A/N: First off – Hi!! Sorry this took so long to get put up. I've been busy with work, and I'm recovering from pneumonia! (How much does THAT suck, eh?) To make up for the long wait, chapter 10 is EXTRA long! (I thought I'd NEVER finish writing it!!!) Anyways, thanks for your patience as usual! For now I will shut up, but look to the end for my ever present thank you's and stuff! Thanks!
This Chapter First Posted On: 6/24/04
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling, nor do I work for CLAMP – thus, I own none of this.
Chapter 10: The New Professor
Sakura practically ran from the Transfiguration classroom to the Great Hall when the lunch bell sounded. She intercepted Li at the doors of the Great Hall and, after making excuses to their Gryffindor friends, hauled him out to one of the more unused courtyards. Sakura reached out with her aura, double-checking that no one was anywhere nearby.
"What is it, Sakura-chan?" Syaoran leaned back against a nearby pillar as he folded his arms over his chest.
"I just met Draco Malfoy's father." Sakura shivered a bit at the memory of the man looking her over like a hungry dog.
Syaoran stepped over to her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "What did he want, Sakura?"
Sakura shrugged lightly, "I suppose he wanted to meet me. His aura is very, very dirty. I think he is one of the closest to Voldemort. But unlike Jade-sensei, Malfoy serves his master willingly, faithfully."
"Are you going to be alright, Sakura?" Syaoran pulled her into a gentle hug. Sakura nodded against his chest. "We need to find out more about Malfoy."
"Hai. We should ask Harry, Ron, and Hermione. And then, if we require more information, we should ask Jade-sensei."
Syaoran frowned slightly as he released Sakura from the hug. "Perhaps we should just go to the headmaster?"
Sakura shook her head. "No, he has much to deal with already. We will not bother him unless it is absolutely necessary."
He grudgingly nodded his approval. "Let's go back to lunch, and we'll talk to them before the next class." Sakura nodded and led the way back to the Great Hall.
Sakura stepped over the bench and took a seat next to Harry, and across from Ron and Hermione. Ginny was further down the table today, chatting with Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. Harry flashed Sakura a bright smile, "Hey, Sakura. How're your classes going today?"
The green-eyed girl gave him a quick smile, "They're alright, Harry-kun." She glanced at Li on her right, then back over to Harry. Leaning in closer to him she whispered, "Harry-kun. After lunch, but before you and Ron-san and Hermione-chan go to your next class, Syaoran-kun and I need to talk to you."
Harry raised an eyebrow, "About what, Sakura?"
The Japanese girl leaned in even closer, her voice barely audible, "Lucius Malfoy."
Harry's eyes narrowed, and he glanced at Li for conformation. Li nodded once before returning to his meal. "Alright, Sakura. After lunch we'll find a place to talk." He returned his attention to his meal, but he felt eyes on him. Harry looked around the Hall as inconspicuously as he could before his gaze came to rest on the head table. Professor Snape's eyes narrowed as he stared at Harry, and Harry met his challenging gaze. The Potions Master quickly turned his attention elsewhere as the Headmaster made his way closer.
Snape watched the Gryffindor table closely as Kinomoto and Li took their seats. He knew that Kinomoto would tell Li, at the very least, about her meeting with Lucius. There was also no doubt in the Potions Master's mind that she would share the details of the interlude with Potter (that boy seemed to get into everything that happened in the castle). "Ah, Severus, my boy."
The Potions Master turned his gaze from the students to the doddering old fool at his right, "Yes, headmaster?"
Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled mischievously, "I believe we have a few things to discuss after lunch. Would you meet me in my office for tea?"
Snape sighed and nodded his assent to the sanctimonious old bat. "Of course, headmaster."
"Good, good." Dumbledore moved down the row of teachers to his seat in the middle of the head table and tucked into his lunch. Snape turned his attention back to the Gryffindor table, only to find that the Golden Trio and the two transfer students had already left the Great Hall.
Sakura skillfully warded the door to the abandoned classroom in the Transfiguration corridor. Hermione watched the Japanese girl carefully, with barely suppressed delight and awe. "That's a very complicated and powerful charm, Sakura! How did you do it?"
"Hoe? It is?" Sakura shrugged and sat down on a desk. "I learned it the other night, reading through a book I picked up from the library on Charms."
Before Hermione could ask Sakura which book it was Harry cleared his throat. "Sorry, 'Mione, but we're not here to talk about Charms." Hermione nodded sullenly, and dropped the matter. "Sakura, you said you met Lucius Malfoy today?"
"Hai, Harry-kun. I was on my way to Transfiguration when I saw Snape- sensei and a tall, blonde man. His aura was very powerful... and very dirty..." Sakura shuddered slightly. "I sensed that Snape-sensei wanted to introduce me to the man, so I went over to the two of them. I told Snape- sensei good morning, and then surprised Malfoy when I introduced myself to him and acknowledged him as Draco Malfoy's father. I then excused myself and went to class."
"Blimey, Sakura. You're mad, you know?"
"Hoe?" Sakura blinked at Ron. "Nande?"
Li crossed his arms over his chest, "Because it was not very smart to simply waltz over to a very dangerous man and introduce yourself."
"Oh." She sighed, thinking that over for a moment. "But... Snape-sensei wouldn't have let Malfoy do anything to me. Especially in the middle of a crowded hallway during school hours, ne?"
"That's true, Sakura. For some reason, Snape seems to like you, and so I doubt he's simply going to hand you over to Malfoy." Harry paused, thinking. "However, I don't think it's wise to be around Snape after class hours. He may be a spy, but he still has to pretend he is loyal to Voldemort. So if Voldemort orders Snape to kidnap you, then Snape is going to have to either kidnap you, or give his own life up in an attempt to come up with a good excuse for not bringing you to his 'master'."
Sakura nodded, her green eyes welling up with tears. "Hoe..." She sniffled, "Perhaps I should have simply stayed at home..."
Harry crossed over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I, for one, am very glad that you came here this year, Sakura."
She smiled, then nodded, "Hai, Harry-kun. If I had not come, then I would not have met you, or Hermione-chan, or Ron-san." The end of lunch bell sounded, and Sakura stood up. "We should all head to class. We will speak more of this later." Harry nodded, then watched (a bit jealously) as Sakura gave Li a hug before gathering up her things, unwarding the door, then rushing off to her next class.
He sighed and knocked lightly on the door. "Come in!" Snape pushed open the door to the headmaster's office, stepping through, and shut it quickly behind him. He promptly took a seat in front of the headmaster's desk. "Ah, Severus," the headmaster smiled brightly, "thank you for coming."
"Of course, headmaster." Dumbledore held out a cup of tea to the Potions professor, which Snape took (albeit a bit reluctantly). "Now, you wished to see me?"
"I'm afraid so, my dear boy. I wanted to ask how your meeting with the elder Mister Malfoy went this morning."
Snape took a sip of tea, sighing internally. Dumbledore may claim not to be omniscient, but he sure as hell acted like he was. "It was satisfactory. He insisted on meeting the girl, and, since he did come during school hours, I could think of no plausible excuse for him not to see her. I took him up to wait by Minerva's classroom, and then the girl came up to us all by herself. She even knew who Lucius was, and introduced herself to him."
The headmaster's blue eyes twinkled behind his half-moon glasses, "She is a very bright girl."
"Or, possibly, a very stupid one. Lucius could feel the power radiating from her!" Snape huffed and set down his half-empty teacup.
Dumbledore nodded, still smiling, "Of course he did. She allowed him to feel her power. Sakura can hide it, if she wishes to."
Snape blinked, staring blankly at the wizened old wizard before him. "She can?" He sat back in the chair, still rather at a loss for words. "Then why didn't she?"
"Because it seems she knows more than we have told her. She must have thought it was imperative for Mr. Malfoy to feel her power... not for her own sake, mind you, but for yours."
The younger of the two wizards winced, "For my sake?"
"She knows what kind of position you are in, Severus, and she apparently does not want to jeopardize that."
Snape was once again at a loss for words, and so he simply stared at the headmaster. "I see..."
Dumbledore smiled kindly, "She cares for you, my boy. She cares about everyone, and so she will have no one suffer on her behalf if she can help it. It is a part of who she is." He refilled Snape's teacup, and smiled again as the Potions professor graciously took another sip. "Now, that is not all I wanted to talk to you about." Snape raised a single eyebrow, questioningly. Dumbledore sighed softly, "I wanted to ask you about Lani."
"Really. And I thought that I was the one who wanted to ask about her." The headmaster stared at him curiously, and Snape sighed. "She was the one who brought Lucius to me this morning. And I saw them in one of the hallways together before that. Lucius called her 'my Lady', and brought her a gift from the Dark Lord. They were acting as though they were on very good terms..."
Dumbledore sighed, and simply nodded. "Yes, yes. Some of the Death Eaters know Lani's identity, I'm afraid. Mainly Tom's inner circle. They know that she is... his consort." He paused, not knowing if Snape was aware of that fact. He soon continued, though, when the younger wizard displayed no signs of surprise. "Thankfully, none of them really know much else about her... at least they know nothing of importance."
"Such as?"
"The things she is capable of doing, of course."
"Like what?" Snape drawled, tired of playing the headmaster's guessing game.
"I'm afraid, my boy, that it is not my place to reveal such things. If you wish to know, I suggest you speak with Alanni yourself."
The way that Dumbledore said that statement meant that this particular part of the conversation was over. Snape sighed, nodded, and set down his teacup. "Was there anything else, Albus?"
Dumbledore smiled, but some of the twinkle left his blue eyes. "I wanted to know how your position was fairing. Does Tom suspect anything?"
Snape shrugged, "Of course he suspects. He is a paranoid megalomaniac. But I do believe he suspects me more than he does the others... I have been punished at nearly every meeting since his rebirth. I don't think he's forgotten those things I said to Quirrel when that idiot was possessed by the Dark Lord."
"I see. Now, just a few more things before you can go. The break is nearly over, anyways." Dumbledore refilled his own cup of tea. "I also wanted to ask you about Draco. Do you think he is committed to following in his father's footsteps? Or do you think, perhaps, that there is a chance he could come to serve the side of Light?"
"Hmm... as the boy's godfather I like to hope for the best." Snape sighed, "He does, however, seem to show signs of wanting to be like Lucius. I don't think his heart is quite in it, though. I do try to encourage him to think for himself, but Lucius is a very persuasive man. The only way to dissuade him from becoming a Death Eater would most likely be to reveal myself as a spy to him." He shrugged slightly, "But, if I'm wrong, and he really does value all that the Dark Lord holds dear, then he would turn me in as a traitor without a second thought."
"Just as I thought." Dumbledore paused, contemplating. "I would like it if you could spend a little bit more time with the boy, perhaps drop some hints that following Tom does not usually lead to a happy, healthy, and long life." Snape nodded his assent, waiting for the headmaster to continue. "Now, before you leave, I wanted to ask you how you thought Miss Kinomoto was adjusting."
Snape allowed himself the briefest of smiles, "She is doing well. I believe she has revealed herself to Potter, Weasley, and Granger, but I doubt those three would put her in any danger, unless they did so unwittingly."
The older wizard smiled and nodded, "That's what I thought you'd say." He set his teacup down and looked up at Snape again, "Alright, my boy, I believe you have class starting soon." The Potions Master stood, nodding. "Have a good day, Severus."
"Thank you, headmaster." Snape turned and went to the door, where he paused. "Have a good day as well, Albus." He exited quickly, leaving the smiling headmaster alone in the office.
His afternoon classes went by in a blur. He vaguely recalled yelling at a third year Hufflepuff who melted his cauldron, and assigning him a weeks worth of detentions with Filch. Snape's mind was elsewhere that afternoon, and anyone who saw fit to disturb his thoughts was quite thoroughly yelled at.
After class he set to work on brewing some potions. He wasn't quite sure which potions he started on, but he let his instincts guide him. Making potions always seemed to take his mind off his troubles, and relaxed him greatly. About halfway through making a batch of Veritaserum there was a knock on the classroom door. "What?!" he shouted, angry at being disturbed.
"Sorry, Severus. I didn't mean to disturb you... I can come back later."
He turned to see Jade trying to slip out the door of the classroom. "No! Wait, Lani, come back. I wanted to talk to you anyways."
She turned around and warded the door with a few silencing and privacy charms before walking over to him. "Good. I'd like to speak with you about a few things as well."
Snape raised his eyebrow questioningly, but was only answered by her silence. "Alright, then, I'll start." He crossed his arms over his chest, "What was that all about with Lucius earlier? You were acting like dear old friends... and why was he groveling at your feet in the hallway?"
Jade flushed slightly, "You saw that part, did you?" He nodded once, and she sighed. "That's all part of the job, Severus. I have to play the part of the good little slave, you know. I am the Dark Lord's right hand, and his... lover." She made a face, as if the word turned sour in her mouth.
"So do all in his inner circle treat you like that?" She nodded. "I see..." Snape sighed, "And I know what it's like... to do things you wouldn't normally do, or wouldn't ever want to do."
Jade's eyes flashed and changed from green to silver, "Oh. So you know what it's like to be forced to shag the darkest dark wizard since Grindelwald, do you?"
He sighed, exasperated, "No, of course I don't. And I'm quite sorry that you're the one who has to know, but you don't need to take it out on me."
It was now her turn to sigh, and so she did. "Yes, sorry. I'm just a bit... tired today. Lost my job yesterday, got to be tortured for it, had to deal with that toad again today, then on top of it all Lucius shows up and I have to play Dark Lady or else rouse his suspicions."
They both stood in silence for a few moments, neither knowing quite what to say next. Finally Snape looked up, "So what did he give you?"
"Hm?" Jade looked up into his onyx eyes. "Oh, the gift that the Dark Lord sent?" Snape nodded in affirmation, and Jade drew the necklace out from under her shirt.
Snape studied the Slytherin crest with great interest, and reached out to touch it. Jade quickly moved it from his reach, glaring at him. "Are you daft, Severus? This was a gift from the Dark Lord. You don't just reach out and grab something from him." When he only raised his eyebrow at her (in that fashion that annoyed her so greatly) she brought the necklace closer to him once again and flipped the pendant over. On the back of the Slytherin crest were the initials "T.M.R." in a flourishing style.
"Ah, I see. Something from his old school days, then." Jade nodded, and he sighed. "So what's wrong with it?"
"Well, so far I've been able to determine that it's got a tracking charm on it, which fortunately doesn't seem to work within the Hogwart's wards; it's got some sort of binding charm, and I suppose that one is to bind me to him again and put a leash on my powers; it's also got some sort of charm on it that lets him know who has touched it, hence why I yanked it away from you. That's all I've discovered so far."
Snape pondered this for a moment, then he looked up at Jade, a bit confused. "A charm to put 'a leash' on your powers?"
Jade grinned a bit sheepishly. "Don't you remember, Severus? I graduated as one of the top in our class!" He simply stared at her with his arms folded across his chest, waiting for a real explanation. She sighed and sank down onto his desk. "Well, see... I guess I'm not technically a witch. I'm sort of a... well, a low-level sorcerer, really."
He raised his eyebrows, shocked. "You're... a sorceress?"
Jade shrugged, "Yeah. Just inherited a strong bit of magic from my ancestors."
"Oh, really. And just who, pray tell, are your ancestors?"
"Well, Severus, I'll make a little deal with you. If you can figure out my real last name, as I have no doubt that you already know that 'Jade' is not my last name, and rather is my middle name. Anyways," she smiled, "if you can figure out my last name, then I will tell you who my ancestors are."
Snape smiled wickedly, "It's a deal, then."
Friday was another gray, rainy day. The newest professor smiled brightly at the class of fourth year students in front of him, along with their guest (the witch most currently hated at Hogwart's). "Good morning, students. I am Professor Eriol Hiiragizawa, and no, I'm actually English. I was born and raised in London, but I have been to Japan a number of times. My father was Japanese, but my mother was British." The blue haired sorcerer smiled still, his gaze resting on Sakura momentarily. "It pains me to take up teaching here at Hogwart's under the current circumstances, but I am glad for the opportunity. We will get to work straight away, so please put away your wands."
There was a collective groan from the class as everyone put their wands back in their bags, drawing out parchment, ink, and a quill. "As of today we are going to be studying the theories of spells, and not the practical applications of them."
The students groaned again, but soon found themselves enjoying the lecture their new professor was giving. Everyone seemed rather pleased by the way the class went, including the High Inquisitor to Hogwart's.
Sakura hugged Eriol quickly before she left his classroom at lunchtime. She was quite proud of her friend/ancestor, and was one of the few in his class to realize the reason behind his teaching theory instead of letting them practice spells – putting spells to practical use was exactly the reason that Professor Jade had been fired. Most students failed to realize that, for some reason or another.
As Ginny and Sakura passed through the Entrance Hall, Sakura realized that she'd been wanting to talk to Professor Snape since she'd met Lucius Malfoy. So the Card Mistress made a few excuses to the youngest Weasley and headed down to the dungeons as the fifth years made their way up.
Sakura reached the bottom of the stairwell and began her trek to the potions classroom. She accidentally bumped into one of the leaving fifth years, and promptly fell to the ground. "Hoe..." she muttered.
"Watch where you're going, you stupid little Mudblood!" Sakura gazed up into the icy gray-blue eyes of Draco Malfoy, and she glared at him.
She brushed herself off as she stood, and looked up at Malfoy (because she was nearly a head shorter than him). "How many times have I told you not to call me that, Malfoy?"
He snorted, folding his arms over his chest. "I don't believe anything you say, Mudblood. I'm going to call you what I damn well please!"
"Ah, Malfoy, you are so very wrong." Sakura shook her head, taking a step back away from him. "I am not a 'dirty blood', and I am, in fact, very powerful."
"You? Powerful?" He chuckled, then narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Don't make me laugh."
Sakura smiled sweetly, "But it is true, Malfoy! I am powerful enough to attract the attention of your father's master, you know."
Malfoy's eyes remained slitted as he glared at her, "My father's master? My father has no master, idiot girl."
"Does he not serve the one they call the 'Dark Lord'?" She shook her head slightly. "I know he does, because his aura is very impure from being around a being so evil."
Without warning Malfoy grabbed Sakura by the throat. "You better not go around telling people that, Mudblood!" He shoved her violently against the stone wall.
"Do you also serve the dark wizard, Malfoy?" She smiled sweetly as he tightened his grip on her throat. "I serve the Light, Malfoy, and I find that in the end, the Light always wins."
"Mr. Malfoy!" Malfoy released his hold on Sakura, who fell to the ground, coughing. Snape and Jade approached the two quickly. The Potions Master knelt next to Sakura and helped her to her feet. He turned a glare on the young Malfoy, "Mr. Malfoy. Such behavior from a Slytherin is unacceptable. Twenty points from my own house."
"Severus," Jade put a hand on Malfoy's shoulder, "would you mind seeing to Ms. Kinomoto while I have a talk with Mr. Malfoy?" The Potions professor nodded and steered Sakura to his office. Jade folded her arms across her chest and stepped in front of Malfoy.
He fell to one knee quickly, and bowed his head. "My Lady, forgive me."
She sneered down at him, "Oh, get up, boy! It would not do to have someone see this little display." As he stood she grabbed his arm and hauled him into the Potions classroom. "You're as bad as your father when it comes to that." Jade sighed and turned to face him. "Now... explain yourself."
"That filthy little Mudblood was insulting my father! And she said that in the end, the Dark Lord would lose!"
Jade chuckled for a moment before bursting out into laughter. Malfoy stared at her, extremely confused. "Oh, my dear boy, did you just call Sakura a 'Mudblood'?" He nodded and she burst into another round of laughter. "That's the funniest thing I've ever heard!"
Malfoy felt his temper rising as he watched the former DADA professor laugh. "What is so funny, my Lady?"
"I'm almost glad you don't know, dear boy." She smiled wickedly, "That fact that you don't know proves your father is being quite loyal to our Lord." Jade contemplated a moment before taking a step closer to Malfoy. "I will tell you a secret now, Draco, and you musn't tell any of your little friends, okay?" The boy nodded, eager to hear what his Dark Lady had to say. Jade smiled wickedly and bent down to his ear, whispering, "Sakura Kinomoto is the most powerful person on this planet. She is a sorceress, and the Mistress of the Cards. She is far from being a Mudblood."
Malfoy's eyes widened, and he looked into his Lady's eyes for confirmation that this wasn't simply a joke. He found the truth in her eyes, and his jaw dropped. "Impossible. That... that girl is the Card Mistress? Father has spoken about trying to find her... but... I never expected it would be Kinomoto! She's so... young!!!"
Jade nodded, "Yes, she is young, but she is wise and powerful."
"Will... will our Lord be able to persuade her to join him?" Malfoy looked up at Jade with uncertainty. "And if she will not join him, will he be able to take her powers anyway?"
"I am not certain, Draco. Sakura is very powerful, and very pure hearted. She does not serve the Light... she is the Light. It will be very difficult to use her, or to get her to join us."
"But... that means that our Lord isn't as powerful as we think he is."
Jade smiled sadly, and placed a hand on Malfoy's shoulder, "I wish I could tell you more, my boy, but I cannot. What you truly need to do, Draco, is listen to your heart. If you find that you cannot support our Lord in his fight for power, then join the Light." His eyes widened, full of fear. "I will not tell your father of this conversation. In fact, if you join the Light, I will not tell him that either. Nor will I tell our Lord."
He nodded, somewhat dumbfounded. "Yes, my Lady. I will think about what you have said."
"Good, Draco, that is all I ask that you do." She turned, headed for the door. "Oh, and Draco?" She paused, turning towards him again, "Just listen to your instincts. And if you need to talk, your godfather and I are willing to listen." With that she disappeared out into the corridor.
"So now I've got to decide if I'm going to follow my father, or turn and support Dumbledore." Draco Malfoy sighed, heading for the door. "And the only people I've got to talk to about this life changing decision are Severus, who serves the Dark Lord faithfully along side my father, and the consort to Voldemort himself!" He huffed as he left the room, and muttered, "Fat lot of good they do me."
Saturday was bright, clear, and quite cool because of the rain the night before. The sound of giggling filled one of the lesser used courtyards. "Li Xiao Lang! That is not funny!!!" However, Meiling Li soon collapsed into giggles with her two Japanese friends.
"If it is not funny, then why are you laughing?"
Meiling hit her cousin's arm and turned to Sakura, "Can't you make him behave, Sakura?"
Sakura stared at Meiling, wide-eyed, "No! The only one who can get him to behave is his mother!" She leaned closer to the Chinese girl, "And I would hate to be the one who didn't listen to every word that your aunt says!" She smiled playfully as Meiling quickly nodded her assent.
"Aunt Yelan is quite... impressive." Meiling leaned back against the half- wall of the courtyard. "I would not be the one to disobey her."
"Except that you did, Meilin." Syaoran smiled briefly, "We both did... when we came here."
Meiling giggled, "But that's different, Syaoran! Nothing could have stopped me from coming here! Not once I found out that I actually had magic!"
Tomoyo giggled and handed Meiling a new cup of tea, "Hai, Meilin, I know how you feel. When that owl came with my Hogwart's letter... I nearly burst with joy!!! I finally get to be just like my Sakura-chan!!!" The violet haired girl sighed dreamily, causing two of the three assembled to fall into another fit of giggles.
Sakura leaned lightly onto Syaoran, and blushed lightly as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "Isn't this nice, Syaoran-kun? To just sit here with our friends and laugh?"
He nodded, and lightly kissed her cheek as Meiling and Tomoyo continued their discussion about how great magic was, and how wonderful going to a magical school was. She blushed brightly, and rejoined the conversation with her two best girl friends.
There was a loud knock on her door. She looked over at her clock, bleary- eyed, and groaned. It was already 11 in the morning? The knock came again, and she pushed the covers off. Jade pulled on her black dressing gown over her rather light and skimpy green night dress and answered the door.
"Oh, Lani. I wasn't aware you were still sleeping."
She groaned and opened the door wider, allowing Snape to enter her chambers. "I do occasionally like to sleep in, Severus. And... I'm going to need all the rest I can possibly get."
He sat down in one of the chairs near the fire, "Why, Lani?" He gazed up at her as she moved to sit across from him.
"I've got a meeting with him tonight." Jade sighed heavily as she sank into the seat.
Snape nodded silently. "Sorry to have gotten you up, then, but I had to. You weren't at breakfast, and you haven't been in your office today. Albus has called a meeting of the Order's inner circle, and that'll take place in an hour... I thought I'd make sure you knew."
She leaned back in her chair, groaning again. "That man is out to kill me." Jade crossed her arms over her chest, "Thanks, Severus. I probably would've slept through the meeting, or Albus would've moved the meeting to here to make sure I attended." He nodded, his cheeks slightly pink. She raised her eyebrow at him, "Are you feeling alright, Severus? You look a bit... flushed."
The Potions Master blinked, then blushed brightly. "Uh... why don't you go get dressed and I'll get the house elves to bring you a light lunch before we go to the meeting. I have a feeling that the headmaster will probably want to say a few things to us before the meeting starts."
Jade blushed brightly as she stood, "Oh, yes, thank you, Severus. I'll just be a moment." She quickly went to her bedroom and shut the door. Jade changed quickly into the standard white tank top and black cargo pants with her black boots. She put away her nightgown and hung up her dressing gown before rejoining Snape in her living room.
He was just adding sugar to her tea when she came out of her bedroom. "I just had them bring up a few sandwiches and tea, so I hope that is to your liking."
"Yes, thank you, Severus." She smiled brightly and sat across from him, picking up one of the sandwiches. "And you ordered enough so that you could join me, correct?"
Snape gave her one of his rare, genuine smiles, "I figured you'd hex me into next week if I didn't." He picked up a sandwich of his own and the two ate in a comfortable silence.
The Potions Master and the guidance counselor arrived at the headmaster's office a full twenty minutes before the meeting was supposed to start. "Ah, Severus, Lani, so good of you two to be early."
Jade smiled at the headmaster as she and Snape entered and took their seats in the office (which seemed a bit bigger than usual). "Of course, Albus. What can we do for you?"
"Well," the headmaster began, "I just really wanted to ask you a few things." Jade nodded, and so he continued, "First, I have asked that Mister Potter, Miss Granger, and the youngest Mister Weasley attend this meeting as well. This will be the first they learn of you being a spy, Alanni, and I wanted to make sure that was alright with you."
"Of course, Albus. You trust them to keep many things secret, and so I will trust them as well." Jade nodded. "If I'm not mistaken... they know that Severus is a spy, correct?" The headmaster and Snape both nodded, so she continued, "And they have not revealed his position, have they?"
"No, they have not. It is one thing that I must give them credit for." Snape sneered as he shifted in his seat.
"Then I trust them to keep my secret safe as well."
"Good, good." Dumbledore smiled, blue eyes twinkling a bit. "Now, one of the other things I wanted to ask you was about tonight. When are you leaving?"
"Right after dinner, at 7." Jade sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "He likes me to be as early as possible."
The old wizard nodded, "And when do you expect you'll return?"
Jade shrugged, thinking. "At the earliest... I'd say around noon tomorrow." She sighed again, "It is going to be a long night."
"I know, my dear girl, and I'm so very sorry for all this." Dumbledore stood and made his way over to his two professors. He placed a comforting hand on Jade's shoulder, and smiled softly. "Starting at noon I will have someone waiting to help you once you return, my dear. I know the state you're in after spending a night with Tom, and I will not let you try to make your way back to the castle alone." Jade smiled sadly, nodded, and was about to reply when the other members of the Order started to arrive.
When all the members of the inner circle of the Order of the Phoenix had arrived Dumbledore took his seat behind his desk once more. "Now, we are simply waiting for three more to join us before we begin." As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. "Ah, there they are. Come in!" he called.
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley entered the office quickly and quietly. The three were soon hugged by Mrs. Weasley before urged to sit down. Unfortunately for them, the only three remaining seats happened to be right next to Snape. They sat down quietly and turned their attention to the headmaster. "Thank you for coming, children. First, as with all other meetings of the Order that you have attended, you are sworn to secrecy about what is discussed in this room, and who has attended this meeting. Understood?" They all nodded, and kept quiet. "Good, thank you. Now, to get down to business. Lani? Would you please make your report?"
Jade stood, ignoring the questioning looks from the three Gryffindor fifth years. "Lucius Malfoy visited on Thursday. He came to meet the Card Mistress. Unfortunately, he came at a time when it would be unavoidable, and so he has met her. I will inform the Dark Lord of it tonight when I go to meet him." She paused, taking a deep breath. "Also, I have spoken with Draco Malfoy. He has misgivings about the coming war, and I have encouraged him to think for himself, and not just blindly follow his father. I think that he might, perhaps, join the Light, but I cannot say anything for sure. He would make a valuable spy, if he were willing, and I do not believe the boy to be truly evil. He is simply misguided, and trying to prove himself to his father."
"You really think that there is a chance he might be willing to switch sides, Alanni?" The headmaster gazed at her from his seat behind his desk.
"Yes, it's possible. If Severus and I keep encouraging him to think for himself, to make his own decisions, then he might very well turn away from what Lucius is trying to make him. I honestly think that he wants to do the right thing."
Dumbledore nodded, "Anything else?" Jade shook her head and took her seat. She barely paid any attention to the rest of the meeting, for she was only concerned with what the night would bring her.
Jade barely noticed when people started leaving. She was finally drug out of her musings when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Lani? I think they would like to speak with you." Jade looked at Snape, then turned to the three students in front of her.
She smiled as best she could, "Yes? What can I do for the three of you?"
Harry looked to Hermione and Ron, who both nodded, before turning back to Jade, "We just wanted to know if you're really a spy."
"Yes, Harry, I am." She unfolded her arms from across her chest and held the left one out to them, showing the Dark Mark that was burned into the flesh of her forearm. "See? I get to pretend to be one of his loyal little followers and everything."
"Lani." Snape's tone was one of warning as he reached out and put her arm down to her lap.
"Sorry," she mumbled before turning back to the students. "Yes, I am a spy, and I am trusting the three of you to keep it a secret. If... if anyone found out... anyone that could tell the Dark Lord... I would die."
The three Gryffindors nodded quickly, but Harry seemed to have been dubbed spokesperson for the day, "We understand, Professor. We just wanted to make sure." They turned to leave, but Harry paused at the door as the other two started down the stairs, "Good luck tonight, Professor." Jade allowed herself a small smile as Harry followed his friends down the stairs and out of the headmaster's office.
After dinner Jade hurried out of the castle and off the grounds. She didn't even bother to go to the apparition point in Hogsmeade before drawing out her wand and pressing it to the Dark Mark above her heart. Jade closed her eyes, taking a breath to calm herself, then disapparated to the Riddle Manor. She knelt before her Lord, and bowed down to the floor. "Rise, my servant..." She stood, the mask of confidence and loyalty firmly in place as she took a step closer to him. Voldemort drew out a dagger and smiled wickedly. He grabbed her by the wrist and slit the front of her shirt completely open. Jade didn't even whimper as Voldemort began to lightly cut designs into the pale flesh of her stomach while he kissed and nibbled on her neck.
Sunday was a quiet, cool day, and it was nearly dusk before Jade apparated to the tree just outside of Hogsmeade. She immediately collapsed to the ground, weak from the extent of her injuries. "Lani?" Someone knelt beside her and placed a cool, comforting hand on her back. She rolled over slowly and found herself gazing into startlingly cerulean blue eyes.
"Eriol?" Jade winced and tried to sit up. The blue haired sorcerer helped her sit, then wrapped his cloak around her.
"Where's your shirt, Lani?"
Her eyes welled up with tears, and she blushed crimson from shame, "He cut it up. It wasn't much of a shirt anymore."
"Shhh. Come on," he gently scooped her up in his arms. "I'll take you back to the castle. We'll stop by Albus' briefly, then I'll take you to Poppy so she can treat those wounds properly."
"No, don't take me to Poppy. Just take me back to my rooms, I can heal myself."
Eriol fixed her with a steady gaze, "I think not, Lani. If you don't want to go to Poppy, then I shall just have to heal you myself." Jade sighed and nodded. "Alright, now hold on tight. I'm going to take us straight to Albus' office." She nodded again, and within moments the two had disappeared from sight.
The blue-eyed sorcerer slowly appeared inside of the headmaster's office. He gently laid Jade down on the couch behind him before turning back to the office's rather startled occupants. He quickly crossed over to the headmaster and leaned down, speaking softly, "She's in pretty bad shape, Albus. Looks like he was quite rough on her."
Snape stood and walked over to Jade, "Lani?"
Her eyes focused slowly on him, "Severus...?" He nodded, smiling slightly, "Oh good. Thought I was imagining things."
Dumbledore and Eriol joined Snape at Jade's side. "Oh, my dear girl, I'm so very sorry." The headmaster took Jade's hand from beneath Eriol's cloak, "Before you go rest, tell me, did he say anything of importance?"
She shook her head slowly, wincing, "No. I think he's planning something, but he hasn't told anyone what it is yet."
The headmaster nodded again and sighed, "Thank you, my dear. Shall I call Poppy for you?"
"No!" Jade sat up abruptly, the cloak sliding down a bit to reveal deep cuts on her shoulders and upper chest.
Snape picked up the cloak and recovered her carefully, "Lani, you need to be healed."
She lay back down slowly, her will to argue fading a bit, "Then you and Eriol can heal me. You know how Poppy is... I won't be able to leave the hospital wing for a week!"
Eriol nodded and swiftly scooped Jade up into his arms, "Alright, Lani, we won't get Poppy. But let's get you back to your rooms where you can rest." He turned to Snape, "Meet me in her rooms. I'll leave the door unlocked." Snape nodded as Eriol and Jade faded from sight.
"Go quickly, Severus. She is in bad shape."
Snape nodded and left the headmaster and his office, making his way quickly to the teacher's dormitories and to his own rooms before joining Eriol in Jade's.
Snape sighed as he surveyed Jade's wounds. He set about quickly cleaning, dressing, and healing the majority of the simple cuts. He had Eriol help him with administering different healing potions and the like while taking care of the burns on her stomach and back. After about an hour, the two were finished taking care of their ward, and Eriol excused himself. The Potions Master sighed and laid down on the large bed beside Jade, who had passed out earlier on from all the pain she was in. "You're either going to be the death of yourself, or the death of me, you know," he said quietly to the unconscious woman beside him. It wasn't long before Snape drifted off into a rather restless slumber.
A/N: Hokai, so. Here's the Earth. Anyways. And before anyone says anything – Eriol did not apparate and disapparate within Hogwart's grounds! He's a sorcerer. He did something else. So just... yeah. Leave me alone about that. =P!
Really quick! I've gotten a livejournal specifically for my fiction! I'm going to post such things as when I update, and the status of the different stories on there. So! If you have a livejournal, add me to your friends list for easy to view information! My livejournal can be found at http:livejournal . com / users / alannijade (just take out the spaces). Feel free to leave me comments at any time! Many thanks to everyone who has reviewed lately! A billion thanks to Hikagi who went through and reviewed each and every chapter. Now, quickly, let me address some reviews!
Impersonation of Mimiru: Ah, yes, hello again! Thanks for reading my boring story, as usual. Thank you for calling me brilliant, but I'm not, really! And the idea for Jade to be counselor came from my dear friend, Mikazukino Hikari. She rocks. Check out her stuff! Anyways! Sorry to be beating the teachers up so much, but Jade and Snape are spies, and Voldie is very cruel. No, Voldemort is not capable of love. Hopefully with the revelation of Jade as a low-level sorceress in this chapter will explain to you why he keeps her on as a lover (besides her absolute gorgeousness, right?). Thank you again for taking the time to read and review!
Thank you Hikari Mizu, racx, and Ruika for their wonderful comments!
To Hikagi – Thank you so much for reading each chapter and leaving a review for every single one! And yes, we all hate Umbridge. And you were right about the necklace! So gold star for you!! Never accept gifts from Voldie! He's a sneaky one, isn't he? Sorry for the fact that the story is so short! I'm working on it! I hope to finish it by the end of this summer.
To RoseLi and (Unknown) – I haven't stopped! Seriously! Thanks for reading my one-shots, though! Hope you both enjoy the update! Chapter 11 should be out by the 27th or 28th!
And finally – I've got a series of one-shots that I'm writing as a companion piece to this story. It's a series of five, and I've currently got three written. It's called "In the Dark", and it basically has five different perspectives/inner thoughts of characters and the goings on at the end of chapter nine. Right now I've got ones written for Jade, Snape, and Harry. I'm working on the ones for Eriol and Sakura. So go check that out!
As always, thank you for reading! Please leave a review and let me know what you think! Thanks! Ja, minna-san!