
Legend of the Blue-Eyes

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or Janime.net, so PLEASE don't come after me!!

Accessing KaibaCorp mainframe

Entering file 001log.txt

Historian's Database:

This fic is set somewhat after Alcatraz…Marik is defeated, but the Millennium items have been returned to Egypt. Since that in the anime, the DOOM organization shows up, I am not including them. Points of note are: Bakura remains possessed, there is no Orichalcos or that other Atlantis junk, there's no eight Sennen Item, there's no overload of friendship stuff.

Accessing file 001characters.txt

Character Information:

Seto Kaiba, as you might have gathered, is one of the main characters. Kisara is NOT an OC; she appears in the Memory Arc of the manga. NO YAOI here.

Accessing file 001duellog.txt

Duel Information:

The Duel Disk is alive and strong, with most of the world having one. Character decks might be lacking some cards, or might be having extra cards, but all for a good reason…I hope. The life points are following the real world game of Duel Monsters, with 8000 LP each and Battle City rules.

Accessing file 001thanks.txt

Works Cited and Thanks to:

Janime.net for having such an AWESOME barrage of data about YGO. The lithograph at the starting is taken from there. If you're a fan of YGO, that's a site you shouldn't miss. Also, thanks to Kazuki Takahashi for creating this wonder, and thanks to Konami and Upperdeck for making it over here to the US. I also don't own FFX, or any other FF.

And without further ado, allow me to present to you, The Legend of Blue-Eyes.


Death is come,

Substance became sand, became dust,

Treasure, sword and body were covered through period of time on the remain of nameless Pharaoh,

Time was the battle of soul,

I would like to declare the poetry of soul,

And the poetry of comrade.

-High Priest Set, Prayer for Deceased Man, Yu-Gi-Oh!

Translated by Janime.net

  Blue eyes peered out from the darkness.


  The CEO of KaibaCorp tossed restlessly on his bed, trying to understand the meaning behind these visions. Every night, for several days now after the conclusion of Battle City, he had been plagued relentlessly by those dreams.

  Seto Kaiba stood up and paced over to his nightstand where a crystal flute sat. He picked it up, twirled it gently in his slender fingers, and filled it with an expensive water. The taste was pure and refined, but Seto could not bring himself to relax. His eyes were lined with small marks from the hours of lost sleep heaped up each day, but he still attended classes and worked hard at his business.

  Knowing he would no longer get any more sleep, he reached for the mini Mp3 player/radio by his side and flicked it on to his favourite channel: Domino Gaming. After all, he WAS a master gamer, and that station was funded by KaibaCorp.

  The lovely music of Final Fantasy X came on, and he resisted an urge to think about the past few days. The memories were as sharp as a jagged crystal edge, but they hurt him as much as that.

  Lonely and soft, the game music continued to play at his ears, making him close his eyes in a vain attempt to sleep. The 'intro music', as they had called it, was a wonderful composition, and a reminder of the great Final Fantasy series. During his youth, when not being trained by Gozaburo, Seto had enjoyed that game and its descendants. The music was otherworldly, but soulful and deep.

  He had tried to play the violin once, but realized it had not suited him. The guitar had enjoyed something like two months in his closet as well before being given away,

  Images of Yugi and his annoying gang popped up in his mind. He lost again, and again.

  Seto could see that they had a bond, a bond of friendship. As much as he hated it, that had indeed brought him to consider his own life. He lived in an ivory tower, surrounded by hundreds of dedicated workers and servants. He worked them hard, but gave them the best offers in all of Domino City.

  Yet, what did all that amount to?

  All knew him as the cold man behind steely blue eyes. All knew of his wealth and power, and all knew of his ungodly temper.

  But did they know that he had a heart as well? A beating, living, longing heart.

  He tried to hide that emotion away, feeling it was a sign of weakness. He occupied his time with games, work, maths, inventions, writing programs, but still to no avail. It kept coming back, like Vampire Lord or Sinister Serpent.

  Seto stood up, and turned the player off. He strode over to the massive window that gave him a perfect view of Domino City from the fourth floor of his hillside mansion. The skies were still deep indigo, and there was no light to the east. Ra was slow in His coming today.

  The curtains drew back at his voice command, and he turned off the inner lights, preferring instead to gaze upon the darkness.

  I hide it, I shield myself from it, I despise it.

  But I cannot run from it.

  I cannot deny that I envy Yugi and his friends.

  Taking a deep breath, he knew it was the truth. Even Mokuba had been spending more time with them as Seto's days were consumed by hours of heaping hellish equations upon equations, consulting mathematical experts he hired from China and Europe, and ultimately trying to improve the holograms.

  A thought struck him, and Seto reached for his Duel Disk. It was silvery, but plated with titanium instead of the usual steel. The hologram projectors were already upgraded to his latest design, and he wanted to test them out.

  Grabbing his trenchcoat to wear over the white household clothing that he wore with its high Mandarin collar, Seto stepped back and exited his bedroom, nodding to the guards on duty out side as not to follow him. The hallways were well-lit, perfectly safe with security cameras at every ten metres and guards at every intersection. The Kaiba Mansion was well-defended-and with good reason.

  Seto stepped onto the glass walled elevator and waited for it to ascend, knowing that his progress was followed by the keen eyes in his security rooms in the basement of Kaiba Mansion. Only two days ago, several highly trained commandos had broken into the Kaiba Corporation Tower when he was working late, and only the dedicated selflessness of his two guards had saved him. They were still in the hospital, but he had given them a large bonus. Enough for them to retire now.

  At last, he reached the helipad on the room, and stepped out of the lift, which emerged from one of the four towers that loomed over the grounds. The lights came on in response to his voice as usual, and bathed the area in a glow. As a second thought, Seto shut off some lights, thinking that he wouldn't need that many anyways.

  The Duel Disk was raised, and the holographic engines were launched. Seto Kaiba reached into his deck, and retrieved five cards, glancing at them once and smiling. He touched a built-in transceiver at the Duel Disks' gauntlet, and requested for the Duel Robot to be brought up.

  Paved with fused emeralds, the Kaiba helipad was beautiful even in the dark. Now, the polished surface split into two and a cargo lift brought up a humanoid Duel Robot, a massive leap from the circular robot of old. It was stored alongside the Kaiba helicopters that Seto sometimes used when he wanted to make a big impression, and derived from Sony's prototype robot back in the early days of robotics.

  "Greetings, Master Kaiba. Please select Mode: Easy, Normal, Hard, Extreme."

  Seto customized the robot with pure verbal commands, and prepared to duel with it. These Duel Disks had a safety feature as well; one which he had left on. They were designed to be much more effective and realistic than the previous versions, and holograms were much sharper these days. He clicked a small control unit on, and touched a button.

  High above earth in orbit, the Kaiba Satellite Network channelled pure solar energy to millions of Duel Disk users around the earth, and Satellite JPN-1701's Lens 45 realigned itself to focus an energy beam on Kaiba Mansion. The power was converted into electrical output for the holographic engines, and projected onto the field. Millions of precisely calculated high resolution pixels were projected into a 3 dimensional figure, unlike the rather flat looking holograms of old.  There were real enough for him to step back, as waves of energy flooded the field in the new, enhanced opening of a duel.

  "It's time to duel!!!"

  He decided to go first, and declaring so, placed two cards face down and played Vorse Raider in attack mode. The monster shimmered into being, and advanced graphics brought it to life, complete with standby actions and breathing movements. The robot countered with a Heavy Storm, and Seto nodded his approval as a powerful wind blasted him physically back. The Duel Disk holograms drew from seemingly impossible calculations of Dirac Space to compress a large amount of air at high speeds, which was then used to force a player back when suffering an attack. Seto Kaiba didn't question it. He had found it out during a drowsy night, and couldn't really understand the equations himself. Enough that it just worked.

   And then, the robot played a card face-down in defense mode.

  "Good…but not good enough." Seto drew a card and used Vorse Raider's effect to tribute it as two monsters. "I summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon! Now, I play this card face-down in my Magic and Trap Zone, and end my turn by attacking your face-down monster!"

  It turned out to be La Jinn, and Seto smiled smugly as the Burst Stream blew it to a billion scattered pixels. The robot really had little chance against a duellist of his calibre.

  The robot placed another five cards face-down and ended its turn with an empty hand. Seto grinned, knowing he could cause the opponent to topdeck now. However, he would have to watch out for those face-down cards…

  "I play Nobleman of Extermination, and another one of that! Remove those two cards from play!"

  One was a Mystical Space Typhoon, and the other, a Trap Hole. As per the effect of Nobleman, they both reached into their decks and drew out other Trap Holes to discard. Seto had two, and he watched with satisfaction as the robot depleted its entire store of Trap Holes. Feeling safe enough, he placed Lord of D. and activated Pot of Greed.


  Seto placed a Mystical Space Typhoon down, and activated the face-down card placed last turn, and called upon the Flute of Summoning dragon to bring forth two more Blue-eyes White Dragons. "I attack with the Blue-Eyes White Dragons!!!"

  Predictably enough, the robot flipped up Waboku, but Seto was ready with the MST. Cancelling the magical veil, all three Burst Streams converged in on the robot.

  Light blazed, even overshadowing the floodlights. Seto watched with interest as the compacted kinetic energies from the Duel Disks were released, and more electrical charges designed specifically for stimulation of the correct senses overloaded the robot. Even with the increased life points of 8000, the combined damage of 9000 from three Blue-Eyes White Dragons overwhelmed it.

  The robot shut down from the overload of energies, and Seto reached to the main power unit to switch it off. The infrared power beams that channelled energy from satellites in geosynchronous orbit around earth shut down, and the twin holographic engines returned to their locks, ending the duel. Satellite JPN-1701's Lens 45 refocused to another pair of duellists and Seto strode towards his elevator.

  And then, he heard that voice again.

  The doors slid shut and the elevator headed down, but Seto was pressed against the walls, gasping and staring at a ghostly girl who stood in front of him.

  She had long blue hair, and fair skin that was almost white. Seto scrambled to press the emergency exit button, but the walls faded away in a curtain of black, something like when Marik had used his cheap magic tricks on the KaibaCraft. 

  Wait, if it was cheap, why was this so…so real!? The air felt cold and clammy, and he was suddenly blinded by a glaring sun as he fell to sandy ground.


  A priest in purple robes knelt before a massive stone tablet, the aforementioned girl cradled in his arms. Seto could only watch as a carving seemed to etch itself into the tablet, and shine with eerie light.

  "That-that's the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" He risked a look at the priest, and saw it to be himself. It was just like the vision he saw on the airship duel against Isis.

  "No, not again!!!"

  And then, a modern-day card rose to swivel in front of him. It was a magic card, and had demotic written in the back. Obviously not an Industrial Illusions product, and unfamiliar even to him. The picture was of three Blue-Eyes White Dragons rising from the cradled body of Kisara lying in the priest's arms.

  Kisara? Who the heck was that? Why did her name come to me?

  And then, he saw Domino City Museum in a sudden flash of light, and the girl beckoning him to enter.

  He heard alarm bells, saw the floor rush up to his face, and heard guards running in.

  Amidst all the chaos, Seto focused on one thing.

  He must get to the Museum, to find out what was behind all of this.


Like it? Hate it? Love it? Despise it?

  Please, I welcome all feedback, and the rest of the gang will appear in the next chapter, so please don't fret!