Fight for Freedom
(a/n) Hi there. I've only written a little bit of the story just for a test whether people like it or not. If you do like it then of course I'll carry on writing, but if not then who knows what I'll do. Also, this is based on the Unreal Tournament 2004 (rocks) so vehicles will be there to make things more interesting to write about, and in 2004 nobody is the present champion so I just made one up: Phoenix. Hope you like it. Read and enjoy! :)
"But you can't put me in the tournament!" John shouted at the man behind the large desk. "I don't deserve to go in there! I have proof! I didn't do it I swear. You have in camera! You just don't wanna believe me because this asshole next to me has good links in the tournament!" He kept screaming at the judge but he knew he wasn't listening. Phoenix was in the tournament finals against Malcolm, and the odds were on his side big time. 600 kills with only 96 official deaths, that's the best record this tournament has ever had, most people reckon the matches were fixed and the odd death was thrown in the create the idea that it was real. "I said at the beginning of this case, both of you candidates are fully equal, and nobody in this court will resort to any form of bias behaviour, especially me." Stated the judge clearly. "Now, John Horton, you will serve 15 years in the tournament. However, if you do happen to win this grand tournament, you will be free to do as you please." John put his head in his hands and then ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't believe it, framed, he wasn't even there, 'how could this be?' he thought to himself time and again. 'I wasn't even there! So what if it looks like me? That doesn't mean it is! Why the hell don't these Liandri assholes hear me out!?'
The judge snapped John back to what was happening with the line: "guards! Get him in a cell now." Two guards started to advance on John. He went behind the table as the guards came right to him. He didn't stand much chance against two armed guards with Assault Rifles. They both went around different sides of the table and grabbed him by the shoulders. They lifted him up straight into the air and took both his arms with his legs swinging and kicking. John was desperate to get free; he swung his right leg around and smashed a jug of water spilling it all over the floor. It wasn't long before he was out of the room, then the guards could do what they wanted with him. One guard held him firmly whilst the other repeatedly hit John in the stomach with the butt his rifle. He then hit him in the face causing him to spit out blood. It didn't take much time for him to fall unconscious with all the blows he was taking. John's vision eventually faded away.
John woke up on the floor in a pool of his own blood; he was bleeding for the side of his head and mouth. He was glad he fell unconscious when the guards battered him, it must have been bad. There was a constant ringing in his ears and his head felt heavy, the rest of his body was weak. He took a moment to look at his surroundings; it seemed rather luxurious for a cell. A couch was against the left hand wall, there was a TV on a stand up in the corner of the room. John's eyes were blurry but he could make out something was on the screen, it looked like somebody was running around but that was it. He stumbled towards another small doorway and was surprised to see a bathroom with a toilet, sink and shower. All of them were it was in pretty neat condition too, John stumbled through into another doorway; it felt like his left leg didn't want to work with his right leg; maybe the guards did something to it. Another, slightly larger room was next to the bathroom. There was a punch bag, some weights neatly stashed in the corner and another sink. This was also the only room that had some form of decoration on the walls; a picture of rolling hills with a sunset in the background, obviously to represent freedom. It must be there to tease the prisoners on what they would be missing out on if they were not in the tournament. Just looking at it chewed away at his insides, tears stung his eyes and walked back into the main room and sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. There was no way out of this now, like the judge said: 'if you do happen to win this tournament, you will be free to do as you please'. The line kept repeating itself in John's head; it was like a splinter in his mind, so deep nobody could remove it for as long as he lives. He has no personal belongings; this was his new home for at least 15 years. He had to fight for his freedom.....
(a/n) Anyway, that's only the start, a little short I know but I'll try a lot more if I get some good reviews, I'm hoping to get the team introduced and some fights going. Ok thanks for reading. Please review. :)
(a/n) Hi there. I've only written a little bit of the story just for a test whether people like it or not. If you do like it then of course I'll carry on writing, but if not then who knows what I'll do. Also, this is based on the Unreal Tournament 2004 (rocks) so vehicles will be there to make things more interesting to write about, and in 2004 nobody is the present champion so I just made one up: Phoenix. Hope you like it. Read and enjoy! :)
"But you can't put me in the tournament!" John shouted at the man behind the large desk. "I don't deserve to go in there! I have proof! I didn't do it I swear. You have in camera! You just don't wanna believe me because this asshole next to me has good links in the tournament!" He kept screaming at the judge but he knew he wasn't listening. Phoenix was in the tournament finals against Malcolm, and the odds were on his side big time. 600 kills with only 96 official deaths, that's the best record this tournament has ever had, most people reckon the matches were fixed and the odd death was thrown in the create the idea that it was real. "I said at the beginning of this case, both of you candidates are fully equal, and nobody in this court will resort to any form of bias behaviour, especially me." Stated the judge clearly. "Now, John Horton, you will serve 15 years in the tournament. However, if you do happen to win this grand tournament, you will be free to do as you please." John put his head in his hands and then ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't believe it, framed, he wasn't even there, 'how could this be?' he thought to himself time and again. 'I wasn't even there! So what if it looks like me? That doesn't mean it is! Why the hell don't these Liandri assholes hear me out!?'
The judge snapped John back to what was happening with the line: "guards! Get him in a cell now." Two guards started to advance on John. He went behind the table as the guards came right to him. He didn't stand much chance against two armed guards with Assault Rifles. They both went around different sides of the table and grabbed him by the shoulders. They lifted him up straight into the air and took both his arms with his legs swinging and kicking. John was desperate to get free; he swung his right leg around and smashed a jug of water spilling it all over the floor. It wasn't long before he was out of the room, then the guards could do what they wanted with him. One guard held him firmly whilst the other repeatedly hit John in the stomach with the butt his rifle. He then hit him in the face causing him to spit out blood. It didn't take much time for him to fall unconscious with all the blows he was taking. John's vision eventually faded away.
John woke up on the floor in a pool of his own blood; he was bleeding for the side of his head and mouth. He was glad he fell unconscious when the guards battered him, it must have been bad. There was a constant ringing in his ears and his head felt heavy, the rest of his body was weak. He took a moment to look at his surroundings; it seemed rather luxurious for a cell. A couch was against the left hand wall, there was a TV on a stand up in the corner of the room. John's eyes were blurry but he could make out something was on the screen, it looked like somebody was running around but that was it. He stumbled towards another small doorway and was surprised to see a bathroom with a toilet, sink and shower. All of them were it was in pretty neat condition too, John stumbled through into another doorway; it felt like his left leg didn't want to work with his right leg; maybe the guards did something to it. Another, slightly larger room was next to the bathroom. There was a punch bag, some weights neatly stashed in the corner and another sink. This was also the only room that had some form of decoration on the walls; a picture of rolling hills with a sunset in the background, obviously to represent freedom. It must be there to tease the prisoners on what they would be missing out on if they were not in the tournament. Just looking at it chewed away at his insides, tears stung his eyes and walked back into the main room and sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. There was no way out of this now, like the judge said: 'if you do happen to win this tournament, you will be free to do as you please'. The line kept repeating itself in John's head; it was like a splinter in his mind, so deep nobody could remove it for as long as he lives. He has no personal belongings; this was his new home for at least 15 years. He had to fight for his freedom.....
(a/n) Anyway, that's only the start, a little short I know but I'll try a lot more if I get some good reviews, I'm hoping to get the team introduced and some fights going. Ok thanks for reading. Please review. :)