Notes: Last chapter guys, unless an epilogue is desperately wanted. My first exam is on Tuesday and I wanted to finish before they start. Thanks to everybody who reviewed! Thanks also to Aimee5 for encouraging me and helping me, and to Rini, because if it wasn't for the random quarks conversation, this wouldn't have been written. lol. :::hugs to everybody:::


"…Mornings should be made illegal…"

Sam was barely awake when she heard him muttering, faint trace of a smile spreading across her face. She knew that tone of voice well from many years spent sharing a tent, waking up together. Only this morning was different. Usually she didn't wake up in bed with him. Sure, she had occasionally shifted closer to him, hastily shuffling away before he was fully awake, had once even woken up with her arm draped over him. She'd woken up next to him, but never with him.

"I agree," she replied, still not willing to move away from him, or even realise the grip she didn't realise she had.

"You mean the morning-person I've seen for the past seven years is an act?" Jack smiled down at her.

She looked up at him, not amused, "The person who cursed you repeatedly in the morning when she wasn't really awake, and the one who told you where to shove it when she forgot where she was; that's me."

"…And I never realised…" he teased.

"I was the one who made the coffee and stayed well away from you guys for a reason, you know."


"Sorry, Si-"

Jack silenced her by covering her lips with his own, "Don't say it."

"…I'm going to have to…sometime…" she whispered, looking away.

"Not here. Not now."


"Don't think about it. Tomorrow we'll go into work and deal with it. Not today."

Sam exhaled, regarding him with a look of apprehension.

"I hear you thinking about it…" he said softly.

"…I can't help it," she answered, "…I mean, what exactly are we going to do?"

"…I could res-" Jack started.

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence," she threatened, "don't you dare."

He sighed, "Well, what else do you suggest?"

"I could resign," she replied, quickly.

"And how is that any more acceptable than me resigning? No way, Sam, no way in hell-"

"Hear me out."

"No, you are not-"


He was so unused to hearing his name come out of her mouth that he instantly fell silent.

Hands on his chest, she pushed him down so she could look down on him, "I can resign and still remain at the SGC. It sounds egotistical, I know, but they need me, and it means I could stay on SG-1. No regs anymore."

Jack snorted, showing his appreciation of that idea, "And the Air Force?"

She made an effort to shrug, "The Air Force has been my life for as long as I can remember. But it doesn't mean I'm not willing to give it up so I can actually have a life."

He drew her back against him, "This is stupid. The amount of times we've nearly, or have died, trying to save, and successfully might I add, the world, you'd have thought somebody thought they owed us a favour by now."

"Obviously we haven't done…" Sam trailed off, frowning.

"What?" he couldn't see her face, concerned by the tone of her voice.

"…Have either of us ever tried actually asking the question?"

"What question?"

"Whether anything can be done about our…'situation' or not?"

"…I thought that'd be like holding up a sign saying, 'we're going to anyway!'"

She grimaced, "I guess it would be like saying we've already been up to something."

Jack laughed, "…And you're saying we haven't?"

"Well…it'd be hard to keep an air of innocence now…"

He continued to laugh, "I know you. You'd try and find a way of asking, then ruin it by blushing and saying, 'But we haven't. Nothing's going on. At all. Sir.'"

She swatted at him, "Hey! Are you saying I can't lie?"

"I'm saying you're a crap liar, Sam, when it comes to things that matter."

"I resent that."

"So do I," he retorted.

Sam raised an eyebrow, glaring down at him again, "How does that work?"
He thought about it for a moment, "I don't know. But it sounded good in my head."

About to reply, she jumped as she heard a knock at the door, "…Who?" she asked, eyes wide.

"The list of who it couldn't be is shorter," Jack answered.

"…And if they find us here like this!?" she broke away from him and started searching the floor for her clothes.




"What?" she still wasn't paying attention.


"What!?" she shouted.

He threw the covers of the bed back and stood up, "Why are you acting like a frightened rabbit?"

"If anybody from the SGC finds us like this they're going to instantly assume that we've been at this for months," she swore, unable to locate anything.

"But we didn't-"

"They don't know that!"


She grabbed the top cover from the bed, wrapping it around herself, annoyed with his lack of panic, "Put some clothes on!" she snapped.

He just stood there.

"Now!" Sam raised her voice.

And he still just stood there.

Angrily glaring at him, the absurdity of the situation hit her, "…Never thought I'd be telling my CO to put his clothes on…"

"In your dreams," he repeated her words from the day before.

"If it has to be," she replied, with perfect timing. She swiped his dressing gown from the floor, where she presumed it had been living for a while, "Go answer the door."

Jack took it and put it on, "Since when do you give the orders?" he joked as he left the room.

"Since we woke up in the same bed. Dominating women and everything."

He muttered something under his breath, only to have a sock meet the back of his head, which he ignored, padding to the door and opening it.

"Alright Jack, where is she?"

He stared, open mouthed, at Cassie, standing on his doorstep, hands on her hips, glaring at him accusingly.

So he decided to have some fun.

"Who?" he feigned innocence.

"Don't try that with me! Sam!"

"At home?" Jack shrugged.

"Been there, done that. She's not there," Cassie replied, "Where is she? I know she's here."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

She tried to look past him, "Sam! Sam!"

From the bedroom, Sam sat up, still wrapped in the sheet, "What the…"


"Cassie?" she said aloud, getting to her feet and walking from the room.


She appeared behind Jack, frowning in concern, "Cassie?" she seemed oblivious to the fact that she had just show the girl just what she wanted.

"I knew it!"

Realisation dawned, "Cass, no, its not-"

The girl took a step back, "What it looks like?" she grinned.

"We haven't-" Sam stuttered, "We didn't…we…"

"Shut up," Jack span round and kissed her.

She wasn't able to stop herself returning the kiss, arms around him, for several seconds forgetting Cassie was even there.

"I knew it…" she repeated, quietly, toning her grin down to a mere smile.

Sam finally broke away from Jack, still gazing at him, "Cassie…don't you dare tell-"

"Hey, I'm not that stupid. They already know."

"That's…" she started to protest.

"Good…" Jack mumbled, unable to tear his attention away from Sam.

Cassie took several more steps back, "…I, er, was going to return the car…but, I, erm, think I'll give you guys some privacy…"

"Good girl," he said softly.

Sam smiled seductively, "…I think its time you took me back to bed, O'Neill…" she whispered.

"…You mean…"

"We'll see…" and she kicked the door shut behind them.

"…I so didn't want to hear that…" Cassie muttered. She grabbed her mobile phone from her pocket, car keys in her other hand, wandering down the drive back to the car, "Daniel?" she answered, on getting a response, "I told you. All they needed were a few points of steering."

