Europe!!! ...In 2005...!! But who cares??!!!! I'm going to Europe!!!