A/N: Forgive the long delay. The last couple weeks have been insane and I could not find the peace of mind needed to write. I hope you have enjoyed this story and with any luck I will have a new one coming shortly.

Chapter Six: Finale

The small room in which he waited was warm and cozy with soft colors and many healthy plants. So, this was where his friend and king had snuck away to on many occasions. Perhaps he thought he had really found love, or perhaps it was merely a means of distraction from the heavy burdens of his office; whatever the reason, he felt as if he did not know his friend as closely as he originally thought.

Finally, he felt a presence join his in the sitting room. He turned and was struck by the beautiful elf that stood in the doorway. Her deep eyes looked sat him with wariness. Thoughts came into his mind, this woman had power over him as none other ever could. She could strike him down from the highest level he had only too recently obtained back to the level of a servant. Only this time his master would not be his dearest and most trusted friend, but a small child who could not understand his position or even situation in the world right now.

"I knew you would come, Cirdan." She said with confidence and the Lord was taken aback. So sure was she of her power over him that she did not even address him as a lord but as someone on equal footing with her who was a maid of no title or consequence in the great scheme of things. Until recently, that is.

He decided not to mention her oversight and only returned her gaze with no emotion in his voice, "You've been expecting me?"

She closed the gap with him, in order to better she if there was fear behind his eyes, "I know Gil-Galad, he would have told someone of my son's existence, especially in these times of war. When I learned of his death I knew it would only be a matter of time before someone came to my door seeking the truth and a glimpse of the new king."

Cirdan did not like her, arrogance rolled off of her in waves. It was possible she only saw her son as her ticket out of her poor small house into a beautiful palace and servants to see to her every need. "You are very confident. There is no proof that your son is indeed the son of a king. What would you say if one doubted your claim?"

"I would say that a person need only look at my son to know his heritage." Smirking she turned her back on him to pour herself a small of wine.

Silence filled the room for many moments while each one tried to assess the other.

Finally, Cirdan spoke, "So, you will bring this child to the royal court. You will raise up one that cannot even read and write and declare him the new ruler."

"Not right now, Cirdan, but soon. He will be king for he was destined for greatness and if you cannot see that then you are blind. It was the will of the Valar that Gil-Galad leave behind an heir, even illegitimate. I will see to it that all bow before him, even you." She stared him down, "My only thoughts are for my son. I will do all in my power to see that he is recognized."

The new Lord began to lose him mind, he would rule now but it would only be a matter of time before this woman would come forward to remove him. It was true, she held all the power over him that could even be had.

He could not let this be his fate! He had worked for so hard. Gil-Galad's death was tragic but it had finally opened a door he thought was shut to him forever.

"What if your son does not wish that fate?"

"I will teach him of his future long before he takes your place. He will never question it."

"Is there nothing I can do to change your decision?" He asked

~end flashback~

Erestor listened numbly to his story. The few memories he had of his mother were warm, but Cirdan made it seem that his mother was vindictive. Was this how she truly was to others? There would be no way of even knowing.

"It was then I took the knife from under my cloak. I slit her thought so quickly she did not even have time to scream. I watched her blood mix with the wine she had held and could not believe what I had done." He confessed, "It was only a short time later that I went to you, Erestor, and took you from that house. Who you were always stayed with me. Your eyes, the eyes of a king, were always staring at me with such innocence yet such power."

"So you sought to exile me."

"Yes." Cirdan said. "When my guilt got the better of me I returned to where I had left you only to be told a child had been killed. I thought it was you, so I did not search any longer. Guilt forever plagued me for what I had done. All I wished for was a way to undo my terrible wrong. Now I finally have a way."

Cirdan went to his knees before Erestor and from his pocket, presented the dark elf with a beautiful ring. The stone was as red and a blooming rose.

"I give to you Narya, the ring of fire. Your father's ring given to me on the slopes of Mount Doom. It was for me to hold in safekeeping. I was to deliver it to you, but I betrayed you and kept it. After I had killed your mother and I thought you dead, the only thing I saw in its light was the red blood I had spilt. I could not bear to look at it any longer so I gave it to Mithrandir."  Cirdan took Erestor's hand and placed the ring on his finger, "On my journey here the white wizard stopped me in my path and gave it back to me. It is now back to where it belongs, with the High-King once more."

Erestor's throat dried up and he could not speak, the weight of the ring seemed to bring him down.

"This is your responsibility and no one else's. The elves that remain here are scattered. We need a leader to show us the way into the next stage of our race. You are the only one who can do this, the blood of greatness runs throughout you. Wield it as none other can and guide elvendom into its future."

The newest Lord shook his head, "This will be the end of my freedom. I can no longer choose my path, it is laid before me."

"That is true," Cirdan said, "leadership brings with it great responsibility. I know you will make the right choice."

The shipwright stood and bowed deeply to Erestor before departing, leaving the King to stare at his father's ring. Everything he knew was taken from him in only a matter of minutes. The future would never be again as it once was. With all hope, he could yet hold onto a small part of the Advisor.

He had found the answers he had so desperately sought for all his life, now he wondered whether he was happier before they were ever revealed to him.

For some the future closes doors

For others it lets you choose

But no matter what you do

To Thine own self be true


I thank you from the bottom of my heart.