A/N: Hey all you Two Of A Kind fanatics! I love you guys so much! You all fuckin rock my god damn world, you hear me?!? All of you! Everyone who reads and reviews! Lou, Dinger, Jessie-kins, Amie, Brittany, The Silent Reviewer, bester, The Good Girl, (continues)! All of you!!! You make my SBM Fanfiction world go round. Alright alright! Here it is! The ending- final chapter to Two of A Kind!!!! I'm sorry but all good things must come to an end. But I have something-special in-store for you guys so look out!

Chapter 21- Good BYE from all of us at Two of A Kind and Sophie Inc.!

Chris woke up late from the stressful evening. His head was pounding and his vision was blurred. He rubbed his eyes, and noticed Eyeball asleep in the corner of his room.

"Eyeball..." Chris, said confusedly. No reply came. "Eyeball..." Chris repeated, but Eyeball refused to say anything. "Eyeball!" Chris shouted, throwing a pillow at his brother. Instantly Eyeball awoke in shock, mumbling something as he woke.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" Chris questioned. Eyeball flinched and looked around Chris' room.

"Uh... Oh, uh... I came home and pop parked himself in my room." Eyeball said, regaining sleepy brain cells.

"Oh..." Chris said, as an awkward smile fell between them.

"So... what happened with you and that Teddy-clone?" Eyeball asked, shattering the thick silence. The events of last night came suddenly rushing into Chris' mind. He rubbed his forehead and inhaled deeply.

"I'm not who she wants..." Chris said, then exhaled his deep breath. His hand dropped to his lap.


"She chose Teddy!" Chris yelled.

"Oh... ouch..." Eyeball said, not knowing what else he should say.

"I can't believe I was so stupid!" Chris said, lying back on his bed.

"You're not stupid, well, I'm not gunna lie to you, you are stupid, but not with this. Women are evil. They're only here to destroy us." Eyeball said, getting up.

"Right." Chris said.

"They are! Demons Chris! All of 'em! Have you ever met a girl who wasn't a demonic bag of tears, drama, and emotional bullshit?" Eyeball said. It may have been the smartest thing to come out of his mouth in all his years of life.

Chris took his question into consideration. Kerry defiantly brought drama to his life. Then again, so did Brittany... Did any girl Chris ever met not bring drama? Well, there was one.

"Not true, not all of them. Gordie's girlfriend doesn't give him bullshit..."

"Gordie should marry her. Heck, I'll marry her!" Eyeball grumbled, walking out of Chris' room. Chris, smirked to himself, then thought of Kerry.

He had spent the walk home last night in tears, not that he'd ever admit it to anyone. Then he thought of what he'd been crying over. 'It was just a fling, how could I get so upset over a fling?' And with that in mind, he was set to forget everything about her. Eyeball was right about one girl; Kerry had brought on evil omens with her. She made him fall for her with one kiss. She ruined his lifelong friendship with Teddy, one of his best friends. She destroyed his friendship, and romantic chances with Brittany. And after all that, she made him cry.

"Bitch!" Chris yelled to himself, getting heated from analyzing everything Kerry had done to his life. Chris decided that he would gather every small bit of dignity he had left in him and was determined to put it behind him, to get over her. He just had to.

The rest of the summer sort of went by in a dizzy haze. Teddy and Kerry soon isolated themselves from the outside world. Every now and then Chris could see them walking the streets. He ignored Kerry's meaningful glances and seemed to miss the alternate meaning, until soon he didn't notice her at all.

Teddy erased Chris from his mind and kept Kerry on a short leash. The summer weakened her strong willed state of mind, and she soon became Teddy's puppet. Sometimes Teddy would talk and all she would think about was Chris and the mistake that changed her life.

"I told you not to mess with Kerry..." Vern had said to Chris one day in August. Kerry was leaving that day, and Chris was ready to say good riddance.

"Yeah, yeah, let the record show forever more that Vern Tessio was right..." Chris said, lying on his bed. A knock echoed from the front door.

"Bet you a mighty mouse comic that's Eyeball and that he locked himself out." Chris said with a smile, opening the door, to see Kerry's big brown eyes and soft creamy face staring back at him.

"Chris..." She began, and Chris slammed the door in her face. His hand touched the door as his eyes shut tightly. He then charged back into his room and slammed the door.

"Who was it?" Vern asked.

"No one." Chris mumbled.

"I'm raiding your fridge, want something?" Vern changed the subject.

"No." Chris said shortly.

Vern left the room, closed the door behind him and got himself a bottle of cola. He heard a growl from the front door, and walked over, pressing his ear to it carefully.

"Kerry, would you hurry it up?" A girl's voice rang. "Vince hasn't got all day!" Vern instantly identified the girl as Kerry's sister Bo.

"Kerry!" Vern gasped, opening the door.

"Vern!" Kerry said, her voice then caught in her throat and she began to cough.

"I thought you were leaving?" Vern asked.

"I am..." She replied.

"We are!" Bo answered. "Kerry, let's go!"

"Screw your boyfriend!" She shouted to her sister. On that note, Bo and Vince played one last round of tonsil hockey.

"Where's Chris?" Kerry asked urgently.

"No wonder he came back in a huff!" Vern exclaimed.

"He did huh?" Kerry noted, as Vern nodded. "Then I guess this didn't matter then." Kerry said as she tore a piece of paper in half and threw it on the ground in front of her.

Vern looked at it as Kerry ran into the back seat of Vince's car. "To the train station!" Bo demanded as Vince sped off.

Vern picked up the torn in half sheet of paper that Kerry was writing on. He put the two together and read.

"Shit... CHRIS!" He yelled and ran into the house. "Chris!" Vern called, running into his room.

"Jesus Verno wanna wake the dead?" Chris snapped.

"Kerry... train... you've got to-"Vern panted.

"Don't mention her." Chris grumbled.

"No, you don't understand." Vern said, the flush in his cheek fading.

"Yes I do! Vern, I get it! She chose Teddy, not me! She loves Teddy, not me! She's with Teddy, NOT ME!" Chris shouted, getting heated. He felt himself wanting to cry out in anger, but refrained from doing so.

Vern threw the pieces of paper on Chris' bed. He picked them up, and placed them together.

'I made a mistake.'

Was all it said. Chris' eyes widened and he looked up at Vern.

"She made a mistake!" Chris exclaimed.

"She did!" Vern replied.

"She was at my house!"

"She was!"

"She's leaving today!"

"She is!" Vern agreed again, as Chris looked at him.

"I... train... me..." Chris mumbled.

"Eyeball!" He yelled, storming into his brother's room, barging through the door. Eyeball was preoccupied with his latest secret love, Amie.

"Jesus Chris!" Eyeball yelled, throwing Amie her shirt.

"Drive me to the train station NOW!" Chris demanded.

"EXCUSE me?" Eyeball asked.

"I'll never ask you for anything, PLEASE!" Chris begged.

"I'm a little busy, come back later!" Eyeball urged, then Chris stomped his foot.

"She'll be gone by them! Eyeball, it's Kerry! She's leaving today, right now, in fact! Please!" Chris pleaded.

"What are you waiting for?" Amie said to Eyeball.

"Oh come on!" Eyeball yelled, looking from Amie to Chris, then back to Amie. "I'm never going to get laid!" Eyeball, huffed, getting dressed.

"Thank you Eyeball!" Chris said, running outside and jumping into the car.

Amie giggled with joy. "You just love how I never get anywhere, don't you?" Eyeball glared at her.

"I like to watch you squirm." Amie replied.

"Well, you got it! Just don't ask me for anything on your birthday!" Eyeball huffed and walked to the car.

"Eyeball step on it! This is my whole life's happiness here!" Chris urged as Eyeball sped down the road.

"I thought this bitch screwed you over and up..." Eyeball said, a cigarette hanging from his lip.

"She made a mistake. Eyeball, I love her..." Chris said ad Eyeball shot him a sick look.

"No... DEMON!!! She's cast you under a spell! Chris, you have to escape from her while you can! Soon you'll find yourself married at 19, with a kid and two on the way. I'm telling you... get out now!" Eyeball warned as Chris laughed.

They had reached the train station parking lot and Chris flew out of the car. Vince was loading Bo and Kerry's things into the luggage car, and gave one last "grope" to Bo.

Chris smiled, catching his breath when he saw Kerry's face. Her arms flew over shoulders and her lips locked softly. Teddy held her by the waist, giving her a distracted kiss as Chris' heart sank. He had been too late. Kerry had already given up hope.

Chris had a sudden dizzy feeling and felt as if he might fall over. As Kerry boarded her train, her eyes full of the most solemn glassy look Chris had ever seen, he wanted to call out to her. But that kiss between her and Teddy was like a reality slap, telling him he had missed his chance. Why had he been so stubborn?

As Kerry's train pulled out of the station, she took one last look at Teddy's tight expression. Ever since her thing with Chris, Teddy had kept her so close she could barely breathe. The train hollered wildly, Kerry sighed heavily and realized she would have to live with her mistake forever. Or at least until next summer...

A/N: That's it! It's over! Go home!!!!! Look out for my other SBM adventures like Opposites Attract- co-written with Lou aka Lace and Black Leather under LouphIe. And check out my other stories of SBM like Forbidden and Into The Mind Of Everyone Else. And if you haven't yet, read my SBM fic that started it all, People Are Strange. Thanks for keeping me motivated- look out for my new creations... you may find a SURPRISE!  -Very Truly yours, Sophia.