Well once again here is the next chapter of my story. I hope all of you enjoy it. I'm sorry for any confusion with the last chapter in thinking it was the end, that's not for awhile. Sorry for how long it took to get this up, I've been really busy even though its summer.
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A month later Vivian was getting ready for the ceremony that would tie her to Gabriel for the rest of her life since the pack didn't believe in divorce once your married. How she regretted ever coming up with the idea to show Aiden her true self. If she would of just kept quieter her life wouldn't have been ruined. She would of given her spot as the alpha's mate to someone who actually wanted it, and been happy with just a normal powerless spot with in the pack for now.
She stood in front of the mirror that also gave her a glimpse of her side, Vivian had to admit that her appearance for her wedding or mating ceremony was just like she always wanted it. Her dress was white and strapless that was form-fitting till her waist and then poofed out with a train that trailed behind her. Her long brunette hair was pulled half way back and was curled as it laid on her shoulders and down her back. Tendrils framed her face as delicate baby's breath was in a tiara like form upon her head.
EMS walked quietly into the room and Vivian watched as her mother walked up to her with in the reflection. Vivian took in her mother's excited expression. "Why do you look so excited?" she questioned resentfully toward her mother. Esme glanced into Vivian's reflection's eyes.
"What do you mean why am I so excited?" Esme questioned in dismay. "I thought you had finally came to your senses and realized that Gabriel was the right guy for you. That's what told me last month when you came to your senses. Please don't tell me your having second thoughts about that human of yours," she declared getting slightly upset.
"No Esme," Vivian retorted bitterly. "I don't have any feelings for Aiden anymore." Vivian glanced down playing with her perfectly polished nails. She didn't want her mom to know how truly upset she was.
"Good! Now why am I excited you asked? Well why wouldn't I be, my daughters about ready to become the mate with the alpha. You're going to have power and security in the pack, be happy about that." Esme stated quietly as she held onto Vivian's shoulders and looked at the two of them in the mirror.
"Well I'll be heading out there since the ceremony is about to start. Everything will be OK Vivian, you'll see," Esme commented as she slipped out of the small room.
'No,' Vivian thought as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. 'Nothing will be OK after this.' Her gaze lingered on the tan girl standing in front of her in the elegant white dress. 'That girl will never be the same after this.'
The brides march began to play as Vivian and Rudy made the slow walk down the aisle. The whole pack was there, in the back sat four of the five goofing around like always but they could be acting worse than just jabbing at each other and stifling laughter. Rafe and Astrid sat towards the back also, Rafe had a solemn expression on his face while Astrid who was dressed completely in black did not hide her contempt in her scowl.
As Vivian finally made the way to the front she saw Esme's excited expression as she kept her seat next to her latest attraction Thomas. Only then did Vivian look towards the alter and what awaited her. Gabriel was standing in a tux looking handsome although she would would hate to admit it and his ever present smirk graced his face.
The ceremony began once Vivian had reached the alter and Rudy had left her side to find a place to sit in the front row. Vivian stood opposite of Gabriel not really paying attention to the ceremony at hand, but daydreaming about what could of happened instead to make her life better.
She was so submersed in her thoughts that she almost missed saying her vows. Vivian repeated them back in a hushed whisper, replying quick enough after the preacher that there wouldn't be gossip with in the pack about it. Gabriel then in turn repeated his vows and pushed on the white gold wedding band over her finger to rest beside the large diamond engagement ring he had bought her earlier.
"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride," declared the preacher. Vivian resisted the urge to flinch as she went to give Gabriel a small kiss. He had other ideas though as he pulled her close to his body and depended the kiss. When he broke away he had a large, smug grin on his face.
She was furious at what he had done but Vivian was still in front of the pack so she forced a smile on her face. They were presented as a couple and then made their way down the aisle hands held together.
The new couple then made their way out to the parked car in front of the church while the pack then tossed rice on them. Gabriel opened the door to the dark blue mustang and let Vivian in before he went around and opened his own door to drive off. 'Just Married' was written on the back window in white car paint, and white streamers trailed behind them as Gabriel pulled the car away from the curb.
"Esme told me that we shouldn't go back to Rudy's for about an hour," Vivian commented quietly to Gabriel. "That way they have time to finish setting up for the reception."
Gabriel glanced over at his new bride sitting in the seat next to him and couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked in the white flowing gown bunched around her. His gaze turned back to the road before he spoke, "Yeah I know, Rudy told me that."
"Yeah, well what are we going to do in that time then?" she questioned as she slumped down in her seat and glared out the window, not wanting to look at her new husband.
"Well I have a couple of ideas that could be fun," Gabriel commented suggestively as he raised an eyebrow and looked over to see her response.
That statement caught Vivian's attention, jerking to look at him she started on her rant, "Get that out of your mind right now Gabriel. I mean it, that's never going to happen between us. I don't love you or even like you!" With that last word she turned from him and looked back out the window.
When Vivian turned away she missed the arrogant smile fall from Gabriel's face. With a cold edge to his voice he finally replied to her rant, "I wasn't expecting right this minute but never? I mean we are married now how do you expect to work around that? I will not let you cheat on me you know." Gabriel refused to admit to her though how the comment on her liking him had hurt him.
"It's not my fault we're married, it's your own," Vivian haughtily stated. "I would've been content being single for awhile longer, so this is your own problem."
"Yeah, well whatever," was all that Gabriel would say back. He drove the mustang a little while longer and then went back to the reception at Rudy's a little bit earlier than told. Esme's scolding of how it wasn't completely ready as she put the finishing touches was better than the deafening silence that had settled in the car between them.
The two had to pose for countless pictures since the large pack was basically like family, plus the fact that they were the newest alpha's. Although Gabriel's smile seemed genuine since he had gotten his way, Vivian couldn't help but worry that hers would appear fake in the photos since her smile was forced.
Vivian couldn't help but notice how Esme's face had a smile on it constantly and she couldn't help but wonder if it was from Vivian getting married or the new guy who was always hanging around her. Thomas was even going to make the move with Esme and become a member of their pack. At least her mom seemed genuinely happy, she deserved that with all that she had lost. Once again most of the pack seemed happy as they took pictures of the new couple and each other since this was also an almost 'Going Away' party too since all the pack should be in their new home with in the next three weeks. Now that the pack was also some of her responsibility since she was one of the alphas Vivian was glad that all the pack was happy after what all they've had to endure lately with the fire and being made to move. Well... almost all of the pack was happy. Astrid stood alone in the corner of the livingroom sulking and drinking a flute of champagne. Rafe had left and joined the rest of the five, leaving Astrid to pout by herself. 'Oh well,' Vivian thought, 'she could of had everything she wanted if she wouldn't have attacked Esme before the ritual. I wouldn't have even competed and wouldn't be in the mess I am in now.'
The rest of the party went well and Vivian was actually enjoying herself and having fun when Gabriel slipped his muscular arm around her small waist. "I think we should get going," he stated in a gruff voice. "We have to get up early in the morning."
"Whatever," Vivian replied to him, trying to put a little distance between the two of them. "Just let me say good-bye to Esme quick."
"That's fine I'll go talk to Rudy quick to make sure he doesn't have any questions on what has to be done before the rest of the pack joins us," Gabriel retorted as the two separated to find the people they needed to talk to.
Vivian made her way to the kitchen where Esme was setting more food onto one of the trays that had been emptied by the guests. Her back was turned to Vivian, and when she entered the room Esme jumped a little when Vivian spoke. "Where's your bouquet that your grabbed?" she questioned with a smirk. Esme had been the one to catch the bouquet when Vivian tossed it. She couldn't help but laugh when Esme yipped in joy as it landed right into her arms as the rest of the women laughed.
"Thomas is holding it out in the livingroom," Esme told her with a smile on her face.
"You seem to really like him," Vivian commented waiting for her mom's reaction.
"Well," Esme began as she turned back to filling the tray, "there's never going to be anyone like your father but Thomas does make me happy and I can't help but be glad that he's coming with us and staying with pack rather than just going off again on his own."
"I'm glad for you then Esme," spoke Vivian. "I know you miss dad, but I'm glad you're happy. Anyway I have to get going I just came in to tell you that Gabriel's ready to get going so I came to tell you good-bye."
Esme turned around and wiped her hands on the towel. "That's right I won't see you again for another two weeks since you and Gabriel are leaving for your honeymoon. Well you have fun. You did look beautiful today Vivian, and you don't know how glad I am that you came to your senses about the whole Gabriel situation," commented Esme as she hugged Vivian.
"Yeah I know Esme," sighed Vivian after she hugged her and they pulled away from each other. "I'm going to miss you, and I'll be glad when you and the rest of the pack join us."
"Bye," Esme stated as Vivian walked out of the room to go search for her new husband to tell him she had spoken to Esme and was ready to go.
Vivian found Gabriel speaking with Rudy in the library."... and remember to call if you need anything while the pack prepares to leave. Also, remember that if you ever want to join us you can, and keep in touch. I'll pry call you when we get to the new house." Gabriel shook the older man's hand and turned around to face Vivian as she stood in the doorway to the library.
"Ready to get going Princess?" he questioned smugly with his ever present smirk as he put his arm around her waist. Vivian fidgeted slightly from his touch, but realizing that some of the pack members were watching them as they left the reception.
"Well that was fun," Gabriel commented as they walked in the darkness to the car. He finally let up of his hold on her to open the door and let her inside. Once she got in Vivian laid her head back against the head rest and settled deep into the seat, she was completely exhausted. The two rode back to his apartment in silence as Vivian lightly dozed and Gabriel stared intently at the road.
Once they arrived at Gabriel's he opened the door let her inside. The livingroom held a few boxes but most all of the furniture and most of the other boxes had already been shipped to their new home. There were only a few things left that would need to be packed into the U-Haul trailer they had rented. Almost all of Vivian's stuff had been boxed up except for the small suitcase that held some clothes and necessities.
Vivian went into the bathroom while Gabriel went into the bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes to sleep in. Vivian placed the wedding gown into a plastic covering that would keep it safe through out the move. Pulling on a tank top and sweat shorts she walked back into the livingroom with the dress in hand. As she walked into the room she watched as Gabriel packed the last few things into a cardboard box. "Well that's done," Vivian commented as she stood behind Gabriel and watched him.
"Yeah it is Princess," Gabriel retorted his back still turned to her as he closed the flaps on the box and taped it shut. Finally he turned around to face her as he laid the tape down on the box. "Now its time to go to bed since we'll have an early morning if we're going to make it to our new home by tomorrow night." Gabriel started making his way toward the bedroom.
"Wait, where am I suppose to sleep because it won't be in your bed," Vivian called back haughtily to his receding form.
A weird glimmer appeared in his eye as he turned around and came back to her. "Well if you refuse to sleep in my bed then I don't know what to tell you. It's not like you can sleep on the couch since that's gone. You'll have to make a spot on the floor comfortable enough to sleep on then."
"Well do you have a blanket or pillow I could use?" Vivian questioned as she still stood in the livingroom. Gabriel walked back to his room and brought out a pillow and a small blanket for her back to the livingroom.
"Here you better get to sleep so you'll be awake for tomorrow," Gabriel commented as he thrusted the pillow and blanket at her and made his way back to his bedroom. Vivian laid down on the floor as soon as he left the room, and laid back trying to fall asleep and find a comfortable position on the floor.