Disclaimer: The usual applies here yet again: I don't own anything except for the plot. The song "Someone to Die For" is by Jimmy Gnecco ft. Brian May

A/N: Once again, I'm sorry it took so long. I had to work a couple days this week and it took me a while to decide on which song to use... anyway, thanks to everyone who ever reviewed this fic, I really do love you guys!

Home is found where the heart is
Space is found in our homes

Midtown: Whole New World
Chapter Eight: So Far So Good
Bill ran up the stairs of he and karen's house, taking them two at a time.

"Ginny! Why aren't you dressed and down here?" He stopped at the closed door of the guest room and pounded on it with his fist. "Gin-Gin?"

"I'm not going," came the muffled voice of his sister through the door. "You go ahead without me."

"Oh no you don't Gin!" The invitation says to bring a date and Karen's visiting her mum! You have to come with me."

The door opened. "Bill..."

"Come on Ginny!" Bill swept past her into the room and dragged her with him. "Please?"

Ginny sighed heavily. "All right, fine, I'll go. You and your stupid puppy eyes."

Bill grinned and hugged her. "Work every time. Now hurry up and get dressed and do whatever you normally do before you go to a club opening!"

Ginny laughed inwardly as he left the room. "How would I know? I've never been to one."
"Are you sure Bill can get her to come?"

"Relax Dray-Dray. Anyone who works with goblins can do anything."

Ricky clapped his hand on Draco's shoulder. "Come on, mates. We've got to go set up."
Ginny walked into Dark Knight will Bill an hour later, wearing a simple black miniskirt and a blood red halter top. She had left her hair down; it was back to it's normal -and trademark- red color. Bill led her to the bar and ordered them two beers. Ginny sank onto a school gratefully and took the beer handed to her.

"Why in Merlin's name did you make me buy these heels Fang? They're killing me!"

Bill laughed. "But you love 'em anyway."

"Haha, very funny," Ginny muttered dryly. She took a sip of her beer as her eyes roamed the club. But when she saw the band that was setting up on stage she spat out her drink.

"Shit Bill! What the bloody hell were you thinking, bringing me here!?"

Bill put a hand on her arm and pushed her back down on the stool.

"Ginny- just stay, all right?"

"You knew about this?"

"Of course I did, he needed my help. Ginny just listen. Please?"

Ginny rolled her eyes and leaned back against the bar. "Fine. But you owe me one."

"Oh no, Gin," Bill whispered to himself so that no one could hear. "I'd have to say that you'll soon owe me."
"This one is for Ginny," Draco said quietly, "I want to say I'm sorry."

Before you landed
I had a will but didn't know what it could do
You were abandoned
And still you're handing out what you don't wanna lose
You make me drop things
Like all the plans I had for a life without you

Someone to die for
Someone to fall into when the world goes dark
Someone to die for
Someone to tear a hole in this endless night
Someone like you

I'm drunk when sober
The room is spinning
You are what I hold on to
You're taking over
I find that giving in is the best I can do

Someone to die for
Someone to fall into when the world goes dark
Someone to die for
Someone to tear a hole in this endless night
Someone like you

Someone to die for
Someone to die for
Someone to die
Someone to die for
Someone to fall into when the world goes dark
Someone to die for
Someone to tear a hole in this endless night
Someone like you
Somehow, when the song ended, Ginny found herself standing in front of the small stage. Blaise reached a hand out and pulled her up so that she was facing Draco.

"Ginny, I didn't realize it before, but I love you."

Ginny smiled as her eyes filled with tears. "Really?"

Draco cupped her face in one hand. "Really."

She threw her arms around his neck. "Oh Draco, I love you, too!"
And they lived happily ever after, even when Ron tried to punch Draco when they told the family they were together. And tried again when they got engaged. And again when they were married. And when...
Hope, dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption
Winding in, winding out
The shine of it has caught my eye
And roped me in so
Mesmerizing, so
I am certain now that I am

I am selfish, I am wrong
I am right, I swear I'm right
Swear I knew it all along
And I am flawed
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself

Dashboard Confessional: Vindicated
Yay! The end! Replies and thanks...

Stella7 (bookstores... why are you talking about bookstores?? I'm confused... but thanks for reviewing) Dark Angels (lol thanx) Kirinyaga (yes, Yellowcard does rock! haha thanks) hallee87 (we havent really talked in a while either, huh? strange... thanks for reading) Cinder2004 (thanks for mentioning the lyrics, I have pages of ones that I like and I try to make them relate... sometimes I just get lucky!) Kyma (I love having Blaise as a character... you don't know much about him from the books so he's fun to write about) Elebereth (yeah sorry about how short it was, hopefully this one'll help make up for it) Laurfer (thanks) lina (yay! someone actually recognized the title! that makes me very happy...) Jeeths (I wish you could leave multiple reviews but I don't think it lets you for the same chapter... unless they've changed it recently, hmm. anyway, thanks!)
Wish, Meadow, bri ... thank you!!

All right, so I didn't get a lot of votes for my next fic, I wasn't expecting everyone to vote... but I was looking for more than 2. Anyway, even though both votes were for Haven, I have more written of Globes & Maps so I think I might post that one first. Besides, I like it a little more ;)

Once again, thanks to everyone who's read any of this!!
