Yes, Easter's been transplanted to Middle Earth.  I know it didn't exist, blah blah.  I was in the mood for something devious.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Easter Sunday

Minas Tirith, c. 2986

It wasn't Boromir's habit to like Easter.  All those fluffy chicks and bunnies gave him a raging attack of the cutes.  Easter was Faramir's holiday, as it was their mother's.  Finduilas always went about the house hiding eggs and little gifts with secrecy and infectious delight.

And it was with delight that Faramir found them, holding each one aloft like a hard won prize.

Boromir always preferred to find the chocolate bunny and bite its head off in one engulfing motion, followed by amputation of its tail and the nauseatingly pink nose of sweet icing.  The first time he'd done it, Faramir had bawled for an hour and huddled in a corner with his own bunny, protecting it from his murderous brother.

Come to think of it, Boromir thought with an evil grin, maybe Easter was his favorite holiday after all.