A teenage Sesshoumaru sits reading a book in his room. His huge windows are open, letting in the sound of birds and the smells of grass and flowers. Light shines down on him, reflecting off his silvery-white hair, creating a peaceful scene as he lies reading, blissful unaware of what approaches...

Behind him, the large doors to his bedroom silently open, letting in a slithering red and white form. It quietly sneaks its way to him, its jaws open to attack. Rising behind him like a great white ready to attack, it chomps down on the top of his head.

Sesshoumaru sweatdropped, his right eye twitching as he raised a clawed hand before speaking in a deadly tone, "Inuyasha. Get. The. Hell. Off. My. Head!"

The little boy grinned, his ears twitching happily as he continued to gnaw on his older brother's head.

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Many Years Later

Sesshoumaru had followed Inuyasha through the Bone-Eaters Well in an attempt to get the Tetsusaiga. This led to his current predicament. A fast talking man had grabbed Sesshoumaru, Rin, and Jaken and pushed them into a hot-air balloon, cutting the cables and waving to them as they rose into the air.

Sesshoumaru sweatdropped as Rin gnawed on his head. Second later, he screamed to the sky, "IT'S A NEVER ENDING CYCLE!"

10 feet below them, Jaken sweatdropped as he heard his master's scream from his position hanging off a rope. (Sesshoumaru had thrown him out of the hot-air balloon for some amusement.)


Hi peoplez! This story came from a picture my friend BlackMoon13 drew. The last part is an idea for a humor story she's gonna get around to writing (hopefully before we're 80!) I promise I'll get around to updating some of my other stories BUT I NEED FEEDBACK, IDEAS, ANYTHING!!