The Return of Magic

Disclaimer: All characters belong to their original authors, creators, etc. I don't want them, don't need them, and if I had them, I wouldn't know what to do with them.

Summary: OK, this is my first attempt at writing a fic, regardless of what type. Crossover FF3/FF6. Don't remember the timeline, but it's the episode when Angelus is opening Acathla.

Also note, I haven't seen this episode in quite a while, so artistic license will be used to a degree. I'm making up Willow's soul curse spell to better fit into the story. thoughts ******** The library:

Gee, only another hundred books to go and we might have this part of the library finished. Xander thought. "Hey G-man, so if we're not looking for a prophecy, what exactly are we looking for again?"

"I told you Xander, we're looking for something that we can use to stop Angelus. The soul curse, or any other spell that might stop him. Documents about Acathla or anything like that. And please, don't use that infernal nickname."

"Alright, alright. I'll keep looking." Xander closed the book he was looking at currently. Don't think it's gonna be in this one. Angels, Demons, and Mortals, who ever would want to write about why we don't get along?

Xander grabbed another book from the table and read the title, Magical Creatures, their Symbols, and their Realms. Hmm, I wonder if Angelus is considered a magical creature. "Hey, G-man, do you consider Angelus a magical creature?"

"Well, vampires are created through death, and by drinking blood, so it would be considered a form of..."

"Please, no really long Watcher answer. Yes or no?"

Giles sighed. "Yes Xander, in short."

"Cool." Opening the book Xander groaned. Title in English, book in weird form of Latin. Check. Haven't seen this form yet. That makes seven? eight? forms that we didn't know existed. Grabbing the Latin translation dictionary, Xander set to work skimming for certain words.

Human soul, vampire, demon, Acathla. How would Acathla be translated into Latin anyways? Or is it already in Latin?

******** An hour later:

Hey, what's this? Human soul. But great, what little other Latin I do know isn't on this page. Looks like I'm gonna have to translate it slowly. Working for a good thirty minutes, he had most of the page translated.

Great, it doesn't say what this things name is, just gives it's symbol. Let's see... Human soul, fighting to protect his world, even after his death. It wasn't going to give up, so it animated a, whatever this word is, so he could keep fighting. Sounds like a reverse of a vampire. Instead of the demon going into the body after death, the soul goes to a new body. Says his symbol was used in high level destroy evil spells, but they were extremely difficult to pull off. "Hey guys, would this help any?"

Giles looked up. "What is it?"

"It talks about a soul inhabiting some type of creature. It's not vampire or demon in Latin."

"Let me see, what's the word? Hmm."

"You know what it means G-man?"

"It translates as Esper, but I don't know what that is. And before you ask, I don't know what the symbol means. It was most likely a name for the particular Esper. No one knows it, so that why the spells using it can't be cast anymore. You have to know the whole name to use it. And I told you, don't call me that nickname."

"Alright, then I'll keep looking." I still want to use that symbol though, even if it's just for luck.

******** A week later, outside the mansion:

"Willow said to kick his ass" Xander said.

"Oh... Thanks for the message Xander." Buffy replied. Tightening her grip on her sword, Buffy went after her ex-boyfriend.

I hope I made the right decision. Xander sighed, and followed after Buffy, determined to make sure that she would be ok.

******** At the hospital:

"Spirits and ghosts from beyond, hear my plea. Bring back the soul of the vampire Angelus, formally the man known as Liam. Bring his soul back to this world so that he may once again have his humanity." Willow intoned. The orb in her lap starting flickering, and suddenly had a steady glow to it.

Man, that took a lot out of me. I'm going to have to hold off on the second part of the spell for a moment.


In the cave: "Buffy, you don't really think that you could kill me do you? I mean, it's me, Angel. Could you truly hurt me?" Angelus questioned Buffy.

"No, I couldn't hurt Angel. But I finally realize something. You are NOT my Angel. You put Willow into the hospital, and for her, I'm going to kick your ass." She yelled at him.

"Fine, if that's the way you want it," Angelus slashed his hand with his sword, "Acathla, by my blood, I open your portal to Hell. Bring forth the final days for these humans." He then turned to Buffy. "And now, since we've gotten opening the portal out of the way, let's play while we wait for your 'Judgement.'"

He ran to Buffy, swinging his sword in an overhead strike, which Buffy blocked, and then she swung back at him. What in the name of Hell? I would have thought she still had feelings for Angel? She now has the fire I managed to put out of her by using his face, so time to take out all the stops. Angelus quickly shifted to his game face, and attacked with all of his strength.

Xander, meanwhile, hadn't been slacking off. After pulling Giles and Jenny out of the area where they had both been tortured nearly to death, he had come to watch Buffy's fight with Angelus. It's about time she pulled out the stops, that is NOT Angel she's practicing with out there. I hope she can stop him quickly enough so that the portal will be closed before anything big comes through.

Looking down at the stake he had brought along with him, he ran his hand along side the symbol he had carved into it. Hopefully you'll be a good luck charm for me, even if I can't use the spell you're supposed to be in. He still hadn't managed to translate the name, but he still hoped it would be enough. ********

Same time, back in the Hospital: "OK, I think I can do the second part now."

"Hear me, spirit of Liam, hear and listen to me. You body is still here, it had need of you. I brought you here back to this plane, to bring you back to your body. I send you there now, to repent for you sins. To stop repenting, to know happiness, will break this spell, so listen to me well."

The glowing orb in Willow's hands grew brighter, and then seemed to pulse. The a green thread seemed to wrap itself around the orb, and a bight burst of light came and both the light inside the orb and the thread were gone.

What? Jenny never mentioned a green thread in the orb? Oh shit, I hope I didn't screw anything up.


In the cave: A white glow surrounded Angelus, then seemed to condense on his eyes. Wha, where am I? He stumbled back, and saw Buffy thrusting her sword at him, seeming on intending to kill him.

Then the memories returned.

"Oh shit, Buffy wait!" Angel yelled.

"I don't think so Angelus, not after everything you've done to me. And Giles and Jenny and Willow and everyone else you have hurt. One of my best friends is in the hospital, waiting for word that you're dead, and I'm not going to disappoint her." Buffy spat at him.

"Willow, oh no." Angel dropped his sword. "I'm sorry."

"Damned right you will be, for all of the next three seconds until I stake you."

"Buffy, listen to me. The opening of Acathla begins with blood, and ends with blood. My blood since I opened it. Let me close it."

"I don't believe you, you're just trying to get me to drop my guard." Buffy then stabbed him in the heart with her sword, and pushed him and the sword down at the ground. The sword went into the ground and pinned Angel down. Buffy and Angel looked down at the sword, with Xander still hiding in the back, looking on as well.

"While the portal is open, not much can cause harm to me. Either I can choose to close it with my blood, or an item made from life, blessed by a protector with his own name can kill me."

Xander heard this and thought about it. A stake is wood, that's life. Blessed by a protector huh? I protected Buffy from Angelus at the hospital, maybe that'll be enough. He didn't bother to think about the third part. "Buffy, catch!" Xander threw the stake he had made to her.

Buffy wheeled around, and saw the stake being tossed to her. "Thanks Xander, we'll have to talk about you following me, but in the mean time," turning back to Angel, "I've got an item made from life here, think one out of three will work?" With that, she yanked the sword out of Angel's heart, and then stabbed him with the stake.

Angel dusted, and all of a sudden, a green energy field came from the dust. Streaking at the stake in Buffy's hand, it hit the stake and seemed to bounce off and struck the portal of Acathla. The portal seemed to shimmer, then Buffy felt herself being drawn into the vortex it had become. There had been to much pulling at dimensional strings with magic this night.

"Oh shit, Xander, run. It's pulling me in!" Buffy screamed at Xander, while grabbing a hold of a stalagmite and trying to keep away from the portal.

Xander ran to Buffy, intent on grabbing her and trying to help pull her away from the portal.

A piece of the portal seemed to rip off, and then disappear. The pull just got stronger even though the portal was now smaller.

Xander got to Buffy, and grabbed her hand, intending to pull her away from the portal. All of a sudden, the stalagmite broke, pulling both Xander and Buffy into the portal.


At the hospital: Willow was wiped from doing the curse, and barely had time to wonder what was happening as she felt something traveling back to her following the line she had sent Angel's soul. A black portal appeared, and drug her into it, bed and all. The scream alerted the doctors who rushed in to find no patient or bed.


Somewhere, some time:

"Why are we here?" The woman asked the man.

"Because, remember the story. When they left to create their own home, they created their own little universe. I'm amazed the entrance is still standing, even if it is buried under all this rock. After falling from the sky, and that forsaken tower, it's a miracle. Maybe not all of them left there, and a few still survive. You know she'd like to have some around that were like her family, even if they weren't." he replied.

"Good point, but how would we get in there? You know she was the only one able to open the doors last time." The woman asked again.

Just as he was about to reply, the doors opened, and the area was filled with a black shadow. Three people fell out of the shadow, which then disappeared. One was a male holding a female's hand, while she was holding onto a large rock for some reason. The third was also female, who looked completely exhausted and was sitting in what looked to be a weird bed.

"OK, I'll bite, how'd you open the door?" both the man and the woman asked each other.