Title: Corruption
Rating: PG:13
Pairing: DG/AQ - movieverse
The companion piece to 'Memories', this time with Dorian's view.

[Disclaimer: Me no own.]

Dorian remembered Allan Quatermain.

He remembered him well -- the arrogance and naivete of youth, a very serious young man who would, Dorian had been quite sure of this, go places.

Oh yes. Dorian remembered Allan Quatermain.

He'd never imagined, when he walked calmly out of his young lover's life, that they'd ever see each other again. He hadn't really cared enough to wonder, then. The novelty of adoration had worn off -- you wouldn't think it could, but it had -- and looking into Allan's eyes was like looking into a mirror that showed him everything he wasn't.

Everything he'd never wanted to be.

He'd looked into Allan's youthful, innocent eyes -- so determined to be worldly -- and felt something akin to guilt.

Dorian Gray, corrupting the youth of England since some time after birth... He chuckled at the thought.

And now there he was, Allan Quatermain, standing there with an aura of power...and it was no small part of Dorian that was attracted to that. It didn't help matters the way Allan had aged gracefully -- once a beautiful boy and now a handsome man.

He saw Mina's eyes widen at Allan's words, but he didn't make any effort to explain to her. Not that, of course, he'd get a chance to.

He watched Allan as they fought, out of the corner of his eye.

"Africa will never let me die,"

Dorian hoped that it was true.

He didn't think too deeply on that.