a/n: this is my very first attempt at a ZADR since... ever! I wrote a few in the past, but I never posted them and now their sadly...lost. So, try to enjoy this. I think its a new direction of a ZADR. A NEW REVOLUTION! *is suddenly hit with a pineapple*


Dib sighed in peace, streched out in the big park of his high school, dozens of books about science and algebra scattered everywhere, and rather thick. He was in 10th grade now, already deep into college AP classes like nanotechnology and college trigonometry.

The once twisted obession about exposing Zim for the alien he really was, was put on hold. For Dib had discovered REAL science. He knew, like his father knew, that the world was full of complete idiots. It was up to the scientists to save those idiots with their massively large brains!

Suddenly, a dark shadow came over Dib. He looked up to see three hideous jocks hovering over him. "Hey, could you refrain from beating me up today? I have a major test 5th period--"

"Come with us, Dib." the three jocks chimed.

"Wha--?" Dib was cut off as a loud voice cried from somewhere behind him. He turned around to see Zim running towards him.

"HEY! YOU THREE! I SEE YOUR SCHOOL JACKETS! THOSE AREN'T FROM THIS SCHOOL! GET THE HELL OFF MY SCHOOL GROUNDS!" his purple eyes burned holes of anger through the back of their heads as the triumvirate of jocks ran off.

There was a moment of silence when Zim turned around to go back into the school. Dib tried to shake off the weird feeling rising in his chest, but he couldn't. "Hey," Dib said before he even thought it, "Thanks."

Zim stopped for only a second and continued towards the school, never looking back.


The three jocks kept running until they were completely out of sight. Then, the tallest and oldest of the jocks pulled from their pocket a small ceramic square. On it was a button. He quickly pushed it and at once, a bright beam of light was shown down apon them from the sky. They materalized into the light, going up.

They quickly materialized in a completely different place. A grand royal room. In the very back stood a king with an overly large head and a small crown.

"Have you returned him?" the king asked.

The jocks looked down, "No your majesty. An irken in a bad disguise stopped us."

"Irkens! And what does he have to do with this?" the king asked.

"Futher investigation shows the irken is one of Dib's adversaries. He's been trying to destroy the alien but has stopped recently to continue his studies."

The king looked proud for a moment. "Yes, well, I'll give you one more try, then if you should fail, I'll send in...the special agent."

The jocks all bowed at once. "Yes your majesty. We will not fail you!" and they materialized again.

From somewhere in the shadows of the king's throne, came a beautiful boy. He looked no older than 16, with silver hair and bright green eyes. "You know," he began, "their going to fail."

"Don't jinx them, Robin." the king said.

"We'll see," he said, without even adding 'your majesty' to the end.


Later that day, Zim found himself sitting in the principal's office, looking pissed off as the principal gave him a warning for the 100th time.

"Now, Zim, your this school's best student. I would hate to take you from your occupation as hall monitor president--"

Zim slitted his eyes, to look like a snake, daring him to cut the best damn hall monitor his high school had ever seen.

"--but, you can't keep striking fear into the hearts of these students. Just recently, I found a shrine in one of the freshman's lockers dedicated for said freshman to survive all next week! I'm amazed people are still coming to school."

"I told them to or I'd hunt them down and gut them like a pond smelt!" Zim growled.

The principal sweatdropped, "Yes...but, just calm down a moment--"

"...Him." Zim suddenly said, with such hatred.

"Hmm?" the principal said, looking out the door to where Zim was glaring. The green teenager was staring at Dib Membrane as he walked down the hall. He was carrying many books. Suddenly, he tripped and the books and papers within them, fluttered to the ground. He leaned down to pick them up, reaching to his face with one hand to push a fray lock of midnight hair behind his ear.

Zim simply narrowed his eyes more.

"Aren't you going to help him?" the principal asked inquistively.

"No," Zim responded.

"I've told you, stop being his enemy. Together you could be the ones to put this school on the map! Just work together this once..."

Zim stood up, eyes still glaring hatred as the boy gathered his books and walked off down the hall, "No, he'd never...accept me."

"Accept you as what?" the man asked as Zim walked down the hall." ACCEPT YOU AS WHAT?"


It was wrong and horrible and--

Zim couldn't stop thinking about him. Thinking about Dib. It must have happened without him knowing, crossing the line of hatred to love knowing, crossing the line of hatred to love without his own consent. He never asked to love Dib Membrane of all people (and aliens). Somewhere deep in Zim's heart, he hated himself for falling in love. With a human nonetheless.

But who was he to know that love could be beautiful, and he was only suffering from a crush and when he finally affronted Dib, and if he accepted, they'd both share that beautiful thing?


Dib was doing his daily jog around the gym's track. He didn't have PE and therefore had to make up that credit by doing exercise three times a day. In the morning, afternoon, and night. He was now doing his afternoon run.

He suddenly came to a stop when he saw the same three jocks running towards him the same direction. Hadn't Zim told them to fuck off or something? Turning around, Dib ran away from them as they yelled loudly, "COME WITH US, DIB!"

"NO!" he responded, "STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU FREAKS!" he then suddenly ran smack into someone. He fell over with a 'oompfh' and looked up.

It was a beautiful boy. He had silver hair, deep green eyes and an oddly feminine but lean body. He had an annoyed look on his face. "YOU THREE BACK OFF!"

They jocks quickly stopped running, turned around and left. Dib sweatdropped; it was that easy? The boy then offered a hand to pick him up. "Here," he said, using a softer voice than he had with the jocks. Dib found this voice beautiful. Dib took the hand and stood up.

"Thank you..." Dib said.

"No problem. Those idiots are always doing something stupid," the beautiful boy said, "I'm Robin, and you are?"

"Dib, Dib Membrane." he said sheepishly.

"Hi, Dib." Robin smiled, turning the motion of his hand from helping him up into a friendly handshake. "So, what are you doing here?"

Dib was tooken aback by the question. Why was he, this wonderful boy, messing around, wasting time with a nerd like him? He obviously had a cheerleader girlfriend somewhere. "I'm running for an excuse for my PE class."

The boy laughed, suddenly. But it was an amused laugh. And what Dib said wasn't even suppose to be funny. But Dib ignored this hypnotized by the beautiful sound. "Yeah...I have way too many things to do to fit PE in my schedule."

"So, after your done running, wanna come sit with me at lunch?" Robin said, "I'll wait for you if your not."

Dib shook his head vigorously, "No! I'm done. We can go now."

"Okay, you see I'm new here and I have no idea what's going on..." Robin started as they left the gym.

Zim quietly watched from his assigned place by the gym entrance. Who was that? He'd never seen that boy before...

Suddenly, two freshmen ran giggling down the hall, "HEY YOU DUMBASSES! STOP FUCKING RUNNING IN MY HALLS!" he cried, running after them.


They sat across from each other, Dib nervous; Robin asking so many questions. ~And they just had to serve spagetti today~ Dib thought, once again quickly staring as the noodle was slurped up between Robin's lips. Dib was obviously having pervertive thoughts.

"So," Robin said, "What's your chosen career?"

"Hmm," Dib had to think about that one. "I guess something to do with technology and medicine. Anything to help out the human race."

Robin's heart warmed. ~his majesty will LOVE him. He's just like his mother.~

Suddenly, from no where--

"FOOD FIGHT!" Some random child cried.

Div quickly motioned for Robin to get under the table as a milk carton flew by their table, drenching all other unlucky souls in whole milk.

Robin's eyes lit up, "Well, that was unexpected for my first day being here."

"Yeah, it happens--"

"HEY!" someone cried.

Everyone suddenly stopped throwing whatever they were and dropped to the ground. Unfortunately, a carton of chocolate milk hit Dib right in the face.

Robin giggled cutely as Dib grumbled, taking off his glasses and wiping them off with his shirt.

"Who's the green kid?" Robin asked.

Dib and Robin got from under the table and stood with the rest of the school population. Or at least that in B-Lunch. ^.^;

Zim, flanked by the Principal and 20 hall monitors (I know, alot) stood at the cafeteria entrance.

"Hmm...I wonder who started this," Zim said with mock ignornace. "It must have been someone who hadn't got any food on them at all--YOU!" he cried, pointing towards Robin.

"ZIM! It couldn't have been him!" There are 20 others without any food on them at all!" Dib cried.

But when Zim turned questioningly to the 20 others without food on them, they all tried to look as innocent as possible. "Who threw the first object?" Zim cooly asked.

All 20 people pointed to Robin; everyone amongst them was guilty, seeing as they all started the food fight.

Zim came up to Robin, without even looking in Dib's direction and handed the silver haired boy a pink slip. "You have In school suspension (ISS) for two days, starting tomorrow."

Robin snarled, looking angry, a face that the beautifl boy should never wear. This irken was messing with his development process with Dib.

"Don't be late," Zim said in a voice that was sugary sweet yet underneath it there was anger. He turned to walk off when...

Dib attacked him. Since he hadn't even looked towards the human, Zim didn't see it coming. Dib jumped on top of him and started punching his face. "HE DIDN'T DO IT--DAMMIT!"

"PEON!" Zim cried, grabbing Dib's arms and turning *him* over that now Zim was on top and punching him. Dib quickly kicked him away, aiming for the place where on a human, there would be a sensitive spot, but Zim quickly stood up, a look of amused demonic insanity apon his face, as he shook his finger mockingly. Zim was about to lunge for Dib when a police officer (the ones that hang around schools these days) grabbed him by the waist. Another officer came and did the same to Dib.

"I am appalled!" The principal yelled, "That two of this school's best students have to resolve their differences in such violent ways." he turned to the police officers, "take them to my office."

"In the same room, sir?" one asked, disbelievingly.

The principal nodded, showing he understood, "Place one in my office, and the other in the teacher's bathroom."

The police officers walked off and soon the principal followed after.

Everyone was still for a moment. Not moving. Then one of the 20 people REALLY guilty, started speaking, "I guess...this means we're off the hook...CONTINUE!"

And everybody did just that.


Dib and Zim sat next to each other, both pissed and glaring at one another. The principal was calm as ever.

"Now...you two are lingering on Out of school suspension. Please, don't make me do this." the principal said, "so, I'm giving you a properstion."

Zim and Dib looked up at this. A principal giving a bribe?

"I will drop all displinary action and that that has happened in the past if you two work as a team and represent our school in the science fair. The only time we made it to nationals was when both of you were there last year. But you broke out in a fight and were both disqualified. I'm sure on a team, we'll win the 10,000 dollar prize."

Zim thought about it. He could use that dropping all displinary action thing. He'd beaten up so many people, he was sure he was on the verge of getting kicked out of school completely. He couldn't have that happening, since these people were already bent onto his will. But he had to work with Dib. He didn't want to work with Dib. Something fluttering in his stomach told him that he was excited, but he didn't know why. When developing on planet Irk, they taught you how to invade planets and become soiders, not how to react while sitting next to his crush.

Dib thought about it. He wouldn't hate to have a bit of that 10,000 dollar prize. Even if it meant working with Zim, even though he had messed with his crush.

Did he just think that? O.O;;

"Might I remind you that you that you can only make this decision today and there's no turning back or giving up." the principal stated.

"Alright," Zim said.

"I guess," Dib quickly followed.

The principal smiled, "You'll see that this will work out for all of us."


Robin made his way towards the exit from the crazy lunchroom. Outside, he turned a corner on an empty hall, pulled out a ceramic square and pushed the button. At once he was beamed up.

"Did you make any progress?" the king said as Robin appeared.

"Oh, alot. He's smitten with me." Robin sat down on the throne across from the king's, "Oh, you'll love him! He's just like her!" he giggled, gently pulling at his silver hair.

The king smiled, "Yes, finally, things are going right on this planet. The rightful prince shall take his place as king..."


End 'o chapter one. I got the ceramic square bit from the book Timeline that was just made into a movie. I haven't seen the movie yet though. Well, you've read, please review! And you can guess all you like! I'm sure you understand now.