Legend of the Blue-Eyes
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or Janime.net, or Terry's Egyptian Games Page, or those other games which I refer to so PLEASE don't come after me!!
Accessing KaibaCorp mainframe
Entering file 003log.txt
Historian's Database:
What happened last episode? Seto Kaiba is getting ready to duel against his ancient father, Akunadin in a thrilling game of Duel Monsters Senet!
Accessing file 003characters.txt
Character Information:
Akunadin is the ancient holder of the Millennium Eye, and in response to crazykekacat's well placed question, he didn't have the Rod. I just put it in. ^_^ I just saw what the Rod could do in Miraculous Escape!: Blue-Eyes vs. Exodia Necross (yeah, I'm just watching that), and can't wait to put it to use.
Accessing file 003duellog.txt
Duel Information:
Senet was taught to me by an awesome site called Terry's Egyptian Games. The rules for Duel Monsters Senet are pretty much the same, and they're displayed in the fic proper.
Accessing file 003thanks.txt
Works Cited and Thanks to:
Mugendai. I know you're a girl now! Oh, and thanks for saying that I'm being too hard on myself back there! I really am glad that you picked up on the tone of the chapter. It was meant to be like that, coz Seto suddenly remembered his nightmare/dream/vision thingy last night.
Crazykekacat for your nice review! I'm sitting down and typing this up right now, although I'll probably be done by the time this is up and…I'm rambling again. Just slap me.
This chapter gives thanks to the Internet and its founders, and although I complain on a daily basis about the quality of the internet and the frequent MSN hotmail breakdowns (heck, I didn't know I had any reviews until two days after I posted the fic), life would be terrible without the net. I can't imagine anything like that.
Chapter Three: A Lost Soul
Domino Museum
It was long past the closing times, and almost everyone was gone. Only Yugi, Jonouchi and Anzu remained sitting by the door with Isis, Malik and Rashid. A stone tablet had appeared by the gateway, and was currently blank. Isis had explained that the victor's image would be carved on the tablet.
The others, Yugi had told them to go back, and after some persuasion, all but Jonouchi and Anzu had. Jonouchi was snoring loudly on the pile of old sofas, and Anzu tried valiantly to stay awake beside Yugi, her head occasionally resting on his shoulder.
Blushing, he let her rest, knowing that they had called their parents earlier to tell them about their intent. Yet, they had stayed with their friends despite the late times. Isis and the others were also due to return home earlier in the evening, but seeing how long the struggle behind those walls took, they chose to stay as well.
Aibou, we have not much time. That tablet will tell us of the victor, but if all seems loss, we cannot allow Seto or the other to perish.
Yugi nodded, conferring with his other self. "I understand, mou hitori no boku. We must stop whoever it is behind all of these occurrences."
It was dark outside, and birds fluttered back to their homes. Inside the door, it was always dark.
Seto sat across from Akunadin, his deck removed from the Duel Disk and resting on the stone tablet in front of them. Thirty squares were carved, each the exact size of a Duel Monster card. Ten squares were lined up horizontally in three lines, the ancient game of Thirty Squares.
The two gamers shook each other's hand, although Seto resisted the urge to pull out his handgun, now stored back in the holster, and fire a round into this fellow's head. He still did not understand why he felt that way, but he knew that he must win. The bullet might not harm him, at any rate.
As if a grim reminder, Kisara's limp body hung from the tablet, and he wanted to save her, even if he was too late. Lives could not be bought, but he would do his best. If she yet had some inkling of consciousness in her, he would upload her to a computer, and reconstruct her body, sparing no expense.
But he needed to WIN.
Duel Monsters Senet
Game Board: 3x10
Win: Get all of your monster cards to the end of the field. Sending cards to the graveyard does not count.
Lost: Opponent gets monsters to the end first, or you have fewer monsters out of the field than your opponent.
Cards: M/T still work, but only cards that REMOVE CARDS FROM PLAY can help you get your monsters out.
Movement: Sticks are thrown, and a piece is moved according to the colours of the stick that are facing face up.
YELLOW: 1 space
RED: No space, unless all four sticks are red, in which case move 5
The game pieces move from left to right in the first row, right to left in the second, and left to right in the third.
Jump: If the movement spaces are involving passage past an opposing or same monster, a card of higher level may 'jump' over the blocking card, given sufficient space behind it.
Switch: A card of the same level may switch position, involving another card of the same level. See below for details.
Levels: A card of the same level can 'switch' position with another card of the same level provided they have enough movement points. However, they may not 'jump' over another game piece.
Example: Harpie's Brother vs. Blue-Eyes White Dragon
BEWD is eight stars, so it can 'jump' over the Harpie's Brother if Harpie's Brother is in the way. The card that is 'jumped' over, in this case Harpie's Brother, is sent to the graveyard, and does not count towards the amount of monsters removed from play.
Example: Harpie's Brother vs. Gearfried the Iron Knight
Both are four-stars, so if Harpie's Brother is five spaces away from Gearfried and player throws a five, the card: Harpie's Brother is exchanged with Gearfried, thus allowing Gearfried to move forwards while it goes back. A deadly tactic used to advance pieces and delay opponent at same time.
Houses: Square 26 is the Beautiful House, which gives a Level Up to all types of cards, and a player MUST LAND exactly on Square 26 to proceed to the end. 27 is Hall of Ma'at, where the player must throw an even number to get out, Square 28 is Judgment of Anubis where player must throw odd to get out, and Square 29 is the Entrance to Abydos where the player must score EXACTLY two to escape the board. If however, the player gets 5 at Square 26, he can just exit without passing through the other Squares.
Monsters: Each player is allowed to place five Level four or below monsters in alternating patterns on the first line of the board. I.e. Seto's card, followed by Akunadin's, then Seto's again, then Akunadin's…repeat until all ten squares of the first line are filled. To summon a Tribute monster, the necessary tributes must be offered and the new monster shall enter the game on the end square nearest to the beginning of the board.
Monster effects: Monster effects are valid, but Flip Effect cards must be played face-down and flipped up only when an opponent's monster declares either a 'jump' or a 'switch'
Other cards: There is a ten card hand for both players, and it is used the same way.
(Confusing? Just play the Senet Game at Terry's Egyptian Games page. It's an awesome and addictive game. My friend played it once, and was hooked on it.)
"Game Start!"
Arrangement of cards as follows (Seto's cards are on the odd spaces, Akunadin's on the even)
Vorse Raider, Light Winguard, La Jinn, Archfiend Soldier, White Magical Hat, Man-Eater Bug (face-down), Lord of D., Man-Eater Bug (face-down), Paladin of White Dragon, Penguin Soldier (face-down).
Seto sneered. "I see you're afraid to show your face, Akunadin…Shall I go first?"
His ancient father showed no emotion, only a slight uplifting of his lips. That fool. He has no idea of the terrors that await in my ten face-down cards and my monsters. However, my Millennium Eye has revealed all to me.
Seto looked at the nine cards in his hand; the last, he laid face-down, unbelieving of the magic eye, but wary after his defeat to Pegasus. That was his ace in the hole. Just in case. The doddering old fool didn't even notice.
The sticks fell, revealing a movement rate of five. Seto grinned, and led his Paladin of White Dragon over the face-down card and set it to rest on the fourth square of row two. Akunadin made no move, so he assumed that it was alright. Until Akunadin flipped his card face up, and revealed the Penguin Soldier.
The Paladin and La Jinn were returned to Seto's hand, and Akunadin smirked as he forced Seto to discard two cards from his oversized hand. It was then that he saw the face down card of the tenth.
"Seto Kaiba, do you intent not to play by the rules?"
Seto shook his head. "I merely do not wish to look at my tenth card. There is no rule stating that I cannot do so."
Realizing he had lost a vital advantage, Akunadin could only glare as Seto ended his turn with a flourish, and passed the sticks over to him.
They landed on a four, and he moved his cards…
Yugi was just about to give in to Morpheus when the tablet shone and an image appeared on it. A split-second later, before any one of them could even look at the picture, it shattered, and the pieces exploded outwards, waking all of them rather rudely.
The spirit of the Pharaoh took control, and Isis was up as well, her hands on the wards of ancient Egypt used by Malik and Rashid earlier to try and contain the evil. An ankh with hieroglyphs, the Eye of Ra inscribed on holy papyrus, and an arcane book given to the Priests of Pharaoh.
From the rubble and smoke, lightning leapt out, and narrowly missed Jonouchi, who yelped and ran behind Anzu to hide. Lights above shattered, and the walls shook as pillars crumbled and threatened to fall.
"Yuug! Let's get the hell outta here!"
Torn between leaving Kaiba inside, and staying behind, Yugi found his choice made for him by Rashid, who gently but firmly guided him out of the collapsing hallway. "The Pharaoh must remain safe at all costs." The others, save Isis and Malik, had already reached the haven of the first floor.
Yugi looked up, his mouth set. "Not if it involves my friends."
"Isis will look after Seto. She cannot see his future, but she will make sure that he emerges unscathed. Malik will help her." Despite the strong voice, Yugi detected a twinge of uncertainty, and was given no time to think about it as the hallways suddenly fell down behind them.
With an inhuman feat of strength, Rashid, abandoning all thought of self-preservation, flung Yugi out just before the last block collapsed on top of him. "Pharaoh-you MUST fulfill your destiny!!" And then, he fell to his knees beneath the crushing weight of the block, and was cut off from escape by the remainder of the roof.
"No, Rashid! Come back! Don't be a fool, Rashid!" The two voices of Yami Yugi and Yugi overlapped, but to no avail.
When the dust settled, the halls were choked with debris and dust, and Anzu cautiously crept up to where Yugi stood, by the entrance to the former basement. "Yugi…"
The normally calm young man slammed a fist into the wall, gritting his teeth against the wave of sadness that built up inside him. Was he cursed, to bring misfortune to all those around him?
Jonouchi came up on his other side, and they stared at the mess of fallen structures, wondering if anything could survive that.
"I activate my unknown card!!!"
Seto glanced at it, and smiled. "Soul Release!" Where he needed two monsters to beat Akunadin, he now had five. "I win, pops."
The figure of Akunadin suddenly distorted, and a new person took its place. "Bravo, Mr. Kaiba. I did not think you would triumph over one of my 'game masters' so easily!" The Millennium Eye still glinted from its socket.
"Game Master…?"
Seto squinted, and shone his USP light onto the man, who was dressed in a professional business suit. "What Game Master? Do you mock Seto Kaiba, CEO of KaibaCorp?"
The man was about his height, six feet two, and with long dark hair reaching to his shoulder. Sunglasses inside the darkened room seemed absurd, but that was indeed what he wore.
"You're not a CEO in here, Seto. You're a priest. A Priest of Pharaoh."
Deciding he had just about enough of that mumbo jumbo for today, Seto growled and emptied a clip at the man, who stood there unwavering as the bullets slid harmlessly off an invisible shield. "Now, now, Mr. Kaiba. I may not be Akunadin, but I DO have the Millennium Items. My Eye will protect me from any harm."
And he produced the Rod from his coat, and Seto holstered his weapon. He was prepared to fight him if necessary, and was already crouching into one of the karate stances that he was taught.
That never came.
The man raised the Rod, and it shot forth bolts of lightning. Seto did not know if it was a virtual trick, or real energies, but decided not to try his luck. He ran forwards, dodging the bolts, and leapt up to bring his right foot down on the man's head.
The shield again blasted him backwards, and the last thing he thought he would see was the tendrils of energy lancing down.
They never touched him. Instead, the lightning ricocheted harmlessly off Seto, and struck the walls, leaving gaping holes everywhere and smashing stone like alabaster.
"What!? My Rod…does it betray me?"
Seeing that the man was stupefied, Seto seized the chance to run forwards and try again to disarm him. Later on, he would never quite understand how, but the Rod was in his hands, and he somehow got it to shoot lightning at the jerk. Whatever.
Nearly dropping it in shock, Seto stared in disbelief as waves of sapphire energy replaced the yellow lightning that strobed from it, and slammed the impudent man against another stone tablet. As though he had been doing it all his life, Seto walked nearer, and began draining the Ka out of the hapless man. It was rather strange, when you take into account that Seto did not even know what Ka was, and yet there he stood, sealing the Ka away, but slowly and agonizingly.
"Tell me, insolent fool. Who do you work for, and why are you after me?" His grip tightened, causing the man to wince in pain. His Ka was forcibly being separated for him, and Seto wanted him to know every single measure of pain that he had made Kisara go through.
And then some more.
Oblivious to the falling debris around him, Seto surgically removed bits of energy from the man's soul, in a process one could describe as spiritual dissecting-without anesthetic. Although blood welled up from tortured vessels in his eyes, the man spoke nothing, and finally ceased to breathe.
The ceiling fell down, and he raised his Rod to destroy most of it. The girl was still hanging from the tablet far away, but he saw her breathe. Her eyes fluttered open once more, and Seto broke into a run.
"Kisara! I'm-I'm coming for you!"
Halfway there, Seto realized he would have to see a psychiatrist, for why in the world was he doing stuff he didn't know existed, saving a girl whom he didn't know, using…magic?
"I'm going to take a break if I get out of this mess alive."
The blue energies shot out, snaring rubble that impeded his path or threatened to crush him, and crushed them instead. Rock was disintegrated, and stone was blown asunder. The tiles rose up in a crackling shield that spun rapidly around Seto, effectively protecting him from obstacles while his Rod worked furiously to protect Kisara, who tried to move but was pinned by lances of energy to the tablet.
Amidst the chaos, the Eye of Ra shone bright on his forehead, and arcane magics wove at his fingertips.
Ach…what a rushed job. Darn it, sorry for not revealing much of their Senet game. I thought it might be to confusing unless I used ASCII art, but I have no idea how to do that. I promise I'll return to that game sometime later.
As for Seto…erm, do you guys mind if he's more…magical? As mentioned in the fic, he doesn't really know what he's doing, only it seems so…natural (well, yeah, being a priest and all), and instinctive. I always thought that Seto with his Rod would be awesome, and I'm doing just that. He still has his attitude though, and his skill at Duel Monsters. This isn't going to turn into something with no games at all, but I thought that the inclusion of magic would make it so much more…arcane.
Well…I'll explain more about the 'evil' organization (no, it's not DOOM) next chapter. I might be unable to post that one up until after Spring Break though, but I'll try as hard as possible. Thanks to you great people for making me wanna continue this!
The card, as seen by Seto in his vision, is an original card (please don't kill me), called Awakening of the Legendary Protector God. (BEWD) 1/3 cards of the God.
You may Special Summon up to three Blue-Eyes White Dragons from the deck, hand or graveyard to the field. The Blue-Eyes White Dragons may not attack the turn they are summoned, and may not be used to form the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. This card may not be negated by any Trap or Magic cards if the user pays 1000 life points.
I think that Quickplay is the best kind of M/T, and this is geared for the BEWD (hence no BEUD). Well, it's not Legend of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, is it now?