Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters although Helen is my invention.

Elven emma: Ok I've never done a Harry Potter fic before so bare with me. Helen is my character from my LXG fic, all you need to know is that she can grow wings and a pointed tail, she's the dragon lady! Any who, this is my scary crossover, you must have a sense of humour to read. Enjoy!

Another Scary Crossover by elven emma

Harry sat in the library, bored out of his mind. He was reading a book about muggle's myths about witches and wizards.

Chapter 10: Halloween.
Muggle children will often dress as witches and wizards. However they often make the mistake of wearing green masks and have warts on their....

'This is stupid.' said Harry out loud.

'No it is not!' replied Hermione, who spoke as loudly as she dared. She had to be quiet since it was a library and she had to be considerate.

'We've lived as muggles most of our lives, we know what the mistakes are.'

'I've told you before, it's interesting to see it from their point of view.' Hermione pointed at her friend Ron, who looked as if he was actually enjoying it.

'Green masks? Hehe!' Ron was in his own little world.

'Anyway don't you think the whole Halloween thing is more American?'

'It doesn't matter whether it's done in England or...'

'I'm so bored!'

'Well why don't you go then? You don't have to stay here and read on my account. But it has to be read by tomorrow and If you want my advice...'

'I don't, I'm off!' Harry left in a hurry and Hermione began complaining about him to Ron, who ignored her wild rants.

That night...

'Psst! Ron! Wake up.' Ron turned over still in deep sleep. Harry knew what he had to do. So he used all his wit and decided to shout 'Ron!' whilst throwing a heavy book at him.

'Ow! Bloody Hell! What is it?'

'Lets go out.'


'Outside, we can use my cloak?'

'Oh I suppose you have some kind of magic cloak that makes you invisible.'

'Yes, don't you remember?'

'Oh yeah, sorry it's early.'

Outside, by the forest...

Harry, Ron stood closely together and looked in to the forest.

'There's something in there.' whispered Harry.

'I know, like wolves and huge spiders.' With this talk, Ron was scaring himself. 'Lets go now!'

'No, lets stay just a little bit longer.' Suddenly they heard a yell from above them and something landed on them before they looked up.

'You had to stay that little bit longer didn't you?' What ever had landed on them suddenly got up and backed away. Harry and Ron got to their feet. They looked in aw at the young woman in front of them. She had wings that reminded Harry of his encounter with a dragon. She also had a pointed tail that reminded Ron of how scared he was.

'Err,' began Harry, 'Are you the new defence against the dark arts teacher? Because I heard that they were arriving late from wherever they were staying.'

'Sure.' She replied quickly. She straightened out her dress and tried to look teacherly. 'I am Miss Hardings.'

Meanwhile, in the castle...

Hermione drank the rest of her chocolate milk. She new it was really for kids but thought if she could hide her like for it, her reputation would not be affected. She finished it off and stood up to go back to her room. On the way she bumped in to something she couldn't see.

'Harry what are you doing? Stop fooling around.'

'Who's Harry?' came a cockney voice from above her head instead of the unbroken voice from in front of her.

'Gah! Who are you?' A raincoat floated from a chair and the invisible body dressed itself.

'The name's Rodney Skinner, Gentlemen thief.'


elven emma: expect more league members and school pupils soon.