Hello! I'm back after…um…3 months and many days!
::Glaring eyes::
Sorry, sorry, sorry! I've been really busy ever since school started! Now you can get your chapter! Sadly this is the last chapter. Enjoy! Review after!
Eternal love
In other places, Kaiba was in his own world. He was still in shock about Kakayu. He couldn't deny the fact that he was heartbroken and it was his fault that he was. 'Kakayu…you mean the world to me…how can I make you understand?' he asked himself. 'I ignored my work for days and days looking for the perfect gift for you. I gave that gift a lot of thought. I want to give it to you…but that seems impossible now because you don't want to talk to me anymore. I'm such a fool…how can I make you believe me?'
Mokuba couldn't stand seeing his brother that way. 'I have to find a way how to get them back together again. This isn't going to be easy…'
"This is all your fault! You did so many bad things to her you freak! You put my girl in so much danger! I'll kill you!" Daren said to Marik. "Watch your mouth! She isn't your girl! She's my girlfriend! She was taken four years ago! I care about Mimiki very much and I love her! She loves me too! She put herself in harm's way to help save me from myself! You don't care about her at all!" Marik spat back at him. When something leads to Mimiki, he won't hesitate to step in. "Yea! After what I heard, you want a girlfriend so yo friends won't dink you're a wimp and so they won't kick you out the popular crowd! Give it up Daren! It's quite obvious that she has no interest in you and you have no interest in her! You don't love her. You lust her!" Joey said. Daren scowled and left. Kakayu left unnoticed too. While everyone was in their own world, Marik showed Yami and Yugi the pharaoh's secret on his back.
Kakayu walked by herself around the island in deep thought. She then saw something black move from the corner of her eye. 'What was that?!?' "Kakayu!" a voice shouted. "Mokuba?" "Hi! I wanted to show you something! Follow me!" he said grabbing her hand and running off. "Mokuba! Where are you taking me to?!? The island is going to blow up in a matter of minutes!" "I know but it won't take that long!" he said. They kept on running and then stopped. Kakayu was confused. "I don't see anything…what's going on?" Then Kaiba stepped out in front of her. "Was this a trick to see Kaiba?" she asked kind of mad. "I'm leaving!" she said turning away. "No! Kakayu! Please let Seto explain…" "There's nothing to explain! I slow him down! I'm someone of a lower status! Why should I listen to Kaiba?!?" she asked.
"Kakayu…please…I didn't mean what I said. You are my friend." "Oh please. Spare me the details." She said. "Kakayu I'm telling the truth. You don't know how much you mean to me. I ignored my work for days and days looking for the perfect gift for you. I gave that gift a lot of thought. I want to give it to you…but that seems impossible now because you don't want to talk to me anymore." "You got that right! I don't…" she paused for a minute. "What gift? You never ignore your work for anyone. Why should I believe that?" "Kakayu how can I make you understand that I love you?!?" he asked. 'He said it again…but I slow him down…I can't believe him…but something is telling me that he's telling the truth…' "Don't you believe me?!? I thought about you everyday and I still do! I can't stop thinking about you and I love spending time with you even if it's for a minute! You've never slowed me down and you don't have a lower status to me! You make me happy and I feel like a better person because of you! Kakayu I love you and I mean it! How can I make you understand?!?" he asked with a tear coming from his eye. Kakayu gasped at what he said. She then began to become glassy eyed.
"Do you really mean it?" she asked. "Yes with everything I have inside of me. I'm sorry about our argument and I'm also sorry that I made you and Mokuba cry." Kakayu then started to cry. Then she ran up to Kaiba and gave him a hug. "I love you too Seto." Mokuba was happy for his brother and his girlfriend. He then kissed her gently on her lips. Kaiba broke the kiss. "I want to give you something…" he said. He took something black and smooth from his pocket. He opened it and Kakayu awed. "This is for you Kakayu. Do you like it?" "Oh my gosh…it's beautiful…" she said. "Will you accept it?" Kakayu nodded. Kaiba grabbed her hand and gently put the ring on her finger. "If you don't mind me asking what is this ring for?" "You'll find out later in the future." He said smiling. Kakayu was confused and looked at her watch. "Oh crap! I forgot this island is going to explode! We have to leave Seto and Mokuba…where'd they go?" Then she ran back to where everyone was.
"This tower is going to blow in 10 minutes!" Roland said. "You're Kaiba's right-hand goon! Don't you know to stop this thing?!?" Joey asked. "I'm sorry but only Mr. Kaiba knows how!" Then Duke and Bakura came. "The engines are still dead! We need more time!" Duke said. "We don't have any time!" Joey shouted back. "We have 8 minutes left!" Roland said again. "Let me have a shot at those things!" "Joey since when can you fix an engine?!?" Tea asked. "On second thought…I don't want to get my hands dirty." "Call me crazy…but can't we just take that helicopter over there?" Duke asked. "My thoughts exactly!" Joey replied.
The alarms went off, symbolizing that the island was about to explode.
"Hello?!? Anyone in here?!?" Serenity shouted. "Alright! Time to abandon ship! Come on! Hurry! There's only a few minutes left!" Mai commanded. Marik quickly grabbed Mimiki and Mamota with Sanami.
Everyone ran into the copter just in time. "Any luck?" Roland asked. "Nope! We can't wait! Take off now!" "Let's just hope that Mr. Kaiba and Mokuba found a way out." 'Seto…Mokuba…please be alright!' Kakayu pleaded. "30 seconds left…Accelerate take-off speed!" "10 seconds left!" As soon as they got high enough, the tower exploded. "This is awful…" "Kaiba…how foolish…" Yugi said. Then Joey noticed something. "What's dat?!?" "It's the Blue Eyes White Dragon!" Yugi pointed out. "I still don't get it!" Joey said. Then they all heard laughing. It was Kaiba. "SAY WHAT?!?" Joey screamed. "Hey! Surprise! Surprise!" Mokuba said.
"Where does he get this stuff?" Tristan asked.
"Oh who cares?" Tea asked.
"You mean to tell me they were safe all along?" Joey asked.
"Let's just be glad that it's over." Duke said.
"Hey why are they traveling in the helicopter Seto?"
"Ops! I guess the other ship wasn't fixed yet!" Kaiba replied sarcastically.
"Sorry Joey but we're not going back with you. We have some important Kaiba Corp business to take care of!"
"Aw yea? What are you plannin? Another tournament?"
"You'll just have to wait and see Wheeler!" he spat back.
"Just go already!"
"Kakayu…" Kaiba whispered. "Ashiteru." Kakayu smiled. "Ashiteru."
"Don't you geeks worry! You haven't seen the last of me, especially you Yugi!" 'The battle between us will never be over!' Then the two Kaiba brothers left.
/Well there they go! I hope that Kaiba can put his anger aside and move on right?/
'Now it's time for our next journey…to find out the pharaoh's secret.'
"Alright! What do ya say we blow this taco stand and get Mimiki to a hospital?" Joey said. "Yes please…we have to get her there right away!" Marik said. 'Oh Mimiki…what did he do to you?'
The copter arrived back in Domino before nightfall. After they exited the ship, an ambulance was waiting for them.
"Mr. Kaiba called and told us to meet up here because someone has been injured." "Yes…Mimiki has been injured." Marik replied. "Ok we'll take her to the hospital." Marik, Mamota, and Kakayu rode inside the ambulance with Mimiki while the others rode in Mai's car. The arrived in the hospital in fifteen minutes took her in emergency. About fifteen minutes later, the doctor came out of her room. "Is she going to be okay?" The doctor gave out a sad sigh. "I'm sorry…but she's in a coma and see might not wake up." Everyone's eyes widened. "No…" Marik, Mamota, and Kakayu started to shed tears. "Can I see her?" Marik asked. "Yes. I'll show you to her room." Then everyone followed the doctor.
Mimiki's POV
Oh my…I feel so weak and limp…
"Mimiki you have to get up or you'll die."
"But Kikimi I can't. It feels like I can only move my fingers…and a have a terrible headache."
"Mimiki you're stronger than that. Come on. Please get up."
"I can't…I want to but I just can't…"
"Awaken. Wake up." A voice called out to me. "Who was that?!?" I asked Kikimi. "I don't know."
"Open your eyes. You have to open your eyes…please." Who is calling out to me? I can't make out the voice because my head hurts so much…
"You have to wake up…open your eyes…please…"
"I still can't make out the voice."
"Please…wake up…I don't want to lose you again…never…"
"I can't make it out either…"
"Mimi! Please wake up! I don't want to lose you! You mean too much to me for you be like this! Please! Wake up! I love you!"
End of POV
Kacero heard some moaning. "Sanami's waking up!" he said. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. "Kacero? Where am I? Where's Mimiki? Is she safe from Marik's dark half? Why are we in a hospital?" she said. "Sanami…I don't know how to say this…but Mimiki's in a coma and she might not wake up." "WHAT?!? You're kidding right?" she asked. "No He's serious. I'm sorry." Taigera said. Sanami started to shed tears as well while the two cats comforted her.
30 minutes later…
Then Marik heard some shifting in Mimiki's bed. He smiled when he saw her open her eyes and yawned. Then he alerted the others who were in the lobby.
"She woke up! She's not in a coma anymore!" Marik said happily. Everyone was happy now and then ran to her room.
"Sister!" Mamota cried out as he hugged her. "Mamota what is wrong with you? You're acting like I'd never wake up. I just took a nap…I think." She said hugging him back. "Why am I in a hospital bed?" "Mimiki! I'm so glad that you're alright!" Sanami and Kakayu said. "I'm okay…I think…" "Mimiki are you okay?" Marik asked her. She looked at him, confused.
"Um…who are you?" she asked him. This came to a shock for everyone. "Mimiki…I'm Marik…" "Marik? I don't know anyone named Marik." She said. "Come on…stop jokin Mimiki. It's Marik …ya boyfriend that told ya that he loved ya!" Joey said. "Joey I already said that I don't know anyone named Marik! I'm not joking and I never heard him say that he loved me. I don't have a boyfriend." Sanami then spoke up. "She has amnesia! You just don't forget someone that quick unless something bad happened!" "Do you think all the headaches she got caused it?" Tea asked. "I think so. It's weird…she remembers everyone else but she doesn't remember Marik. Yami Marik must've erased her memories of Marik from her mind." Sanami said. "Marik try to help her regain her memory." Ishizu said. "Ok I'll try."
He went over to her and took her necklace off. "Do you remember this? I made it for you when we were 12." "It looks very familiar…" then she stopped.
"This is a necklace I made for you. I hope you like it." He said while blushing. "Of course I like it! Thank you Marik!" she said hugging him.
'Marik…why is that name starting to pop up in my head?'
Then he took her millennium necklace off.
"Remember you left this at my home and I gave it back to you when we were at the lake at Egypt…that's where we became friends remember?"
"Excuse me." The girl recognized the voice. "What do you want? Stay away." "Please don't run away. I want to give this to you." He handed her the necklace pendant. "It glows brightly when you're around it." "Thank you. I didn't notice that it was gone. Aw man the string is untied." "Do you need help? I'll put it on for you." He said. She looked at him for a minute. "Thank you." She said weakly. She gave the necklace to him. "Turn around and hold your hair up please."
She did what she was told. He gently placed the necklace around her neck. "It's on." "Thanks again." 'Maybe I can trust him…as a friend.' She thought. "Look I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I don't know what happened, but if I did anything to hurt you, I'm sorry." Mimiki looked at him. "I forgive you. You didn't mean it." She said. "Will you be my friend?" "I'll be your friend." "Thank you! Um…I don't know your name." He said. "My name? It's Mimiki." She said. "That's a pretty name. Can I call you Mimi?" "Yes you can." She replied. "My name is Marik. I hope that you and I will get to know each other better." He said. "Same here."
Mimiki held her head in pain. 'That name again…'
Then he took out some pictures of them when they were 12.
"Do you remember the name of boy in the picture with you?" Marik asked.
"No…I'm sorry but I just don't know you."
Marik grew sad. She doesn't remember him. Was their relationship over? Did all the memorable things they did together mean nothing now because they were lost? Was there hope that she would remember?
Marik walked out of the room. Ishizu, Odeon and Kacero walked out as well.
"Ishizu, Odeon, Kacero…she doesn't remember me at all. It'd be best if we went back to Egypt." "Why brother?!?" Ishizu asked. "I've caused so much pain and suffering in her life already. She doesn't remember me. I'd be for the best. I'm going to say goodbye to her and then we'll leave." "But Marik you have to have hope!" Kacero said. "It's hopeless Ishizu. I've tried everything. She doesn't remember me at all. The memories of me in her life are gone forever. I'm going to say good bye to her." Marik went back to see Mimiki one more time.
It was hard for him to do this but he had to. "Goodbye Mimiki. I'll never forget you…although you don't remember me. I love you." Then Marik gave her a gentle kiss on her lips and they left. Kacero gave Sanami a kiss and he left also.
Mimiki's head then started her hurt.
"Marik? What's wrong?" "Nothing. I'm just glad to have you back." Mimiki stayed silent. Marik leaned closer to her lips. Mimiki didn't stop him from leaning closer. Their lips touched gently.
"Mimi! Can I have my bear back?" Marik lost his balance and fell on Mimiki completely and their lips touched. Marik quickly got off of Mimiki. "I'm sorry Mimi! I didn't mean to kiss you!" he said while blushing. "It was a mistake! If my little brother didn't bang on the door to scare you, it would've happened. I'm not mad at you."
Marik smiled. "Now get some rest for the finals tomorrow." "Ok." He gently hugged her and gave her a kiss.
"Oh. Well I missed you too," he said. Then he kissed her and let her go.
"Mimiki Maiyaka, I love you. You've made my life more meaningful and exciting when I met you. You're the best friend I could ask for and I really care about you. I wanted you to know that before you left."
"How did I put you under a spell?!? I would never do that! I love you too much for that!" he said worryingly. "Really?" "Of course!" he said as he sat her on his lap. "I wouldn't do that to you. I'll do it to someone who gets on my damn nerves, but not to you. You're my love and strength and my light. Nothing will break our bond. Nothing will break us apart. Remember that." "I will. Thank you." she said. Don't worry. I'll protect you no matter what. Even if it costs me my life." He gave her a quick kiss on her cheek making her smile.
"All these memories…and more…" Then Mimiki's eyes snapped open. "Marik?!? Where is he?!?" "Mimiki… we overheard Marik talking and he's going back to Egypt. He's gone back to his ship to prepare for them to go back." Yami said. "What?!? Why?!?" "Your memories of him were erased and he tried all he could to help you regain them back. He didn't succeed so he thought it'd be better if he left so he wouldn't cause so much pain to your life anymore." Serenity said. Mimiki became glassy eyed. "No!" Then she got out of her bed and put on her shoes and ran out of the room. "Where are you going?!?" everyone asked. "To find Marik!" Sanami raced after her.
On the ship, Marik sat in a bedroom with Kacero, feeling down in the dumps. He wouldn't say a word to anyone. He didn't even make a sound. He had tears in his eyes. He couldn't stop thinking about Mimiki and Kacero could tell what was on his mind.
'Poor Marik…he loves Mimiki so much although she doesn't remember him. Marik talked about Mimiki to me all the time. I remember everything he told me about her.'
"I miss her so much Kacero…I want to see her again." "You mean Mimiki right?" I asked. "Yes…I love her so much that I can't stop thinking about her. She means the world to me. She changed my life around so much and introduced me to a lot of things including love." He said. "Can you tell me why you love her?" "I love her because she's nice, caring, beautiful, and smart. We always kissed each other. She showed kindness, compassion and love to me. I always got to hug her, kiss her, make her laugh, made her feel loved and I always concerned about her. I even saved her life from a heatstroke. I love here so much that I can't stop dreaming about her at night. Sometimes I feel like she's right next to me…although she's really not there." He said to me. "Now that we're on our way to Domino, I hope that she didn't move again." "Don't worry Marik. You'll see her again if you believe." I said to him. "I will. Thank you Kacero."
End of flashback
I feel so sorry for him. I hope that he'll heal soon.
Marik's POV
How did it end this way? It wasn't supposed to end this way. Our separation is going to continue on forever. My dark side caused all of this…darn him! He took her away from me…and I can't get her back. It's probably for the best. All the pain would go away soon…
Then he cried himself to sleep.
Mimiki ran as fast as her legs could offer her. After fifteen minutes of running, she finally reached the pier. She looked around and saw a ship with the lights on that was about to leave from the docks.
"No! He can't leave!" Then Sanami thought for a second. "Mimiki you can try to jump on! Jump to reach the rail and push yourself up! Hurry before the ship is too far away for you to jump to!" "Ok! Thanks Sanami! Come on!" she grabbed her cat and she did what Sanami said. Good thing that it worked. Mimiki searched for wherever Marik was and she finally found a room with the door closed. On the other side she heard light snoring and it sounded like it was coming from a young male human. Mimiki opened the door slightly and said Marik lying down on a bed. She opened the door completely and Kacero came up to them.
"What are you two doing here?" "I had to see Marik. Everyone told me what happened. I don't want Marik to leave." Mimiki said. "Well he's over there…" he said pointing to the bed. Mimiki walked to the side Marik was facing. "Oh my…he has a tearstained face…he's been crying all this time…" She saw another tear in his eye and she wiped it away. "Oh Marik…I'm so sorry…I can't believe what happened. I didn't want to see you cry because of what I did." "Mi…mi…ki… I want to be with you…please come back…" Marik said in his sleep. "Marik…wake up…I'm here now…Marik…" Marik slowly opened his eyes. Mimiki smiled. "Mimiki? Is it really you?" "Yes." She said. "You remember me?" "Yes. You're Marik Ishtar, my best friend." She said.
"Oh really? Well Mimiki, if you do remember me and not trying to get me to stay, what was my most embarrassing moment with you?" "When I pushed you in the lake and I said that you looked like a girl. You got mad at me then and pulled me in with you." She said. Marik smiled. "Mimiki you do remember me…" "Of course. He only tried to ease the memories we had together and my love for you. He didn't erase all of them." She said. "What didn't he erase?" "He didn't erase the memory of us meeting and bout me starting to like you. He didn't get to erase that. If he won the final duel, all of my memories about you would have been erased." Mimiki said. "Then how did you get your erased memories back?"
"Dang Marik and I thought you were smart!" Kacero said. "It's obvious that the kiss you gave her before you left the hospital restored her memories!" he said. "The only way that she wouldn't get her memories back was if your yami won that duel and kissed her before you got the chance to, she wouldn't remember you at all!" Sanami said. "She's right Marik." Mimiki said. Marik hugged Mimiki and buried his head on her shoulder. She would hug him back but by the way he was holding her, she couldn't. Then she felt something wet on her shoulder. Mimiki realized what it was and she cried too. Marik could feel her tears wetting his shirt. Sanami and Kacero smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too Mimiki."
"I eternally love you." They both said to each other.
The cats smiled. They didn't notice that someone else was watching them.
"I'm glad that they're together again." "Yes. I'll set the boat back to Domino." Then they left.
Marik looked into Mimiki's eyes and smiled. Mimiki smiled at him too. "You're eyes are happy and warm again." She said to him. "Thanks to you."
Marik leaned closer to her lips. He kissed her gently and passionately.
Our love is always here and at heart. It will never wear off or go away. Our love is eternal.
Our Eternal Love
Hey did you like it? Should I make a sequel? Thank you for supporting me in this story! I love the reviews! Well if I should make another, tell me in a review and you can also give ideas. Thanks! Ja ne!