Immortal Together

By: Amalthea AKA Hatti Lee

Started: 2.22.4

Author's notes: Yay! This is the last chapter! I hope I managed to pull this off. I'm not so sure. As it was going, I wasn't feeling too confident about it, but this story has gone on so long, I wasn't sure I could do better, and I really didn't want to rewrite the chapter. So, I tried to make up for my flimsy ending with a yummy sex scene. Heh heh… So, that's why this final chapter got so long! Hope you guys enjoy. Be sure to review and let me know what you think. Thanks so much for reading and sticking with me! And thank you endlessly for the reviews! What a confidence boost it is to receive one of those. Thank you, thank you! PS: Please forgive any spelling or grammar errors, I haven't read over this as I should. Sorry!

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z or its characters. So, no suing, okay?

Warnings: This fic contains homosexuality as well as incest. Does that not interest you? Then go no further. Also, this fic is rated R for sexual content , language, and violence. Please do not proceed if you're not of age.

Chapter XXIII

The ship was smaller than the last one he'd been in all those years ago. Kakarotto had already visited all the rooms of their temporary home. A small control room, the bedroom and mess hall one tiny room, a little bathroom, and a nice, somewhat spacious, empty room which they'd use for training of course. It was a bit cramped but hardly uncomfortable. It was actually cozy.

He'd hated spending all that time in the last ship, thankful he'd been unconscious for the first half of that trip. However, he'd never trade that time he spent with his father on the second half. Kami, they'd truly discovered their love on that ship. Kakarotto smiled wistfully as he stared at the window before him.

It was sad watching his planet grow small and distant. He loved Nappa and Tekita and Ritsu and all the friendly slaves and the teasing soldiers from the training hall… His late grandfather and Raditz…

He sniffed, closing his eyes. No, he wasn't going to miss it. He'd miss them but never the planet. The entire way of life just wasn't right.

Vejita watched the wash of emotions spill over his son's face, "Are you alright?"

Kakarotto cracked a smile at the sound of his father's concerned voice. He nodded, looking over to the older man, "Hai, just… Happy and sad."

Vejita nodded, looking back to the last he'd ever see of his planet and people, "I guess I'm not the prince anymore." He couldn't decide how he felt. So many years of his life had been spent conforming to the Saiya-jin way. He still had trouble seeing things Kakarotto's way. The strong survive, the weak perish. It had been said since before he could remember and was a part of him, would always be. The only thing that softened him was Kakarotto, and he allowed it to happen, for it was plain to Vejita that he loved his son far more than some stupid way of life. Kakarotto meant…everything. And being softer around the edges meant by no means that he was any weaker. It was just…strange watching everything he ever knew fade from sight.

The ship turned and shifted, creaking metal, and then their view changed, and they were enveloped by the blackness of space. Vejita unhooked his belt, standing from the large, padded chair.

Kakarotto unbelted as well but remained seated, "We did the right thing, right?"

Vejita rested a hand on his son's shoulder, sliding the touch over in order to finger the pale flesh of the boy's neck, "Of course."

The boy looked up with those big, beautiful eyes, "You sure? You're happy?"

Vejita smirked, "Baka." He leaned over his lips brushing the boy's ear, "I'm happy as long as I have you." He whispered.

Kakarotto laughed, reaching his arms up around his father's neck, pulling the older man down into a sloppy kiss. They remained there for some time, kissing and groping, nothing of foreplay, more like comforting one another with the separation of the only home they'd ever known. While both were sad in their own ways, they were more happy.


The trip took some eight months. The ship was a complete wreck by the end of their journey. They'd been caught in a small meteor storm. While the damage was minimal, mostly a bunch of unsightly dents, it had been scary as hell. The inside was where the real mess began. The bathroom was as bad as it could get. The plumbing had gone haywire, and neither of them could figure out how to fix the contraption. They'd managed to get it working once ever ten or so uses, but it had finally stopped altogether a couple of weeks ago. The smell was not good. They didn't take showers anymore, finding it more sanitary to keep out of the bathroom as much as possible.

The corner of the bedroom that was the small mess hall was a completely mess. Not due to any failure on the ship's part, simply the doing of two men in a kitchen. The room they used for training was beyond repair. Of course, they'd been as careful as possible with it came to inflicting damage on their ship, but that didn't save it either. The room was dented and cracked and charred. Quite the mess indeed.

They sat now at the control panel, gazing out, "That's it?" Kakarotto asked, pointing out.

Vejita nodded, fastening his belt as he began flipping switches.

"What's it called? You never told me."

Vejita mashed a large red button and set back, waiting for the auto pilot to start the landing process. He felt the ship jerk, the engine calming as their velocity slowed. He then registered his son's question, "Earth."

Kakarotto smiled, "Earth. Earth…" He rolled the word around on his tongue. It sounded good. "What's it like?"

Vejita shrugged, "I don't know."

"What? You didn't ask?"

The older man growled, "I didn't care. It was the only place that hadn't heard of the Saiya-jin!"

Kakarotto slumped back in his seat, "They must've told ya something about it."

Vejita sighed, a faint smile at his lips, "All I know is it's highly populated and fairly peaceful. Oh, and it's supposedly a planet of nature."

"Nature?" Kakarotto asked, sitting up, his interest doubled.

Vejita nodded, "Hai."

"But…" Kakarotto said, griping the arm of his chair, anxious and curious, "What's nature?"

Vejita sighed, slouching, "You don't know?" He chuckled as his son shamelessly shook his head no, "It's trees and grass and… Outside."

"Oh!" Kakarotto knew what nature was! There was very little of that on Planet Vejita, but he'd heard of the farmlands and the crops and grass and trees. He knew of those things, but he'd never seen them. The closest he'd come to nature was the food on his plate in the mess hall. How very exciting!

The ship began shaking violently as it neared. They were both in awe of the blue planet colored with beautiful swirling white. Without a thought, Vejita reached out and took his son's hand in a strong grip. Now if they could only land safely.


Her computer bleeped, but she ignored it. She was busy after all! Her current project was nothing of dire importance, just a little test of her abilities. Her father had asked her to fix a rather complicated part. She'd impress him with her skill and speed! Perhaps he'd show her more respect then.

Buruma laughed wickedly to herself like a mad scientist, pushing her hair back from her face as she leaned over her task, looking very much the part. She was such a genius!

The computer bleeped again. She glanced back at it, "Hush now! I've nearly got it!"

Of course, it didn't listen, bleeping again in a matter of seconds.

"Ah!" She all but screamed, pulling from her project in such a frustrated manner that tiny parts and tools flew, clattering to the floor. She marched over to the computer and its blinking screen, "What do you want!"

"Nothing, honey, just doing some paperwork!" Her father called sweetly from his office down the hall. She could hear him muttering something then.

She growled, "Idiot! I'm not talking to you!" Turning back to her computer, she focused her gaze on the little bleeping dot. Her eyes went wide, the anger instantly leaving her face. She snatched the mouse up and began furiously clicking, now and then hitting a key or two.

"Oh my…" She whirled away from the computer, peeling her lab coat off, leaving her in a brilliant blue, form-fitting top and a pair of little, white shorts, "I'm going out!" She yelled, "I'll finish the modulator when I get back!"

She swore she could her hear her father mutter something about "that girl" but ignored it, rushing out of the lab. She grabbed her backpack off the kitchen counter as she stormed through. It contained everything she'd need. Slipping on some shoes was the final touch. With that done, she threw the door open and rushed outside. Her Capsule Corp. motorcycle was just where she'd left it. She ignored her mother calling from the garden, starting the engine and spinning out as she blasted down the driveway.

In record speed, she reached the edge of town. At a remote stoplight, she pulled her laptop from her backpack. She pushed her hair back as she keyed it up… Searching… She scanned the text, there! She looked up. The mountains? She tried to see something, some smoke, maybe even a fire? Nothing.

No matter, it just hadn't landed yet. She pulled her communicator out then, hooking the piece over her ear and flipping the mouthpiece out so she could speak. Everything else secure again in her backpack, she started down a narrow road.

"Yamcha." She said, loud and clear, listening as the instrument dialed followed by continuous rings. "Come on… Answer!"


"You idiot." She mumbled at the generic greeting.

"Buruma? That you? Guess what? I traded in my hover car for a real flyer. I'm moving up in the world, literally!" He laughed then, completely happy.

She smiled to herself, shaking her head. Her boyfriend really was an idiot. Good thing she was rich as hell and didn't have to worry about him supporting her in the future. With the way he went through vehicles, she was surprised he wasn't already broke.

"It's white, a four-seater, but you have to fold the front seats forward to get in the back, it has auto-pilot-"

"Shut up for a second, would you!" She interrupted, "Something totally cool's going on! There's a ship approaching from outer space!"

"What?" Came Yamcha's voice, his feelings obviously hurt from being interrupted so rudely.

She sighed, "Look, I know you're excited about your flyer, it sounds awesome, but I'm heading towards the mountains now, because I discovered a ship's going to land there any minute now."

"So? Who cares?" He asked, sincerely curious as to why this was such a big deal. It wasn't uncommon for the wealthy to take pleasure trips into space, at their own risk of course. There was always news about comings and goings and safe journeys and crashes.

"You idiot! It's from outer space! Aren't you listening? Aliens!"

"Stop yelling!"

"I can't help it! You're making me crazy!"

Then it registered, "Did you say aliens?" He asked, "For real?"

"Yes!" Buruma screeched, turning off the narrow road to an even narrower one of dirt. It was an uphill road, and her motorcycle roared as it struggle to maintain her desired speed.

"Where are you?" Yamcha asked, seeming to have finally caught on.

"I'm heading for the mountains. I don't know exactly where it's going to land." She said, speaking much more calmly now as she came to the end of the road. She had two choices now, a little path to the right or another to the left. She whipped her laptop out. It was closer. The approaching ship was moving at incredible speed. To the left! She looked at her chosen path as she put her laptop away again, grimacing. So much brush!

With a sigh, she started down the path, batting at overhanging branches and sticky spider webs. She remembered then that Yamcha was still on the line, "Where are you?"

He laughed, "I was uptown."

She couldn't help but laugh as well, "Showing off?"

She could just see him shrugging at that.

"Well, just get over here, okay?"

"Right." He agreed, and the connection went dead.

She didn't bother removing the communicator from her head, deciding she just might need it in case of an emergency. What the hell was she thinking anyway? Aliens? Why was she rushing to the scene without telling anyone? They could very well be dangerous! No matter, she had her pistol in the bottom of her backpack, and Yamcha was on his way. He was the strongest guy she knew. Well, maybe Krillin was stronger…but he wasn't very intimidating with his short stature. How bad could some aliens be anyway? She was dying to meet them, talk to them, learn what they knew! She'd be famous for such discoveries! Again came her mad scientist laugh as she continued through the brush, up the mountain.


"Piece of shit!" Vejita roared, smashing his fist into the control panel. The ship had slowed upon approach, but that was it. It wouldn't slow anymore than that. They were entering the atmosphere way too quickly. The ship was like an oven, flames dancing on its surface.

"We're going to crash?" Kakarotto asked, careful not to cause his father to anger further.

Vejita sighed, though it came out more as a growl, "Seems that way. Better brace yourself." He really wasn't all that worried. They could survive this, no doubt. Only, their ship was dead. He hoped like hell this place was fitting, because it didn't seem they'd be leaving.


Yamcha had easily spotted his blue-haired beauty from the sky. Her motorcycle was parked, and she was sitting on the ground before her laptop. He slowly descended, careful with his new toy as he parked beside her bike.

"So, what's up?" He asked as he climbed out, approaching his girlfriend.

She sighed again, a sound of frustration, "I don't know. I'm not even getting a signal now. It's like they cut the engines, cut everything."

"It died?" He asked, knowing it happened now and again with flyers. Not his though, his was a brand new, fine piece of machinery.

She scoffed at his suggestion, "That'd be suicide!"

He didn't get a chance to respond. A massive boom shook the very ground they stood on. They hadn't even heard it falling, seen it coming, and the enormous hunk of metal was only some fifty meters away!

"Shit!" Yamcha yelled, eyes wide. Dust clouded everything, trees were still falling.

"Come on!" Buruma exclaimed in excitement, jumping to her feet and sprinting towards the wreckage.

Yamcha followed hesitantly. As they got closer, they could see the ship was indeed alien, large and oval. They also notice it was severely battered, the metal glowing red. It rested in an eruption of earth, something of a small crater.

"Kami, what the hell happened?" Yamcha asked, kicking at the upturned dirt.

Buruma slid her backpack off, setting her laptop aside along with her communicator she pulled from her ear, "They crash landed. Something must have gone wrong. They entered the atmosphere way too fast. I mean, check it out, they caught fire!" She was stumbling through the dirt, approaching the ship, gesturing wildly to the charred-black metal hull.

Again, Yamcha hesitantly followed, "You… You think anyone's alive in there?"

She shrugged, "I don't know." She picked up a large tree branch as she walked, pulling the few remaining leaves from it.

"What're you going to do?" He asked, standing back, watching as she neared what appeared to be a door, only it was kind of sideways and a bit too high from the ground.

She didn't answer, reaching out and hitting the door with the branch as if it were a baseball bat, "Hello! Anyone in there!"

"Kami, Buruma!" Yamcha hissed, unsure if they should be doing this. Was this safe?


Kakarotto twisted himself, trying to straighten his form. Hadn't he buckled up? Well, his chair was nowhere to be seen. He was jammed under the counter of the control panel. He crawled out only to fall back. Seemed the ship was leaning. Good thing there wasn't much in the room to have come falling upon him. Only, where was his chair, and his father's chair, and his father! Kakarotto crawled out again, using the counter to pull himself up. He figured out where the chairs went… Out the window. They were lodged in some greenery. He reached out and touched the…leaves? Was this a tree? He laughed, pulling one of the leaves loose, examining it. Had his father flown out the window? If he had, there was no way he could follow. The trees blocked any sort of exit.

"Papa?" Kakarotto called, turning back to the room. The door was gone as well as a portion of the wall. Walking uphill, he made his way out, "Papa?"
Vejita groaned, sitting up, "What the hell?" He muttered, rubbing his head. He looked around to find he was in the little hall that led to the bedroom/kitchen and bathroom. How had he…? Wasn't he strapped in! Then he heard his son's voice, "I'm in here!" He called, pulling himself up to stand, only to topple to the side.

Kakarotto hurried over, seeing his father leaning heavily against the wall, "You okay?"

Vejita nodded, pulling from his son's overly concerned touch, "Fine. This damned ship's leaning."

The boy nodded, looking about.

Vejita growled, "Fucking piece of shit… We were supposed to run tests, double check if the air was breathable and what not before we got out. How are we supposed to do that now? I can't believe this shit! We should have just taken my ship. Who cares if it took longer, it would have been fucking safer!"

Kakarotto tilted his head, listening to his father rant, a smile on his lips. Then it dawned on him, "But, we can breath the air."


He nodded, "Yeah, the window was broken, I was breathing the air. I guess we both are now. It seems fine."

Vejita stared wide-eyed for an instant. How calm his son was! He'd been trained long ago for missions… No matter what the data read on a particular planet, always check living conditions before exiting the ship. The data wasn't always right. He shook his head, well, no matter, "Right. Let's get out of this damned ship before I lose my mind."

They started for the exit only to find that there was a terrible banging sound coming from outside, and then a voice, "Any survivors!"

Vejita groaned, great. Had they landed in a populated area? Was there going to be a scene?

Kakarotto approached the door, pressing his ear to it, "Hello?"

Buruma nearly dropped the branch, "Oh… Kami!" She turned to Yamcha, "Someone's in there!" She turned back to the door, "Don't worry, we'll get you out!"

"Um… It's okay, please, just stand back!" Kakarotto called, waiting a few moments before pressing his palms to the hatch and pushing. It took more than he'd thought, but it was still a fairly easy task. The door creaked and groaned as metal bent and broke. He continued to push until it was wide open, then stood back. It was rather amazing.

"Look." He whispered, gesturing for his father to step closer. The sky was a hypnotizing blue, dotted with beautiful, fluffy white clouds, and high up in the sky was a brilliant sun, far closer than the suns of Planet Vejita. And the nature, Kami, everything was green!

Kakarotto stepped out, jumping from the ship to the ground, marveling in the soft, moist dirt against his bare feet. He turned, looking at the numerous trees surrounding them. The air was so…light, easy to breath…fresh. That was the word! Fresh! He sucked in a deep breath, laughing as he exhaled. The wind picked up then, a cool sensation tickling his skin.

"Kami, Papa… This place is…" He didn't finish, losing himself again in another breeze.

Vejita chuckled, exiting the ship in a much more graceful manner. He kept his eyes on the two Earthlings, however, watching intently as his son thoroughly enjoyed the new world about them.

Buruma stood back, dropping the branch, amazed. These were the most gorgeous guys she'd ever seen. One was tall and pale with big eyes and wild raven locks. The other was shorter, better built, muscularly speaking, with tan skin, a hard gaze, and wild upswept hair, also black. These beings, these aliens, they looked rather similar to humans. She'd thought they'd have tentacles like the characters in Yamcha's hentai.

Yamcha watched as the thin one became completely absorbed in their surroundings. It was kind of cute. The other worried him, the one with the build, arms crossed over his chest, watching them with cold eyes.

Kakarotto turned to his father again, "Earth, right?"

Vejita nodded.

Kakarotto grinned, "It's perfect!"

"Um… Excuse me…"

Kakarotto whirled around, "Oh!" He'd forgotten! He looked these two people over now. A young woman with thin limbs and a curvy figure with brilliant blue hair. She was rather lovely with matching blue eyes. The other was a young man with a slight tan and black cropped hair and dark eyes. He had a higher energy reading than the girl, but it was still very low. Surprising considering the bulge of his muscles.

"Hi!" Kakarotto exclaimed, starting over, "I'm Kakarotto!"

Buruma took a hesitant step back. This kid was nice but a little forward, and he looked rather odd wearing nothing more than a loose, tattered pair of matching pants and shirt, tied with a sash. It looked like something martial artists wore back in the eighties, and it was almost all holes. She tried not to stare at the large expanse of pale flesh visible at the boy's side, exposing a hip.

She forced a polite smile, "Hi. I'm Buruma Briefs. Are you… Are you an alien?"

This seemed to puzzled the boy for an instant, then he laughed, "Hai, I guess I am!"

If she had to guess, she'd say he was fourteen, though he was fairly tall for his age, maybe 180 centimeters even. The other was older, maybe twenty?

Vejita stepped forward then, "Have you heard of the Saiya-jin?" He asked, watching carefully as the woman thought on the question.

She was a little surprised by his voice, kind of deep, ever-so-slightly grating on the edges. Then she remembered the question, "Saiya-jin?" She said, repeating the word, "No, I haven't heard of them. Is that what you are?"

Vejita waved the question away, "Who is a powerful man here? We need the essentials."

Buruma blinked, "What?"

Kakarotto smiled, lifting a hand to silence his father. He turned to the girl, "We just left our home, and we can't go back. Can we live here?"

Buruma smiled, a soft, sad smile, "Of course! I'm the daughter of a famous scientist. I'm very rich, I can help you."

Kakarotto nodded, bowing then.

"Stop it! You shouldn't be bowing to these people! Do you even detect a ki?" Vejita hissed, coming to stand beside his son as he scolded him.

Kakarotto laughed, "Everyone has a ki! I feel it even in these trees!" He said, whirling about again, gesturing to the enormous, towering trees and their plentiful foliage.

"Wait… Are you guys saying you're going to be living here… From now on?" Yamcha asked, still amazed.

Kakarotto quickly nodded, "Hai! This is a perfect place!"

Buruma clapped with excitement, "Right! I can't wait! I guess first things first… You guys need some clothes."

"Well, we have some onboard… These are just messed up cause of the crash." Kakarotto said, pulling at the flimsy material of his disintegrating gi.

"More like those?" Buruma asked, gesturing to each of the outfits.

Kakarotto nodded.

She chuckled, shaking her head, "No. You're going to need some Earth clothes. Oh, and are you hungry?"

Kakarotto's eyes lit up, "Yes! Please!"

Yamcha laughed out then.

Vejita grabbed his son by the arm, "What are you thinking? These people are completely inferior to us. You shouldn't be acting so, saying please and asking such questions… You're practically begging!" He hissed his words, but there were still loud enough for the others to hear.

Buruma put her hands on her hips, eyeing this egotistical bastard, "Well, excuse me! But since you're new here and without food or clothes or money or anything, I thought I'd be nice and help. You should be grateful!"

Growling, Vejita took a slight step forward, "I'd watch how you speak to me, woman. And for your information, we have plenty of money!"

"Woman!" Buruma screeched, outraged.

Kakarotto chuckled, stepping between the two, "Come now…" He said, turning to his father then, "Papa, please be nice. She is helping, and we're not who we were back home." He turned to the girl then, "And yes, we are grateful, but we do have money."

Buruma called some of her father's people to come out and collect the ship. The older of the two, the grouch, who'd yet to introduce himself, would not leave the ship to be discovered by others. How odd! Meanwhile, he and Kakarotto were retrieving their "money." Buruma wouldn't be surprised if it was stones and seashells. The dummies! Did they really think their money would be of any value on another planet?

Yamcha tapped her on the shoulder. In the distance she could see some large trucks approaching, one in particular was large enough to transport the ship. She'd promised the grouchy alien that it'd be stored in her father's facility. He just didn't realize how happy she was to do it or how excited she was to examine it!

The two came lumbering out of the ship with a large chest the size of a casket. She approached, anxious to see what their currency was. The boy opened the lid, and she all but fell in. Yamcha stepped over, "Kami!" He all but screamed, his eyes wide. The chest was filled with gold! Little pebbles of gold! How were they even able to lift it?

"This is enough?" Kakarotto asked, curious as to his new friends' astonished expressions.

Buruma nodded, "Oh yeah, that's plenty." She reached in, taking a handful and placing it in the boy's hands, "Here, this'll be enough for today. I'll have the guys take this to my father's. We'll get you guys a bank account." She closed the chest as the trucks pulled up, gesturing for the boy to put what he held into his packets.

"Wait a minute-" Vejita started, not so sure about handing his riches over to this goggle-eyed girl.

She interrupted him, "I'm not going to take it! You just can't have this kind of money on you. Here, we keep it in banks and use notes instead. Okay?" She didn't wait for him to answer, turning to the approaching men.

Vejita watched with suspicious eyes as she instructed them. They regarded this woman as their superior. How odd.

Kakarotto reached up, placing a hand to his father's arm, "Please don't worry. She's nice, ne?"

Vejita wasn't so sure, but he allowed it. They stayed for a bit, watching the men scurry about with chains and cables and wenches. He wondered if they should show them their strength, lift the whole damned ship up onto the truck, watch their eyes pop out. These people were horribly weak! It infuriated him that Kakarotto got along with them so well. The two that were "so helpful" seemed great friends with his son already. He supposed it was a good thing though, they didn't have much to fear. It was an awful thought, one that would completely upset Kakarotto, but he alone could conquer this planet in less than a week.

The two… What were their names? Yamcha and Buruma? They offered to take them into the city, help them to buy clothes and food, a house. It was a dreadful experience really, Vejita felt like a woman dealing with such mundane matters.

Kakarotto embarrassed the two Earthlings, stuffing his face in a restaurant, eating more than the establishment could offer. The clothing bit was the worst… They purchased dozens of shirts and pants of different varieties… They were all strange words… Jeans, slacks, T-shirts, dress shirts, underwear, pajamas, even training uniforms. They bought shoes, ties, and so many other nonsense accessories. They ordered an unnatural amount of food and general supplies from another store. The really amazing thing was the technology of the planet. They had these nifty gadgets, that with a press of a button, all the things they'd bought could be contained in a tiny capsule. They even purchased such a house. It was a massive, two bedroom affair with two baths, a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, and Vejita didn't know what else. It sounded awfully feminine to him, but Kakarotto was pleased. It was handed over in a capsule much like everything else. Utterly amazing.

The shopping seemed to go on forever. Even Kakarotto was complaining. Who knew so many things were essential to live on this planet? They had to buy bedding and appliances and cleaning materials and the woman even insisted on some entertainment items. They stayed in the city so long, they had to stop for another meal. This time they stopped at a small restaurant so as no to be too embarrassed. It was an outdoor affair. The sun was setting, the sky a lovely reddish-orange.

Kakarotto paused in his eating to look up at it, "Reminds me of home." He said quietly, speaking around his pizza.

Buruma looked up, "Your home planet has a red sky?"

Kakarotto nodded, "And three suns. There's only one here?"

"Yup, and one moon." Yamcha said, pointing out the faint moon on the rise.

"Papa," Kakarotto said after taking a generous gulp of his soda, "Are you happy here?"

Vejita simply nodded. He didn't want to speak on such soft matters in the presence of others.

Buruma leaned forward, her elbows on the table, "Oh? You're his father?"

Again, Vejita simply nodded.

"But, that doesn't make sense… I mean, you're what? Twenty? How old were you when he was born?"

Vejita chuckled, realizing they must look a bit odd on that account, "I'm forty this year."

Yamcha nearly sprayed his soda, "You're kidding!"

"When I was nineteen, the Goddess of Immortality granted me eternal youth. Kakarotto was born when I was twenty-one." Vejita explained ever-so-briefly.

Buruma turned to the boy, "So, that would make you…nineteen?"

Kakarotto nodded through a smile.

"Kami," Yamcha said, continually amazed by these two, "I would have guessed you were like…fourteen or something. Tall, but you look young."

"Mm, I saw the goddess too, when I was fifteen." Kakarotto said, taking another bite of pizza.

Buruma shook her head, "Goddess… Wow, it's unbelievable." She thought for a moment, "Then, why do you act so…young?" She asked, speaking to the boy.

Only, Vejita answered, "He's an innocent, pure of heart, a demi-god himself really." It was said through a smirk, plenty of pride.

Buruma set back, too amazed and confused, "Are you saying you're a god?"

Vejita shook his head, "No, I'm Vejita. I was the Prince of the Saiya-jin. His mother was Bi, the Goddess of Love. I used to think he was a gift for our people, to show them courage and compassion, but it wasn't meant to be. Saiya-jin only know one way to live, and they'll perish eventually. Nothing can be changed there."

Buruma smiled, delighted to see the love between father and son, "Are you saying he was gift for you?"

Vejita only smirked, finding this woman rather…intelligent and to his liking.

"So, how old are you guys?" Kakarotto asked, totally changing the subject.

Buruma laughed, "Well, I'm twenty-four."

"Twenty-five." Yamcha said, holding up a hand.

"This planet survives on its own? Peacefully?" Vejita asked curiously.

"Yeah. I mean, isn't that how it's supposed to go? You're the first aliens I ever heard of." Yamcha said, shrugging as he signaled to the waitress for another glass of soda.

"Well, I guess we need to find you guys a place to live tomorrow." Buruma said, patting the case upon the table which held all the many capsules and their contents their handful of gold had purchased them. "Until then, you guys can stay at my house."

Kakarotto sat up, "No, that's okay. I already know where."

"Hm?" Buruma questioned, an eyebrow quirked.

This had the boy smiling, "I want our house to be at that place where we landed."

Again, Yamcha nearly sprayed his soda, "Way out in the mountains?"

Buruma laughed, "That's awfully far out. You sure?"

Kakarotto nodded, "Hai, hai."

"Alright, whatever you say." Buruma said, rising from her seat. "Yamcha and I will drive you out there I guess."

"What?" Yamcha complained, whining as he rose to his feet.

Vejita stood, "It's fine. We'll go on our own."

Buruma laughed, "Are you crazy? It's dark. It'll take you hours to walk up there!"

Kakarotto finished stuffing the last slice of pizza in his mouth, jumping to his feet, "No, we can fly!" He grabbed up the case containing the capsules and slipped it into his tattered shirt front. Both he and Vejita still wore their clothes from their journey, insisting they wanted to bathe before putting on new ones.

"We'll see you tomorrow?" Kakarotto asked, looking the beautiful, happy child.

Buruma, forgetting the shocking statement in which he claimed he could fly, smiled sweetly, "Of course. I live in Capsule Corp. You can ask anyone where it is. It's the biggest building downtown."

With that, both Vejita and Kakarotto lifted from the ground, defying gravity. Yamcha stared wide-eyed. Buruma had come to expect the unexpected, but she was still surprised. She and her boyfriend watched as they drifted away, picking up speeding and then disappearing altogether. What odd friends they had made. No doubt they were really and truly aliens, but what was all this about goddesses? No matter. They were interesting, and while Vejita was harsh and a bit frightening, he was incredibly appealing with the strangest of cultures. During their entire shopping ordeal, the man seemed confused and out of place, above it all. Kakarotto was by far sweeter, and it was just as Vejita said, the boy was innocent, pure. It was hard to believe he was nearly twenty-years-old.

"So, what do you think?" Yamcha asked, having finally regained his composure, "Are these guys nuts are what?"

She smiled, "Perhaps, but they're cool. I can't wait until they stop by tomorrow."

Yamcha mock pouted, "And me?" He asked, stepping close, running a finger alone the hem of her shirt, brushing the bare skin of her midriff.

"You're welcome to stay-"

"The night?" He interrupted, coming perilously close.

She smirked, "Don't push your luck." The kiss was soft, teasing really, a test to see who'd give in to their passion first. The game would last some hours, the winner decided in the wee hours of the night in Buruma's spacious upstairs bedroom, a room Yamcha knew well.


The nearly full moon was high in the sky when they landed on the grassy knoll amidst the giant trees. Kakarotto decided their house should be located in the exact place where they landed. The ship was gone, the ground level, the earth still upturned. He tossed the capsule in that very spot. It was indeed a large house, oddly shaped, like a dome. Inside, they proceeded to release the rest of their belongings. They didn't know how to work most of the appliances, simply setting them atop counters, leaving them unplugged and uninstalled. Their clothes they put away, creating their own organization. One of the bedrooms was larger than the other, containing two large closets, so they each got their own. The food was the easiest to put away thanks to the practical cabinets and refrigerator with the many shelves and cubbies.

That left only themselves. Vejita reached out and touched his son's cheek, wiping at a smear of dirt with his thumb, "You asked me earlier if I was happy here."

Kakarotto nodded, lifting his hands to hold his father's touch to his face, closing his eyes.

"I am, Kakarotto, I'm happy knowing you're happy." Vejita whispered, moving close, "Come, let's get cleaned up."

They moved together to the larger of the two bathrooms. It was all tile and porcelain, two sinks, a tub and a shower, and the toilet of course. It was far more than either were used to and a miracle compared to the bathroom on their ship.

Kakarotto peeled his clothes off, laughing as they ripped despite his gentle efforts. They were deposited directly into the trash along with Vejita's. They decided on a bath, adjusting the water to almost scalding. Kakarotto found some bath powder amidst their cleaning supplies they'd bought. He poured it into the water stream, watching the water turn a pale violet. It smelled of some generic flower fragrance. He then proceeded to find shampoo and conditioner and bar soap, things Buruma had explained to him during their shopping. Who'd ever heard of so much nonsense anyway?

Slipping into one end of the bath, Kakarotto began setting out the bottles on the edge of the tub, peering at their nifty labels. He looked up when he realized Vejita was merely standing, watching. The boy smiled, "You getting in?"

Vejita smirked, stepping in, the water level rising as he took a seat. They sat together in silence for some time, neither washing, simply looking at one another, relaxing in the warm, fragrant water. After some ten minutes that way, Kakarotto finally took the initiative and moved to begin washing. Vejita followed suit, going over every inch of skin with the bar soap, proceeding then to drench his hair in shampoo followed by conditioner. He felt silly taking so much time and effort with such things, all the soaps causing him to smell like a woman, but he followed through, actually feeling refreshed once the task was accomplished.

Kakarotto sighed as he rinsed for the final time. The water was pretty gross, no longer violet, more a brownish color. He'd wanted to turn and lie in his father's arms, but that was simply out of the question now. Perhaps next time. Besides, he was horribly sleepy. It wouldn't do to drown in the bath.

With little being said, the two climbed out into the slightly chilly air. Kakarotto pulled the drain and found towels. Neither bothered with night clothes, turning out the lights on their way to the bedroom they'd share. Under the covers, Kakarotto fulfilled his earlier desire, turning to lie against his father, the older man spooning him from behind. Kakarotto held his father's arms wrapped about him, gently rubbing his thumb over the smooth skin of his father's forearm as the older man kissed him chastely on the neck.

"Do you want to?" Vejita whispered into his son's ear.

Kakarotto shook his head, "This is too good."

Vejita smirked, feeling much the same way, "Hai, in the morning then. " He whispered, kissing the boy's ear before settling back, loosening his embrace ever-so-slightly. He felt the urge to consummate their relationship on this planet but agreed with his son. They had spent so many months filthy and uncomfortable on the ship, constantly worried about what lie ahead. Now they were finally completely relaxed, it would have to wait while they took time now to simply be together.


Buruma awoke way too early, something that always happened when Yamcha stayed over. She left him sleeping, smiling at the sight of his naked form as she exited the room. She took a quick morning shower before heading downstairs in her bathrobe, a fluffy yellow affair with little bluebirds embroidered on the pockets. The doorbell rang as she was eating breakfast.

"Hey, Krillin!" She exclaimed upon seeing one of her best friends at her door, "Come in, come in."

He nodded, smoothing his T-shirt in a nervous habit, "It's been a while, ne?"

She laughed, heading back for the kitchen and her breakfast, "Yeah, you can say that again." She sat at the small kitchen table, pulling her cereal bowl close, "Did you want anything?" She asked, almost as an afterthought.

He shook his head, taking a seat opposite her, "Nah, I'm good."

"So, how'd it go?" Buruma asked, referring to her friend's training. He'd taken off for a small island in order to train, something he hadn't done in a while. An old hermit lived there, rather lively and perverted for his age.

He shrugged, "Pretty good, I guess. I bet I'm stronger than Yamcha now." He said, the last bringing a grin to his face.

She laughed, "Probably, he's become lazy."

He laughed as well, leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table, "So, what's up?"

Her eyes lit up, "Something interesting did happen while you were away! Yesterday, in fact."

"What?" Krillin asked, humored by his friend's sudden excitement, "The suspense is killing me."

"A couple of aliens landed yesterday up in the mountains. Yamcha and I were there when they got off their ship." She was going to say more, but a sound distracted her.

Yamcha entered the room in nothing more than a pair of boxers, his hair a bed-head mess, "Mornin'." He grumbled, heading straight for the fridge and the orange juice, drinking from the carton as he moved to sit at the table.

Buruma shook her head and looked back to Krillin, "As I was saying… Aliens! Yamcha and I welcomed a couple of aliens. We even helped them buy a house and supplies. They're living up in the mountains."

"Are you serious?" Krillin asked, eyeing the blue-haired beauty skeptically. He looked to a sleepy Yamcha who nodded to confirm what had been said as true.

Krillin sat in awed silence as Buruma went on to explain the entire event in complete detail. It was rather amazing and almost unbelievable. That is, until the doorbell rang.


The morning had come and gone without the hours of sex he'd planned. Disappointed, Vejita pulled on some of the awkward clothes he found in his closet. A gray tucked-in muscle shirt, a pair of light-colored blue jeans, a black long-sleeved button-up over shirt left open, and a pair of runners completed the outfit. He didn't have to look in a mirror to know he looked ridiculous, and the whole lot of it was uncomfortable and binding. No wonder Earthlings were so weak, they couldn't even move properly to defend themselves.

Kakarotto had been up before dawn, bouncing around, excited to get out of the house and explore. Vejita watched as the boy hurried into the room.

"Are you ready yet?" He whined, looking utterly adorable. Vejita gave his son a once over. The boy was dressed in a red T-shirt with "verbatim" printed beneath a random image of an animated girl, a pair of loose-fitting black jeans, and a pair of runners.

Vejita nodded, "Hai."

Kakarotto was all but skipping as they left the house, remembering to lock up as Buruma had instructed them. Although, Vejita wondered who on Earth would rob them. They seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. He couldn't detect an Earthling for kilometers.

As they leapt into the air, beginning their journey, Vejita asked, "Where are we going again?"

"To the city! I want to look around, and visit Buruma too."

It happened just as the boy proclaimed. They landed on the outskirts of the city, earning a few amazed stares from several onlookers. They walked slowly, stopping at every snack stand, gazing in every shop window. Kakarotto stopped to talk with several different people, strangers completely out of their minds. Vejita suspected they were homeless. Kakarotto had a blast, learning the culture and lifestyle.

"That must be the place!" Kakarotto called out hurrying around the corner, turning about in a circle in order to face his father again, pointing out towards the massive, dome shaped building.

Vejita nodded, reading the large text printed on the building, "Capsule Corp."

Kakarotto pressed the small button beside the door, holding it down for a few seconds before stepping back, waiting. That was right, no? Just as he was about to press the button again, he heard sounds from within. And then the door opened, but it wasn't Buruma as he'd expected. It was a short, bald young man. His ki was low, but surprisingly high for an Earthling.

"Hi!" He greeted, "Does Buruma live here?"

Krillin eyed the stranger, nodding slowly. He then noticed the fellow leaning against the wall. They both had such odd hairdos. He was hesitant to let them in, but it was Buruma's place and Kami knew who she was expecting. Capsule Corp was always receiving valued customers and business affiliates and what not. He gestured for the two to follow, stepping back into the house. He looked to Buruma as he entered the kitchen, "You have some guests."

Buruma smiled as she looked up, "Hi!"

Kakarotto grinned, entering further, stepping around the counter to enthusiastically hug his new friend.

She laughed, not bothering with checking how secure her robe was. She knew this boy to be innocent, "Wow! Good morning."

"Hey, you got your shoes on." Yamcha said, the sleepiness gone finally from his voice as he leaned over, looking down at the boy's feet.

"Hn?" Kakarotto said, looking down as well, taking note that none of them had shoes on.

Buruma laughed again, "We don't wear shoes inside."

"Oh! Sorry." Kakarotto said sheepishly, a hand going behind his head.

She waved her hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it. So, this is my friend, Krillin…" She said, introducing them, "Krillin, these are the guys I was telling you about. This is Kakarotto, and his father, Vejita."

Krillin's eyes went wide, "These… These are the…aliens?"

Yamcha took a final gulp of orange juice and rose, "I'm gonna go get dressed." With that he was leaving the room.

Buruma looked at her robe, "Guess I should get dressed too. Did you guys want to go out? Do something?"

Kakarotto nodded, lifting up onto his toes with excitement, "Yeah."

"Okay." She said, nodding, laughing, "I'll be right back." And with that she hurried up the stairs.

This left Krillin alone with the two. He was nervous looking at the older of the two. What had Buruma said? That they were actually older than they looked… Something about eternal youth. Whatever. The younger looking one seemed friendlier, childlike much like his appearance.

"Krillin, right?" Kakarotto said, a smile on his face, "You train?"

Krillin found it easy to open up to the boy, "Hai, a bit."

Kakarotto nodded, "I can tell."

This made Krillin laugh, "Well, thanks."

Vejita watched in silence as his son warmed up to the Earthling. In just a matter of minutes they were laughing together, talking as if they'd known one another for years. How amazing his son was.

Buruma came down in a tube top and shorts, her skimpiest outfit in order to impress her new friends and make her boyfriend jealous. Yamcha wore a dress shirt and torn jeans. They all walked together to the main street with it's wide sidewalks and numerous shops. Yamcha and Vejita spoke idly, Yamcha doing most of the talking. Krillin walked ahead with Kakarotto, trying to keep up, answering all of the boy's questions. Buruma watched with a smile on her face, pleased with their new friends.

Come lunch time, they were all seated at a small café. It wasn't one of the more popular, thus giving them plenty of space and fewer staring eyes. After all, Kakarotto gained much attention with his ample appetite. The food was gone in record time, leaving them to chatter over sodas and milkshakes.

At one point, conversation dulled, Buruma moving to sit in Yamcha's lap while listening to the others. Finally, their talk came to a complete stop. Krillin slouched in his seat, his head resting in his hands as he chewed on his straw.

Kakarotto looked from each of his new friends to his father, smiling when he caught Vejita gazing out at the busy street. Evening was approaching along with the younger crowd and its multitude. Kakarotto reached out, brushing his father's cheek and realizing something, "Oh, I forgot."

"Hn?" Vejita asked, turning to his son.

Kakarotto let his hand drop as he leaned forward, supporting his weight with both arms on the edge of his chair exposed between his wide-spread legs, "We were supposed to make love this morning."

All three humans turned their heads at this, looking at the pair. Had they heard right?

Vejita smirked, shaking his head.

"Sorry, I was so excited, I forgot." Kakarotto apologized, dropping his gaze.

Vejita lifted his son's head, sliding his touch from the boy's chin to his cheek, "It's okay, don't worry." He leaned forward then, kissing the boy on the lips. It was a quick kiss, chaste, "Tonight. And this time, I won't let you forget." He kissed his son again. This time it was anything but chaste, drawn out, leaving the boy wanting.

Kakarotto held his eyes closed even after it was over, licking his lips, trying to keep his desire in check. Kami, how had he forgotten this morning?

Buruma moved from her boyfriend's lap, sitting forward, "Wait a minute," She said, gaining the two Saiya-jin's attention, "Did you just say you guys do it?"

"I thought you were father and son." Yamcha added, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion.

Kakarotto looked to his friends, his head crooked to the side, "He is my father, but my lover too."

"Like…. Incest?" Krillin said in shocked confusion, his expression twisted in slight disgust.

"I suppose such things aren't accepted here either." Vejita said through a sigh, slouching somewhat as he rested his elbows on the table.

"Is that why you had to leave your home planet?" Buruma asked quietly.

Kakarotto nodded solemnly.

"And you were royalty too, ne?" Buruma murmured to herself, realizing that their situation was quite the dilemma. Perhaps they could have lived happily enough in secret, but not as royalty. No, that would have surely been quite impossible. Kami, on Earth, a homosexual leader was unheard of, unwanted, let alone incest.

"You don't think that's gross?" Yamcha asked, speaking to Kakarotto.

Again, the boy cocked his head to the side, that adorable habit of his, "No. I was born for him, for us."

Buruma's eyes brightened, "That's right… I remember you speculating that perhaps the goddess' intention had been to give Kakarotto to you." She said, speaking to Vejita across the table.

Vejita nodded, "Hai, but whether that's really true or not doesn't matter. You can't understand our need for one another without understanding life on our planet."

Buruma simply nodded, gesturing for him to go on.

Vejita sighed, "Friendship was odd. Any such bonds weren't looked on highly since it produced weakness. Strength was everything. Then Kakarotto was born and he was opposite from everything Saiya-jin. And that's just the way he is, the way he was born. I kept him close to me in order to protect him, and we just… Fell for one another. I didn't know what I was doing, what was going on. Kakarotto instigated everything. It's so hard to explain."

Buruma looked to the tabletop, staring an old chip in the wooden surface. No, she truly didn't understand.

"No smiling, no laughing, no touching, no hugging, no love. Just training and fighting and blood and death. No colors or entertainment. Just power and strength. I think maybe I would have died if we'd stayed there." Kakarotto said, attempting to explain things as they were, his explanation ending in a whisper.

"That sounds horrible." Krillin mumbled, feeling guilty now for having thought so ill of his new friends only moments ago.

Yamcha nodded, "Yeah, I guess it was really hard for you guys. We didn't mean to sound so…rude. It's just, incest is considered a no-no here, but since you guys are aliens… Well, I guess there are exceptions, ne?"

Kakarotto smiled, knowing Yamcha was doing his best to accept them, and that alone pleased him.

Buruma nodded, "Yeah, don't worry about us. We'll get used to it. Just… Maybe you guys should keep the whole father/son thing on the quiet side with others. Not everyone's as accepting as we are, especially if they don't you're aliens, which I also think you should keep on the down low. Know what I mean?"

Vejita nodded, happy to see his lover grinning like an idiot.

"Thanks, Buruma, everyone!" Kakarotto exclaimed, throwing his arms up in celebration. He truly loved this planet, these people, his lover and his friends. He turned to Vejita, "Isn't this great?" He said, letting his arms drop about the older man's neck, drawing near. The kiss was fairly chaste, their lips drawn into smiles, Kakarotto bouncing giddily in his seat.

The evening ended soon after that and on a happy note. Kakarotto bid each of his friends a good night, promising to visit real soon. Vejita simply stood back and watched, a slight smile on his lips. This place was indeed good for his son. Yamcha flew off in his cruiser, intending to drop Buruma and Krillin off at their homes before he headed for his own. The two Saiya-jin stood on the sidewalk watching the white craft grow distant.

"I forgot they didn't know." Kakarotto said in a quiet voice.

Vejita nodded, "I didn't care really, but since they're you're friends, I'm glad they know."

"Hai!" Kakarotto said pleased, a wide smile pulling at his lips as he reached for his father's hand, "Let's go home then?"

Vejita nodded, and they were in the air, heading towards the mountains, the sky darkening around them.

The air was cool upon their arrival, almost cold. It was the same inside. They left the lights off as they stumbled into the bedroom. Kakarotto fiddled with the windows for a few minutes and finally figured out how to open the blinds in order to let the silvery moonlight stream in.

Vejita stood watching from the bedside, already aroused. Kakarotto turned in a flair of movement once his task was accomplished, a smile still their on his beautiful face. Vejita beckoned his son closer with a simple gesture, reaching out to rest a hand on the boy's waist, slipping said hand beneath the material of his T-shirt.

Kakarotto took a deep breath at the skin to skin contact, allowing his eyes to slip shut for a moment. He couldn't wait though, he needed more of this, now. He reached forward and took his father's other hand, placing it on his waist as well.

Vejita smirked, taking hold of the shirt and pulling it up and off his son.

Biting his lip, Kakarotto slid hasty hands up his father's chest, pushing the over-shirt off strong shoulders, allowing it to drop to the floor. That left the muscle shirt. Kakarotto pulled at the stretchy material, moving close, running his fingers under the hem, kissing the older man's chest as it was exposed. Then the shirt was up and over and off.

Bare-chested, they embraced, strong hands gripping firm flesh. Kakarotto nibbled playfully at his father's chest as they released one another. He was grinning as he moved lower, getting down on his knees.

Vejita smirked down at him, offering no assistance.

Kakarotto laughed, turning his gaze now to his new task. He had figured it out that morning. It was simply really, but also somewhat dangerous, jean closures. He undid the button and slipped his hand inside as he unzipped them, knowing already that the little metal teeth could pinch, keep his hand between the zipper and his father's hardening dick. He supposed it wasn't so much of a problem if one wore underwear, but then… Underwear were so troublesome. He laughed again at his own rambling thoughts.

He leaned forward, nuzzling his father's exposed groin as he pulled the jeans on down masculine, shapely legs. They'd left their shoes by the door, so removing the pants completely was simple, leaving Vejita to stand naked before him.

Kakarotto sighed, nuzzling his prize again, gripping firm thighs. He tried to keep it slow, nibbling at his father's inner thighs, licking up the smooth skin, pausing to suck lightly.

Vejita groaned, reaching down to lace his fingers in his son's wild hair. Kami, this was as good as it had ever been! He closed his eyes as that hot mouth encircled his aching need finally.

He didn't get to play as long as he'd wanted, his father's hands fisting in his hair, pulling him back. Kakarotto frowned, looking up with a questioning expression.

Vejita caught his breath, "Stop… I want to come inside you."

The boy smiled, nodding as he stood, "Let's wait a minute then… I want it to last." Kakarotto said, moving to gather their clothing from the floor, tossing it into a pile near the door. He still wore his jeans, but left them on.

"Are you saying I won't last?" Vejita asked, an eyebrow quirked skyward.

Kakarotto nodded through a playful smile, "Hai, you almost came in my mouth."

Vejita's breath hitched at the mere sound of such vulgar words from his son's lips.

The boy grinned, laughing lightly, "See? Wait in bed, calm down. I'll be right back." And with that Kakarotto headed out, taking the small pile of clothing with him.

Vejita did as he was told, realizing it would be best. He stretched out on the mattress, breathing deep. It didn't take long for his heart to slow, his hard-on to calm slightly in its aching.

Depositing the clothes into the hamper, Kakarotto proceeded to search the numerous items upon the sink counter. Shampoo, soaps, lotions, brushes, combs, endless little bottles and jars… Surely that one was here… He'd stood by and watched as Buruma loaded a shopping cart with all these items, not really understand what half of them were. However, as he'd stood by, he'd found himself gazing at items on the shelf, and he'd been rather surprised to see little bottles with words claiming the product was for sex. He'd grabbed one in particular and tossed it in the cart unintentionally unnoticed by Buruma's big blue eyes.

It had to be here, he thought, touching each with his fingers as he scanned the labels with his eyes. He couldn't read every word, but he could enough to understand. Then he spotted the little bottle and it's pink coloring. Ah, that was it! He grabbed it up and headed back for the bedroom.

Vejita watched Kakarotto enter, holding something out to him. He sat up, "What is it?"

Kakarotto climbed onto the bed, sitting on his knees, "Here."

Taking the bottle, Vejita pulled it close, reading by the light of the moon. He was much better at reading the Earthling's text, it wasn't much different from many other texts he'd seen and rather similar to Saiya-jin. Strawberry flavored lubricant. He was halfway through the directions before he realized what this stuff was for. He looked up to his son, surprised, "You bought this?"

A slight blush graced the boy's cheeks, "Hai."

Concern pulled at Vejita's expression, "Because it's painful?"

Kakarotto's smile fell, "Nn… Well, it only hurts a little at first, and I like it… It's just, I thought this might be fun too." The smile returned at the end, wide and playful.

Vejita smiled as well, rising to his knees, turning and lying his son back on the bed, "Well then, I guess we'll have to try it." He said, climbing over the boy, pressing their mouths together in a fierce kiss.

"Nn…" Kakarotto groaned, breaking the connection, "Slower." He whispered.

Vejita chucked, moving down, trailing his tongue down his son's neck, pausing at the boy's collarbone, nibbling their. His fingers were busy caressing the boy's sides, playing at the hem of the jeans. "Kami…" He breathed, licking down an expanse of pale flesh until he came upon a nipple. He worried it mercilessly before moving to the other, doing the same, little teeth marks left in the sensitive skin.

Kakarotto pressed his head back into the pillow, gripping his father's forearms, "More…" He whispered.

Vejita smirked, raking his teeth across his son's stomach, leaving small red welts. The boy moaned, arching his back somewhat. Vejita answered the wordless plea, dipping his tongue in the boy's navel, slipping his fingers down further in his son's pants. They were really starting to annoy him now. He moved to the closure, knowing to be careful as well. He pushed the material down to his son's ankles where Kakarotto maneuvered them off the rest of the way, kicking them off the edge of the bed.

"Now it's my turn." Vejita teased, dipping his head down to bite at his son's thighs, pushing the boy's legs apart.

Kakarotto gripped the sheets as his father's mouth enveloped his hard-on completely, ruthlessly. He moaned, unknowingly bending his knees up, his body begging for more. He was unable to hold back against the older man's skill, he could feel it fast approaching. Kakarotto tossed his head from side to side, "Nnn… Wait, I'm gonna come…" But it was too late, he exploded, arching his back as he cried out.

Vejita savored his son's seed for a moment before swallowing, drawing back once he'd gotten every last drop. He didn't go far, moving down to run his tongue around the boy's tight ring of muscle that was his entrance.

His cock was already stirring again as his father's tongue worked its magic. Kakarotto gasped, spreading his legs further in order to provide more room.

"I can't wait anymore, Kakarotto." Vejita said, sitting up, drawing close, reaching out to the bottle that lie nearby.

The boy nodded, watching through eyes half lidded as his father unscrewed the lid and removed a little foil seal, replacing the lid then and flipping the top open. The scent filled the room quickly, mingling with the smell of their sex. It was sweet, fruity, delicious.

Vejita tipped the bottle over his son's groin, surprised as so much spilled forth so quickly, running down the boy's cock and between his legs.

Kakarotto squirmed, watching as his father poured more into his hand before recapping the bottle and tossing it aside.

Vejita then took his hand and coated his own cock in a few swift motions, anxious. He looked up to his son, "Ready?" The boy nodded and he pressed forward. He was surprised at the ease at which he slipped in, his cock gliding all the way in before he knew what he was doing.

"Gnnh… Ah!" Kakarotto moaned, arching his back, pulling his knees back. It felt fantastic, though his father had caught him off guard by going in all the way so quickly. He reached out, grasping the older man's arms, pulling him forward, "Come here." He whispered, raising his head off the pillow.

Vejita complied, leaning forward, his son's legs folding up under him as his lips met the boy's in a deep kiss, sinewy arms wrapping about his neck. Vejita used one arm to support his son as the boy lifted from the mattress to continue the kiss, using the other to press his son's leg back even further and a little to the side. He pulled back a little and pushed in again, hard.

"Ah!" Kakarotto gasped, breaking the kiss. His father knew just where that place was deep inside, knew just where to hit.

Vejita caught his son's lips again, thrusting again, swallowing the moan this time. The boy's fingers were digging into his back, nails biting into his skin. Surely there was blood, but he didn't mind. He hit it again, groaning himself. It was so easy to pump. His thrusts were so smooth and deep. Kami, it was the best ever! Kakarotto was putty in his hands, barely capable of keep up the kiss, gasping for air now regularly, choked moans escaping his swollen lips.

He tried to keep the pace slow, remembering his son's ealier request, but it was near impossible. Before he knew what was happening, he was pumping like mad, slick wet sounds intermingling with their moans.

Kakarotto came first, throwing his head back, his come coating his stomach. He released his hold on his father and fell against the mattress. His father continued, pressing his knees against his chest in a near painful angle, pumping like a mad man. It took a mere matter of seconds.

Vejita came with a deep groan, plunging in deep, filling his son with a seemingly endless amount of come. "Kami…" He breathed, collapsing atop the boy, remaining inside him.

Kakarotto wrapped his arms about his father, catching his breath.

After a few moments, Vejita shifted, pulling free, gaining a slight gasp from the boy. He moved to lie beside his son, pulling the boy close. They embraced there in the mess of their lovemaking, "Was that good?" Vejita teased.

He laughed, "Hai, perfect." Kakarotto answered, holding his father close, resting his cheek against the older man's smooth chest. This was the life. He had no worries. Here they could be this way always. They didn't have to worry whether someone would catch the scent of sex on them or whether someone would overhear their lovemaking. The Earthlings didn't mind so much, and their new friends seemed to truly accept them, or at least they were trying.

Vejita watched the expressions pass over his son's face from amusement to a serene smile, "What are you thinking?" He whispered, completely serious.

Kakarotto looked up, smiling, placing a chaste kiss to his father's warm lips, tasting himself there, "Mm… That I love you."

Vejita smirked, pulling the boy against his chest again, "Come, let's get some sleep."

Nodding, Kakarotto let his eyes slip closed, "Please…" He whispered quietly, "Say it."

His smirk fell away as he leaned down, kissing his son chastely on the forehead, "I love you too." He whispered, just as quietly.

Kakarotto smiled, snuggling closer. Hai, he could definitely live the rest of forever happily here on Earth, he and Vejita, immortal together.


Finished: 10.5.5

(Ah! It took me like… More than a year and a half to write this! Shameful.)

Okay, so that's it you guys. The end. Did you like it? Please, let me know. Review! "Reviews are to fan fiction authors what crack is to junkies." Said me! -smile- And thank you again to all of you who stuck with me. I'm forever grateful for your encouragement. See you again soon…


AKA Hatti