Legal Stuff: I do not own Tekken or any of it's characters. The only things I do own are those lame clichéd characters, Kenshi and Cypher ;-)

Hey this is really my first attempt at writing anything… so any criticism is welcomed. If it sucks really bad, write a review saying that I should just quit writing ;-) Oh yes and if your favorite character hasn't appeared so far, stick around because there are more to come :p You could also write me an email telling me to write in that character. Anyways I am going to shut up now!

The Staff of Ogre

Chapter 1: Heihachi's forms a plan

Somewhere in Mexico.

A lone female figured crept quietly through the shadows. It getting close to dawn and the museum she had broken into was empty. Well the building was mostly empty, except for several security guards that now lay unconscious on the floor. The woman was carrying a small black backpack which was held to her body by a single strap. She was dressed in a form fitting dark blue body suit with a dark red vest and baggy red pants overtop, black gloves and black boots, and a white fox mask which hid her face. Her long red hair was tied back into two pigtails. In her right hand, she was carrying a large kunai dagger. The female went by the name of Kunimisu, a title she earned during her days with the Manji Clan.

She had been sent to this location to retrieve a specific item for Heihachi Mishima. Kunimitsu was not certain why this thing was so important. Quite frankly, she really could care less what Heihachi planned to do with it. What mattered to her was the money she was going to receive once she placed this item in the hands of the Zaibatsu owner. She was still getting used to being alive again, so little details such as that didn't really concern her at this period in time.

Her last battle with the Manji Clan leader Yoshimitsu left her shamefully defeated and very near death. Luckily for her, soldiers from the Mishima Zaibatsu had stumbled upon her unconscious form before it was too late to save her. They found her bleeding to death in the middle of a forest. She had been badly cut from Yoshimitsu's sword, and her mind told her she was going to die. The soldiers brought her back to a laboratory and she was nursed back to health and then cryogenically frozen as a guinea pig in some experiment. Heihachi waited until he had a use for her before she was finally revived. Over twenty years passed before she ever saw the light of day.

The item Heihachi needed her to retrieve was an artifact known as the Staff of Ogre. All she knew about the staff was that it was said to control the one known as Ogre. She had never heard of such a beast and she really wasn't one to believe fairy tales. The staff, however, must have really been important if she was awakened just for the purpose of retrieving it. The ninja also knew why she of all people was chosen to do this. The staff was extremely well guarded for being just a regular old artifact. In the process of taking out all of the guards, she also had to disable the alarm systems, as well as avoid several of the motion detecting lasers. This was indeed the toughest place she had ever broken into.

She made her way past several paintings and sculptures. Kunimitsu was never one to admire art. She found most art trashy and she failed to realize why it was so valuable. Thankfully, she reached the room in which the staff was being kept without having to pass any more paintings of soup cans or sculptures of giant pencils. She quickly removed her infrared goggles from the bag and placed them over her eyes. To her surprise, the room absolutely had no laser traps in it. She placed the goggles back into her bag and was about to step into the room when she heard a noise behind her. The noise sounded to her like the hammer of a gun being pulled back. The ninja cursed herself silently for having been so careless. Slowly, began to turn around.

"Don't move bitch!" The guard yelled. Kunimitsu was surprised that the guard was speaking to her in English, rather than Spanish, for this was Mexico after all. She could also tell from the sound of his voice that he seemed rather nervous. Something she hoped could be used to her advantage. "Put your hands above your head and drop the knife, or else!"

"Or else what?" Kunimitsu replied while slowly raising her arms in the air.

"I said DON'T MOVE!" The guard yelled back nervously.

Kunimitsu could not believe that the moron had just completely contradicted himself. How would she be able to raise her hands above her head and drop her knife if she wasn't allowed to move? It was then she decided that enough time had been wasted with this man. She suddenly leapt into the air, preformed a complete back flip overtop of the guard, and landed gracefully behind him. During this entire event the guard had been too shocked to even fire a shot at her and that would be his undoing. Before he was even able to turn around, Kunimitsu brought the handle of her knife down as hard as she could on the back of his head. He fell right to the floor with a thud just like a ton of bricks. Just moments after he hit the ground, his gun made a loud clank as it landed on the marble floor. Kunimitsu smiled at her handy work. She was somewhat relieved to see he was not dead, only unconscious. Kunimitsu wasn't one to kill off innocents who were only doing their jobs. She really was a little soft at heart despite what she wanted others to think. Yoshimitsu on the other hand was a different story. Kunimitsu would plan her revenge on him soon enough. However, for now, she had work to do. She quickly turned her attention back to the task at hand and moved onto the next room.

As she finally got to the podium where the staff was held, she couldn't help but laugh. The only remaining obstacle had been a velvet rope which was easily overcome. "This is almost too easy…" she whispered as she removed the staff from it's podium. She marveled at the item for several moments. The object was made completely of gold and the handle had been encrusted with jewels. A valuable treasure such as this was something she could really consider art. Kunimitsu almost had to stop herself from keeping the artifact rather than turning it over to Heihachi. One thing she didn't understand though, was where it got the name Staff of Ogre. She really didn't think the item was large enough to be called a staff. She would have opted for Scepter of Ogre or something along those lines.

Kunimitsu then slipped the staff into her bag and hurried toward the exit. Now her task was truly completed. More importantly, she was going to be paid handsomely upon her return to the Zaibatsu. Hopefully, after she received her payment she would be able to go after the life of her former master once again. Kuni couldn't wait to see the look on Yoshimitsu's face when she showed alive up to face him once more. Though the thought of waiting for him to show up at the Mishimi complex also crossed her mind. She knew the crafty ninja would never stay in one place for too long, so waiting was probably the best option she had. Kunimitsu realized there was probably a better time and place to contemplate such things. She'd be in a whole hell of a lot of trouble if one of the guards woke up and triggered the alarm. The ninja hastily moved back towards the area she entered from.

Manji Headquarters, Located somewhere in Japan

Yoshimitsu reclined in his chair and began to stare up at the ceiling. Today had been a long and unfruitful day, but it was not over yet. He was wearing his reddish brown armor today, which some have told him gave him an almost insect-like appearance. The fact that his outfit came complete with a pair of insect-like wings did not help much either. His sword was resting on the floor right next to him and his feet were propped up on his desk. Yoshimitsu had even removed his helmet and now resting on the desk in front of him. It was not until brief moments like this that he actually noticed how heavy the blasted thing was. He did not disguise his face because he was ugly or anything like that, but because it was the way of the Manji to do so. Despite all the people they had helped, the Manji Clan members were still a band of thieves who needed to protect their identities from the police. Being the leader of the Manji Clan, he was probably pretty far up on the wanted lists. However, even if they didn't have his face on file they could still identify him due to his eccentric outfits.

When Yoshimitsu looked at his face in the mirror, he saw the face of a man in his mid to late thirties. However, he knew this not to be the case. He wasn't like other humans, he'd lived a much longer life than most ever could. The cybernetic enhancements he'd received from Dr. Boskonovich only helped to prolong it. Though it felt unfair, he balanced things out by helping whoever he could whenever it was possible. The feeling of satisfaction he got from helping those in need was enough to keep him pushing on.

Yoshimitsu heard a knock at his door just as he was about to fall asleep from boredom. He quickly removed his feet from the desk and then slipped his helmet back on. "It's open!" Yoshimitsu yelled to whomever was standing outside his office. A middle aged Manji warrior opened the door and entered the room. He was wearing the same Manji outfit and mask that Yoshimitsu had worn way back during the second King of the Iron Fist Tournament. Yoshimitsu recognized him immediately as his most trusted ninja, Kenshi. Kenshi was a very tall man indeed. He even managed to tower over Yoshimitsu by almost a foot. However, his height did not take away from his speed.

Kenshi was a very quick and agile fighter. He had been Yoshimitsu's star student for quite a long time now. Kenshi's talents could not be matched by anyone else in the clan except Yoshimitsu himself. Yoshimitsu only once in his history of teaching the Manji arts had a student who was a better fighter than him. However, that student had been long since banished from the Manji Clan and was now dead. He never enjoyed thinking about her since the memories were far too painful to bare. Yoshimitsu finally broke the long silence between them. "Come have a seat, now what can I help you with Kenshi?"

"Sir, our spies within the Mishimi Zaibatsu have reported in." He replied while taking a seat in front of Yoshimitsu's Desk.

Yoshimitsu simply nodded and crossed his arms. Though his Manji warriors had managed to steal Heihachi's vault after the fourth tournament, the Mishimi Corporation was still running strong. There was news that Heihachi had captured both his son and his grandson. The rumors were that Heihachi was planning to use Kazuya and Jin for his Devil Gene research. Yoshimitsu hoped to God that this was not the truth. The thought of that power hungry madman being able to transform into a Devil was an extremely frightening one. Yoshimitsu has sent some of his best men to infiltrate the Zaibatsu and confirm these rumors. He snapped out of his train of thought and replied to his student. "And what is it they report?"

Kenshi quickly responded to the question. "Well sir, it seems that Heihachi has made plans to steal the Staff of Ogre. This item is said to have the power to control Ogre himself! It also is supposed to hold his essence….whatever that means. At the moment we are not sure what he plans to do with it. "

Yoshimitsu nodded once again. Even if they had the staff in their possession they would still be unable to use it. Ogre had been dead for at least a year now. Unless they had a plan to somehow revive the beast, the staff would be useless.

Kenshi interrupted Yoshimitsu's thoughts once more. "We also have reports that Heihachi has hired Anna Williams and Craig Marduk to be his personal bodyguards. Anna was also hired as his new… 'assistant'."

Yoshimitsu's eyes rolled under his mask at Kenshi's last remark. He knew all too well what it means for a young woman to become Heihachi's assistant. His lust for women was almost as great as his lust for money and power. He also knew Anna was just the type of girl to take that kind of a job. It was odd that Kenshi would even mention such a thing. He thought it best not to hark on that subject too long.

Craig Marduk, however, was a different story. Rumor has it that he was the one who had murdered the great wrestler known as Armor King. Yoshimitsu was still not certain if the man truly was a killer. However, he was certain that Marduk was fully capable of defeating Armor King in battle When it came to raw power, Marduk could not be beaten. He was a fighter in the Vale Tudo professional circuit and he was undefeated for over four years. At the last tournament, however, he was finally beaten at the hands of a vengeful King. Yoshimitsu had heard that Marduk ended up in the hospital after the bout. He must have went straight to the Mishimi camp upon being released.

"Anything else Kenshi?" He calmly asked.

"Yeah… I news that is even more troubling than that..." Kenshi remarked with a frown. "It seems that the thief Heihachi hired to steal the artifact was a young woman who had just been revived from cryo-sleep." Yoshimitsu sat back in his chair and allowed Kenshi to continue. "One of the spies reported that she was dressed like a Manji ninja, had long red hair, wore a fox mask and she was carrying a large dagger…"

"WHAT?" Yoshimitsu cut in while nearly falling out of his chair. Though just a few minutes ago he was ready to fall asleep, upon hearing the last comment he was now completely awake.

"You don't think it could be Kunimitsu do you?" Kenshi asked hesitantly. He knew Kunimitsu well from the old days. Kenshi had even fought against her in the past. She was a very skilled and arrogant warrior. She was also the only person besides Yoshimitsu to defeat Kenshi in battle. He still had a sour taste in his mouth from when that happened. Not only did she defeat him with ease, but she also showed no honor toward her fallen opponent. She simple walked away without even bothering to bow or shake hands with him.

"I am not sure..." Yoshimitsu replied grimly. "If she did manage to survive long enough to be cryogenically frozen, then there is a good possibility that she is still alive." He paused, unsure of whether or not Kenshi would be able to follow the rest of what he had to say. "It is a shame; while physical aging would not have really affected her, she could have aged mentally at least… She's most likely still the same confused child she was all those years ago."

Kenshi was unable to fully grasp what Yoshimitsu was saying. Although he had a general idea of what Yoshimitsu and Kunimitsu were, he didn't know the full extent things. Neither one of them shared the same patterns of aging as other humans given where they originated. "What do you think we should do master?"

Yoshimitsu was not quite ready to take action. He decided that it would be better if they waited a while to see how things played out. If Kunimitsu still wanted her revenge, she would eventually come looking for Yoshimitsu. "Nothing… At the moment. Kunimitsu does not know where our new headquarters are located. If she were to inform Heihachi of where she thought our location was, they would find nothing but the empty ruins of our last hideout."

Kenshi nodded and replied. "Alright master, I will inform the rest of the clan on the current situation."

Yoshimitsu nodded in agreement. "Good idea." He waited then until Kenshi had gotten up from his seat and left the room to begin daydreaming once more. He had not counted on ever meeting Kunimitsu in battle again. Perhaps this time he might be able to change her mind and bring her back into the clan. He had taught her the Manji arts ever since she was a small child and he still loved her like she was his own daughter. Even though she had disgraced his teachings, he could never stop caring for her. He always regretted that faithful night when they faced off and he thought she had died at his own hands. But now that she was supposedly back, his heart felt less burdened. Whether he would be able to change her or not, one thing was certain, the day had become a lot more interesting.

Mishimi Zaibatsu Headquarters

Heihachi Mishimi walked down a long hallway toward his office. The Mishimi building was quite large, spanning several stories and still managing to be quite big from end to end. Following closely behind Heihachi, was his chief of security, Cypher.

Cypher was a former assassin from a powerful crime syndicate. He is a very accomplished fighter that held black belts in several forms of martial arts including Tae Kwon Do. The only reason Cypher has never bothered to enter one of Heihachi's King of Iron First Tournaments was because someone would be bound to recognize him. The police had his face on file, so as long as he worked for Heihachi he would remain well hidden from them. He was dressed like most of the rest of Heihachi's soldiers except for the fact that the vest he wore was red instead of black. This helped to show his rank as well as separate him from the rest of the soldiers. He also wore the standard issue gas mask at all times for the sole purpose of keeping his face hidden from the Manji spies that have been reported to be lurking around.

As they made their way toward the office, Cypher read off his report to Heihachi. "Sir, Dr. Abel claims that the Devil Gene experiments are a success and he can begin DNA splicing in a few more days."

Heihachi smiled upon hearing Cyphers information. "That's excellent news! Inform him that I am ready to go at any time."

"Yes sir!" Cypher responded. "Oh and one more thing! We have recovered the body of Ogre and Dr. Abel believes it is still useable."

The smile on Heihachi's face seemingly grew larger by the second. "Splendid! Now all we need is the staff. Then I will be able to begin carrying out my plans… Any word from Kunimitsu?"

Cypher shook his head. "No sir, not yet."

"I see…" He responded with a frown.

As they reached the door of Heihachi's office, Cypher saluted him and headed off to continue his work. Heihachi removed a red card key from his pocket and ran it through the reader. After entering a five digit code he was rewarded by the loud click signifying that the door was now unlocked. Upon opening the door, he was not at all surprised to find Anna Williams reclining in his chair. She also had her bare feet kicked up on his desk. Such an act was something Heihachi found to be quite disrespectful. He decided, however, to let it slide this time. She had been able to enter his office alone since he had given her a card key, as well as the code for the door. He did this so that she would be able to come and go as she pleased without having to ask security to unlock it for her. He didn't have to worry though, because he kept all of his important belongings locked away in a safe. It was not that he didn't trust his belongings to her, it was because…ok so it was because he didn't trust his belongings to her. Just then, he noticed she was holding a bottle of champagne in her right hand. From what he could see, she was wearing nothing but a bathrobe.

Anna smiled sweetly at him as he entered. "Well hello there! About time you showed up!" She got out of her seat and walked over to him. Upon reaching him, she ran her hands up his chest and purred seductively. Slowly, she leaned forward and then began to kiss him passionately.

Heihachi gladly wrapped his arms around her waist and returned her kiss. After almost two minutes, he finally broke the embrace and responded. "Hello Anna, I hope you didn't have to wait long…." Though in reality, he could give a rats ass how long she had been waiting for him.

Anna smiled and traced his lips with her finger. "Not at all…Though it was a little warm in here.." As she cut her sentence off, she began to slowly remove her robe for him.

Heihachi quickly walked over to the door, closed it, and then locked it. He immediately turned his attention back to her and licked his lips. "The guards know not to come in at this hour. No one else could possible get in to interrupt us..."

"Oh really?" A female voice emanated from one of the darker corners of the room. Anna immediately screamed and attempted to cover herself up. Heihachi reflexively jumped back into his fighting stance. He quickly lowered his fists, however, when he saw Kunimitsu step out from the shadows.

"How the hell did you get in here? And what do you want?" Anna snapped. She was obviously not happy at all with the sudden interruption.

Heihachi completely ignored and cut off Anna's line of questioning. "Ah welcome back Kunimitsu! Did you manage to get the artifact?" Heihachi could not help but act overly enthusiastic. He'd spend weeks waiting for Kunimitsu to recover after having been frozen for so long. Soon, he would finally have the item in his possession. Now that most of the pieces were in place, he would be able to set his plans into motion.

Kunimitsu nodded and removed the item from her pack. She stepped forward and set it gently on Heihachi's desk. Heihachi grabbed the staff from where it was place and began examining it. It looked exactly like the pictures he had seen of it. The staff was truly a magnificent piece of art.

"Good work! Now here is the payment you requested. Six hundred and fifty thousand dollars, cash only." Heihachi turned and quickly began to unlock his safe. The money was truly a small price to pay for the wealth and power that the staff was soon going to bring him. As he finally got his safe open, he noticed that the briefcase containing the money was no longer inside. "But… Where the hell did it go?" Heihachi demanded to no one in particular.

"What you mean this?" Kunimitsu replied while waving the briefcase out in front of her.

Heihachi was baffled as to how she managed to break into his office and unlock his safe without anyone noticing. He was starting to believe all of the rumors about how she great a thief she actually was. If anything, this whole experience has taught him how truly secure the Zaibatsu was. Perhaps some new guards and a whole new security system would be in order.

Reviving Kunimitsu was probably the best idea Heihachi has had in the past few months. She'd prove useful in the future so keeping her around was defiantly a good investment. However, he was somewhat intimidated by her overall unpleasant demeanor. He'd thought it best that she leave immediately before she ruined the mood for Anna and himself. "Would you mind leaving us now? I would like to 'celebrate' our victory with Anna here…"

Kunimitsu could not believe Heihachi had the nerve to ask her such a thing. She could see the lust in his eyes as he looked towards Anna and she knew exactly what he meant by 'celebrate'. The thought of sticking around while those two went at it made her feel sick to her stomach. "No." That was all she could manage to reply with before stepping back into the shadows. She made sure she had her payment in hand so there would be no need to return to this room again.

"The door is that way." Heihachi replied smugly while pointing towards the exit. An awkward silence overtook the room as they waited for the ninja to leave. Heihachi finally walked over to the lamp on the desk and flicked it on. As he glanced back over to were Kunimitsu had went, she was nowhere to be found. He didn't have to worry too much about her not returning, however. They both knew that her rival Yoshimitsu would eventually attempt to storm the building. She would be better off just waiting here for him rather than going off to find him herself.

Out of the blue, another thought crept its way into Heihachi's mind. "I wonder if Nina Williams would be interested in becoming a second assistant for me?" Though Kunimitsu wasn't really his type, an alluring and quite feminine woman like Nina defiantly was. He knew Anna and Nina hated each other, but he couldn't pass up an opportunity to 'double his pleasure'. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned his attention back to Anna. He immediately noticed that she looked extremely pissed off at him for saying such a thing. "Don't give me that look, its not like you're my wife or anything!"

"I don't want to share this job with a tramp like Nina! Oh and where did you get that other creepy bitch?" Anna pouted.

Heihachi smiled and went back to examining the artifact on his desk. "Just something I had in cold storage…" He made it blatantly obvious that he was ignoring her first question.

Anna noticed he was paying more attention to the object Kunimitsu had given him than to her. "Just what exactly is that?"

Heihachi was surprised to see that Anna was now peeking over his shoulder at the item in his hands. "It's called the Staff of Ogre, and it is said that the essence of Ogre is transported to this staff upon his death. So in other words it supposedly houses his soul. I believe you remember Ogre from the third King of Iron Fists Tournament? Anyway, it is also said that whomever had the staff can control Ogre himself. He will follow your every command. I plan to use it for a different purpose though. Once I merge my own genes with that of the Devil Gene, Dr. Abel will use the staff to revive Ogre. His DNA will only be good to me if he happens to be alive at the time. I plan to splice my own cells with that of Ogre's, giving me both the power of Ogre and the power of the Devil Gene! I will then become the most powerful man on Earth and the Zaibatsu will reign supreme over every nation!"

Anna reached her hands around him and began to unbutton his shirt. "Whatever you say my love…" She tried her best to contain her laughter. He was starting to sound like the plot of a bad Sci-Fi movie. All she cared about right now was doing her job and she planned to do it right. Once she finished with his shirt, she removed her robe again. Anna then sat on top of his desk and seductively crossed her legs.

Heihachi snapped out of his mad rave and turned back toward Anna. He grinned eagerly as he looked her over with lustful eyes. "Now where were we?"