Inuyasha was radiating with happiness. The air around him started to shine as he walked to his car. He was mentally doing a touchdown dance in his head. He would have to thank Miroku for this later. Probably buy him something..anything!

Inuyasha drove home happier than usual. Nothing could mess up his day, not even those who unfortunately where given the privilege of drivers license.

Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru lived in the same house. Lucky for both of them, that the house was so large they hardly had to interact. Inuyasha's mother died when he was 10 of cancer. Sesshoumaru's mother reminded him of the women from Sex and the City – not that he watched the sort of stuff. She was beautiful, lavish, and dangerous. And for reasons that are unknown to him, Sesshoumaru decided it was best to not live with her. Inutaisho, their father, had died two years ago of a heart attack. The doctors could not fathom their father's death. Inuyasha speculated that he died of a broken heart after his mother's death. When he found out she was sick, he did everything he could. However, once she passed away, he shut down and eventually died. This is what, Inuyasha assumes, sparks the hostilities between the brothers.

Their father had felt them with a substantial amount of money, and the family business. Their royal family line had been around for centuries and obtained the title "Lord or Lady". Their father owned an oil refinery, and bought out many companies and restaurant in the area. They pretty much monopolized the entire town.

Inuyasha opened the door and stepped into his beautifully and uniquely furnished, red and white home. Before he could reach the stairs and retire into his room, a six-year-old little girl was running around him in a mad fit of giggles.

"What do you want twerp," growled Inuyasha. She knew to stay on her side of the mansion.

The little girl stopped running circles around him, and now stood in front of him with a gap-toothed smile plastered on her face. She lost her front baby tooth a couple days ago.

"I got an A on a Math test today!"

Inuyasha was never good with kids, heaven forbid he ever had kids of his own. He'd probably end up killing them. He didn't know how Sesshoumaru could stand such brats.

"And sooo...?"

Rin's usually happy face turned into a frown, as she was on the verge of tears.

Inuyasha suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of his head. He hissed at the pain and turned around to see his half brother emotionless as ever.

"Don't mind him Rin. He's just jealous because his stupidity knows no bounds"

Rin's frown turned into a smile as she heard the deadpan voice of her favorite person in the world.

"Yay! Lord Sesshoumaru is home," Rin exclaimed and she danced about the room

Rin ran to Sesshoumaru and gave him a bear huge. She looked at him while she was hugging him and asked, "I got an A in Math, happy?"

She looked up expectantly at what he was going to say next. Sesshoumaru padded her said and said "Yes Rin. Very pleased."

She let go of his waist, and continued to dance around the house.

Why did he, Sesshoumaru, keep a human girl if he hated them? Rin, ather young age, had a great influence on Sesshoumaru's life. She was a run away orphan. Her parents died in a car accident and she has spent most of her life in and out of orphanages and foster care. The last time she ran away, she ran into serious problems.

Flash Back

"You get over here, you little brat and clean the dishes or I'll beat you with in an inch of your life."

Rin jumped as her heard her foster mother yell at her from the kitchen. Her foster mother was an over weight red head with quite an abusive problem. Why would someone hire a person like her? Because no one else would take care of parentless children, but when those inspectors came she treated the children as though they were the apples of her eye. Then, when the inspector left, she would turn back into her hateful self.

Rin got up and headed toward the kitchen, know that it wasn't going to be good.

"It look you long enough. Start scrubbing. I don't have all day." With that she threw a rag in Rins face and took her TV dinner and sat on the couch and started watching Jeopardy. Occasionally you'd hear her scream at the TV. "Who is Lineal Richie." Rin didn't know why the woman bothered with the game show- she never got anything right. The answer was actually John Lennon.

While Rin was washed the dishes she noticed that the kitchen window was still open. She tiptoed on the stool and climbed upon the counter to close it. When she had her hand on the window to pull it down, she stopped. She could just slip away right now, and the fat lady wouldn't notice. Where would she run? Would they find her again and would she get beat for it again?

Rin decided that she didn't care, she was sick of being sad and mute. She popped her head out off the small window and looked down. It was a five feet drop, and for a 5-year-old girl it was a deadly drop.

"What was the Magna Carta! Come on Magna Carta, you idiots;" the answer the actually the Emancipation Proclamation.

Rin jumped and hit her head hard on the top of the window. It was now or never. She hunched over and swung her legs over the side. She turned around and she slowly climbed down, until she was only hanging from her hands. She looked down, but the floor still seemed so far away. Rin took and deep breath and left go. She came into contact with the grass very quick, and bent her knees and fell on her butt. To her surprise it didn't hurt that much. She got up and ran as fast as her legs could take her. The sun was setting, she knew it was going to be dark soon, but she kept on running.

Night approached quickly, Rin had stopped running a while ago and stayed satisfied with walking. She could see her hot breath as it met the cold air, turning into a white smoke. People were starting to look at her funny. She was sure they were going to call the police when they see a little girl walking the streets alone, so she turned into an alleyway and sat down for a break.

"Look what we've got here, boys." Out from the darkness a man with slicked back hair approached Rin. He was follow by three similar looking men.

"Now what is a kid like you doing on the streets at this time of night?" There was no concern in his voice, only sick humor. Rin just got up and started walked backwards, until she hit something sturdy. She looked up, and it was another man. She made a small "Epp" and walked forward. She was surrounded.

"You gunna answer the question?"

Rin just looked up at the man with fear growing in her eyes.

"Well boys," he continued, "it seems like cat's got her tongue."

A couple of them let out a small chuckle.

The leader shoved his hand in his leather jacket and pulled out a switchblade.

"Lets see, if we can get an answer out of her."

At that same time Sesshoumaru was driving home from a date, with his top down, and he smelled young human blood; a lot of it. He stopped the car and followed his nose, till he found the gang kicking something on the floor. Sesshoumaru looked down, and saw the pleading eyes of a little girl. Sesshoumaru smelt her blood, and cracked his knuckles. He let out a low growl, and they all turned around to look at him.

"Stay out of it, pretty boy, or you'll get your ass whooped too."

Sesshoumaru stayed silent as his hand started to glow green. The acid produced by his hand hit the floor and started to make a sizzling sound. His eyes flashed red, and his marking appeared on his face.

The leader eyes went wide as he screamed out, "He's a demon."

A white blur was the only thing they saw before they hit the ground to lie in a pool of their own blood. The bastards didn't deserve to live, and they would cease to exist from this world all together. Sesshoumaru made sure there wasn't even a piece of their bodies left, as the acid ate away at their skin and clothes.

Sesshoumaru turned his attention toward the little girl on the floor. He checked her vital signs, and they weren't good. She was still breathing but her heartbeat was very weak. He took out his cell phone and dialed 911.

"911, What's your emergency?"

"I need an ambulance, there is a little girl who was beaten by a gang and left to die. I'm in the middle of Coral Way and 192 avenue."

"OK Sir, First Response Units are on their way." Sesshoumaru never left the little girls' side. He accompanied her in the ambulance and stayed with her at the hospital.

Sesshoumaru waited patiently in the waiting room for the news about the little girl. He hated hospitals; there was a horrible stench in the air that would make any demon or human wish for a quick exit. He was uncomfortable in the chair, and he had families around him that reeked of anxiety.

"Excuse me. Are you the man that came in with the little girl?"

Sesshoumaru looked up at the doctor. He was an older man that had to be at least in his late forties. He wore the traditional doctors' uniform and held a clipboard in his hand.

"Yes, I came with the girl," Sesshoumaru responded.

"Can you come with me please."

Sesshoumaru got up and walked with the doctor.

The doctor looked at his clipboard while he walked.

"Ok Mr...?"


"Lord Sesshoumaru..the Lord Sesshoumaru," the doctor asked in astonishment.

"Yes," Sesshoumaru replied coldly. This was no time to be star struck.

"Well, Lord Sesshoumaru, you are very lucky that you brought her in. She has 3 broken ribs various deep slashes across her body. Lucky for her they didn't puncture her lungs. She also has a concussion and will probably need to be in the hospital for, maximum, a week. What is your relation with the girl?"

They turned the corner and walked down into another hall. Nurses and doctors were all walking around with their own business to attend to. Some rooms were open and Sesshoumaru would get a glance of patients on their beds.

"I have no relation to the girl. I saw her being attacked, and rescued her."

"Ok, Well she's already in her room. So if you'll please follow me."

The doctor stopped looking at his clipboard and led the way to the room the human girl occupied.

They stopped at room 146 and entered the room. A nurse was already in there taking Rins temperature and checking the IV.

"Hey Kiddo," said the doctor with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

Rin looked at him, but did not respond to his greeting.

"So Kiddo, what's your name."

Rin continued to gaze at him.

"She seems to be a mute doctor." Said the nurse as she grabbed the thermometer from Rins mouth.

The doctors stepped toward Rins bed and asked her to open her mouth. He took out a mini flashlight from his coat and flashed it in her mouth.

"There seems to be nothing wrong," he said in passing as he checked the inside of her mouth and throat.

"Can you tell me your name, please," the doctor asked with unending patience.

Rin turned her eyes to Sesshoumaru and turned back to the doctor.

"My name is Rin."

"And where do you live," the doctor asked while he wrote her name.

"I live in a foster home."

The doctor stood up and turned towards the nurse. "Tell the office to call every foster home in the area, and ask if they are missing a little girl named Rin."

"Yes Doctor" and with that the nurse left to deliver the message.

"Now Rin, you've got a new cuts and scraps, but with a little Dr. magic you will be ok. We will have someone here to stay with you. Let us know if anything hurts ok?"

Rin responded, "Ok!"

The doctor turned back to Rin and gestured towards Sesshoumaru. "Rin, do you know who this man is?"

Rin looking at Sesshoumaru and have him a cute little smile.

"He's the man that saved me."

The doctor nodded and walked toward Sesshoumaru.

"You know you are not obligated to stay, but you may do so if you wish."

Sesshoumaru looked at Rin and saw how she brighten up with he looked at her.

"This Sesshoumaru will accompany the child."

Two hours had passed and it was now eleven at night. Rin had fallen asleep an hour ago watching the Disney Channel. Sesshoumaru made himself comfortable in the armchair and watched TV as Rin slept. He continued to replay the series of events and the decisions that led him to take action against the criminals. He had no interest in humans, as they served no purpose. A child's death should have been insignificant. However, when he smelled innocent blood spilt and the aguish on the child's face, he reacted instinctually. Sesshoumaru brushed aside the thoughts, as he continued to gaze at the TV.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and a large red headed woman walked into the room. She looked towards the bed, and saw the little girl.

"There you are you little brat," exclaimed the woman.

Rin jumped awake when the door slammed open, and now she was faced with the lady that she tried to desperately to get away from.

"Who the hell told you to leave the house? You almost got me fired! Do you know how much this is going to cost!"

Sesshoumaru stood up.

"Silence, woman. Your presence in this facility is offensive."

Even though his face showed now emotion, but his voice told it all.

"Who the hell are you," she asked at she turned to face him.

Sesshoumaru shoved his hand in his pocket and took out his wallet. He took a business card.

"I'm adopting her, send the paper work to this address and leave."

The fat woman looked at the card. The color to her face started to seep away. She looked at him with her mouth open.

"Yourrr Lordd Sesshoumaru?"

"Yes, now leave."

The day he signed those adoption papers, was the day Sesshoumaru was signing his death.

'What this, Sesshoumaru know about raising a kid.'

Signing those papers was the most 'out of character' thing Sesshoumaru has ever done in his life. Rin helped and still helps him show a side that he's never had. Well, he knew he had it, but it was hidden deep inside his cold heart.

Inuyasha rubbed the newly formed spot on his head and continued to walk up stairs. Nothing could ruin his day. Kagome was officially his. Inuyasha walked up the stairs and went to straight to his room; the third door on his right. He pushed open the door and dropped his book bag and went straight for the bed. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Yep, things are all in place now. After being left by Kikyou, he thought he would never get on with his life. Kikyou had left him and the school to go to 'Miko Academy'. She didn't want to be tied down either. That was the day his world shattered.

Inuyasha Flash Back

It was the previous year, and it was the last day of school. Kikyou and Inuyasha were outside sitting on the bench. Kikyou had been acting weird all day, she didn't want any physical contact with Inuyasha at all; it was starting to bother him. She suddenly turned around and looked at him.

"We need to talk."

In a relationship, this sentence is the worst sentence you could ever hear. Nothing good happens when you say this sentence, ever, and Inuyasha knew this.

"What's wrong?" He prayed to the gods that he wasn't what he thought it was.

Then she dropped the bomb.

"Inuyasha, I'm not coming back next year. My mom enrolled me in Miko Academy."

'Alright, that wasn't so bad.' Inuyasha mentally thanked the gods.

"But we will still see each other. I mean, we still have the weekends."

Kikyou gave him hurt look and turned her face away from him.

Inuyasha grabbed she shoulders and forced her to look at him.

"Right?" He sounded so helpless, and so desperate. It was a yes or no question.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha, I don't want to be tied down when I go to a new school."

She moved his arms away and went straight to the schools parking lot. Inuyasha stayed in the same spot for a good 20 minutes. He couldn't believe what just happened. The love of his life, just broke up with him. His heart was a mirror that just got a rock thrown at it. Little by little the pieces fell, until there was none left.


However, Kikyou was the past, and you have to keep the past behind you. Hakuna Matata! It was time to focus on the future: a future with Kagome? It was strange; Kagome was a reminder of his past with Kikyou. Who did he see when he looked at her? Did he see his former love or his future love?

'Feh. It doesn't matter,' Inuyasha mused.

Kagome and Kikyou, they were like Ying and Yang; so alike yet so different.

Inuyasha looked around his room and saw the pictures of him and Kikyou.

"It's time to move on."

He took every picture and crumbled them, but before he threw them in the garbage something stopped him. Something in the back of his head told him not to throw them away. He started smooth them out. He couldn't throw away memories. When he's old that's all he'll have are these damn pictures. He continued to smooth out the pictures and put them into the drawer of his desk. Sooner or later, he'll have pictures of Kagome to replace the ones of Kikyou.