Disclaimer: I own; $6.50, a piece of chewed gum, a blunt pencil, two pet rats (free to a good home. Hell, free to any home that will take them. Anyone?), an empty box of tissues and a dilapidated pillow. However much I would like to, I do not own; my own home, a multinational company, a winning lottery ticket or a really good TV show that they shouldn't have cancelled.

Once the elevator doors had closed, Parker let out a sigh and relaxed slightly. Jarod's demeanour didn't change, and he continued to stare straight ahead. 'There's a camera in here' he told her. Parker made an obscene gesture to the camera. One of the guards sniggered and then all was silent.

A loud warning 'ding' ended the otherwise soundless journey upwards and the doors slid open. Jarod and Parker led the way out of the lift, followed by their swarm of bodyguards.

Jarod's nerves jacked up another notch. On Parker's radar he was practically vibrating. Still, his face was impassive and his actions sure as he disarmed another office full of secretaries and then they were stalking onwards, their destination- Raines' office.

To Parker's immense surprise, they found the man all but hiding under his desk. In actuality, he was standing in the middle of his office, his trembling fingers aiming a pistol at the door, like a last bastion against the coming horde. He was quickly disarmed and Jarod ordered him sent down and detained in a cell on one of the sublevels.

Now they walked the corridors of the sublevels, disarming any last pockets of resistance and searching for the place where Sydney and Broots were being held. Both Parker and Jarod were wary, the take over had been too easy; even now bands of sweepers sought them out to give themselves up to the new power.

The found the hitch soon enough. As they stepped out of the lift into sublevel twelve, there was the sharp sound of gunfire, followed by the distinct sound of a body hitting the floor. Jarod was moving before Parker could stop him. As they reached the corner, around which the sound had come from, Jarod flattened himself to the inside wall. Parker caught up and did the same, unholstering her gun. Glancing behind her she was reassured by the half a dozen large men, all holding similarly large guns.

Tapping Jarod on the shoulder, she offered him the gun. He considered for a second then shook his head. Turning forward again he squatted down then cautiously peered around the corner. Standing up he made a few rapid and cryptic hand signals to the body guards. Then he did something unexpected. With out the slightest attempt at concealment, he stepped out into the corridor, exposing himself to whoever the gunshots had originated from.

Parker took a deep breath, annoyed at Jarod for being so suicidal, then hoisted her gun and stepped out beside him. On the floor were three dark clad bodies, and Parker recognised the alpha team of bodyguards that had been sent to check this level. In front of the door to a cell stood her twin, looking calm and unruffled. A pistol was held casually at his side.

'Don't see why Raines and Dad got so upset about you leaving Parker.'

'Well that would be because I'm now in control of the Centre' replied Parker, her smooth tone matching that of her twin's. Lyle raised a smug eyebrow in response. 'How about we play a game of moral roulette then; care to bet ol' Syd's life for the chairmanship? How about Mr Broots'?'

'Lyle, hand over the gun.' Jarod's voice was that of a hostage negotiator, low and calm. Lyle raised an eyebrow for a moment, then laughed. 'And here's you claiming to be a genius. Do you remember last time we met genius? Do you remember your little brother?'

One moment Lyle was taunting and there was a three metre distance between the pretender and him, the next Jarod had managed to stop himself just in time, the tip of a knife pressing against Lyle's jugular. Taking a second to take in the whole scene, Parker realised that Lyle had moved equally quickly. A cocked gun was pressed against Jarod's temple. Both men's knuckles were white with the grip they had on their weapons. Looking down, Parker noticed that she too had moved on reflex. Her ready and loaded gun was aimed directly at Lyle.

'You've already tried to kill me twice Lyle. Both times you were stopped by people that cared about me.' Jarod's voice now betrayed the huge amount of pent up anger. He spoke through clenched teeth. 'Who cares enough about you? The child the Centre gave away. They didn't want you Lyle, no one wants you.'

Lyle gave an insane snicker and Parker saw his finger tighten around the trigger. 'It doesn't matter if I live or die. Just so long as I take you with me. Think you can twist that knife fast enough to stop my finger giving just a little twitch?'

Their stares were locked, hatred pulsing back and forwards between them. Parker knew she had to do something. They would kill each other.

'Drop the fucking gun Lyle, or I swear I'll blast you so full of holes they'll need to scrape you off the walls to have anything left to bury.' Neither men's gaze so much as flickered towards her, but Lyle replied nonetheless. 'You don't scare me sis. Never have. You're pathetic you know that? Spent your whole life running round after just one word of praise from Dad then sold your soul to him just because he flicked his pretty brown eyes your way.' He emphasised the 'him' by thrusting the gun at Jarod's temple, forcing his head sideways. The knife twitched, drawing a bead of blood on Lyle's throat.

'You've never known love Lyle. You'll never understand.' This was Jarod, his voice suddenly soft, sad. 'Why don't you tell me then Jarod? Just how much do you love my sister?' His arm blurred into movement then Parker was looking down the darkness of the barrel of Lyle's gun. Lyle grinned triumphantly. Jarod didn't move, didn't breathe, just kept his eyes on Lyle. Then, slowly, he lowered the knife, till it dropped to the floor with a clatter. Glancing into the distance of the corridor behind Lyle he sighed in defeat.

'That's a good labrat...' taunted Lyle. He was cut off by a loud gunshot. Parker was knocked flat by Jarod who had dived at her when the bodyguards that had circled around to take Lyle from behind had let off a shot at the madman. She could feel his frantic heart beat and her mind registered that there had been a second shot, from Lyle's gun. She hardly dared breathe, unable to see what was going on, as Jarod's large body covered her. Then he moved and she let out a sigh of relief. Pulling up slightly he looked at her to check that she was alright. They shared a smile then he stood to take control of the situation in the corridor. Parker stayed on the ground a moment longer, recovering, then she too stood and took stock of what had happened.

Lyle was dead. A high powered bullet had gone clean through his chest. His eyes were open, but focused on a place far from the dark corridors of the Centre. Jarod stepped over the body and opened the door behind which Sydney and Broots were imprisoned.

They looked up, unaware of the battle that had occurred in the corridor right outside their cell. Parker finished straightening her clothes and looked over Jarod's shoulder, her eyes alighting on the two ruffled looking men that were now jumping up to embrace their rescuer. Parker smiled in relief, seeing that they were OK, but then noticed something. Stepping forward to make sure that she was correct, she lifted a hand to finger the round hole in the back of Jarod's coat.

'Jarod?' her voice wavered. Sydney released Jarod's arm and looked at his protégé questioningly.

'I'm fine Parker.' He reassured her, giving Sydney a look then turning to face her. This gave Sydney and Broots a view of the neat little hole in Jarod's back.

'But, but, you've been shot' stammered Broots, turning pale.

'I learnt from what happened to Kyle,' explained Jarod.

'You're wearing a bullet proof vest' said Sydney for him, understanding.

'You knew there was going to be a stand off all along' accused Miss Parker. Jarod inclined his head. 'There was a eighty-five percent probability.' He admitted. Parker glared at him but let it drop.

'So, what now?' asked Sydney, looking at the corpse of Miss Parker's twin that was being lifted by four of Jarod and Parker's guards. Broots was also staring, a look of horrified fascination on his face.

Jarod took a deep breath and looked around at the three people that had chased him ever since he had escaped. 'Now we do all that we can to make the Centre a better place. To stop the imprisonment.'

The End

Author's note: This ending is the type of ending where I could think of nothing else. I hate leaving stories unfinished but the plot of this one ground to a halt a few pages ago. There's sixteen other stories and my school work crying for my attention right now. One day maybe I will come back and redo this story, but then again, maybe not. Thanks for reading.