Disclaimer: Konnichiwa Minna-san! This Story is really sad just to tell you right now. Well to me anyways. I hope you like it. I was thinking about this story when I was writing it.
Ten years has pasted with Rin and Sesshoumaru. Rin had just turned 17 and started to have feelings for her lord. She would do anything to be with him...even dying for him. It was a very obvious kind of thing to do, since she owes him her whole life.
She loves to pick flowers for his Lord and make crowns out of them for him. She would try to tag along his side whenever he wouldn't leave her at a certain place for the day. She loved to sleep next to her Lord at cold nights, cuddling up to his Boa. She always felt safe when she is close to him. But as she grew older she wasn't able to sleep with him at nights, and she had to act like a well-mannered and elegant woman. She didn't like to be apart from Sesshoumaru but it was something that Sesshoumaru had ordered her to do at times.
Ever since she started her monthly bleeding she was always taken back home to her lords palace and he would leave for the week. She always felt lonely at those times but she knew that it had to be done. He would have all of the male servants removed from the palace also. All of the female servants would keep her company during those times.
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Sesshoumaru had left Rin along side of a lake as he left to do his own business. She had always wondered why he had left her there along with AhUn. But she never questioned him once about his decisions, or opinions.
She knows that there is some stuff that he does that he doesn't want her to see but she also knew that he wouldn't do it everyday. Luckily sometimes he wouldn't leave her and take Rin with him if it wasn't dangerous.
Rin sat along side the lake, soaking her feet in the cool water and looking at her reflection. She sighed as the wind swayed passes her body and making the water ripple, messing up her reflection.
'Does Sesshoumaru-sama love me the way I love him?'
While she sat there she was wondering about their past life together with Jaken of course. Like when she always got into danger Sesshoumaru would always be there to save her and he would be there to protect her no matter where he was... and that's when she had a thought 'I am a burden to Sesshoumaru-sama...I mean I am just a worthless human and he is a Great Dog Demon...I cannot be a burden to Sesshoumaru-Sama...But what can I do...'
She was now thinking how much a burden she was to him and how much she loved him. How special he was to her.
"I love Sesshoumaru-Sama I would do anything for him and even die for him..."Rin softly said to herself.
She was thinking about how to die and tell Sesshoumaru good-bye. Within a short while she finally got an idea... She would write him a letter explaining everything, such as what her heart has been keeping from him. As she started to write the letter tears were streaming down her cheeks some were stained onto the letter. When she was done she gave it to AhUn to hold and to give to Sesshoumaru. She opened her bag to find a dagger that Sesshoumaru gave her for her 17th birthday and smiled at it. AhUn growled tell her to put the dagger down because it knew what she was doing. Rin walked over to AhUn and petted AhUn on both of the head and smiled to calm them down.
"Its okay AhUn. I really want this..." Rin said calmly and was tearing a little.
She sat down under the tree and looked and the dagger still crying but smiling she sliced her own neck seeing how easy it was to cut open her skin. She sliced herself a few times on each wrist and she felt dizzy. She was loosing a lot of blood but was happy about it. As she fell onto the ground she muttered out the last words 'I love you Sesshoumaru-Sama' and dropped onto the ground.
AhUn went next to her weeping and putting their heads down, from their sadness. Her blood was streaming down to the grass staining them red and AhUn tried to lick up he wound and unfortunately they failed miserably.
Deep in the forest where Sesshoumaru was he felt a disturbance in him, turning back and smelled some blood and a very familiar one...
TBC This is just the beginning. R&R PLEASE! Tell me if I should go on with this.