Author's note: Insert usual disclaimer about not owning the show nor the characters here.


Chapter One: Nothing Out of the Ordinary


Yawning as he did so, Danny McCoy put his feet up on the wooden desk in front of him. The tall, brown-haired ex-Marine had just started the second half of a double shift working as a security guard at the Montecito Resort and Casino. After rubbing the weariness out of his eyes, Danny stretched his arms out above him. The casino's peak hours had just ended, so things would be realtively quiet for now. Not good when one was bored out of their mind, like Danny was.

"How many times do I gotta tell you to get your feet off of the furniture?" a stern-looking, gray-haired man asked as he swatted Danny's feet off of the desk. Heading home after a long couple of days of work, Ed Deline was in no mood for anything from his protégé. "You got my cell-phone number?"

"Of course." Danny replied, rolling his eyes. "I've also got the numbers for Jillian's cell-phone, the movie theater, the restaurant you're going to, and your home phone." He smiled at Ed as he leaned furthur back in his chair. "How are you ever going to retire if you can't trust me to run this place for a few hours? You just enjoy your time with Jillian, and don't even think about the Montecito." Danny frowned slightly and sighed. "Besides, peak hours are over, so I doubt you'll miss much."

"Yeah, you're right." Ed said, clapping Danny on the back as he headed for the door. "Goodnight, Danny."

"Later, Ed." Danny replied, watching his mentor walk out the door. Shaking his head, Danny chuckled slightly. He knew that he could expect a call at least every twenty minutes from Ed. The older man must have thought that the Montecito turned into utter chaos when he wasn't around.

"Hey, Danny." Mitch, another security guard, called, "We've got something in the employee parking lot."

"Really?" Danny asked, getting up immediately and heading over to the wheelchair-bound man's side. "What's up?"

Mitch didn't need to say anything as it was clear by looking on the nearby monitor what was up. Two heavy-set guys were loitering around in the parking lot, conversing about something. Every now and then, they would survey the lot to make sure that it was deserted besides themselves. Suddenly, they turned away from the camera and one of the men pointed at something.

"Can we see what they're looking at?" Danny asked, glancing at Mitch.

"Sure thing." Mitch replied, cueing up another camera on the monitor. A cherry red Hummer H2 appeared on the screen, and Danny could feel worry suddenly surge through him. The only employee who drove that kind of car was Ed Deline himself.

Suddenly, something glinted on the ground near one of the cars, which caught Danny's brown eyes. He pointed at the monitor.

"Push in on that really quick." he requested, causing Mitch to punch in some more keys. The camera zoomed in on the object that appeared to be a metal ball bat of some kind. Danny's eyes grew wide with fear as he realized that the guys must be waiting for Ed, who was about to walk into a mob beating. "Mitch, call the police."

"Gotcha." Mitch nodded as Danny bolted out of the surveillance room. He had to get to Ed before the guys in the parking lot did!


To be continued...