There's always at least one person that treats you like their equal when no one will even look at you. People only see what's on the outside, while a select few see beyond appearances into a person's soul.

Adam Reynolds (possom2009) 03/19/04

Here's my response to DarkJadedRose's unloved character challenge.

A Tale Of Two Toads.

Note: This story alternates between when Toad was a kid and when he's with the Brotherhood.


Ch1: A dream or memories of the past.

Todd's Pov

"Todd? Todd, are you here?" The little girl called out my name as she poked her head into the crate that I had called home since my parents abandoned me. "I brought you som'tin to eat."

"I'm up 'ear!" I called down to her from up in my hiding spot in the tree. "Did any one follow ya?" I asked as I leapt down, landing next to her.

"Nah. I told my grandma that I was go'n to the park." She said as she handed me a small paper bag. "Thanks. Here." I said as I took out a sandwich and gave her half of it.

"It's still grow'n isn't it? Your tongue I mean." She said as she finished her sandwich. "Yup! Wanna see?" I asked as I stood up."Oh! Can I?" She pleaded while taking a piece of candy out of her pocket. "Lets see.... last time we checked, it was about three feet! Right?"

"Seems about right." I said as she unwrapped the candy in her hand. "You ready?" She asked, as she got ready to throw it in the air. "Let'er rip!" I said as she tossed it into the air.I opened my mouth and and shot my tongue into the air and cought it on its way back down.

"WOW! Its gotta be at least seven feet long!" She said while clapping. We played down by the stream until it was time for her to go. "You'll come back tomarrow, right?" I asked as we walked to the edge of the woods.

"You bet!" she said as she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. She giggled before saying, "You're blushing!"

My eyes shot open as I was dowsed with ice-cold water. "YEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWW! COLD! COLD! COLD!" I yelped as I Danced around the room. I stopped when I heard some one laughing be hind me. "LANCE! What the hell did you do that for?"

"You were talking in your sleep again." He said as he put down the bucket that previously held the water. "Same dream?" he said while smirking. "Yeah. She kissed me this time!" I rushed the last part out, hoping that he didn't hear the last part.

"Heh, like I always told ya, only in your dreams!"Loughing as he said this, I hopped out of the living room to the kitchen. As I set down to eat breakfast, I thought~I.... I don't think it was a dream! ~

I was pulled out of my thoughts as someone knocked on the front door. "I GOT IT, YO!" I yelled as I ran to the door. "Yeah, wadaya wa-" I stopped in mid sentence as I saw who It was.

"YOU" We both yelled at the same time.



WOW! I think I'm starting to get really good at these fics, or it could be my ego swelling up. Who is it that knocked on the door? Heh, you'll just have ta wait for chapter 2!

This was originally supposed ta tie in with my The Toad Prince fic but I decided this might work better after reading some various mangas (Mostly Love Hina)

Anyway, I'd like ta know what people think I'm better at writing, Angst, Romance, Drama, Humor, or Song fic? Or a combination of any of them?