Being stranded in an exotic island isn't so bad… hormones, obnoxiously loud companions, perverts, clashing opinions, tension, and the occasional (actually rather frequent) chaos that ensues… OK, so maybe it is bad after all…


© Jess-chan

"How long do you think they would last?"

Blink. Blink. "?"

A low chuckle followed by the soft tinkering of ice cubes. A tanned hand played with the bendy straw that came with the iced tea, which was served in a tall glass.

"I would be betting for a day, even less… dakedo…"

The Destroyer's trademark smirk was in place.  "… Otoutou has proven to come through the most difficult of hardships. Do you not think so?"

"Hai, Hao-sama."

A pale, creamy hand seized the orange-colored plastic object tightly. Anna's eyes shone with a promised vengeance as she planned the bloodiest, goriest assassination plan ever to be witnessed by the world in the past millennia.

How dare he~~~?! "Squeak!" The insolent swine… "Squeak!" The no-good bastard! "Squeak!" I hope he suffers in Hell… "Squeak!" I swear to kill him! "Squeak!"

The orange rubber ducky (^^;;) that she clutched in her right fist was emanating high-pitched squeaks that did no better to improve the itako's mood. Anna sunk further into the hot water the heavy scent of exotic flowers mingled with mint relaxed her to a certain extent but the infuriating memory would not go away…


"NO! I will NOT! It belongs to me~~~"

"Don't be such a pig, Ainu! It's my turn now!"

Pilika rolled her eyes heavenwards in utter exasperation. Kami-sama, taskede~!

Tamao meanwhile was too polite to articulate her feelings of irritation and annoyance towards the childishness that her two comrades were expressing.

"NO! This is my precious…" Horo stroked his current object of affection in an overly affectionate manner, namely the dice. Needless to say, the other three people that had joined him to sit cross-legged under the shade of a palm tree were freaked out. Rather terribly too.

I never thought onii-chan was a fan of Lord of the Rings.

Tamao sweat dropped.

Ren stared gapping.

In the span of fifteen minutes the hellish game of Snake and Ladders had managed to turn Horo, proud Ainu, sister of Amazon woman Pilika, self-righteous adversary of Tao Ren, and ranking number two (we all know Yoh's number one) in Tamao's list of 'hot men' (this is unheard of off Pilika and Ren, they don't even know there's a number two), into a complete blubbering Golem. Though Tamao doesn't seem to think so…

Only Horo Horo-san has such nice forearms and broad shoulders.

Oh, the horror of it all.

Hao is in a thoughtful mood, Opacho serving him faithfully, Anna completely infuriated, the foursome temporarily plunged into the twilight zone, Yoh was much more fortunate.

For a lazy guy he is so darn lucky.

He was quietly reclining, wearing his trademark earphones blaring J-pop. The usual smile made its way towards his features oblivious to the insanity brewing about the vicinity.

"A yacht?"


"I'd like all of you to try it out!" Jun giggled presenting them an easily smile.

Anna readily agreed. Heck, you might as well enjoy the free things in life. The simple statement seemed to have done quite a lot of convincing, so there they were in a yacht.

Only there was an unexpected err… incident.

The incident was courtesy of our dear Hao-sama… but Yoh-tachi did not know that.


Extremely short? I know but the next chapter would come out fast! I promise! Summer fever inspired the fic^^;; For my tomodachi-tachi

Next chapter: Why is Anna mad? Horo insane? And the Iron Maiden with her faithful X – Laws in the next chapter! Please review desu.