Disclaimer:I don't own Kingdom Hearts (or else it wouldn't be rated E for everyone ^___~)

Warning:This fanfic is a slash, meaning male/male relationships, specifically, Riku/Sora. So if you are in any way offended by this, please don't read any further. If you choose to ignore this warning and end up hating this fic, then please don't flame about it because of the fact that it's a slash!!!!

I just had to do cross-dressing or a slash, but now I get to do both! This is just a crazy lil' fanfic I came up with while trying to gather ideas for a new fanfic. It's strange, but that's nothing new to me, so hope you enjoy it!

Clothes Make the Man

Paradise. That word would've perfectly summed up Destiny Islands. A cool ocean breeze blowing in, waves crashing gently where the warm sandy beach met the salty ocean. The sun gave just the right amount of warmth, the kind you felt before the summer days got too harsh. The fact that the beach wasn't crammed with people just added to its serene beauty.

A group of teens were sitting under a coconut tree, basking in the shade. The group consisted of three boys and a girl.

"Ahh, this is the life. I love spring break," the first boy spoke up. He leaned against the tree, his spiky brown hair stayed put as a wind swept by. He closed his blue eyes.

"Sora, you're so lazy. Everyday is like spring break for you," the girl teased.

"She's right, you're so lazy," the second boy chimed in. He had messy blonde hair, but he didn't seem to care, or maybe he just intended for it to be that way.

"Tidus, don't think you're any better than him, because you aren't!" the last boy laughed. He looked older than the other two, and probably was. He had orange hair, arranged in a strange manner.

"I can't help it if I like relaxing, Kairi!" Sora pretended to be hurt.

"Aww, I'm sorry," Kairi pretended as well, playing along.

"You two make me sick, ya," Wakka, the orange haired boy, chuckled, "get a room."

"C'mon Wakka, don't be so mean, they make a cute couple," Tidus snickered.

"No we don't!" Sora's eyes opened wide as he objected such a preposterous thought.

Kairi giggled, sweeping a section of her crimson hair back. Being a couple was perfectly fine with her. Sora was so cute. Of course, Sora didn't need to know that. She had hidden her feelings from him for quite a while now. At one time Sora had liked her, but now she wasn't so sure.

"Hey, where's Riku?" Wakka said, trying desperately to change the subject.

"One a date, where else?" Sora said sarcastically.

"Mr.Popular sure has got it easy, ya?" Wakka smiled, he was a little jealous of Riku's charms and how he was able to get any girl he wanted, but Riku was still his friend. He was a good guy once you got to know him, and once you get past how conceited he could be sometimes.

"So, which one of his girlfriends is it?" Kairi joked.

"How many girlfriends does he have?!" Tidus joined in.

"I lost count at 20," Sora wasn't actually making this up. Riku was known to have more than one girlfriend at a time. Of course, all of those girlfriends knew about the other girls, but none of them cared. As long as you had Riku, life was good.

"Well, I guess being 'dead sexy, smart, funny, and have a killer body' does that to you," Tidus was a tad jealous himself. He was pretty sexy, at least he thought so. How come all the girls flocked to Riku and not him?

All eyes were on Tidus.

"Tidus, did you just say that Riku was 'dead sexy, smart, funny, and had a killer body'?" Sora stared. He didn't know Tidus was gay, and judging from the looks on the faces of the others, they didn't know either.

"Huh? No, that's not what I think. I'm just reciting what Selphie told me," Tidus blushed. He didn't think they'd take it that way.

"Selphie?! When will the madness stop?" Kairi shook her head.

"Riku needs to settle down, ya? He's got all these girls after him, but I don't think he can choose. He needs to make up his mind, seeing 20 girls at the same time is not a good idea," Wakka sometimes wondered how Riku could keep up with 20 different girls.

"Riku is too easy with his selection. He'd go out with anyone!" Tidus stood up and wiped the sand off his shorts.

"No he's not," Sora stood up too, trying to defend his best friend.

"C'mon admit it Sora, Riku would go out with anyone!" Tidus said it as if it made so much sense to him.

"What? No he wouldn't!" Sora crossed his arms, he could do this all day.

"Wanna bet?" There was a strange gleam in Tidus' eyes.

"You're on!" Sora said without thinking, something he didn't do much of.

"I know how we'll do this," Tidus whispered his plan to Sora.

"WHAT? Are you crazy?" Sora backed away.

"Fine, then I win the bet," Tidus started to walk away, laughing to himself.

"Fine, let's do it, but no one better find out about this," Sora thought it over. He didn't like losing.


"Riku! Tidus is here!" Riku's mom yelled from downstairs.

Riku was up in his room. It wasn't too big and wasn't too small. The walls were painted blue, Riku's favorite color. He wasn't doing anything in particular at the moment, just laying on his bed thinking about nothing in particular.

"Hey Riku!" Tidus stepped through Riku's bedroom door and closed it behind him.

"Hey. You guys have fun without me yesterday?" Riku stayed in his position, head hanging off the side of the bed.

"We always do. How was your date?" Tidus seemed anxious.

"You came here just to ask me about that?" Riku seemed annoyed.

"Uh-oh! Looks like your date didn't go so well," Tidus nudged Riku.

"Shut up. The girl got pissed at me cause I got her name wrong. I mean, who gives a fuck if I call them Mandy instead of Marina?" Riku frowned.

"I think I'd be kinda pissed if my date called me Tiffany instead of Tidus," Tidus laughed at his own joke.

"Whatever, she was kinda annoying anyway," Riku shrugged. No use fretting over a girlfriend or two.

"What types of girls do you go for anyway, Riku?" Tidus sat down on a chair next to the bed.

"Girls. Geez, why do you wanna know? You interested in me or something?" Riku wasn't new to this type of attention. Both girls and boys loved him, but he didn't expect Tidus.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm not," Tidus was beginning to get annoyed. Why did everyone keep thinking he was gay? Maybe that was why girls didn't flock to him?

"Yeah, so why you wanna know? I hope you're not trying to set me up or anything, cause I already have enough girls to deal with, not to mention some guys," Riku reminded Tidus.

"Not that either. There's this new girl on the island. She asked me if I could give her a tour of the island, but I was busy, so I told her that you'd take her," Tidus explained.

"What?! Tidus, that's not funny, man! I have better things to do you know?" Riku glared at Tidus.

"Like starring at your ceiling all day?" Tidus cocked an eyebrow.

"You've got to be shitting me!" Riku threw his arms up in surrender.

"She's right out there," Tidus pointed to a girl standing on the sidewalk.

"Well, I guess she's ok looking at least," Riku examined the girl. She was about his age, a little shorter than him. Long brunette hair, and attractive blue eyes. They reminded him of someone, but who?


I hope you liked that. Please review! I would really appreciate it! Thank you very very much! Expect an update sometime in the next week, hopefully. That is, if I get enough good reviews. Mwahahahahahaha!