Disclaimer: As usual I don't own anyone except for Hope

Summary: A tragedy brings two people back together again

Since most of my stories are usually, about romance and happiness I decided to make this story a sad romance tragedy


"Are you sure about this?" Paul asked

"We both agreed that we aren't ready to get married yet"

"I know but does that mean we should break up"

"We will not break up. We'll just take time away from each other until we can figure out what to do"

"So it's technically a separation"

"Exactly, the only difference is that we aren't married yet so it isn't legal"

"Should we live together?" Paul asked

"I think we should stay in different places but I will not move out"

"Alright" Paul said

"It is only until we make a decision. It will be easier if we are alone"

"I guess you are right"

"Hey don't be so sad looking. It's not like we can't talk to each other. And you can come and see me anytime" She smirked. "That also means that we don't have to stop doing you know what"


"Yeah... just because we cant decide if we are ready to get married yet doesn't mean that we cant have fun why we make up our minds"

"You are a bad girl" He whispered seductively

"You made me that way" She whispered back

"I know. So where are you going to stay"

"Im not really sure but don't worry"

"Just make sure that you stay close"

"I promise I won't run away"

"You better not Steph or I will hunt you down and find you"

"And what will you do when you find me"

"Well I might have to beat you"

"Hm.... Why would you do that?"

"To teach you not to be the bad girl that you are"

"I thought you liked it when I was a bad girl"

"I do but...."

"Maybe I will run away just so you could hunt me down and punish me"

"You don't have to run away just for me to punish you. I am willing to do it for free"

"Really... hmm that is ver interesting. So if I bent over like this" She said bending over the bed. "What would you do?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes Paul I do" Steph said

"Well I can't tell you that... but I can show you" He whispered in her ear

Stephanie sighed lifting her head off the pillow. She was thinking about that conversation that her and Paul had two weeks ago. She always dreamt about it. She figured it was because she missed him so much. She wished he was there now but he couldn't be. They had both agreed on taking a break from each other until they decided if they wanted to get married. They were engaged for five months, but soon they started to wonder if they were ready. They knew they wanted to but they werent sure when. She hadent heard from Paul for a day. She saw him yesterday morning but didn't see him or talk to him after that. She was really starting to miss him

"If he was here then he would have made my day better. He always does" She sighed

"Why couldn't we decide when we wanted to get married"

Stephanie was also worried about her family and his family. Both their families respected each other and she remembered the looks they had on their faces when Paul and her told them that they would stay away from each other for a while

"I should have just married him. Maybe he found somebody else"

Paul was at his home in New Hampshire. He missed Stephanie a lot and just wanted to be by her side. She had decided that she would go back to her apartment in New York. Even though she moved in with him, she never sold it and even kept a few things there just in case her and Paul had a fight and she needed to get away from him

"But we didn't have a fight" He said

He thought about it and figured that it was sought of like a fight only they werent really angry, they were just confused. He truly did want to marry Stephanie but wasn't sure if that is what she wanted. He was scared that she wouldn't be happy.

"She always seemed happy when we were together"

He sighed he just didn't understand why this was happening. He didn't know how there relationship had come to this. At first they were so happy and now they questioned everything. He remembered how happy she was when he proposed

"Stephanie I love you more then anything" He said getting down on one knee

"What are you doing?" She asked cautiously as she already had tears in her eyes

"I want to ask you something. Stephanie Marie McMahon.... Will you marry me?" He asked with a smile

Stephanie just stared at him in pure shock. The tears already flowing down her face. Stephanie got down on her knees with him. She couldn't believe that this was really happening. She stared Paul in the eyes, which made more tears flow. She then glanced down at the ring to make sure that it was real.

"Oh my god" She whispered since it was the only thing she was ablt to say at the moment

"I love you honey, but my leg is starting to cramp" Paul said before laughing

Stephanie also giggled finally realising that she hadn't given him an answer yet

"Yes" She whispered before hugging him

"You really mean that?" He asked over joyed that she said yes

"Yes... I will marry you" She said smiling through tears as the hugged Paul snapped out of the day dream he was in. He had asked her to marry him five months ago. It was only five months ago that everythnig was perfect.

"What happened in five months that changed all of the happiness we had"

He sighed sitting on the bed. He knew he probably wouldn't get any sleep tonight. Soemthing wasn't right. He had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. He had told Steph that if she ever needed him to call. Even though she didn't call, he had a feeling that something was going to happen. Unfortunaltely he didn't realize how right he really was.

Stephanie was about to go to bed. She glanced over at the clock and saw that it was midnight. She really didn't consider that to be late because her and Paul had stayed up even later than that making love. She couldn't sleep though. She had a horrible day. In fact she had a horrible week.

"I wonder what else bad can happen to me?" She thought

Stephanie sat on the bed and stared at the floor for a while. Even though she figured nothing else bad could happen to her tonight, she still felt that something bad was going to happen

Paul was upset as he rolled over in bed. He then pulled a pillow over his head to drown out the ringing. He had finally fallen asleep only to be woken by a damn phone. But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't help but hear the ringing. He thought that maybe after a few minutes it would stop, but it didn't. He started to think that maybe it might be Stephanie calling him. He quickly threw the idea out after looking at the clock. 2am Steph wouldn't be up at 2 or at least she shouldn't be. Sighing he turned over and answered the phone

"Hello" He said obviously sleepy

"Hello may I speak to Mr. Levesque"


"Hello I am so sorry to be calling you so late at night. I am doctor Williams calling from New York Mercy Hospital. You were listed as an emergency contact for one of our patients"

Paul had no idea who she was talkng about but was worried

"Who is the patient?"

"A Miss Stephanie McMahon" he doctor said sadly

Paul's heart jumped into his throat wondering what had happened to Stephanie. He could tell by the tone in the young doctors voice that it was really serious

"What happened to her?" He asked about to cry

The doctor sighed. This was the one thing about her job she didn't like. She could hear the worry in his voice. "I am sorry but I am not permitted to tell you over the phone. You will have to come down here and please hurry" She said before hanging up

Paul didn't know what was going up. Everything was happening so quickly. All he knew was that he had to get to Stephanie and quick.