Chapter 7

The week following that fateful' day was awful! Well, maybe not completely, but I was miserable for every moment of it. I still managed to pass my class with no problem, though.

The best part was finally feeling clean again! Although now we're preparing to set out on the road, so it won't last too long. But it's a different kind of dirty, so I think I can manage.

Are you ready, Lina? Gourry's already all packed and ready to go.

Just about. I finish gathering together my things, then we depart our home away from...well, wherever it was we were before.

It's nice to be on the road again. It beats sitting in a classroom all day! Plus, when I'm out in the open, I don't have to hold back with the magic. I can't wait to try it out!

How long do we have before we reach the next town? So far I see rocks, trees, lots of dirt, more trees...

Gourry looks down at me as he continues walking. I'm not sure. It shouldn't be too far though.

So are we wandering aimlessly? I grin.

Gourry scratches his head. Well, we don't have a definite path, other than this road, of course.

Works for me.

I keep on walking, keeping a wary eye on my surroundings. We come upon the area where I was attacked not so long ago. It still scares me that I could have gotten myself killed there. I scoot a bit closer to Gourry's side.

Argh! I shouldn't be scared any more! I can take care of myself now! I didn't devote all of those hours studying spells in the library for nothing!

I never did get to try out all of them...

Gourry gives me a worried look.

Mr. Gourry, I never got to show you what I learned! Wanna see? I can't help but jump about in excitement! I never got to actually cast anything in class, so this'll be fun!

Uh, sure. Gourry looks nervous. I'd better stick to the tame stuff for now.

Okay, check this out! This is one of my favorites. I feel a bit silly casting magic for an audience, but the thought of a spell that let's you fly easily outweighs it!

I shout out, and suddenly I'm lifting up off the ground. What a feeling! I grin at Gourry, now that we can see eye to eye.

Hmm..he doesn't look very impressed. The book I read about this in did say I could carry additional weight while using the spell...

C'mon, Mr. Gourry! I grab him under the arms, and he easily lifts up off of the ground with me. Isn't it great?

He must be impressed, and we're not even a foot off of the ground! (Well he isn't, anyway. He's got long legs!) Maybe if we go up higher? I concentrate on going higher...

L-Lina, that's great! Really! Gourry's looking a bit pale...

Isn't it though? Want to go higher? I want to see where we're going! We're almost high enough to see the tops of the trees.

Higher? No! This is good! ...can we go down now? Wow, someone might think he doesn't like heights, or something! Gourry's starting to squirm.

Mr. Gourry, hold still! I don't want to drop you. Even now my grip's beginning to slip. Got to hang on tighter!

Don't let me fall! Gourry wraps his arms around me, pinning my arms underneath his.

Mr. Gourry, I wheeze. He's got a tight grip! I won't drop you.

AAH! I don't want to fall! Don't drop me!

...he's not listening! I'd better get him back on the ground before he crushes all of the air out of my lungs!

As we descend, I finally feel his feet touch the ground...then his knees... As I touch down myself, Gourry crumples into a heap, but he's still got me in a death grip!

Mr. Gourry, you can let go now.

By now he's whimpering pathetically. What happened to the strong swordsman I've come to love?

Mr. Gourry? We're back on the ground now...

Still not getting a response. Time to get desperate...

I take as deep a breath as possible then, Mr. Gourry, you're HURTING me!

Gourry suddenly lets loose and falls back, looking up at me with a horrified expression.

Whew, it worked! It feels good to breathe again! Thanks, Mr. Gourry.

Lina, why do you always do that to me? Gourry's still kneeling on the ground.

What did I do? I was just showing you my Levitation spell. I shrug.

You know I hate heights!

....oops. I'm sorry, Mr. Gourry, I didn't...remember. Oh, not this feeling again. I've gone and made a mistake, and just when things were going so well!

You always have to get somewhere right then! Why can't we ever walk? Wow, I must have really upset him. He's still not standing up!

No use in crying over something I couldn't have known! I bite my lip and crouch next to Gourry, placing my hand on his shoulder.

Mr. Gourry, I'm really sorry. I didn't realize that it would scare you that much.

Gourry finally lifts his gaze to mine. What did you say? He asks in disbelief.

I'm sorry? I blink.

He just looks back at me, as if he's not sure to believe me or not. He suddenly whirls around and grips his sword. What..?

I glance up to see...oh! Not them again!

Heh heh, so ya finally decided to return to the scene of the crime? A burly bandit laughs. He's flanked by three others.

Mr. Gourry, what do we do? I whisper to his back.

Lina, stay back. They might try to go after you again. Gourry unsheathes his sword and steps toward the group of bandits.

Man... I wanted to try out my spells! I let out a sigh. Oh well, he'll make quick work of them, anyway. Better cheer him on!

Go get em, Mr. Gourry!

The burly bandit laughs in response. Awful brave. You may have bested our leader before, but you didn't get the rest of us! He lunges out at Gourry, clashing swords.

Eep! What do I do? I can hear noise coming from the side of the road. No...they didn't have reinforcements, did they?

Get him! After he's out of the way, go for the girl!

Just then, more bandits come out from the surrounding trees. No way! There's got to be at least thirty of them! And they're all ganging up on Gourry!

Even now I can hear his battle cry, and I know that anyone going against him will quickly be defeated, and yet...there's just too many of them! I've got to do something!

One night when I was studying late, I ran across a spell much more powerful than a Burst Rondo. I had already mastered the first, so I eagerly set to work memorizing this one as well. But will it work? What if it's too powerful? Or not powerful enough?

I don't have any more time to fret! They're pressing in closer to Gourry! Oh, I hope I get this right...

As I'm chanting, I hear the sound of approaching footsteps. Not yet, I'm not ready! I try to speed it up a little, but they're getting too close! Just as I'm about nearly complete, I hear the sound of a sword coming at my head! It's now or never!


A deafening roar fills my ears as I'm surrounded by heat, and I'm no longer standing on the ground. Then all fades to darkness...

* * * * * * * * * *

My head hurts... What was I doing..? Gourry!

I sit up and look around. It's noticeably darker than before, and I'm sitting near a small campfire. But where's Gourry..?

I glance in the other direction, feeling relief as I spy him buffing his armor. Thank goodness!

He looks over to me and smiles. Finally awake?

I nod. What happened? I stand up and walk over to sit next to him.

All I know is, I was fighting off those guys, then was knocked over by an explosion. Did you cast a Fire Ball? He continues to buff his armor. It looks a bit singed, actually...

Oh yeah! I guess I did. What happened to the bandits?

Most got caught in the explosion. I found you unconscious nearby. You shouldn't scare me like that, Lina. Gourry looks at me with a somber expression.

S-sorry, I was just worried about you. I'm blushing, I can feel it! Oh man...

Gourry sets down his armor then places his hand on my shoulder. Lina, it's alright. He smiles warmly at me. You did good today.

You mean it?

Gourry nods. Yeah, it was almost like when we usually fight. Although it's usually me that gets caught in the blast... He seems to be smiling fondly about it.

I'll try to remember that next time. I giggle. He's so silly! So silly, and all the more sweet for it.

He laughs nervously. Umm..could you try to not blast me?

Oh, uh, sure! I mean, I'll try. I'm still trying to figure this all out. Not that I would blast you intentionally, of course. I'm getting nervous again.

Gourry smiles at this. Thanks, Lina.

Mr. Gourry, I need to say this! He deserves to know.

Yes, Lina? He gazes at me with those clear blue eyes again, and I can't help but get lost in them.

He's warm. I can feel the heat from his hand radiating in to my body. I place my hand over his and smile back as I rest my head on it.

Lina? Are you...

I wave him off. I'm just fine. It's just that, you've been so kind to me these past few weeks. You've sacrificed a lot to stay with me. I just wanted to say thank you...and well, I love you for it, Mr. Gourry. I love you.

What did you say? Gourry seemed to be alarmed.

I love you. I repeat, this time with more conviction.

Gourry made to respond, but nothing came out. He sat there and smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown.

What's wrong? I ask.

Lina...your memory... He sighs and averts his gaze.

Is he afraid that I'd reject him? Memory or not, I know what I feel. I lean forward and embrace him, to let him know I'm sincere.

It seemed to do the trick. Gourry returned my embrace. I know how I feel, too...

I ask, my heart skipping a beat in anticipation. I sank into him, reveling in his warmth...

'It's just a shame you're so flat-chested."

What?!? I reel back in shock. Did he just say...

Suddenly, the floodgates are opened. Flat. Boobless. Small. Tiny. Miniscule. Nonexistent. It all comes back to me.

Gourry, you jellyfish! I growl, then push away from him. He's going to PAY for this! I rear back to deck him, but stop when I see him standing there. He knows what's coming, and yet he's just standing there...

I can't bring myself to do it. My arm falls back to my side.

Lina? Did you just...? Gourry looks up at me in shock.

Just because I can't physically punish him doesn't mean he won't get away without a tongue lashing!

Gourry! How could you bring that up at a time when...when... I stamp my feet in frustration. Gah! Gourry! You! I continue to stomp about in a rage.

Gourry, for his part, flees behind a nearby rock. Lina, do you remember?

I shake my fist at him. Of course I do! How could I not?!

Eep! Gourry moves fast! He catches me up in a big bear hug, cutting off my oxygen.

Ga-Gourry? What're you doing? I rasp. Let me go!

He quickly complies, but not before I see the hurt look in his eyes.

Sorry, Lina. I'm just happy to have you back. He gives me a half smile, but I can still see the hurt in his eyes.

Time to put an end to this awkward situation! I do have some pride to keep intact, after all.

I flip my hair casually. Naturally. I can't believe how I acted, can you? What was I thinking?

Gourry's face falls. Yeah, you're right.

I'm not back for two minutes and I'm already crushing the poor guy's heart. Gourry, I'm sorry, it's just that...I'm not ready for that. Not yet...

I quickly shake those thoughts from my head. He'll just have to figure it out.

So Gourry, are you ready to go? I try to sound normal, hoping he'll take the hint.

What, you want to leave now? But the sun's already setting. Gourry looks up at the sky.

I'm not going to stick around here when I can have a soft bed to sleep in! Not to mention good food to eat! And weren't we supposed to meet up with Zelgadis and Amelia? I tap my foot in mock impatience.

Yeah, we were. Gourry nods.

And if I recall correctly, we're already behind, so let's get going! I urge him to stand up.

Gourry stands up and puts his armor back on. He closes his eyes and cringes.

Uh, Gourry, what're you doing?

Gourry looks blankly at me. Aren't we going to fly there?

Fly? Nah, it's getting dark, and I'd rather just walk.

Not to mention I've decided to give you a break. It's the least I can do. I smile inwardly, then start to walk off.

Gourry remains rooted to the spot for a moment, before jogging to catch up.

* * * * * * * * * *

It didn't take too long for us to reach the next town, and it was even easier to find Amelia and Zelgadis. I marched right in to the inn they were staying at and approached their table. (It always helps to make a good impression!)

It didn't take long to catch their attention.

Miss Lina! Mr. Gourry! Amelia called out happily. Zelgadis merely waved.

Hey Amelia, Zel. How are things? Let's see how long it takes them to realize...

I can't help but smirk as they stare at me in shock for a moment, before glancing at each other.

Zelgadis trails off.

Did you get your memories back? Amelia finishes.

Of course! I'm Lina Inverse, sorcery genius extraordinaire! It takes more than a conk on the head to take me out. I flash them a wink and a victory sign for good measure.

Amelia launches at me, trapping me in a hug. I should have seen that coming... I glance over to Gourry, noticing that hurt look in his eyes again.


It's good to see you too, Amelia. I pat her on the head, then, after she's gone back to her seat, also take a seat at their table.

I motion for Gourry to also join us, which he does.

So what're we having? I grin as I pat my stomach.

I laugh as they respond with scowls. It's good to be back!

We sit for at least an hour eating, chatting, and just having a good time. It was getting late though, and the inn's patrons were starting to retire for the night. I had already made arrangements to share a room with Amelia, and Gourry was to share with Zelgadis.

Amelia had finally admitted defeat and gone to bed, Zelgadis following soon after. Now it was just me and Gourry. He had been pretty quiet all evening...

I stifled a yawn as I turned to him. I think I'm ready to get some sleep. You coming, Gourry?

Gourry stared at his mug. In a while.

Okay, see you in the morning. I stand up and walk toward the stairs.

I look back to him as I'm about to ascend the stairs. Man, he looks so gloomy! There's nothing I can do about it, anyway, I reason. It's best this way.

...but that hurt look is gnawing away at me! I mean, just because I told him I love him and then...ah! The guilt! Usually I can shrug it off easily, but this is Gourry! Gourry, my constant companion, and friend. He's stuck with me no matter what!

I take a deep breath. There's only one thing to do!

I walk back over to the table.

Gourry blinks and looks up at me. Oh, Lina. I thought you'd gone to bed.

I was, but there's something I forgot to do. With that, I gave him a hug. Not as good as before, but hopefully enough for him to know my true intentions.

Good night, Gourry. I whisper to him, then dash back to the stairs before he can reply.

I look back down into the dining room once more to see the biggest smile I've ever seen grace his face.

I can't help but smile myself as I walk back to my room. As I settle into my bed, I reflect on the past few weeks. Gourry really was good to me. Even when I was at my weakest, he stayed by my side.

Gourry Gabriev, I never asked for you to love me! ...but I'm glad you do.

I bite my tongue, shooting a quick glance to the other bed to make sure Amelia's asleep. Thankfully, she is.

What am I saying? I bury my head in my pillow trying to block out those thoughts, but I know there's no going back now.

Somehow, I'm not so scared anymore. Whatever the future may hold, I know Gourry will always be there by my side.

Wow, seven chapters and sixty-nine pages later, we've reached the end! (Or is it?) Writing this last part was a challenge, because we weren't quite sure the best way for Lina to get her memory back. Then it hit me. ^_- Spontaneous ideas are the best!

So, Lina's tale is now officially over! ...however... When we first wrote this, the story was going to switch POV from Lina to Gourry at different parts, but we decided against that. Gourry wasn't too happy about not having his side told. (Seriously, the night I went to bed after finally finishing this, I was kept up all night with Gourry wanting to tell his side of the story.) As of now I have a few pages typed up, but Gourry's a much more difficult character to get down. (He's complex in his simplicity.) Hopefully I'll have something ready to put up before long.

Okay Rocky, your turn!

What now? Oh! Author's notes! I just want to say I had a fun time writing this with Diane. I'm glad we were there to pester each other to write more. I also can't wait till the Gourry's POV story is written out too. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this story. Thank you all for reading!