Bored: eh. hehhhehh...
Matthew: What'd I tell ya?
Bored: .... shut up. It hasn't been a month!
Matthew: Nyeh. It's been more than a week!
Bored: ... ::throws pancake at Matthew::
Matthew: .. ::Catches it:: did you run out of sharp things to throw?
Bored: no.
Matthew: Then why a pan--
Karel: HYAAA!!! UNHAND THAT PANCAKE! :: Tackles Matthew and grabs pancake:: YES! SWORD-SAMA AND KAREL! PANCAKE PROTECTORS!! ::stuffs pancake in mouth and runs off::
Matthew: .. ow. x.x
Bored: Fear the Karel OOC goodness! =D

Chapter 6 - Sword-sama says... continued!

Karel: Sparkly...
Matthew: Karel! There you are. I've been looking... over there... for you. ::pulls out needed blackmail list and looks it over::
Karel: ::sees something shiny:: shiiiiny... ::wanders off::
Matthew: Okay. Erk. Now Karel, I need you to-- Karel? Karel? DAMN IT! KAREL!!

Karel and Serra C support:
Karel: shiiny...
Serra: ... ::hits button on boombox::
[Serra music starts playing]
Serra: Hi! Who are you? ::bounce::
Karel: ......
Serra: HULLO! Hey! You can't just ignore me! Hey! Don't you know who I am?! I am the beautiful superior and uber cyute cleric of this group! Are you even listening to me?! OOoo!! Fine! ::Stalks off::
Karel: ::turns around:: huh? ... ::wearing headset:: Okay.. whatever... ringringringringringringring banana phone! (A/N: Okay... er... it's better if you don't ask.. >.>;;;)

Karel and Serra B support:
Serra: omigosh! well if it isn't... you.
Karel: .. what? who the hell are you?
Serra: omigosh! Is that how you talk to girls?!
Karel: .. yes.
Serra: ... uh... sooo... who are you?
Karel: I asked you.
Serra: nuh uh! I soo asked you before yesterday!
Karel: I don't recall that.
Serra: oohhh!! meanie! fine! I'm Serra! The beautiful uber cyute cleric!
Karel: ...
Serra: HELLO? Hey! ::bounce:: hey!! ::bounce::
Karel: quiet!
Serra: ::stops bouncing:: ...
Karel: Yes sword-sama...
Serra: huh?
Karel: sword-sama says... DIE! ::lunge::
Serra: EEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERKY!!!!!!!! ::runs away::
Karel: .. mwaha.. stupid cleric. Hmph. I'm supposed to feel calm and happy when I'm around people who don't fight. Huh? what's that sword-sama? Yeah, you're right. NO ONE could feel calm and happy around.. THAT cleric...

Karel and Serra A support:
Serra: Hmm... I wonder where erky is.
Karel: ... you! Do as sword-sama says! ::lunge::
Serra: EEK! It's.. OMIGOSH! can I braid your hair?
Karel: ... ::stops:: what?
Serra: your HAIR. omigosh! it's soo soft! What do you put on it?
Karel: .. blood. and pancakes... and herbal essences!
Random People that show up out of nowhere in those annoying commercials: Herbal Essences! ::Hold out bottles and head towards Karel::
Karel: ... sword-sama says... spin around in circles and then dig a big hole and then jump in it and get us ice cream.
Karel: ::brandishes sword::
RPTSUOONITSAC: ::start spinning::
Serra: ...
Karel: .. what?
Serra: ... EWWW!!! You put HERBAL ESSENCES ON YOUR HAIR?! I can understand the blood and definitely the pancakes, but Herbal Essences?! ew!
Karel: ...
Serra: ew!
Karel: ... ::pulls out sword-sama:: ... so... uh.. sword-sama says... gimme the brand name of a better shampoo!
Serra: ... We have much to talk about.

Karel and Bartre C Support: (let's just pretend Karla's there, okay?)

Bartre: KARLA! ::runs up and hugs Karel::
Karel: O.O Get off of me! ::stabs Bartre::
Bartre: auuuuughhh rreareghhhhh...
Karel: ... ...
Bartre: I be okay. I just need go find one of dem healy persons. ::stumbles away::
Karel: ...

Karel and Bartre B support:

Karel: ::walks up:: So you are the uh.. Bartre.
Bartre: Hi Karla.
Karel: I'm not Karla!
Bartre: You're not?
Bartre: Oh. OH YEAH. Female uh huh. I mean. No!
Karel: ...
Bartre: What I mean is... Uh... you're.. NOT Karla?
Karel: ... No.
Bartre: Oh... are you sure?
Karel: YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME! SWORD-SAMA SAYS THAT TASTING YOUR BLOOD WILL BE NASTY AND UNFULFILLING! So. I will instead hack you to death with this rusty iron sword.
Bartre: uhhhhhhhh... I'll leave you alone now. ::runs away::
Karel and Bartre A support:

Bartre: Hello scary man. Karla told me you are her brother, Karel! The sword demon! Spar with me!
Karel: ::standing behind Bartre:: ... uh.. Bartre... I'm.. over here...
Bartre: ::turns around:: I knew that! Let us fiiiight!!
Karel: why should we fight you?
Bartre: Cause.. you're strong. and I'm strong. and strong people fight!
Karel: ... ... ::falls over:: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!
Bartre: ... uh ...
Bartre: hahaha... haha... ha... hahahahaha!! HAHAHAHA!!
Karel: ... ::stands up::
Bartre: HAHAHAHA!!!
Karel: ... ::walks away::
Bartre: HAHA... hey! wait for me! karla-- I mean Karel! Karel! Come back and fight me! ::runs off screen (and although you can't see it, into a tree.)::

Matthew: Karel! There you are. ::walks over:: Karel, who did yo-- ... why is your hair braided?
Karel: uhh...
Matthew: ... NEVERMIND. So, what info did you get?
Karel: Uhh...
Matthew: ... what did you get the people to do?
Karel: ... well Raven put on a white coat and glasses.
Matthew: got a picture?
Karel: .. nope.
Matthew: -.-;;; what else?
Karel: well.. Serra... uhh... the RPTSUOONITSAC spun around in circles and bought me ice cream.
Matthew: ript sue ooni sac?
Karel: uh huh. and uh.. Bartre walked into a tree.
Matthew: ... ...
Karel: what?
Matthew: ::takes a picture of Karel in braids and eating ice cream and runs off::
Karel: ... ::blink:: Huh? You want some ice cream sword-sama?


Woo.. that was bad. It was rushed? ::sweatdrop::

Matthew: hmph. Karel is useless. Lowen! More pancakes!
Lowen: what am I doing here?
Bored: making us pancakes.
Lowen: o.O It's 4:32 in the afternoon!
Bored: ... so?
Lowen: >. Karel: Sword-sama wanted belgium waffles.
Sword-sama: with chocolate chips and strawberries
Lowen: But I'm supposed to be cooking for Lord Eliwood! and Sir Marcus!
Matthew: aw. but they suck. Eliwood is a wimp. and Marcus... is just a big moving target.
Bored: Legault is a better thief than you, Matthew.
Matthew: hey!
Bored: He is! he's stronger!
Matthew: But Legault is creepy. He likes Heath.
Bored: heehee... ::waves a Legault x Heath banner::

Zero (Tsubasa no Kami aka Ayokaeu): ::pops in from no where in particular and waves a Raven x Karel sign::
Bored: o.O;;; You have problems.
Zero: nyah!
Karel: ::burns the sign:: Where'd the guy with no eyes go?
Bored: meat shopping.
Karel: MEEAT!!!!! ::runs around screaming about meat::
Bored: O.o;;; I think.. I should end this now...
Sword-sama: ::slaps Karel:: Stop it! Say your line!
Karel: Review cause sword-sama says so! ONEGAI! ::bow:: ... MEAAAAAAT!!!!! ::continues to run around::
Bored: ::smacks forehead::
Zero: heehee.. ::pops out::
Bored: see ya... whenever I decide to update...