A/N- Well, here it is!! The sad epilogue. It's sad 4 me cuz it's the last chappie!! Wipes away tear I hope u like it and leave very nice reviews!!!

Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine!!!

Response 2 reviewers:

Ciel-Undomiel: Of course I don't blame u 4 rambling dear!!! I do blame it on that damned sugar!! Well, here's ur sad epilogue, I hope you like it!!

Luthea: Yes, I did write no tears would fall from his ears (but it's kinda true cuz they don't fall out ur ears!!). N e how, I went right in and fixed it!! I hope u like this chappie!!!

viviana: Don't worry, the epilogue won't be that sad!! It will b more of a bitter sweetness.

ArwenElfstone: I'm so glad u liked it!! I'm afraid I made Aragorn a bit mushy tho, but I tried to show the sensitive side of the toughest (and hottest) warrior in all of Middle Earth!! Hope u like the epilogue!!

IridescentFlight: I'm glad u liked my story!! I was debating about the whole Gilraen thing, cuz I thought it would get me flamed, but it didn't and I was happy!! I hope u like the epilogue!!

Taraisilwen: I'm glad that Gilraen surprised u, it was the whole point of that chappie, to make u go HUH??!! Lol, I hope u like the bittersweet epilogue (note: it's not that sad!!)

future-angel: Lol I hope u don't get chased down by angry reviewers, that would b one less reviewer I have 4 this story!! Cries I hope u like this chappie, and don't 4get 2 leave a nice review!!

After sixty years (A/N I'm pretty sure it was sixty, correct me if I'm wrong!!) of dwelling in Gondor, with my beautiful queen and our children by my side, it has finally come to my time to diminish into the halls of Mandos.

The time we had spent together was short, but it was the most wonderful time of my life. Arwen and I were married Midsummer's Eve and she gave us seven more beautiful children during our marriage. It was a beautiful life, but now I must leave it all behind.

As I lay on my deathbed, my daughters and son come up to visit me. One by one they came and went, as I bade them good-bye and told them that I would see them again. Tears fell from their eyes and it broke my heart to see them so sad.

I had given Eldarion, my son, the crown of Gondor, and he was now King. He smiled weakly at me as he took it, tears falling from his eyes.

"I will not let you down Ada. I will make you proud," he said quietly as a tear fell from his eye. I smiled, I knew he would not let me down, he would make a great King.

After he left, Arwen came in to see me. I smiled, her radiance had lit up the room as it did when we first met. Arwen smiled back, but it was a sad smile. She sat beside me and took my hand in hers, gently kissing my fingertips. I smiled and warmth filled my body at her gentle touch. She looked up and I saw that her cheeks were drenched with tears.

"How could the Valar call this a gift??" she murmured in a trembling voice.

"I know not, meleth nin."

Her head hung and I could not see her face. I reached out a hand and tilted up her chin so I could see her. I smiled softly and took her hand in mine.

"I promise meletha, I promise that we will see each other again," I said, meaning every word of it.

"I know, I know," she whispered, her voice shaking violently. "But how will I go on without you?! You are my everything, my soul mate, my one true love. I can't live without you."

She was near sobbing, and every sob that escaped her throat was like a knife stabbing my heart over and over again, filling it with tremendous pain.

"Shhh," I tried to calm her. "It will be alright Arwen. I promise you that, and you know that I have never broken any promise that I made to you."

She sniffed and stared at me. "You promised you wouldn't leave me, and you are doing just that," she replied quietly.

"But only for a little while," I said, stroking her hair soothingly. "You will see me again, and death will never shadow us again."

She smiled. "If I had a choice, I would go with you right now."

I smiled also. "But you must stay here and help our son during the beginning of his term as King."

"It seemed like yesterday that he was a small child, running around the palace and making the servants pull their hair out in frustration," Arwen said, a slight laugh escaping her throat. But that laugh did not stop the tears from falling from her crystal blue eyes.

"Arwen, why do you cry for me??" I asked.

"Because I fear I am losing you. That I will never feel your lips upon mine again, that I will never hold your hand, that I will never make love to you ever again," she said, sadness returning to her face.

"I promise Arwen, that this will not be the last time that I will hold your hand or kiss you. I promise Arwen, I promise I will hold you again." Tears flooded my eyes as I said those words, and I felt death grab my soul. I raised her hand to my lips and kissed it.

"Farewell for now, my evening star. Amin...mella...lle..." I forced out the last three elvish words and my eyes fell shut. I heard Arwen crying my name, Estel, but the cries were getting fainter. All was black and then images appeared in my mind.

I saw flashes of my life on Middle Earth, I saw my childhood, my teen years, and finally the greatest moment of my life, the day I met Arwen. Flashes of the memories we made together came into my mind.

I saw the first time we met, the laughs we shared, the tears, us taking walks in Imladris, our first kiss, and our first time making love. Then I saw flashbacks of the war coming to me, and how we defeated Sauron at the Black Gates.

I then saw Arwen and I reunited, the first time I saw my daughter, Gilraen, our wedding day, our wedding night, when my son and daughters were born and the wonderful times we shared with them. I could no longer hear Arwen crying my name, but after the images had gone, I saw Arwen, her face was buried in my chest, she was sobbing into my lifeless body.

I heard her begging for me to wait for her in Mandos, and I suddenly felt like I was being pulled back. Before I knew it, I was at the gates of Mandos. I was returned to my youthful appearance, and I was reunited with my mother and my real father, Arathorn. I smiled and laughed and cried at the reunion.

Death was just like Gandalf said, every day is as long as a life age. Before I knew it, Arwen was at the gates, and we were reunited, together forever and always.

I guess it was true what they say about death, that your whole life flashes before your eyes, that you remember the good times and the bad that you've had with your loved ones. And you suddenly realize that a life without them was no life at all.

But now I am here to stay and dwell in Mandos, with my soul mate, Arwen Undomiel, my Evening Star. I am forever grateful for the sacrifice that she had made for me, to die with me and spend all eternity with me.

I had promised to her that I would never leave her, and I never will. Not even Illuvatar himself could separate us, our love is too strong. The bodies of men may not be immortal, but their love for their soul mate is.

But the worst is over, and we can rejoice and be happy, for no war can separate us. I thank Illuvatar every day for my wife and children. I know not what I would do without them. But I thank him mostly for Arwen, the most beautiful creature to grace Middle Earth ever since her ancestor Luthien.

Every day I say to her, "Arwen Undomiel, I love you with all my heart." And I mean it, every single word.

A/N Ahh!!! That's it!! I know I could have done sooooo much better on this epilogue, but I hope it brought tears to your eyes (it did to me!!). I know I didn't follow the book, sorry if that disappointed you, but I did the death scene how I pictured it!! Please leave some nice reviews and tell me what you think, no flamers please!!! Love to you all!!!!!!