Confession, thought Wesley, is the cornerstone of faith. Seated in the dark booth, side by side with a copper screened priest, Wesley pondered the reason he had come.

            Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned…it has been two months since my last confession… and wait until you hear what I've done.

            He knew the reason he had come. Knew he wanted to hear the words the priest would speak, the words that would confirm that God did love him and forgive him. Wesley placed his head in his hands, running thin fingers over his face. If you already knew what you wanted to confess, why have you been going over nothing for close to ten minutes now.

            Indeed, Wesley had managed to confess every slip of his tongue, ever slight of his mind, every deed not though of as proper. Except for one. And that he dreaded to confess, yet knew he had to talk to some one.

            "Father…" He began. "I really came hear to confess one thing…"

            "That I could tell, my son." The priest chuckled, a soft sound that reassured Wesley with its kindness. "I don't believe anyone has confessed as much as you, child. God knows what you need forgiveness for… if you would like not to talk about it…"

            "No… I do." Wesley cut him off, took a deep breath, started again. "Father, I have had… unclean thoughts about one of the boys in my battalion."

            "Please go on."

            "It's… he's…" Wesley ran his elegant fingers over his face again. "I don't know. I've never felt this way before. It's not just attraction. It's…. it's…" A deep sigh and no conclusion. Wesley didn't know what it was.

            "And you have not acted on these thoughts?"

            "No, father. Never. Perhaps I give him a little more attention then my other men… maybe a little more… closeness…"

            "But nothing more?"

            "No, sir."

            "God asks us to love all men as our brothers, and in a situation such as yours… fear and stress… the lack of the fairer sex… it is normal, my son." Another soft chuckle, even behind the wire Wesley could see the priest smile. "Acting on it, of course, is quiet another matter. Ask God to give you strength and he will."

            "It is… normal?" Wesley asked, hope filling his body.

            "Quiet normal. A man of your age was meant to court, should rightly have a girl… in dire times such as ours… Yes. It is normal. Be strong my son, and go with peace."

            "My penance, father?"

            "Yes, yes… of course. Five Hail Mary's, before you sleep, for as long as you like."

            Five Hail Mary's? Wesley didn't feel that was enough penance and said as much. The priest laughed once more. "Only to give you strength, my son. Say ten if you like. May God watch over you."

            Wesley left the confessional, feeling lighter. He smiled, kneeled before the statue of Jesus, and prayed.