Chapter 1: No Sit?

Disclaimer: I no own Inu-yasha though I wish I did. WHY CANT I OWN INU- YASHA??!! *cryies* It's not fair! Why couldn't I be smart and make Inu- yasha up? *cries louder* NO it's not fair *cries so whole world can hear* well... *Sniff* ...I guess u want to start reading this story now... *Sniff* ... But while you read you can hear me crying because I wasn't smart enough to create Inu-yasha...or Kagome...or Sango... or Miroku... or Shippou... or Koga... or Kikyo...Wait I'm glad I don't own her YEA!.... any ways and Sesshomaru... *best friend pops up* SESSHOMARUS MINE BACK OFF!!! Yea well anyways I've been talking to much.... *person from no wear* ON WITH THE STORY!!!!

Author (me)= Alright Alright on with the story........................... O and.....

Person from no where= SHUT UP I WANT TO READ YOUR STORY!!!

Author (me)= but it's crappie

Person from no where= I don't give a Fuck!!

Authoe (me)= FINE!

The sun shinned in Kagome's eyes as she woke up. "What a beautiful morning, I think today may be a good day seeing as it's my 16th birthday, and one year ago I meet Inu-yasha." She looked up at the sleeping hanyou.


"Why don't you do her like you did me Kikyo? You look pretty dumb there Kikyo, the Kikyo I know wouldn't waste her time!" Kagome was getting mad, "That's dose it Kikyo, Kikyo who ever she is she's not me because my names Kagome!"

"And I say you got to be her because is your not then you wouldn't smell so- "he paused and sniffed her. "-your not her."

"I know my name is Kagome! Ka-go-me!"

*~End of Flashback~*

'And then he tried to kill me,' she thought until she herd wrestling. "Well better start breakfast, it looks like Shippou's starting to wake up." She dug thought her LARGE yellow bag. "I guess we'll have ramen."

Inu-yasha woke up to the smell of ramen. "Is it done yet?!" he asked with big eyes.

"No, It still has to cool."

Sango, Miroku and Shippou woke up. They all ate there ramen and walked towards the village. Kagome was skipping along the path humming to herself. "Sango, is it me or is Kagome acting happier then usual?"

"I have no idea, Miroku?"

"I don't know but I like it when she skip's with the skirt"


"OWWW, Sango"

"Shut up Miroku! Inu-yasha do you know what's up with Kagome?"

"Feh! She's just acting her normal wired self!" Inu-yasha said out load. Kagome just stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to the grope. They all looked at Inu-yasha. 'Dame! I'm going to get sat!' Inu-yasha thought. They all were ready to hear the word. But nothing came out of Kagome's mouth. She just smiled at them and continued skipping. Sango, Miroku and Shippou all turned to Inu-yasha with there mouths WIDE open. "She didn't sit Inu- yasha" They all said, "Now I know something's wrong." Shippou said.

'Shippou's right, although I hate to admit It,' Inu-yasha thought.

A/N: I know it was short and stupid but hey it's my first fan fiction so I think it's not bad :P BUT PLEASE REVIEW!!!! I BEG YOU!!! If you have ANY and I mean ANY idea's PLEASE tell me. I LOVE ALL MY FAN'S..... even if it is only my best friend and she has to other wise she doesn't get any muffins. *draws circles on the floor with fingure*

PEACE................................SMOCH..............................................LOVE YEA!!!!

Rae-orri (o and that name (Rae-orri) is on my best friends fan fic. witch is not up yet but will be soon. She is on chapter 4 rough I'll tell you when it's up it's WAY better then mine more creatve. Well better go before my mom kills me)