Rating: R for profanity and violence

Disclaimer: The Pitch Black characters are not mine, so don't sue. My characters are mine so please don't steal them.

Story outline/authors note: 5 years after the PB issue Jack and Riddick meet up and fall into some trouble. First story on this site. Please give me feedback, but don't be too harsh.


Chapter 14

"Alright girl, get out."

"What?" Jack stared at the three men in all black at the open end of the truck.

"Come on girlie." One of the men climbed in the truck and began dragging her out by the ropes around her feet. She began to kick wildly.

"Feisty are yah?" The guard yanked her out in one big pull and caught her in his arms.

"Hey guys, what do yah say we have a little fun with her first?" One of the guards licked his lips.

"Yah." The other guard touched her leg.

"Touch me again and you all die." Jack squirmed again.

They all laughed. One guard put his hands on her breasts.

Jack growled then used her tied legs to kick him. The movement made the other guard drop her. Jack fell to the ground and moved her hands to the front of her body. She stood up and stared at the three guards.

One of them charged her. She twirled around and he stumbled passed her. She put her arms around his throat, cutting off his air flow with the ropes he probably tied. He struggled but his life went fast and his body dropped.

"Who's next?" Jack stepped away from the body.

The two left laughed and charged her at the same time. She didn't move and they tackled her to the ground. Curiosity made her still. What were they going to do with her?

They didn't continue hitting her, but picked her up, one at her feet, the other extending her arms. She kept her eyes closed and began breathing as slowly as possible.

"Did we kill her? The guard at her hands shook her viciously. Jack crinkled her body closer together, but only a little so they wouldn't notice.

"Lets just bring her to the room alright." The guard at her feet began walking. "We'll worry about stuff like that later."


They stumbled towards the door. Each irregular movement, Jack made herself smaller. They reached the door and the guard began to unlock it. Jack crumpled her self as close together as she could. She was in the door way when she decided it was time. With all the strength she had, she stretched her body, pushing the guards back and letting her go. She quickly stood up and reached into her pocket where her dagger was. It wasn't there.

She thought fast and pulled out the pointy chopsticks in her hair. As the guards got up, she whipped her chopsticks at them. One guard got hit at the neck the other in the eye and for the last time they fell to the ground. She struggled to drag their bodies inside leaving a shoe in the door so it wouldn't close.

She dragged them into a little room that looked like a jail cell. A little empty room with silver walls and two boxes in the corner that made good shelter for the bodies. She checked the bodies but didn't find her daggers, only a key card. She took one last look around the room then went back to the truck. She found her daggers, a knife and some string. She then headed back inside the building to look around.


They walked around the old busted looking frat house. The Queen waved at the tree where the dead guard was perched.

"Damn it. They haven't replaced him yet. Nice work by the way."

"Thanks." Riddick stared at the tree.

The queen knocked on the door and a slot opened revealing the now familiar auburn eyes.

"Oh, 'ello Miss." He opened the door and let the two in. "Welcome back Caroo. Glad to have you." The boy smiled.

"Kyle?" The Queen shut the door.

"Yes Miss?" The boy straightened up.

"That's not Caroo."

"It's not? But I could have sworn that's what he said." The boy didn't take his eyes off her.

"Didn't I tell you to be more careful. You haven't been studying. I ought to fire you."

"Oh, no. No Miss, please don't." Kyle went on his knees and shuffled close to the Queen. "I have been studying. Caroos file, like many others, doesn't have a picture."

"So, what are you supposed to ask them before you let them in.?"

"Oh, yah. But he sounded so sure. I'm so sorry." He looked like he was about to cry.

"That's ok. This is Riddick. He's good at stuff like that." She bent down to his size. "I'm not going to fire you, but you better be more careful ok?"

"Ok." Kyle smiled.

"Say hi to your mom for me ok?" She patted the boys head and stood up.

"OK." Kyle stood up too.

"Say, have the boys arrived with Jack yet?"

"Umm…" Kyle went to a section of the wall and pushed on it making it flip over. A computer and monitors was on the other side. Kyle began pushing buttons. "The trucks here, but none of them checked in or are around."

"Told you Jack wasn't a kid." Riddick smirked.

"Find where Jack is." She ordered Kyle. "Hopefully she doesn't get into too much trouble before we get to her. I don't want her killing off all my staff."

"She's in section 3...H." Kyle turned around to look at the Queen.

"Thanks Kyle. Common Riddick." They went into the elevator and the Queen pushed a button.

After a series of elevators they arrived at section 3.

"Sooo, where is she?" Riddick stepped out and looked around.

"She was in section H, but who knows now. She's probably still on the level."

"Lets start searching then." Riddick took off.

"Wait." She went after him.

"Split up Spades." Riddick disappeared.


She watched as the lifeless body fell to the ground. Blood dripping down his face. She walked towards it and pulled out her dagger from it's head. She jerked upright when she herd Riddick's voice. She closed her eyes and listened, but his voice had stopped.

"Riddick?!" She didn't hear any response. She began to walk down the hall. "Riddick?!"


She herd his voice. His voice calling for her. She ran down the hall. "Riddick?"

"Jack?" Riddick turned a corner and saw Jack. She lept into his arms and they twirled around. He let her go and they embraced in a fiery kiss.

"Sorry to interrupt your uh…moment. "The Queen interrupted. "But can you do the job for me now so you can get out of my house."

They pulled away from each other and looked at the Queen.

"What job?" Jack glared at the Queen of Spades.

"A hacking job. That you're going to do for me." She smiled.

"What? Why the hell would I do that?"

"Because I saved your life." She paused. "And Riddick promised me he'd give me the best hacker if I helped him get you out of there."

"What?" She stared at Riddick.

"You're the best hacker." Was all Riddick could think to say.

"And you promised her I would do that? What makes you think I'd help either of you?" She backed up. She felt betrayed.

"What's the big deal Jack. It's just a hacking job. Plus she did save your life." Riddick pleaded.

"I didn't need anyone to save me. I could have handled my self. I'm not a kid anymore."

"I know but-"

"Here let me help." The Queen interrupted. "Listen Jack, Riddick owes me for helping him. And whether you want to believe it or not, I saved your life. And either he becomes my salve or I kill him or something like that, or you do this hacking job for me."

"What? That's insane."

"A lot of things in this world are insane. But we just have to deal with it."

Jack sighed. "what system?"

"What? Oh, HBI Headquarters. It'll be tough but I'm sure you can do it."

"Probably." Riddick answered.

"Fine, but then I'm getting the hell out of here."

"Good. Follow me."


"How long do you think it will take her?" The queen stood beside Riddick. They were in a secret room, looking in at jack working her hacker magic.

"Don't know, how long did the others last?"

"Hours. Days, before they gave up. But if jacks as good as you and others say she is then," She paused. "Then maybe only a few hours." She looked over to him.

"A few hours?"

"Well, I can think of a few things we can do to pass the time." She seductively came closer to him.

"Hey." Riddick backed up. "I don't think so."

"Aww." Her face went puppy dog-ish and she moved closer to him. "You only gave me a taste before, now you're gunna make me beg for more?"

"No. Why don't you just piss off."

"Piss off?? This is my house, base, thing. I can go where I please."

"Fine, then I'll leave." He moved to the door.

She quickly went in his way. "You can't leave."

"You cant keep me here."

"Yes I can. You're my prisoner until Jack finishes her job. Plus, are you sure you can trust that nothing will happen to her while you are gone.?"

"You wouldn't." He sounded very matter of factly.

"Wouldn't what Riddick? You don't know what I would or wouldn't do. You don't know how insane I can act. And if you're not going to play nice, then fine." The Queen pushed a button and two large guards came in and grabbed Riddick. A third walked in and pointed his gun towards him. Riddick didn't move.

"Let me go." Riddick demanded very calmly.

"No." She walked up to him and stared into his silvery eyes. "You stay here. I'm going to go check on our girl." She winked at him and left.


"Damn it!" Jack was getting frustrated. This was the hardest job she'd ever done or doing. "Well I always ask for a challenge." She stared at the screens. She herd the door open and close but kept working. She felt a person come behind her and pt their hands on her shoulders.

"Looks complicated." The Queen of spades voice echoed in the room.

"Yah, but I can handle it." Jack shook her shoulders to get the queens hands off her.

"That's good to hear."

"So…where's Riddick?"

"He's fine don't worry about him."

Jack stopped typing. "Fine according to who? Where is he?"

"Didn't I just say not to worry."

"Don't tell me not to worry. I'm not doing this job if Riddick isn't ok or if he's going to be killed!"

"He's fine. But if you don't do this job, he wont be."

"Why cant you just tell me where he is?"

"Why cant you just do your job. God, your such a child, no wonder Riddick hates you."

"What?!" Jack swivelled in her chair.

"He thinks you're so immature, like when he met you. He cant stand you kid."

"You're lying. And I don't know how that's supposed to motivate me. So just bugger off and let me do my work."

"That's what I was trying to do. Bye."


"You'll figure it out later." She put her finger to her chin. "Lets see how could I say this. Turrah, Sayonara." She smiled at Jack then swivelled her around and left.

Jack let out a sigh of relief and went back to work.


It took her two more hours, but finally she got into the system. Pages were in front of her. Words, numbers and codes all in a foreign language.

The queen burst into the room. "Fantastic! Good job Jack darling!" A joyful smile spread across her face. She snapped her fingers and two men came running in. "Wire this to the other computers and begin the process." They left and she turned to Jack. "Oh Jack. You don't know how much you've helped me."

"Well I'd love to hear your Evil plan, but I'd rather get Riddick and just get out of here."

"I agree. Follow me."

The Queen led Jack outside and into the next room. Riddick was still held motionless by the guards.

"Riddick!" Jack ran over to him, but was stopped by two more guards. "Hey let go of me."

"Jack!" Riddick yelled but didn't move.

"Shut up!" The Queen sounded irritated. "Ok. I lied." She grinned. "You guys aren't going anywhere. You proved to be very useful to me. A new hacker, killer and spy. I'm well off now."

Riddick spat at the Queens Boots. "Fuck you!"

"I thought we covered that already. Anyway, calm down, you'll love it here. I'll even let you two stay in the same block."

"You Bitch!" Jack struggled again and the guards squeezed her tighter.

A little man burst into the room huffing and puffing. "Lady Spade, Lady Spade!"

"What? Can't you see I'm busy."

"E-mergancy! Kalii, she's gone crazy! She's out!!"

"Shit! Ok, I'll be right there." She paused as the little man left. " OK you two, I was just messing around, you guys are free to go. Thanks for your help and have a nice life. These four will show you out. Adios." She waved good-bye and left.

The guards pushed Jack out first. They were separated the whole way out of the building. Finally at the end of the hall they were shoved outside. They herd the door lock behind them.

"Riddick!" Jack stumbled up and gave him a hug.

"Hi." He's face cringed in pain as she slammed into him.

"Oh sorry." She stepped back.

"Are you ok?" He put his hand on her shoulders and gave her a once over.

"Course. I'm not a little girl remember. Are you ok?"

"Of course. I'm not a little girls either." He whispered.

"Can we go now?"


"Hey you know what?"


"I never got paid for all the work I did at Jimmy's factory."

"We better go get it then."