The madness continues…. I may want to bring this to a close soon, maybe not. It definitely hasn't reached its full potential but maybe it never will. I'll see how the reviews go.
Conan looked along the road, it was narrow and he could not see any traffic, save a few cars in the distance along what appeared to be a busier road. He looked down at Konan, who was in a doze. Conan was just trying to figure how to move him to where the cars were when he saw one travelling down their road. It was a small beetle, similar to that of the professors, except this one was green. Conan walked out onto the road and signalled to the driver. The car stopped and the driver rolled down his window. Without waiting for the man to speak, Conan requested that he take them to the nearest hospital. "My brothers very sick sir, please!"
The man was middle aged, with thinning black hair and sharp eyes. He made Conan wary, but the time was urgent. The bundled Konan into the back and Conan climbed in after him. They were soon on their way.
"You boys were in a bit of a fix, what were you doing out there by yourselves, you definitely don't sound like a local?"
"Were here with our mother, but we took different taxis, and got lost."
The man looked sceptical; surely a taxi driver wouldn't leave two boys stranded in the middle of nowhere. Sensing that Conan wasn't going to say anymore, he changed tack. "Hows your brother doing?"
"He should be fine, thanks mister…."
"Haruda Kenji?" Conan asked, hoping his luck was in
"Yes. Why do you know that?" Kenji looked bewildered
"When we got in the taxi two me in black clothing got in too. They ordered the taxi to go where they wanted to go and threw us out of the car partway along the journey." Conan explained, without giving away the fact that they had been following the pair on purpose. "They were talking about coming to this island in order to find you. It didn't sound like they like you very much Mister Haruda."
Kenji gave a wry laugh. "No I don't think they would…. well here we are." He said as he pulled up in front of the hospital. "I'll help you to get your brother into the hospital and I'll stay with you until your mother turns up."
Overall it turned out better than Conan could have hoped.
Yukiko, the professor and Ai had been going spare. C and K had run off chasing those murderers without their badges or any other communication device. They were all relieved to hear from Conan when he rang Yukiko's cell phone from the hospital, but Ai felt a surge of dread when she heard why they were at the hospital. She took the phone from Yukiko, "Kudo-kun, has K gone into the doctors yet."
"Yeah, but he's awake. They're taking some blood samples, just in case he's got meningitis or something, but they don't think its any more than a bad flu."
Ai went white, blood sample! There was no way Konan's condition could be kept secret if they were checking his blood. She gave the phone back to Yukiko and told the professor to start the car. She needed to talk to C and K before the doctors found anything wrong.
Will Ai get the courage to deliver Shinichi another blow? What could be wrong with Konan? Maybe a little guessing game is in order, please review!