Hiya peeps!

(dodges pitchfork)

glad to see you all again here!

(Runs half mile from angry reviewers)

[pant, pant] Um, I'm sorry?

(crowd screams, "On with the freakin' fic, lazy ass!")

[grumbles] I'm comin', I'm comin'......

I don't own the X-men, yada, yada, yada.....

Chap: Nihao, Evan!

It was breakfast time and most everyone had either grabbed a fudge pop-tart or taken their toast to other rooms. Most of the students, while mostly over the whole fiasco, were still more than a little wary of each other. So when Scott had made a point to try and talk to the gothic one, she'd immediately been wary. But Rouge almost snorted cornflakes out her nose at what Scott just said. "Are you freakin' serious!!!??? Velvet Revolver tickets!! They've been sold out for weeks!"

"Totally serious," he nodded. "They're all yours."

"Is this a prank?" she asked suspiciously.

"No, I'm tired of those right around now. So, do you have anyone in mind to go with you?"

"Huh?" the girl lightly flushed pink, "Uh, well, I—"

"Can I make a suggestion?"

"Um, sure?"

"Get that man out of the mansion, at least for a little while?"

She cocked a sarcastic eyebrow at him, knowing the Cajun he meant. "You really don't like him, do you?"

"Not that I don't like him, I just----ah, who'm I kidding?"

"Nobody in this house, that's for sure," she smirked. She tilted her head consideringly. "Scott? I thought Jean got you these for you and Tarren. Aren't you gonna go with her? Not like I'm gonna give these back, you know—"

"I do."

"--but are you sure? She's trying to make up with ya, for some god forsaken reason."

"I know. But I have something more important to do that day."

"More important than Velvet Revolver? You okay in there, or have those damn goggles been too tight on your head?"

"No, I'm fine, I just need to have a talk with a red-head."


Jamie was so excited he practically skipped down to the med lab. He even hummed the theme song to Power Rangers as he went along. Reaching the right door, he knocked loudly. "Mr. McCoy!!! Mr. McCoy, open up! It's Jamie and have I got a surprise for you!!"

The door inched slowly open, the room behind it dark so no one could see the bald Beast within. "Yes, James? What is it?"

The boy proudly unwrapped a package from under his arm. "I've been thinking---"

Oh, god, Beast mentally groaned. Much as I like that kid......

"--that maybe if you had something to cover up with, you'd come out and talk to everybody again. So I made you something!" He held it up for the former teacher to see.

Dawning horror was seen on the poor man's face. Was that---really what he thought it was?!

"I made it out of the stuff we had in art class! Here you go! A full body toupee!"

Jamie didn't understand why Beast suddenly slammed the door and the awful sounds of a dog howling in pain could be heard. He broke out into a smile at his own thought. He must be so happy he couldn't speak! Wow, I should have done this sooner! I'll just hang it up here so he can get it when he calms down. Multiple Man carefully hung the mass of plastic blue fur by the door and went upstairs to catch the bus.


Evan slowly walked up the drive to the mansion. He sighed to himself. His aunt was never gonna forgive him for this one. Not for leaving the country, which he wasn't quite sure that she knew about, but for the other thing.

A young Chinese girl in a short green dress piped up behind him. "Airen, this home?"

The other thing walking three steps behind him. How the hell was he supposed to explain to his aunt that he was now officially a married man? Hell, he wasn't even sure of it himself. He remembered getting on the freighter as a sailor, woke up in his bunk with her beside him and presto! He was dragged in front of the captain, the guy said a short speech in some kind of language, the girl started kissing him, and the other crew members were slapping him on the back in congradulations.

Funny thing was, he still didn't know her name.


sorry its been so long, summer was........eventful. that's really all I can say.

Hope its good enough for somebody to review!