Ohh don't kill me, the cliff hanger isn't that bad and you didn't have to wait that long. Anyway I hope you liked the preveiw of the newest fic in the last chapter, anyway... lets get on with the fic.

The New Mew

By Firehedgehog

Chapter Eight

      Gary grunted as his fist pounded into a rockets stomach, the rocket gave a gasp of pain and folded over. Gary swore and rubbed his fist which was sore by now, around him lay other rocket grunts who had also had met his fist.

      "Gary we can't hold out much longer, we have to escape," Misty yelled towards him, he nodded as he wipped sweat from his brow.

      'We can't hold out much longer, there are too many rockets and our pokemon are getting very tired' Gary thought with a frown, he gasped as he barely a flame thrower.

      'Mewtwo hurry up and rescue Ash, I want to get out of here in on piece' Gary thought, as he doged pokemon attacks his breathing was becoming ragid.

      "Ash," he wispered tears in his eyes, dear god he didn't want to loose his best friend again after finding out that he was still alive after all this time.


      You know what we have to do don't you?  Mewtwo asked mew, mew sighed knowing what they had to do.

      Do we have to big brother, I just feel... that we could do something else mew said sadly, his blue eyes looked sadly at Giovannis still body.

      No it is the best little brother, if we don't we will never be able to rest... the world will never leave us alone Mewtwo said his telepathic voice barely a whisper, mew closed his eyes but knew his brother was right.

      I jut wish we didn't have to do this to Gary, but it is for the best mew said, there was silence for a few minutes.

      Its time, if we don't those humans below we consider friends will die mewtwo said, mew nodded.


      Misty sighed as she knocked out another rocket member, she sighed sadly as she noticed how exausted her pokemon were.

      'I'm only here because I like Ash as a friend, its kind of amazing that he is actually a ledgendary pokemon' she thought to himself, from the corner of her eye she could see where an an exausted Gary fought.

      'I understand why he didn't tell us, its because something like this would happen... poor Ash to be captured by such evil people' Misty thought, a single tear fell down her face.

      'Don't wory Ash, you'll be safe soon' Misty fought, with renewed strength from those thoughts she began to battle once again.


      Brown frowned as he battled, his Onix was big but one of these times the rockets water pokemon would hit.

      "Now Onix!" he yelled, at his command the huge rock pokemon dived into the ground sending flooring and dirt into the air.

      "Where did it go?" a rocket asked and this made him look stupid as everyone else stared at the ground, Brock smirked as the ground began to shake sending more dust into the air.

      "ATTACK!" he ordered, rockets screamed as Onix came up under them sending them and there digimon into the air. He smirked again as he saw all of them knocked out against a wall, turming around he sighed as he saw another group heading his way.

      "Don't they ever give up," Brock groaned, wiping dust off himself he ordered his pokemon into more battle.


      "Jesse I think we should run for it," James said to his red haired partner, Jesse nodded as they looked at the battle from there hiding place.

      "Yes I think that is a good idea, hey where is meowth?" Jesse asked looking for the cat pokemon of there trio.

      "Meowth where are you," they called, the next thing they knew was darkness as a stray attack knocked them out.


      Meowth slipped through the hall of the rockets lair, he felt the tug of power... it felt like something he had felt before. Finally it led him to the room the mew was being held in, shrugging to himself he slipped inside the room.

      The first thing he noticed was Giovanis body leaning against a wall, a look of terror was on his face his eyes open yet unseeing.

      'The power is coming from mew' he thought as he saw the floating pink cat pokemon, next to it was a larger purple cat pokemon.

      Meowth, its time for the humans to forget out existance once again and eveyone who knows about us mews voice said, he nodded knowing that if more people around the world found out about this it would mean even more choas.

      We are sorry but you have to forget us also another voice said and he knew it belonged to the other cat pokemon, as he watched mew floated lower till meowth and mew were eye to eye.

      And so we begin mew said, meowth gasped as his sight was filled with beautiful white light and felt himself fall into a deep slumber.


      "What the..." Gary yelled as a bright white light started to fill the air, he gasped as hi hair began to move as if in an invisible unfelt wind.

      It is time a familliar telepathic voice said in all the humans and pokemons minds, he gasped as Ash/mew appeared in the light and mewtwo in his true form beside him.

      "Time for what Ash, and are you okay?" he asked the pink pokemon, Ash turned to him his blue eyes filled with a deep sadness.

      I am fine Gary, but I am afraid you all must forget Ash said and gary frowned, what did Ash mean forget and why was he so sad.

      "Forget what ash, whats going on?" Gary asked confused, mewtwo looked at Gary his purple eyes emotionless.

      I am sorry but for our safety and all the world safe it is best that nonme of you remember any of this, and to forget us completely mewtwo said, Gary felt tears come to his eyes.

      "No I don't want to forget, I just got my best friend back after all this time... I don't want to loose him again," Gary cried, everyone grew silent and gary noticed that everyone but himself and the two cat pokemon were in a deep sleep.

      "I'm sorry Gary, but it has to be this way," a famillir voice said, gary gasped as he saw that Ash was in his human form once again.

      "Please don't," Gary begged, sadly Ash walked forward and hugged the spiky haired teen.

      "You may not remember your adventures with me Gary but your heart will, I won't be gone... if we don't I will be hunted to the ends of the earth and this fight will be in vain," Ash wispered into his ear, gently he whipped away Gary's tears and backed away.

      "Will I ever remember?" Gary asked, a glow surrounded ASh and once again he was a mew.

      Only time will tell Gary Ash said, Gary then felt himself fall into a deep sleep.

      I will watch over you my friend was the last thing he heard Ash say, in his sleep a smile lighted his face.


      Gary yawned as he woke up, looking around he saw that Misty and Brock were all ready awake. He crawled out of his sleeping bag and petted pikachu, it was a beautiful day once again.

      "Morning sleepy head," Misty teased her blue eyes twinkling, Bropck stayed slient as he stirred breakfast.

      "Morn' ," he said between yawns, pikachu laughed and Gary smiled. Then he frowned and looked around, he didn't know why but he felt as if something was missing.

      "You okay Gary?" Misty asked, he smiled realizing that she had noticed his frown.

      "Nothing Misty, nothing at all," he said, suddenly he spun around when he thought he saw something pink in the corner of his eye. He frowned when he saw nothing, he shrugged guessing it was just his overactive immagination.

      "Gary?" misty asked, he turned around to look at him friends.

      "Nothing Misty, i'm fine," he said, he sat down and began to eat breakfast.

      In his mind a voice came to him, it was like a memory but he knew that it couldn't be... he didn't remember anything like that.

      'I will watch over you my friend' he wondered who had said it, then not knowing why he smiled.


Applause everyone the story is done, I hope you like it and if you don't stuff it.... I like the ending and thats it. But if you don't like it write a different ending to put up yourself, but remember to tell people whoes story it continues.