Journal of Minerva McGonagall

Week # 10

Well, journal, this shall be my last entry into your pages as our little session for Albus is finally over. I must admit that even though I began this exercise with much discouragement and dislike, I have learned so many useful things from my writings. Most importantly, I have been united with the man who completes me in every sense of the word. And for that I am most thankful.

Albus has mentioned that the ink will disappear from your pages but I have taken the liberty of copying my favorite entries and I plan to show them to Albus so that he may truly see into my heart and mind. I want to be able to show him exactly how he makes me feel, even though he can always detect my emotions and moods. I fear that if it had not been for this writing exercise, we might never have realized or found the courage to act upon our feelings. And what a disaster that would have been.

I had hoped that this last entry would be filled with all sorts of wonderful thoughts but sometimes life does not allow us what we wish for most. Life has a way of making the harsh reality crash upon us at our happiest moments. Albus had asked me to accompany him to his family home, where I anticipated an evening filled with romance and delight. Unfortunately, on our way we were detained by a centaur and Hagrid.

I could tell when Albus emerged from the Forbidden Forest that things were not going to be as I had hoped. A dark cloud had overshadowed his twinkling blue eyes but I dared not ask the reasons. I knew that when the time was right, he would share his thoughts with me. Fortunately, I did not have to wait long for once we entered his house, we sat together on the sofa and he began to explain what he had been told. I gave him my solemn promise to keep that discussion between us but I must say that I fear for the future of our world. And I feel safe in saying that he feels the same way.

At the beginning of the evening I thought that Albus might want to discuss our future but I must have been mistaken. Anyway, there will be plenty of time for that later. I know that I hold his heart, as he does mine, and that is really all that matters. I feel that by our admitting our feelings, our bond has grown stronger and I know that I am able to detect his thoughts and moods, even when we are apart. I know that sounds utterly absurd but it's as if my senses have been heightened and he has indicated that he feels the same way.

As he told me all that the centaur has spoken to him and we relived old memories that were most painful to me, I felt hot tears welling up in my eyes. But the marvelous man that he is allowed me my moments of melancholy and patiently waited for me to deal with it.Albus did an amazing job at reassuring me and after several moment spent in his arms, I soon began to feel a bit better. When we finally separated, he suggested a game of chess to lighten our moods and that did the trick. By the end of the game, which I won by the way, I was feeling much better.

About halfway through our game, I looked across the board and really stared at Albus' face. He looked so handsome, bathed in the firelight, and I felt a familiar heat begin to rise within me. As soon as the game was over, I led him to the plush sofa where we spent the remainder of our evening expressing our most intimate desires through heated kisses and tender touches. I must say one thing though. I have never felt so comfortable and so at home with anyone as I do when I am being held in his arms. He excites me as no other could dare to hope for and it gives me such a sense of pride to be able to meet every one of his deepest desires.

As the night drew to a close, we both hated the thoughts of returning to Hogwarts but we knew that we must attend to our duties. Before leaving, he made sure to express how much he really loves me and holds me closest in his heart. I already knew that he felt that way but it is always so wonderful to hear.

After apparating back to the school, the perfect gentleman that his is walked me back to my rooms but I couldn't bear to be alone. I know that he had other things which should have occupied the remainder of his evening, but he pushed all of those things aside for me. He tenderly held me in his strong arms until I fell asleep but only after several amazing moments of his warm lips pressed against mine. As I snuggled against his chest, I thought of what a wonderful adventure our lives would be as I drifted off to sleep.

I know that our time alone together will be very limited in the days to come so I wish to treasure every second we are allowed in private. I intend to stand beside him no matter what happens, to let him know that he always has my support, even in our darkest days. I will be there when he needs holding, love him when he needs love, wipe away his tears when they threaten to fall, and rush to his aid should he need a helping hand. I see us as true partners in every aspect of our lives.

I owe this journal and in truth, Albus, my sincerest thanks. If it had not been for his idea and then the journal itself, I might have missed out on the most important relationship of my life. I have so much to be thankful for and I feel that I might continue to keep a journal of my own, if for no other reason than to record my most intimate thoughts that I dare not share with anyone, except Albus.

So dear journal, this is a bittersweet goodbye but you have my most heartfelt gratitude for bringing a truth to light for Albus and myself. We might not have discovered our love without you!

A/N: First of all, we truly hope that you have enjoyed this story. We certainly had fun in thinking up situations and ideas for both Albus and Minerva to explore in their "private" journals.  And as some of you may have noticed, it even sparked a plot bunny of it's own with help from a faithful reader/reviewer. It's called Not Once, Not Twice and if you haven't had a chance to read it, what are you waiting for? Secondly, thanks to each and every one of you for your wonderful words of praise for this story. Without your input and encouragement, it would not have been as exciting for us and for that we applaud you! Until the next story….