AN: in this up-coming chapter there is some minor swearing and some some-what detailed smooching between our boys. Be prepared. Nyaha. Anyway… hope you like it, r 'n' r baby.
One Day
Chapter 6: Complete
"Oh. My. God. Is it true? Is what he said true?"
"Yah, like, can ya believe it? I know I can't."
"Naruto and Sasuke? Together? Romantically?"
"NO! (cry, weep, cry)"
The humble town of Konoha was absolutely buzzing. With what you may ask? Gossip, gossip and more gossip. The latest dish? Uchiha Sasuke and Uzamaki Naruto, they had been seen walking through the forest by a couple of Sasuke-loving on goers holding hands, it wasn't the "Give me your hand so we can cross the street!" hand holding it was the "I just need to touch you so bad we'll hold hands until our palms are sweating and we secretly want to let go!" hand-holding.
"They're talking about us you know, it's all over the town by now, we won't be able to step outside your house Sasu-chan. And I'll get stalked by all your fan-girls and they'll try to beat the shit out of me and then we'll never get to have hot sex because I'll be in the hospital and then I'll die or become impotent!" it was amazing how Naruto could make such long speeches in one breath and them be about the stupidest things.
"Your worried about having sex. Hn, dobe. You should be worried about more important things like… how bad Sakura's gonna beat you." Sasuke smirked and looked at his boyfriend with interest, amusement and affection. Naruto looked at him wide-eyed and then his entire face crumpled. "NO! Crap! Oh no! I'm gonna get beat so bad! But your gonna save me right Sasu-chan? Right?" Sasuke's smirk increased and he let out a simple "Hn." But nodded anyway.
They were over at Sasuke's house (more like mansion) and were lounging on Sasuke's bed, now in a comfortable silence. Sasuke looked over at Naruto, once, twice, thrice and then slowly turned onto his side and moved his hand over Naruto's flat stomach and brought it around to grip his side pulling himself closer to his newly proclaimed love. Naruto sighed happily and pulled a pillow under his head then raised his eyes to look deep into Sasuke's black orbs. They hovered like that a moment before the Uchiha slowly moved forward until their faces were almost touching, a small hint of a smile floundered on Sasuke's lips as small, genuine smile formed on Naruto's.
"Sasu-chan… I'm so happy… you've made me so happy…" a small soft voice spoke to Sasuke, his ears lilting on the noise as his head cocked to the side and he let his adoration for Naruto fill his steady gaze. Naruto smiled fully then, his face moving forward to steal a sweet gentle kiss from Naruto in that moment, the feeling of lips on lips was so full Sasuke thought he could feel part of him exploding in love for this boy laying in front of him. Naruto blinked slowly, his smile spreading into a grin "Tease." Of course… Sasuke wasn't really a tease, but he looked so yummy sitting there with his little half-smile/half-smirk. If anyone was the tease… it was Naruto.
Sasuke looked appalled by the simple thought of being a tease. "Tease? Tease?! How dare you call me a tease. Tease. Tease he says. Pfft." His words were somewhat mean but delivered in such a tone that Naruto knew he was mocking him. "The great Uchiha Sasuke? A tease? No. way." Naruto leaned forward and held his lips to Sasuke in a firm kiss, and he felt Sasuke sigh into the kiss slowly, before letting his small tongue dart out and swipe at Naruto's lip, asking entry, knowing he wouldn't be denied.
This was still new to them, only hours before had their love been unknown to them and now it felt tangible to each other. How could they not notice? It was so painfully obvious when they had finally noticed it. When they had left the stand, hand in hand they had made their way back to Sasuke's house. Naruto commented on how people were looking at them funny when they had gone through town and Sasuke replied with a "Their jealous". This Naruto knew, how could he not?
When Sasuke's tongue hesitantly entered Naruto's mouth it was affronted with a hot gust of air and the stale taste of the onigirii that they had eaten that afternoon. The hand that was gripping Naruto's side moved to grip his shoulder and his other hand tensed as he raised his upper body and moved it farther over Naruto's, half lying on top of him. He didn't want to rush things, by any means, but Naruto was so tempting and willing and he was compelled to be bold and daring and go farther than they had before, which was a few light kisses, no open-mouthed and holding hands, exchanging hugs, PG-rated stuff.
Now it was slowly, but surely, moving onto PG-13, and Sasuke absolutely loved the very idea. By now, their tentative tongue tangle had now progressed into a deep open-mouthed kiss. Naruto's face tilted, giving both freer leeway to each others mouths, it was hot and wet and so exciting Sasuke and Naruto, both, could feel themselves harden slowly.
Sasuke's hands wandered hesitantly, moving over Naruto's neck slowly, feeling the soft skin beneath his fingertips until his slender digits rested on Naruto's whiskered cheek. Hot gusts of air hit him from Naruto's nose, as the blue eyed fox-boy lying half-beneath him exhaled. He could feel every movement from the smaller boy under him, every inhale, Naruto's check riding, causing a slight pressure on Sasuke's, and ever so slightly, his deep exhale, the pressure leaving Sasuke's chest.
Sasuke broke the kiss, opening glazed eyes that he didn't remember closing. Naruto let out a soft sigh, feeling full and content and aroused as hell. It was so easy to get carried away, to forget what the world was doing around them, spinning around them, it had just stopped, non-existent and all that was left was them. Them. When they had kissed, Naruto felt a feeling he had never felt before, new to him in every way and it took a moment to put a name to that feeling. Complete. Naruto felt complete.
As and Sasuke leaned down, lips and face flushed in arousal, Naruto knew he had never felt better.
Shooo… was it good? Hmm? More kissy-kissy in next chapter, ya guys gotta kick me though, I don't get them out fast enough. Hope ya like it. R & R!!! Pweaze? L