Naruto sat straight up. "Damn. Another bad dream." He looked down at his knees. "What's wrong with me?" His dream had been about him and Sakura and him walking along a beautiful path, cherry blossom petals floating around them in the wind. Seems good enough right? Wrong. Naruto leans closer to Sakura to kiss her when she turns at the sound of footsteps. There in the path was Sasuke. She runs over to him and embraces him in her arms. Sasuke does the same. Their heads move closer together until their lips meet. Then the dream ends. (Okay... it's not very scary, but for Naruto, it's hell.)
Naruto panted slightly. He hated that dream. Why would Sasuke kiss Sakura? He stretched in his bed and sat up. Another day of training. He ran over to is closet and pulled out his usual orange clothes. He put his headband on and pulled his hair through it. He skipped breakfast because he felt too sick from his little dream. He stormed out if the door, hoping that he would forget the nightmare by the time he got to class.

* * * * * * * * * *

The sun shone through the window. Sasuke squinted in the sunlight. He rolled over in annoyance. Then he remembered his plans for the day. He leaped out of bed, put on his clothes, brushed his hair out and headed out the door. Today, he would manage to not ignore Sakura. She had been following him around for quite a while now and Naruto kept nagging at him for being so rude to her. He had bet Naruto ramen that he could be nice to her and he wasn't going to lose the bet. Even though he didn't like ramen that much, He just wanted to see Naruto 's face when he won. Then he could eat the ramen instead of his usual self-made meal that he ate every day. Sasuke yawned as he walked down the path. He didn't know why, but he couldn't help noticing her lately. She wasn't following him around as much and she wasn't so jumpy like she used to be. Maybe that was it. Maybe he respected her more now. Yeah. That was it. He respected her.
While Sasuke tried to imprint that into his mind, he couldn't help but notice something else. He had been trying to erase it out of his subconscious for weeks now. He kept seeing Sakura. He had a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, infinity crush on her. He had only noticed it a few weeks ago. He hid his emotions by ignoring her and ever since he found out Naruto liked her, he knew they would be rivals for life. This bet would be a piece of cake.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Sakura waited once again at their training site that Kakashi had planned. She sat in a tree as she waited for her teammates to arrive. She rested her head in her hands. She was about to go to another tree to look out when she heard footsteps. Not one pair, but two. They came from opposite directions. From one side of the clearing was Sasuke, the other, Naruto. They stepped into the center of the clearing and glared at each other.
'Oh no.' Sakura thought. 'Did they get into another fight?' she looked down at the two opponents. Sasuke held out his hand. "Deal?" Sasuke muttered. "Yep!" Naruto shook Sasuke 's hand vigorously. "All the ramen you want for a week!" Sakura stared at the two if them blankly. 'What were they betting on?' Sakura thought to herself. 'And why would Sasuke bet on Ramen?' She leapt out of her tree in front of them.
"Hi!" She smiled cheerfully at the two of them, hoping that one of them would let her in on their bet. "Whatcha talkin' about?" Sasuke started to turn away, but then hesitated and started to talk to her.
"It's nothing." He muttered quickly. He shoved his hands into his pockets and glared at Naruto. Just then, Kakashi appeared.
"Time to start training!" Kakashi said cheerfully. "Let's go!"

* * * * * * * * * *

"OOF!" Naruto tripped over Sasuke who had been lying in the shade. They had been training all morning. It was only noon and they were already exhausted. Sasuke groaned in pain as he clenched his stomach. Their faces were all scratched up from fighting. Sakura held a pack of ice on her head from a kick by Naruto. Surprisingly, Sasuke was the one that had given it to her. For some reason, he was being particularly nice to her and he hadn't ignored her once. She knew this had to be the bet that Naruto and Sasuke had planned.
"Great day guys!" Kakashi cheered. You've done such a great job, I've decided to give you the rest of the day off!" The three teammates stared at Kakashi in shock. Was he telling the truth?
"Go on!" He urged. He pushed them over to the path they took home. They started walking, expecting an attack. They followed the trail to town.
"See ya guys!" Naruto called as they made it into town. "I'm going for ramen!" before Sasuke could say anything, Naruto disappeared. Sakura started down the path, not even waiting for Sasuke. Surprised, Sasuke caught up with her.
"Uh... Sakura..." Sakura turned to him, no sign of eagerness in her eyes. She tilted her head in question.
"I just wanted to tell you something..."
"What is it?" the girl asked. Sasuke looked at Sakura as her hair got tossed around in the wind. Her green eyes shone in the sunlight.
"I...I just wanted you to know that..."