It was late November when Quasimodo noticed the first changes. He lay in his bed early in the morning, staring up at the rafters, listening to the birds fluttering about. Quasimodo froze, then closed his eyes. The sound of the birds continued to echo, be it extremely quiet. Quasi gently set his fingers to his ears, the sound of the birds disappeared then reappeared as he pulled them away. Quasimodo laughed aloud. He could hear! He was no longer deaf! The world was no longer silent. A broad smile drew across his face, baring his jagged-toothed smile. He had to tell Laverne!

Quasimodo's feelings suddenly became mixed. If he could hear the birds, he may no lger be able to hear the gargoyles. He spoke as he thought, hearing his own voice for the first time in months. By what magic had this occurred? Had his ears healed like his other wounds?

Quasimodo arose from his plank bed, pulling the moth-eaten blanket over the wooden boards. Not bothering to dress himself properly, he ran out onto the balcony in his large white tunic, which fell to his knees. His hair lay in disarray, tossled in all directions. As he limped out of the belltower the strong morning breeze blew his tunic against his body, outlining his form. Frollo would have cursed him, the monks would have been displeased. At that moment Quasimodo didn't care. His grin reached from ear to ear, his right eye agleam with true happiness. The three gargoyles sat on the parapet staring at the city below.

"Goodmorning! Laverne! Hugo! Victor! I can hear the birds!" The young hunchback continued to grin and watched each of the gargoyles for the slightest movement. They remained solid. Quasimodo doubted the gargoyles would talk to him now that his hearing had returned. "Listen! It's a wonderful morning!" They did not move. Quasimodo continued talking, happy to hear his own voice, which had matured over the past eight months. "I suppose that means I can no longer hear you, doesn't it. But I know you're watching."

Quasimodo picked up Laverne and hugged the stone statue in his powerful arms, the birds leaving he for a brief moment. Quasimodo listened closely as they fluttered away. "Hear that? I did! I'm so happy!"

As he held the gargoyle in his massive arms, he heard another whisper in his ear.

"We will always be here for you, Quasi."