More than Best Friends

Authors Note: I was bored so. . . HERE I AM! ^_^ This is my first Shadouge. BE NICE! I just woke up today and supported ShadowXRouge. That's scary. Anyway, here's the disclaimer and stuff.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything at all! All the characters are © SEGA+SONICTEAM. ^_^ YAY! Hooray for Sonic Team!

Chapter 0: Part I: Prologue


"Are you sure that you're going to be fine alone?" asked Rouge, annoyed.




"I will, stop worrying about me. I'm not going to get in any trouble."




"Well, I just don't think that you'd be OK on your own. You're definitely coming with me."




"I'll be fine by myself, OK? Just let me be alone for a while."




"I can't believe I just let him go like that. . ." said Rouge, crossing her arms. "He's probably going to go cause chaos. . . Oh well. What's done is done," said Rouge. "Mr. President, I'm ready for my mission," said Rouge, saluting. "We need further information on Project Shadow, and we will need you to get him for us. We have known that you have a certain link to him."

"Whaddya mean. . .?" Rouge started to ask, but the President had already signed off the computer screen, leaving Rouge standing at the blank screen in annoyance. "That bitch expects me to do that? Ugh. . ."  Rouge groaned.

"Well. . . I just can't turn in Shadow like that. He's one of my good friends. Gawd, I'm in a dilemma. . ." She left the base, and went out into the pouring rain, watching all the people go into their safe houses for shelter. "Ph Shadow, where are you, baby?"