My Immortal

by. DemonGirl-Setsuna


DemonGirl-Setsuna: Hi there! Setsuna here! This is my second

songfic and I wanted it to focus around InuYasha's mother;

Izayoi (name is mentioned in the third InuYasha movie).

Please Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or anything belonging to

Rumiko Takahashi or Evanescence's 'My Immortal'.


My Immortal


I'm so tired of being here

Suppressed by all of my childish fears

And if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

Because your presence stills lingers here

And it won't leave me alone


Izayoi gently calls to a two year old InuYasha, "Come on

InuYasha, I know you can do it, walk to me"

InuYasha wobbles with every step he takes as he walks to

his mother's open arms

"I knew you could do it, Inuyasha", she says when he reachs

her arms and picks him up, "Lets go inside to eat some

gyudon(beef bowl), Nigirimeshi(rice ball) and cha(tea)",

she starts to head inside

"Lady Izayoi, may I speak with you", a small voice says as

it lands on her shoulder

"Myoga, what is it you wish to speak to me adout?", she asks

as InuYasha trys to grab Myoga off her shoulder

"I wish to speak to you about Lord InuTaisho, m'lady", Myoga

replies, hopping out of InuYasha's reach

"I understand", Izayoi says, nodding, "Sakura, please come here"

"Yes, m'lady, what is it I can do?", a thirteen year old girl with

long black hair and lilac purple eyes, wearing a light pink kimono


"Sakura, I would like you to bring InuYasha inside and feed him, his

meal, if you please", she replies

"Yes, m'lady", Sakura says, bowing, "Come along, Lord InuYasha, its

time for dinner", she takes InuYasha from his mother's arms and

gently ruds his ear, causing him to giggle, "Oh your ticklish there",

she smiles and carries him inside

"Now Myoga, what is it you have to say about my Lord husband?", Izayoi


"M'lady, I regret to inform you, that Lord InuTaisho has unfortunatly

died", Myoga answers, his eyes downcasted

"H...he died?!", she chokes, turning pale and tears build in her violet

eyes, " did he die?"

"He was in a great battle with a dragon named Ryukotsusei, but he could

only seal the demon, and Lord InuTaisho died of his injuries from the

battle, shortly afterwards, my lady", he says

"I thank you Myoga, for telling me what happened", she thanks quietly,

trying to hold back her tears, 'Now I have to raise our son alone, I

have feared this, since I was a child', she thinks as the tears brake



These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase


One Year Later...

Izayoi tucks three year old InuYasha into his futon

"Mother?", he asks

"Yes, InuYasha?", she says

"Why you crying?", he wipes a tear from her cheek

"I was thinking about your father", she softly replies, wipeing

away more tears

"Where is father?", he asks

"Your father is far away and I don't know when he'll return", Izayoi

answers, "Now get some sleep", she adds gently, "Good night, my son"

"Night mother", InuYasha says, closing his eyes

Izayoi walks out onto the engawa(Veranda) and kneels, looking at the

ajisai(Japanese Hydrangeas) and starts to cry again, 'It has only been

a year since your death, but it still hurts too much to think about

you', she thinks, trying to stop crying

"Lady Izayoi, would you like some cha?", Sakura asks

"No thank you, Sakura", Izayoi replies, "But would you, please take

a seat and talk with me"

"Yes, m'lady", Sakura kneels next to Izayoi

"Have you ever lost someone you love?", Izayoi asks

"Yes, I have Lady Izayoi. If you remember I lost my whole family two

years ago and it was three years ago I came into your services, to care

for young Lord InuYasha, m'lady", the girl answers, "You asked me that

question, because you miss Lord InuTaisho, am I right?"

"Yes, it is. There is so much I can't and won't forget about him and its

too painful", her tears start flowing again

"Its alright, Lady Izayoi, cry to your heart's content", Sakura says,

leting Izayoi sob on her shoulder


When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears

And I've held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me


One Year Later...

Four year old InuYasha sits in his mother's lap sobbing as Sakura

cleans the wounds he recived from the villagers, just for quietly

walking through the village

"Mother, whats a hanyou?", he asks, looking up at his mother

"Where did you hear that?", Izayoi says, completely shocked

"The villagers called me that as they were beating me", he replies,

"What is a hanyou?"

"I'll tell you when you're older, InuYasha", she says, wipeing away

some of his tears, 'Will his life always be like this, I hope not',

she thinks


You used to captive me

By your resonating light

But now I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face it haunts, my once pleasent dreams

Your voice it chased away, all the sanity in me


InuYasha sleeps, quietly breathing through his mouth as Izayoi

kneels on the engawa, telling Sakura about the first time she

met InuTaisho

"I met InuYasha's father, when I was running away from home, because

I didn't want to marry the Lord my parents had arranged for me and I

was quite a headstrong young woman then. I was being chased by a pack

of wolves through the forest, when I ran into InuTaisho, standing in

the middle of a clearing and he killed the wolves with one sweep of

his sword", she says, her eyes almost twinkling

"Weren't you afraid?", Sakura asks, totally amazed

"I was at first, but that was before he offered me his hand and gave me

a kind smile, and spoke to me in a kind, gentle voice", Izayoi replies,

her smile disappearing, "Its just now that hes gone, I'm left to raise

my son without him and I can't get any sleep, because I keep seeing his

face in my dreams and I feel like I'm losing my mind, everytime I hear

his voice in my head", she starts crying again


These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase


InuYasha is still asleep when Izayoi enters his room and lightly kisses

him on the forehead, her tears falling on the banges of his slivery-white



When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears

And I've held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me


"InuYasha, my son, I love you and I'll never let anything hurt you. I'll

protect you with my life", Izayoi whispers as she watchs him sleep

InuYasha slightly stirs in his sleep and his ears slightly twitch as she

whispers to him

"You may be half-demon and half-human, but that only makes you special,

don't let anyone tell you otherwise", she adds, wiping a strand of hair

from his face, "I love you, InuYasha", her tears again fall on his

slivery-white banges


I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

And though you're still with me

I've been alone all along


Four Years Later...

"Give back the food you stole, you worthless hanyou brat!", a villager

shouts, waving a spear over his head

"No way!", eight year old InuYasha yeels over his shoulder, still running

towards the forest, 'Because I need it to survive', he thinks

"Ungretful little brat", another villager curses, throwing a spear at


"Ngh!", InuYasha utters, bitting his lip as the spear passes over his right

shoulder, nicking it, 'Damn it!', he thinks as his blood soaks his

haori(jacket) and the kimono under it and jumps onto a high tree branch and

deeper into the forest

He doesn't stop until he reachs a stream, "Damn it, it still hurts", he curses

as he opens his haori and kimono to examine his wounds, "They're deeper than

I thought, and all for two small bags of rice and five apples", he whinces as

he moves his arm to remove his haori and kimono, and places the bags of rice

and the apples under his kimono, then he steps into the cold stream,

bare-chested and wearing only his hakama(pants), he lays on his back in the

water, "Mother, why did you have to die?", he whispers as the blood flows

from his wounds, downstream



Three Years Ago...

"Mother, why do we have to leave our home?", five year old InuYasha asks

as Izayoi hurries him into the forest

"Demons are attacking it and if they find us they'll kill us", Izayoi

replies, trying to hide her fear

They keep running, until Izayoi is struck in the leg by an arrow and collaspes

on top of InuYasha

"Mother, are you alright?", he asks worriedly

"I can't move my leg", she says, tears forming in her eyes

"The hanyou and his mortal wrentch of a mother are over here!", a demon calls

out, heading towards InuYasha and Izayoi

"Hes coming closer, mother", InuYasha whimpers

"InuYasha, I want you to run", she whispers

"But mother, what about you?", he asks, fear appearing in his eyes and voice

"My leg is too injuried to move it, and if I could walk I would only slow you

down, so run!", she crys

"No, I won't leave you mother!", InuYasha exclaims, tears pouring from his eyes

"There you are wentch and the litte hanyou whelp", the demon says, standing

over them, holding a sword

"Mother", InuYasha wimpers, fearfully, as Izayoi holds him close and trys to

shield him

"Now you two die!", the demon exclaims, stabbing it's sword through Izayoi's

body, which stabs InuYasha through the left shoulder

"Ugh...", InuYasha utters, passing out

"Inu..Ya...sha", Izayoi whispers as her eyes start to glaze over, 'My son,

you'll survive your wounds from tonight, but I can't survive mine, so stay

alive for me and I pray you will meet a girl who'll love you for what you

are, not just who you are, goodbye InuYasha, I love you', she thinks as she

slips into the blackness of enternal sleep

**Flashback Ends**


'When I awoke the next morning, all I could smell was my mother's dead

body and her blood covering my body. It was that scent that spared my

life that night', InuYasha thinks as he stands up, water dripping from

his hair and off the tips of his ears, 'I still remember every detail

of when I had to bury you, mother', a tear rolls down his cheek, 'I had

to dig your grave with my own small five-year old hands', he stares at

his hands, "Mother, I know you're still watching over me, but I'm still

alone", he crys to the sky


When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears

And I've held your hand through all of these years

But you still have all of me


Fifty-Seven Years Later...

(But only seven years for InuYasha, because he was sealed to a tree for fifty years)

"You saw Kikyo, didn't you? I can tell just by looking at you", Kagome says,

glaring at InuYasha angerly

InuYasha just stares at her, with a dumbfound look on his face

"You can't look me straight in the eye", she says, tears forming in her eyes,

"Its the same everytime"

'I made her cry again', he thinks, starting to sweat

"I'm leaving, InuYasha!", she exclaims

"Where are you going?", InuYasha asks

"I'm going home", Kagome replies, walking towards the Bone-eaters well

"No, wait Kagome!", InuYasha exclaims, gently grabing her hand

"Huh!", she says, looking at InuYasha's hand, holding hers, "InuYasha?"

"Kagome, I want to tell you something", he says, his cheeks turning bright red

"InuYasha, are you blushing?", Kagome asks, "Why?"

"Kagome, its true I have feelings for Kikyo, but I...I...", his blush deepens

"You what?", she says, smiling softly

"I love you, Kagome", he blurts out, "More than I love, Kikyo", he aviods eye

contact with Kagome

"InuYasha, I love you too", she starts to blush

'She loves me!', he thinks, looking her in the eyes, 'She returned my love'

"The reason I didn't tell you earlier, was because I was afraid that you

care about only the sacred jewel and Kikyo, and call me a fool for loving

you", Kagome replies calmly, tears flowing down her cheeks

"Don't be silly Kagome, I would never call you a fool for loving me", InuYasha

explains, wiping away the tears rolling down her cheeks, "And the only reason

I keep seeing Kikyo is because I feel guilty over her death, but you know I

love you so please stop crying, for me"

"Ok, I will", she replies, resting her head on his shoulder

"Thank you Kagome, for loving me", he says as he puts his arm around her

shoulders, 'Mother, thank you for giving birth to me, for loving me, and

for protecting me, so if you're still watching over me, I'm glad you are',

he thinks, two thin streams of tears fall from his eyes, 'I love you mother,

and I miss you'


DemonGirl-Setsuna: Well, what did you think? Please Review. And

be please polite.