Disclaimer-I don't own them...I'm sorry. I wish I did. But I do keep Fluffy- sama locked in my


Diary of a mute: Classes

is sign language,

' ' is thinking

Have you ever had one of those days? Well, that's what I was feeling right now. One of those

days. First, While going to retrieve my health book, my locker got stuck, so I was late to class. When I

finally get there, I found that the teacher, Mr. Harataka, was not the most lenient on tardies, so he sent me

to the office. There, I was given a note of excuse, and a detention, and sent back to class. 'Who ever

heard of getting detention for being late the first day of school?' I thought as I stalked back to the class,

tardy slip in had. My arm still ached from Sesshou-Maru-sama's claws, though I didn't care. My mind was

still lost in his eyes.

"Ahh, Miss Higurashi. So nice of you to join us...again. Please, take a seat behind Mr. Taijai." Mr.

Harataka pointed to an empty seat behind a boy I recognized as Sango's little brother, Kohaku. I had met

him before, and he was nice, so I felt a little better about sitting near a familiar face.

The class went relatively well, until about halfway through. Mr. Harataka was going down the

rows, asking questions about the lesson. Kohaku went, reciting what was expected of him, then it was my

turn. The teacher looked at me expectantly, then asked if I had lost my place daydreaming. I shook my

head emphatically, then tried to tell him I couldn't speak by covering my mouth with my hand. He didn't

take the hint.

"Miss Higurashi, would you please answer the question? Or are you going to continue those silly

hand gestures and receive another detention?" Kohaku raised his hand hesitantly when he noticed my


"Mr. Taijai, what is it?"

"Sir," He said, hesitantly, not wishing to defy his teacher's orders of silence. "Sir, Rin-chan can't

talk. She's mute. I think it should say so on her admissions note." All eyes in the class turned to me as

Mr. Harataka checked the note.

".....So I see. Next time, Miss Higurashi, tell me, instead of simply waving your hands about.

That's another detention for you. Two in one day. How shameful." And with that, he continued his class,

completely oblivious to the fact that his class was no longer paying attention to him. The entire class was

staring at me, and I felt each eye bore a hole into my skin.

Have you ever been stared at till you could almost hear what they where thinking?

Yeah...strangely enough, that had been happening to me a lot. Like right now. And it was giving me a

terrible headache.

What a freak.

That was the basic consensus. Everyone thought that. Of course they all thought it at different

volumes, tones, and other things. And it was really loud.

After the class from hell, I grabbed up my stuff and made a run for the door. I got through the

stampede and made it to my next class, which was English. I was in honor's English, which was with all the

other grades. I was wonderful at English, in fact, I was at a twelfth grade level. So you can imagine my joy

at being free of health and going to something I was actually good at.

I go into the class, trying to keep my head down. I had just gotten here, and I didn't want to be

beaten up by a senior or something. So I never saw where I sat.

As I kept my head down, I heard something that made my skin freeze up . "First, you dare bump

into I, Sesshou-Maru, and now you dare to disrupt my class and sit nearby me?"

A/N-I know, I know, it took forever to update, and it wasn't that long. It didn't even go the way I was hoping it would....Sorry. It was barely about Sesshy, and it didn't even talk about Rin's past like some of you had hoped. But I've been having Sess/rin writer's block, and I haven't been able to write much about anyone but Sango Miroku.....I'll write more later, ok? SRY!!!