Title: So Far So Good
Author: Katie (SarkLover)
Disclaimer: Everything you recognize, I don't own.
Summary: After an explosive fight with her family Ginny moves out of the burrow and into Muggle London.
A/N: Please please review! This is un-beta-ed so all mistakes are mine!! Email me or IM me if you have any questions... and BurningSmokeless (AIM)

Is this the real life
Is this just fantasy
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see

Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody
Chapter One: Sometimes I Live As If There's No Tomorrow

"Virginia Anne Weasley, don't you dare talk to your mother like that!" Arthur Weasley was already as red as his hair and was getting redder by the second.

"I'll talk to her however I want! It's not like you ever noticed me before!"

"We noticed you sweetie," Molly Weasley said in her most comforting voice.

"NO YOU DIDN'T! The only times you noticed me was when I did something stupid! I'm nothing to you, am I? All you care about are Ron, Harry, and Hermione!" Ginny Weasley yelled. "'The Golden Trio', huh? Well I don't care anymore! I'm leaving!"

Ron Weasley stood up. "Don't do that Ginny. Stay here."

"No," she put her hands on her hips and smirked. "You don't care about me and I no longer care about you. Leave me alone Ron. I'm moving out."

Ginny stomped up the stairs before any member of her family could get another word out. She shrunk her furniture, posters, clothes, and possessions and shoved them into her pockets and backpack. Grabbing her guitar case, she apparated into Diagon Alley and left through the Leaky Cauldron into Muggle London.

Ginny forced herself to swallow the rest of her coffee. "Damn Muggle drinks," she muttered under her breath. She looked up as a tall young man slid into the empty chair across from her.

"May I help you?"

"I couldn't help but notice you were all alone over here. Thought you might use some company."

Ginny laughed inwardly. "Thanks, but no thanks." She glanced around the room, fiddling with the handle on her coffee mug.

"You play?" She looked at him and saw him pointing at her guitar case.

"Yeah. Electric and acoustic." She paused. "I'm sorry, but I don't know your name."

He stuck out his hand. "Blaise Zabini. And you're Ginny Weasley."

She stared. "Zabini? As is Zabini, the Male Slut from Slytherin."

He put his rejected hand over his heart in mock sadness. "You wound me Ginny. And besides, that title belonged to Draco Malfoy."

She laughed. "You got me there. So what's a former Slytherin like you doing talking to a Weasley and former Gryffindor like me?"

Blaise folded his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair. "Wel it just so happens that I'm in a rock band and our lead guitarist just left to go to medical school. Wanted to become a doctor or something." He made a vague gesture in the air with his hand. "But that's not what matters. I saw you with your guitar and recognized you. My friends say I've changed since Hogwarts so maybe that's why I approached you." Blaise shrugged. "Anyway, we're listening to some people play starting in about ten minutes." He jotted down an address on a napkin and slid it across the table to her. "I hope you can come."

Ginny nodded, thinking. "I might. Thanks."

Blaise stood up. "No problem, Ginny. I'll see you around."

"Yeah." She smiled. "Bye."

It took Ginny an hour to decide that she might as well go to the auditions. She had money saved up from previous jobs but it wasn't enough to last for a long time. Besides, it seemed as though Blaise had changed and being in a band could be fun. Playing guitar was one of the few things she truly loved. With that in mind she got a cab over to the address that he had given her.

Standing outside of the large house she got out in front of, she heard voices coming from inside.

"So Ricky what did you think of that last guy?" It was Blaise.

"He wasn't so bad. The third guy was better, though."

She hesitantly knocked but when she heard the next voice she immediately wished she hadn't.

"I'll get that."

But it was too late to turn and run now. The door opened and a tall man with messy blonde hair stood there. His gray eyes widened as they took in her long auburn hair and faded jeans.


Blaise appeared behind him. "Gin! You made it!" He pulled her into a hug and it was hard to say who was more surprised: Ginny or the other man, otherwise known as Draco Malfoy.

Ginny was introduced to Ricky, the other member of their band who played drums. She learned that Blaise played bass while Malfoy sang and played guitar. It took some time but Blaise and Ricky finally convinced Draco to at least let Ginny play a song for them.

He folded his arms across his chest and stared at her. "Can you play "Ride" by The Vines?"

She grinned and took out her guitar. Malfoy smiled smugly. He couldn't wait for the littlest Weasley to embarrass herself. But as Ginny proceeded to play his smile quickly turned into a frown while Blaise's own smile widened. She finished and he and Ricky clapped while Malfoy kept frowning. She was good.

Ginny waited and strummed on her guitar while the three of them huddled in a corner. Suddenly Malfoy stopped whispering and turned to look at her. "Is that Amber?" He sounded shocked.

She looked up surprised. "Yeah. You like 311?"

He nodded. "They're awesome."

Ginny grinned. "I snuck out of the Burrow and flooed to a friend's house in New Orleans 2 years ago for 311 Day."

He smirked in return. "Seriously? I never knew you had it in you to sneak out of the country Weaselette."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me Ferret." She raised her eyebrows suggestively.

Blaise interrupted them by laughing. "Sorry to break up the little flirting fest you guys were about to embark on," Ginny blushed at this, "But Draco, did you make up your mind yet?"

Draco raked his silvery eyes over Ginny, whose blush only worsened. He sighed, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. "Fine. She's in."

Blaise hugged her again and so did Ricky. Malfoy just stuck out his hand.

She hesitated. "OK, I'll join, but only if you don't call me Weasley or Weaselette. My name is Ginny. Or Gin."

He grinned. "All right, but you have to call me Draco."

She grasped his hand and gave it a firm shake. "Deal." Blaise slung an arm across her shoulders.

"So Gin, wanna move in with us? We have an extra room and after all, you are now part of Ennervate."

She laughed. "Now that you mention it..."