Standard disclaimer stuff: Bioware, Lucasarts...etc. Don't sue me!

A/N Ok, This was a really difficult chapter to write so I'm really happy its over. I don't expect you'll have to wait 6 mths for another update again. I'm glad people liked it and the reviews made me keep going. Thanks.

Dustil approached the Ebon Hawk cautiously. It was late and the Jedi Spaceport on Coruscant appeared to be deserted but he wasn't ready to announce his presence to his father and his legendary friends just yet. He hadn't heard anything from the old man since the Academy on Korriban and after waiting several very dull weeks on Telos, Dustil had decided to come to Coruscant and find his father. He was still trying to figure out what to say to his father. Dustil wondered idly if that Jedi that had accompanied his father to the Academy was here on Coruscant and if she was the reason that his father had never made it to Telos. Scowling at that thought, Dustil followed his friends out of the spaceport and to a nearby cantina.

"I don't see what the big deal about Telos was anyway Onasi," complained Crev. "Why didn't we just come straight here from the Academy?" The young Twi'lek eyed the waitress that came to take their order appreciatively. Crev Groman had happily left the Sith Academy with Dustil when his friend had exposed Master Uthar and the Sith's evil ways.

"You'll have plenty of time to pester the Jedi about joining later," grinned Dustil. "I told you why I had to go to Telos. I hoped that my father would come," he glared around the crowded cantina as if expecting the subject of his frustration to walk in at any moment. "I don't know why I'm surprised that he didn't show up," the young man muttered.

Crev, Jenna, and Lon exchanged glances. They knew that Dustil's father was a touchy subject. "Well we're here now Dustil. You never said. Are you going to join the Jedi?" ventured Jenna, pushing her red hair out of eyes.

Dustil saw three pairs of eyes looking at him expectantly. "Oh I don't know," he sighed. "I remember my father being really angry that the Jedi didn't help the Republic during the Mandalorian Wars. I think the Jedi really let him down, until Revan came along and then, well, look at what she did," Dustil said, remembering.

"I was young during those wars but I remember the way he tried to hide his disappointment, his pain, from us, from Mother and me. I was old enough to know that Revan was doing terrible things. I still can't believe that the woman who came to the Academy with Father is that same woman," he shook his head.

A shrill voice pierced the racket in the cantina. "Zaalbar, I already told you I don't want to come," complained a pretty blue skinned Twi'lek to her large Wookie companion. He rumbled something back to her but over the chaos in the cantina, Dustil couldn't make out what the Wookie named Zaalbar was saying to the Twi'lek. He watched the two for several moments, ignoring his friends. Though Twi'leks weren't unusual, he was certain he'd seen this particular Twi'lek before. They wove their way through the crowded cantina, the Wookie's glare keeping away those who might want to hassle his friend. Dustil frowned and continued to stare at her trying to place her. He saw the Wookie meet his eyes and stare at him for a long moment. Dustil flushed but didn't look away from the pair.

Zaalbar leaned towards Mission; "You're being watched from one of the booths over there." He cocked his head in the direction of Dustil and his friends and Mission sneaked a peek towards the group. She looked up at Big Z in surprise. "That's Dustil! That's Carth's son. I met him on Korriban when Carian and Carth needed to get into that Uthar guy's room for proof of what the Sith were up to. We showed him a datapad that Uthar had in his quarters." She peeked towards the group again and saw that Dustil was indeed watching her closely. "I could be wrong, but I think those are other students from the Academy with him."

Mission pulled on Zaalbar's arm to steer them towards the band and away from Dustil and his friends. "I wonder what he's doing here. He told Carth that he would be on Telos," she said over the noise of the band, frowning. Zaalbar just shrugged. He hadn't met the boy on Korriban and had only heard about him from Mission and Carian. Carth had spoken little of his son to anyone except Carian.

"Do you think he really left the Academy?" he rumbled to Mission. She nodded, trying to peer through the crowd to the young man's table.

"He was pretty angry about what the Sith did to his friend Selene. I can't see him staying with them after that," Mission replied thoughtfully. "He did say he was going to talk to some friends he'd made; maybe he got them to leave the Academy as well. Come on, let's go find out what's going on," Mission sighed, giving a last parting gaze to the Pazzak tables.

Dustil was peering into the crowd, trying to see where the Twi'lek and her Wookie friend had disappeared to when he spotted the pair coming from the stage area and heading straight for him. Dustil glanced around to see if she was heading towards someone else but she was on a direct course for his booth. He shushed Crev and Lon who were making comments about how he was going to get past her Wookie protector. Jenna was just sitting, shoulders shaking with silent laughter at his discomfort.

"Dustil, what are you doing here?" Mission called out with a friendly smile as she approached. Glancing at the already crowded booth, she looked at Zaalbar who caught up two chairs in easy reach and put them down by the booth. Settling herself gracefully, she arched an eyebrow at Dustil's friends. "I remember him being a lot more talkative on Korriban," Mission quipped.

"Ah, you were on Korriban?" Dustil stammered, trying desperately to remember her name. He flushed again, feeling incredibly stupid.

"Of course I was on Korriban," she sighed dramatically and turned to Zaalbar. "I don't think he remembers me," Mission commented in an audible undertone to the Wookie. "And after everything I did for you," she sighed again and pouted.

Dustil knew she was teasing him but for some reason though she looked very familiar, her name completely eluded him. He didn't think she had been one of the students at the Academy and he'd never really wandered around in Dreshdae much.

"Don't think too hard, it looks painful," she teased him. The booth erupted in laughter; Dustil glared at her and his friends. "Do you need a reminder?" the Twi'lek asked him, her eyes sparkling.

"The only thing that comes to mind is that you were with my father and that Jedi, Carian, though I still don't know what you were doing there..." he trailed off as the scene came clearly to his mind.

-start flashback-

Carth, Mission, and Carian had approached him with a datapad. He hadn't believed that they could show him anything that would change his mind about the Sith until his father asked about Selene.

"Did you know someone named Selene?" Carth asked his son; clutching the datapad so hard he expected to hear the casing crack at any moment.

"Selene?" Dustil said frowning. "She's the one who convinced me to come to the academy with her. Why? Where did you get this?" he demanded the assembled group in his quarters, glaring at his father. Somehow his father had found a way to take this away from him, ruin this for him, just like he'd taken himself away on Telos and then, by not being there for her, by not saving her and letting her die, he'd taken away his mother and his family. Dustil scowled at Carth, not wanting to take the datapad and see what story he and his "friends" had concocted about the supposed evil of the Sith.

"Look at it. It belongs to Master Uthar, doesn't it?" his father answered calmly, reasonably. He'd expected his father to get defensive again, not remain calm like this. The young Twi'lek girl and the Jedi woman with his father seemed to possess a sorrowful knowing as they waited for him to take the datapad and read what it contained. Reluctantly Dustil took the datapad from his father and started to scan it, expecting...well...he didn't know what he'd been expecting. He reread the datapad several times to ensure he'd read it correctly.

"Yes... it's his," Dustil muttered, trying to absorb the information he saw on the datapad. "But... he told me... he, he said that she'd been lost on a mission in the valley. This... this says that they..."he trailed off, horror and disgust at the lengths the Sith would go to in order to attain their goals sickened and silenced him.

"Killed her because she was hindering your progress," Carth finished for him harshly. Dustil winced, determined not to show his father and these strangers his shame at having been deceived and the terrible price that deception had cost Selene. "Superiority at any cost, Dustil. There's your evil. Or can you live with that?" his father continued relentlessly. Dustil thought he saw the Jedi reach to put her hand on his father's arm, as though to silence him, but when their eyes met for split second, Dustil saw a resolve come over her face and she drew back from Carth and waited silently. Dustil thought he knew what she had communicated in that brief exchange of glances. This was between him and his father; no one else could resolve this for them.

They had not come to blows over the Sith but it had been a close thing for a few moments. The tension in his quarters was palpable. Dustil and Carth agreed to go their separate ways for now, but following similar goals. They would both be fighting the Sith, he from the inside, and his father in a more direct assault.

-end flashback-

Dustil shook his head to clear his mind of the memories of Korriban. It had been over three months since he had seen his father in person. He had seen him on the holonet accepting medals and smiling graciously at crowds but Dustil wanted to sit down with his father and talk for a while. He wanted to find out if what his father had claimed on Korriban was the truth or just a convenient tale told to appease him. Dustil realized with a start that the entire booth was staring at him in silence. Mission and Zaalbar looked particularly concerned as they looked at him expectantly.

Embarrassed, he took a sip of the expensive Tarisian Ale and glanced at his friends, "What?" he finally asked frustrated.

Mission cocked an eyebrow at him "Oh nothing, you were just off in some other galaxy somewhere for the longest time. Care to share?"' the Twi'lek asked, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Dustil gave her a long look. She had been a witness to that scene between him and his father. He had a feeling that Mission knew exactly what he was thinking. "Have you seen my father? I mean, of course you've seen him. You left with him and that very strange Jedi and then you all became famous...I mean...well...have you?" Dustil became painfully aware that Mission and Zaalbar were staring at him as though he'd grown another head or declared himself the new Sith Lord. Though given their friends, the latter might not shock them as much the second head. "Look, I know I'm not making any sense," he tried again. Mission nodded vigorously and Dustil almost laughed at the oddity of the situation but for an inexplicable sense of dread he was beginning to feel.

"It's important that I talk to him. Do you know how I can reach him?" Dustil asked, leaning across the table towards Mission, hoping the urgency of his appeal would reach her. Mission and Zaalbar exchanged a look and shrugging, Mission cocked her head at the Wookie and back at Dustil.

"The last time I saw Carth he was here in the enclave headed for Carian's quarters. He'd just landed from coming to see you," Zaalbar rumbled, looking puzzled.

"He said-" Mission began, but Dustil cut her off impatiently.

"I know what he said thanks," he nodded at the Wookie and smiled at Mission to take some of the sting from his words. 'Coming to see me? What? What's that supposed to mean? Did I just miss him or is that what he's been telling his friends?' Dustil wondered.Out of the corner of his eye, he glimpsed Crev about to speak and Dustil shot his friends a warning look urging them to keep silent. He wanted to learn more about what his father had been telling his friends about their supposed visits.

"Well Carth and Carian aren't back yet, we figured they were still with you," Mission commented thoughtfully. Her shoulders sagged in disappointment as she turned suddenly to Zaalbar, "If Carth and Carian are off on their own somewhere, then we can't go to Telos like I was thinking and surprise them. Hmph! Leave it to Carth to ruin my plans!"

"You uh were going to surprise them on Telos?" Dustil asked, intrigued.

"Obviously that's not gonna work now," Mission sighed dramatically. She rested her chin on her hands and studied Dustil. "So, what's so important that you have to talk to your dad right away and can't wait until he comes to see you again or contacts you or whatever? If you're still carrying a grudge around about him leaving you and your Mom on Telos and you finally thought of that perfect thing to say to him, and you're worried you'll forget it if you wait to long..." Mission paused dramatically, "I'll loan you a datapad and you can record all your great pot shots in there," she finished, grinning.

"Uhh, no, thanks anyway Mission," Dustil muttered, flushing. He realized everyone was staring at him. Mission and Zaalbar were waiting for him to explain why he was on Coruscant without his father and his friends were watching the exchange between him and the Twi'lek wondering if he would confess to not having seen his father. Dustil cast about his mind for something to say, something to divert Mission from her questions.

Mission reached out and took a sip of his drink, having not been able to signal a server, and, smiling at him over the edge of his glass, commented, "It must be nice, you and Carth spending all that time together, getting a chance to reconnect like that."

"Oh yeah, real nice," Dustil answered without thinking.

Mission wasn't listening to him. She had a wistful expression on her face and was plainly thinking about another time, another place. "I sometimes wish that Griff and I could reconnect like that. He'll never change though; he's always gonna be a deadbeat, a loser. He'll always care about his next scam more than he'll ever care about me," she continued softly, almost to herself. Zaalbar growled mournfully causing Dustil's friends to edge away from him just a little bit. Mission blinked a couple of times, as though clearing her mind of the memories.

Mission frowned at Dustil, as though just realizing how strange he had sounded. She smiled at him, "Hey, what's with you anyways?" She laughed suddenly, not giving him a chance to reply. "Ahh, I bet its typical Onasi stubbornness, I heard enough about it from Carian." Zaalbar finally managed to signal a server and there was a break in the conversation as the harried waitress took their orders and rushed away.

They made small talk as they waited for their orders. Dustil noticed Mission eyeing his drink again and resignedly pushed it towards her. She drained it and from the look she was giving him, Dustil knew that this reprieve was only temporary.

Their orders arrived and Zaalbar looked longingly at everyone else's order despite having ordered the largest item on the menu. No one missed the Wookie's gaze on their food and ate quickly, speaking little, the silence punctuated by comments such as "Pass the salt, please."

Zaalbar was still reaching for the scraps on the plates as they passed dishes past him to the server to clear away. Mission smacked his hands away and he glared at her, giving her a wounded look.

"Big Z, you just stuffed yourself, don't be gross!" Mission exclaimed. He grumbled in an undertone to her, looking mournful but remained silent.

Dustil's friends made their excuses and left Dustil to be interrogated further murmuring that they would be at their quarters in the enclave. Mission smirked at their departing figures as she eased into the much roomier booth with Zaalbar. Dustil had the unnerving feeling of facing a Sith interrogation squad.

Another round of drinks arrived leaving Dustil to wonder if Mission was trying to extract information from him by getting him drunk. She frowned thoughtfully at him and commented, "You know, I think I always knew Griff was a loser. He's my brother by the way. I guess that's why it hurt so much when Lena, his girlfriend, came along and told me he'd abandoned me."

Dustil nodded, unsure why Mission was getting into this with him. She'd mentioned Griff earlier but hadn't really explained who he was. "Y'know even though I told Lena what I thought of her, well..." She looked down, embarrassed. "I knew deep down that she wasn't lying, it just felt true. Have you ever had that feeling when someone told ya something you didn't want to hear?" When he opened his mouth to speak, she shook her head; clearly, Mission felt she had a captive audience and would take full advantage while it lasted.

"I was just lucky that Carian cared enough about me to help me find Griff," Mission continued. "We found him on Tatooine, a crummy desert planet while we were looking for stuff to fight the Sith. He was taken prisoner by Sand People," Mission rested her chin on her hand, looking dejected and vulnerable. "Even the Sand People didn't want him. Czerka Corp. told us it was a waste of credits to go look for him and the Sand People were happy to ditch him," the Twi'lek continued sadly. "No one wanted Griff around, because he cared more about his next big scam than he did about anyone else."

"But I'll tell you something Dustil," Mission said, perking up, "finding Griff, talking to him, finally being able to move on from the constant wondering if he was coming back, it really helped. I realized that he was never going to change; he would always put himself first. I guess I always knew that about him, even when I was a kid, but I needed to see it for myself," Mission sighed. "He's a nerf-herder and always will be, but he's family, the only family I had for a while," she smiled at Zaalbar fondly. It was obvious that the two considered each other family now. She lapsed into silence, taking a deep swallow of her drink.

Silence descended on the table for a little while, as Dustil tried to absorb what Mission had told him. They finished their drinks in silence. When Dustil looked around, he realized that most of the patrons have left the cantina. More time had passed than he realized and it was later than he thought.

"Listen, Mission, it was great seeing you again, and it was interesting meeting you Zaalbar," Dustil said, signalling the waitress for the bill. "I-uh-I'm glad you and brother worked things out and I um..." he trailed off. What did you say to an urchin Twi'lek who was still smarting about having a rotten brother? Nothing intelligent or tactful sprang to Dustil's mind and he was thankful for the interruption of the arrival of the bill. Overriding objections by Mission and Zaalbar, he paid it and rose from the table. "I gotta head off. I have to go find my friends and, uh...maybe get some shut eye," Dustil faltered, smiling at the pair.

Zaalbar and Mission watched Carth's son leave the cantina in silence. Mission stared in the direction the young man had taken and turned to Big Z, questioningly. He shrugged in answer. Mission hopped up and put a hand to her stealth field generator, reassuring herself that she still wore it. Zaalbar, watching her, shook his head in exasperation.

"Big Z, you know I have to find out what's going on with him," Mission said. "C'mon, you know he wasn't being exactly open with us," she continued, pleading with the Wookie. Zaalbar just looked at her impassively. "Zaalbar, aren't you going to say anything?" Mission demanded.

"You'd better hurry up if you're going to follow him and not get caught," was Zaalbar's soft growl. He looked up at her finally with a barely concealed Wookie grin. Mission's smile lit up the room and giving Zaalbar a quick hug she raced off before he could remind her not to hug him in the cantina, and most importantly, to be careful.

Mission hurried up the dimly lit corridors of the enclave. After hours, the lights in the main traffic areas in the enclave were low and Mission took full advantage of the near dark as she hurried to find Dustil. Catching sight of him turning a corner, she sped up; her hand rested lightly near her stealth field generator, ready to activate it. She wasn't too concerned about being spotted, the corridors were almost deserted, anyone who happened to pass her by, paid her no notice, too preoccupied with their own late night wanderings to notice a Twi'lek.

As Dustil wandered through the enclave Mission kept a close eye on him as she followed the young man. She came to an abrupt halt as he stopped at a door with a keypad. Hastily, she activated her stealth field generator and pressed her back against the wall hoping that the shadows and her stealth field generator would keep her hidden. He took a cursory glance around, his eyes seeming to move right over where she crouched, breathless, against the wall. Seeing nothing or no one of interest, he punched in the code to the keypad and entered the room shaking his head.

Mission slipped up to stand near the door and listened. She could hear Dustil talking to someone, presumably his companions, from the corridor, but then the doors on the guest quarters hadn't been designed to block out noise from someone standing and listening at the door.

"It took you long enough to get back," Jenna observed when Dustil walked in.

"Yeah well, they had a few questions and seeing as Daddy dearest and I are apparently 'reconnecting', he sneered.

The room was relatively large, with two sets of bunk beds, and he saw his gear stowed on a lower bunk, under Jenna's bunk. There was a small table and a footlocker near the door. Turning his back on his friends, he deliberately fumbled with the catch on the footlocker, trying to compose his features and push the pain he was feeling at his father's apparent rejection to a safer part of his being. Dustil knelt by the footlocker for what seemed forever, his eyes closed and taking several deep breaths. He knew he wasn't fooling them but the pretense helped somehow.

Dustil turned to face his friends. Lon was perched on the table, disdaining the chairs and bunks. Jenna was sprawled on a top bunk, lying on her stomach; her chin rested in her hands. Crev was leaning against the back wall of the room furthest away from Dustil.

Dustil seized a chair from around the table, reversed it, and straddled it. He rested his arms on the back of the chair and looked at his companions. It was Crev who finally spoke, "What I don't get is why you didn't tell them that you haven't seen your old man since Korriban? I mean, according to her, he's on Telos, maybe you just uh, missed each other, or something," he finished lamely at a cold glare from Dustil.

"That thought had occurred to me too," added Lon, causing everyone to turn and stare at him, as he was usually content to listen and absorb information in his own quiet way. He flushed under the scrutiny but continued. "It would seem that our next stop is Telos, Onasi, unless you have other ideas," he commented.

Dustil looked at Lon thoughtfully, frowning. "To answer the first question, I didn't see any reason to volunteer anything to Mission and Zaalbar, especially if it's about my father," Dustil replied evenly. "And as for the second question, no, we're not going to Telos just now," he finished.

Crev shook his head, "I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from, buddy."

"Look, isn't it obvious? It's not just about me anymore," Dustil replied exasperated. "I thought he had only let me down by not coming to find me on Telos after the Star Forge was destroyed but it sounds like he's not exactly being honest with the people he supposedly calls friends," he continued urgently.

Outside the door, Mission's eyes were wide and she was rooted to the spot directly outside their door. She silently thanked the builders of this enclave that the doors were made in such a way that she had heard every word of the exchange so far. She settled herself in for a long wait, listening to every word spoken just beyond the door.

"Yeah, but your source is a teenager, never mind that she's a Twi'lek, no offense Crev, but, I bet she can be pretty annoying. I'd probably make something up to get away from her," Jenna commented.

"I wouldn't, she's cuter than anything," Crev said without thinking. He blushed furiously and ducked the pillows and bags thrown at him amid jeering laughter.

"And she's too young for you too," laughed Lon.

"No, I'm not," said a furiously blushing Mission silently from her sentry position outside the door. "And you don't have to make up anything up to get away from me, Jeannie or Jenna or whatever your name is, just don't let the door hit you on your way out," Mission grumbled silently to herself.

The laughter was dying down but Crev remembered that shapely figure and thought, "No, she's not," unknowingly echoing the listening Twi'lek.

Dustil smiled with his friends but Jenna noticed that it didn't reach his eyes. He hadn't looked like this since Selene had gone missing. She pushed that thought away, and asked, "So, Onasi, are you basing your plans on what a teenage Twi'lek tells you?"

"Don't forget she's a teenage Twi'lek who helped save the galaxy from the Sith, from Malak," Dustil reminded them. He silenced their protests with a glance and continued.

"Look, the point is, and maybe you've all missed it, but Mission told us that Revan apparently thinks my father has been coming to see me on Telos, since well after the Star Forge was destroyed it sounded like," Dustil ran a hand through his hair and continued. "I'll be the first to admit I don't know my father anymore, it's been years since I've really seen him. That brief encounter on Korriban wasn't really enough to give me a sense of him and how he might have changed, but I guess I can't help but wonder why my father would be lying to a woman he's claiming to love."

"But we don't know for sure that he's doing that, do we?" asked Jenna uneasily.

"Well, we do know he hasn't come to see me. We know that Mission believes he has, we know that her friend Zaalbar believes it and unless both my father and this Jedi are lying to Mission and Zaalbar, then probably Revan believes it too." Dustil frowned, trying to recall the Jedi he had met at the Sith Academy. He shook his head, scowling.

"What's wrong Dustil?" asked Jenna, who had been watching him.

"Ah nothing, I'm just trying to remember her, I met her so briefly and she was trying to fit in at the Sith Academy at the time so my impressions might be skewed." His gaze dropped to the floor and he said quietly, "You're gonna think this is stupid but I had the strangest feeling that I could trust her. I was so blinded with anger towards Father that I didn't even consider if he'd come back but somehow I knew she would. I don't like to think what might have happened if she hadn't been there to...stop me," he finished in almost a whisper.

Mission had been straining to hear Dustil's comments about the academy and was literally pressed against the door for all she was worth to hear those last two words. She took a deep steadying breath and hoped something would happen soon. She couldn't stay out here all night.

Lon assumed a cross-legged position on the table top and said, "So, if I'm following your ramblings correctly, nerf-herder, we're to assume that what Revan has told Mission is true or what she believes to be true," he amended quickly seeing Dustil about to interrupt him. "It also sounds like we assume that we'll take Mission and Zaalbar's side of things seeing as your father is notably absent from the proceedings. Given that we know that Onasi Sr. hasn't made it to Telos once to see you unless his first visit occurred right after you left and you've passed each other in transit, then we're left with your original idea that your father is likely lying to his friends and quite possibly the woman he says he loves." He hopped off the tabletop and crossed to the footlocker, and sat on it. "The big question now is where do we go from here?"

Crev took up Lon's place on the table and Jenna hopped down from the top bunk and grabbed another chair, placing it against the wall beside the footlocker and grinned at Lon.

'Apparently we all find a different place to sit,' Dustil thought, amused at the sudden flurry of activity and turned in his chair. "Well I don't want to tip my hand to any of Carian's or my father's companions that he hasn't been to see me," Dustil said slowly.

"What we need now is more information," he mused aloud. "There's only one person in this room who can get me that without alerting the entire enclave to his presence," he smirked at Lon.

Lon grinned at the chance to sneak around the enclave and hopped off the footlocker to get his stealth field generator. He slipped it around his waist and looked back at Dustil.

"What do you want me to look for?" he asked.

"Well, for starters, anyone that was with my father and Revan, so any member of the Ebon Hawk's crew," Dustil replied. "Do you know what they all look like?" he asked.

Lon snorted, "How can I not what with their pictures being all over the Holonet? I'm surprised you didn't recognize Mission and Zaalbar, to tell you the truth."

Dustil flushed, "Well, I wasn't really paying attention to anyone other than my Dad. But I have a nice group shot that has been circulating around. I think it's a publicity holo or something. They all look so formal and stiff," he answered rummaging around in his tunic pocket for the datapad that held the photo. Finding it, he pulled up the image, and gestured for his friends to look. Expecting them to just gather around him, he was momentarily jarred when Jenna snatched the datapad from his hand for a closer look.

"Let's see," she peered at the datapad, frowning. She grinned suddenly, "Well whatever else you might say about him, you and your Dad sure do look alike."

"Oh sure, If I'm going for the stiff and formal look, never mind ancient," Dustil retorted.

"That's for sure," Mission agreed soundlessly outside the door. "Carth sure is a geezer but Dustil's awfully cute," she thought to herself.

Crev took the datapad from a laughing Jenna and studied it. "What about finding some of the Jedi in this picture? Lon could follow one of them around," he suggested.

"Lon, that's a really good idea," Dustil said, turning to him but Lon was already nodding. Lon absently cocked an eyebrow at Jenna who took the datapad from Crev and passed it to him. He studied the picture for a long moment, committing each face to memory, even Carth's and Revan's in the unlikely event that they were in fact in the enclave.

Well?" Dustil asked, looking expectantly at Lon.

"Well what?" Lon asked, even though he already knew what Dustil was going to say. He finished adding a circlet that would make him more agile and better able to slice into any locks that might stand in his way.

"Well get going, or are you waiting for an invitation?" Dustil answered impatiently.

Mission backed away from the door into the shadows, and settled down to wait. There was no sense in following Lon. He would just come back and report everything to Dustil and to her.

Lon was anxious to go and scope out this enclave on Coruscant, just before he hit the control for the door, he turned and said to Dustil, "Why now though? Do you actually think anyone will be up at this hour?" He knew he had a much better chance of not getting caught with the enclave deserted but on the other hand, with the enclave almost deserted, there would be very few of Revan's friends around to follow.

Dustil shrugged, "I don't know but we both know it's the best time to do it, and you probably only need to find one person, one member of their crew."

Lon chuckled and then asked, "And what if it's the Twi'lek? She seems like she would be up roaming the enclave at this hour."

Dustil shook his head, "Yeah she does seem the type, so make sure you're not followed. But no, I want more information, not following Mission around, though that would be entertaining I'm sure," he said dryly, catching Crev nodding in agreement out of the corner of his eye.

Lon grinned and opened the door, slipping out like a shadow. He hadn't activated his stealth field generator yet so he appreciated the dimness of the corridor he was in. He looked around carefully, wondering if he would see that odd shimmer in the air that could sometimes betray a stealth field. The darkness would work to his advantage tonight he thought, as he looked at the long, deep shadows around him and activated his stealth field.

He made his quiet way through the enclave. It was good to get away from the shared room. The silence in the enclave was welcoming. It almost seemed as though he could feel the occupants of the enclave sleeping around him. Sometimes in the Sith Academy, he'd prowled the corridors at night, but there had never been this welcoming stillness. He'd always felt as though he was being watched. There was an air of malice in the Sith Academy and he'd never felt at ease as he felt now, even with the buzz of sneaking through the enclave.

He didn't know how long he crept around the enclave. He heard the usual sounds of a building at night. Soft sounds came from behind some doors, light shone under the occasional door indicating someone working late, or playing late.

After a while, he rounded a corner where he could dimly see a couple of benches set into a small alcove in the wall against a window. The area, normally lit in the daytime by natural light, was quite shadowed but he could make out a few shapes on the benches and soft voices speaking in urgent whispers. He stopped to find a dark corner from which to listen. Glancing around, Lon decided to edge nearer the wall and creep closer to the bench, listening all the while. He stopped suddenly as he heard a soft accented woman's voice, "-this covert meeting means you have news of Commander Onasi." Lon pressed against the wall, and crouched, praying the Jedi wouldn't notice his presence.

"Believe me young Bastila, Master Danakar and I would much prefer to be in the warmth and comfort of our own beds, than here in these secret meetings with you," grumbled an older man.

"Yes, yes I understand Master Varik, but what have you learned? What news do you have?" asked the woman named Bastila impatiently, Bastila Shan, Lon amended to himself.

"This is a delicate matter Bastila, and I fear any information we give you will send you and your companions charging off in that rather recognizable ship," remarked Master Varik in a dry whisper.

Bastila opened her mouth to interrupt, but the other Jedi Master held up his hand to stop her. "Bastila, we are aware of the bond you share with Revan, and of the effects this last while has had on you. You've been tired, irritable and not really yourself," admonished Master Danakar. He leaned towards the young Jedi and took her hand in both of his, and smiled at the young woman. Bastila tried to pull her hand back and flushed uncomfortably under the older man's scrutiny. Listening to the exchange, Lon studied Bastila n the dim light and he could see the lines of strain and tension etched on her aristocratic features.

"We know you're worried about Revan, and about Carth Onasi but the little news we have indicates that they are likely with Sith and by all appearances their ship went willingly," Master Danakar told her, his voice so soft that the unseen observer had to strain to make out his words.

"I don't believe it. There must be another answer," replied Bastila, softly, desperately.

"I will tell you what I can," Master Varik said. Lon listened intently as Master Varik described recent events in a monotonous undertone that would have put Lon to sleep were he at the Academy listening to one of his teachers.

"The Qantara sector?" hissed Bastila. "But that sector is..."she trailed off, at a loss for words.

'Sith Territory?' Lon finished for her in silence, shaking his head ruefully.

"Carth's ship, or at least a ship matching its configuration from the enclave's database met a Sith Interdictor class ship and there was no resistance?! No attempt to escape?! You're trying to tell me that Carth's ship just flew into a hangar bay on an Interdictor ship?!" Bastila's voice, while still soft, was rapidly rising as she rose from her seat.

"Bastila! Remember yourself!" came a soft but sharply issued order from Master Varik, all the more effective in getting through to the young Jedi. She took several deep breaths, and sat down once more, nodding regally at the two older men.

"Not even one shot fired?" she asked, her expression bleak.

"I am so sorry, Bastila," Master Danakar said, shaking his head.

"What does the Order intend to do?" inquired Bastila.

The men shifted uncomfortably on the benches and Master Varik shook his head. "You must see how difficult this situation is. Even if we consider what you've told us, there's a good chance that this is a trap. Carth Onasi is a decorated Republic hero and we find it unlikely that he piloted that ship willingly to the Sith."

Spots of colour stained Bastila's cheekbones as she stared at the Jedi Masters uncomprehendingly. "I was told of the rarity of these types of bonds on Dantooine, Master, so forgive me if I find myself more of an expert on what I believe Revan to be feeling than you," she said glacially, her hands clutching the bench so fiercely that her knuckles seemed to be bone white.

"I know I have not been myself. Its because I have not slept well since Carian left the enclave and my days are spent fending off the physical pain of her torture and the mental and emotional pain that she endures day and night trying not to fall into the darkness she sees looming before her," Bastila raged, tears sliding down her cheeks. Master Varik patted Bastila's hand awkwardly, looking very uncomfortable.

"I have examined this from every angle and I simply do not know what to do," Bastila said, brushing away her tears with an impatient gesture. "I trusted Carth Onasi at the beginning. I trusted him when we began the Endar Spire mission. I trusted him with my life more than once. When I hear Carian call him a traitor..."she shrugged. "I don't know what to feel, or who to believe," she confessed tremulously.

Lon didn't know what to think either. He'd listened to and absorbed all the details of this incredible story but he wasn't sure how to tell Dustil that his father was either in Sith custody or was a Sith traitor.

"The Republic Operative who has relayed this information at risk to themselves is in a position to take action if need be," stated Master Varik quietly.

"Take action? What do you mean?" Bastila asked, frowning.

"The Republic feels that perhaps the Jedi Order made a mistake in saving Revan, and now would be the time to rectify that mistake before she becomes too powerful again and if she truly does need rescuing then it can be attempted," explained Master Varik.

"The Republic would kill her?" Bastila breathed, horrified. Master Varik nodded "You cannot mean that!" she cried. The two Jedi Masters winced at her cry and glanced around to see if anyone had heard her cry. Master Danakar seemed to look directly into Lon's eyes but turned away again, satisfied that no one had heard the young Jedi's outburst.

"Bastila, Bastila, calm yourself child," Master Danakar said soothingly.

"Carian's come so far. She's not the same woman that she used to be," Bastila pleaded. "You can't just strike her down! I thought that the Jedi don't execute their prisoners," Bastila declared angrily.

The three people sitting on the benches fell silent suddenly as a figure approached them. Lon tensed to leave for anyone who could best two Jedi Masters and a Jedi Padawan would be beyond his ability. The cloaked figure approached Master Varik and gave him a datapad, and silently turned and left.

"Give me a moment, this is heavily encrypted," Master Varik muttered, scowling at the datapad. He tapped in several sequences, frowned some more, pulled out a tiny light source from inside his robes and studied the message. Bastila and the Jedi Master watched him intently and Lon was eminently grateful that he hadn't slipped off while Bastila was pleading for Carian's life. That datapad could give some answers for all of them.

"Hmm, see for yourself," Master Varik said, shaking his head and handed the datapad to Master Danakar who studied it with a similar amount of frowning and scowling while Bastila glared at the two Masters impatiently.

"Yes, yes, I see," muttered Master Danakar, his shoulders slumping.

"This is the latest information from our operative and it would seem that Carian is indeed being held on the Sith ship against her will and Commander Onasi walks among the Sith as an officer," explained Master Danakar to Bastila.

Bastila was visibly relieved. "Well, then that's better," she said, almost smiling.

Lon was sure he looked as confused as the two Jedi Masters.

"What do you mean? What's better?" asked Master Danakar warily.

"Well, now your operative will know not to kill Carian and perhaps they can even help her escape the Sith! Surely now that you know the situation you can issue new orders or the Republic can issue new orders to their agent," said Bastila happily.

"Bastila, our communication with this operative is strictly one way. For now, I imagine the orders will stand regarding Revan and any information regarding Carth Onasi will be under tight scrutiny before it is accepted as fact," said Master Varik with a sigh.

"Revan fell with no help from torture or Sith mind affecting drugs before. I realize that she has served the light with devotion for some months but now that she's under those influences, she may not be able to withstand the pressure," said the old Jedi Master. "She may fall to the dark side," continued Master Varik.

"No! She will not fall!" Bastila exclaimed angrily. They glanced around, remembering the need for quiet but no one appeared to have been disturbed, but she lowered her voice nonetheless. "Revan...Carian, has always been stronger than I," she said quietly.

"When I was part of the strike force sent to capture Revan, we would not have succeeded had Malak not fired on her ship. Even before she remembered who she was, she pointed that out to me." Bastila ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "She is stronger than you know, and I owe her a great deal. I must save her," Bastila said rising and turning to leave.

"Bastila! Wait!! Please!" called Master Danakar as loudly as he dared. She halted but didn't turn to face either of the men. "Before you go rushing off, you should know that our source let us know that the last information they had of Revan was that she was suffering terribly. She may die before you have a chance to risk yourself needlessly."

Bastila nodded but Master Varik spoke before she could leave.

"Bastila, wait a day or two. Give yourself time to calm these dangerous emotions that are boiling about inside you," pleaded the old Jedi Master to Bastila's silent back.

She nodded once, briskly and stormed off down the corridor, past Lon, who was pressed against the wall still and desperate to return to Dustil and tell him what he had learned but dreading how he would tell him that his father might be declared a traitor by the Republic.

"Do you think she will listen to us?" Varik asked Danakar.

Rising from his seat on the bench, Danakar sighed, "I doubt it. She is strong willed. It is what she admired about Revan and what can easily draw her back to the dark side."

"We will have to watch the Ebon Hawk for the next day or two. I think after that it may be all a moot point," Varik commented.

"Oh?" inquired Danakar.

"Bastila will either convince her friends that they have to go and save Revan and they will get by any watch or security we set on the Ebon Hawk to do it," explained Varik. "Or, Revan will die in Sith custody or worse, fall to the dark side, and May the Force help us all if that happens," he sighed, shaking his head and rising painstakingly from the hard seat on the bench.

Lon watched them leave and waited for a few minutes to be certain that no one was coming back to check the area. Satisfied he had an all clear, he made his way back uneventfully to the room he shared with Dustil and his friends just as the first faint light of dawn started to touch the sky.

Mission was dozing, trying to keep one sleepy eye on Dustil's door, but her head kept nodding and her eyes kept closing. She jerked awake for what seemed like the millionth time and berated herself for not following Dustil's buddy. "Is that guy ever gonna come back?" Mission sighed to herself. "What'd he do? Get lost or something? Or maybe he found something better to do than sneak around the stupid enclave all night," she complained in silence.

Mission was so involved in creating excuses for Lon that she almost missed the soft sigh that came from somewhere near Dustil's door. She stilled and stared around the corridor. She could see a faint shimmer in the dim light near the door that was a telltale sign of a stealth field to the practiced eye.

Lon ran a hand through his blond hair, pulling it free from the small tie that held back his hair in a small tail. He scowled at the door, thinking of what he had to tell his friends once he walked through that door. "Ah, Force, how am I going to tell Onasi that his old man's a suspected traitor to the Republic and the Jedi?" he asked the empty corridor. He punched the wall in frustration several times and finally pushed open the door to the room he shared with Dustil and his friends.

Mission's mouth hung open. Shocked, she hurried to the closed door to listen to Lon make his report to Dustil. "He's an idiot! Carth is a hero! Who's gonna think he's a traitor?" Mission said to herself, crouching near the door.

Lon reached into the footlocker near the door, pulled out their stash of Correllian Brandy, and took a deep swallow. The others watched him in silence. "That bad, was it?" asked Jenna dryly. He cast her level gaze and nodded in silence. He left the brandy on the table thinking to himself that Dustil might need it by the time he was done with his tale.

"In a word, yes," Lon sighed. He looked in turn at each of his friends, all watching him expectantly. He didn't know where to begin. He sighed again and shook his head.

Jenna, sitting up on the top bunk, asked, "Well, did you see anything out there?"

"Yeah, I saw something," Lon said in his quiet way.

Jenna tossed her pillow at him and everyone started laughing except Lon, who threw the pillow back at her with a scowl. Jenna caught the missile easily and tucked it under her as she settled back on the bunk. "So, are you going to sit there like a Hutt or tell us what you saw?" she asked Lon as she made herself comfortable.

"Yeah, fine. I saw Bastila Shan out talking to a couple of Jedi Masters about Revan and your dad," Lon said in a rush, looking at Dustil. Now that he was starting his story, he wanted to get it out as fast as possible.

"Do they know where he is?" Dustil asked, getting to his feet. Lon waved him back down and he sat reluctantly. If the Jedi knew where his father was, he wanted to leave now, he could sleep on the ship.

The corner of Lon's mouth twitched in something that might be mistaken for a smile and he shook his head ruefully. "Yeah, Onasi, they know where he is," Lon replied. He went on to relate to his friends all that he had overheard between Bastila Shan and the Jedi Masters.

Some time later, after several interruptions, and several draws on the Correllian Brandy by everyone in the room, they were still absorbing what Lon had told them. Jenna had clambered down from the bunk bed and sat at one of the chairs around the small table, her gaze fixed on the brandy flask and unusually quiet. Crev sat on a lower bunk, his head tails twitching in distress and every so often, he opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it again. Lon sat in a chair propped against the wall, his feet on the table, and his adventures for the evening and the telling of them having drained him. None of them could match Dustil's frantic pacing around the small room. He had interrupted Lon constantly as he tried to tell his story and Lon had finally told him to shut up and let him talk.

Mission still crouched outside their door. She shook her head in silent denial. She couldn't believe that Carth, her fiend, could bring Carian to the Sith. "Ohh, and Carian told me he was paranoid about being betrayed by her!" she said to herself. "I can't even think of things bad enough to say right now," the blue-skinned Twi'lek murmured

Crev was the first to break the uneasy silence. "So now what?" he asked, glancing around at his friends. Lon shrugged and shook his head. Jenna just shrugged one slim shoulder and said nothing. Dustil stopped pacing around the room and perched on the table, drumming his fingers on it restlessly.

"What do you mean, now what?" he demanded. "I have to go find my Dad," Dustil stated flatly. "I don't understand any of it but I have to find him. I have to talk to him," the young man struggled to keep his voice low.

"So, you're just going to fly into the Qantara Sector, a sector we know is Sith controlled, alone?" Jenna inquired, with a delicate arch of an eyebrow. She tossed her long red hair over her shoulder and grinned at Dustil, the challenge evident in her gaze.

He flushed and looked to Lon for support, but Lon was studying the brandy flask intently.

Mission huddled at the door as Dustil explained about Sith Academy students that had been reluctant to leave the Academy certain the Jedi would never accept them but willing to help Dustil if the need ever arose. He knew of one who had received an offer from an Interdictor class ship in the Qantara Sector. In all likelihood, his father was aboard the same ship. Mission shook her head as she heard Dustil insist that he would go alone.

'This...this is something I feel I need to do. It's not just about my father, but that Jedi too," Dustil shrugged. "I never thought I would go out of my way for a woman who used to be the Sith Lord Revan, but after you guys left Mission said some things about her that make me...wonder," the young man shrugged again and turned away from his friends, trying to hide the flush creeping up his face.

A pillow sailed through the air and smacked Dustil in the back of the head. He turned and saw Jenna grinning guiltily at him. "I would suggest you don't go anywhere until we've all had a bit of sleep," she observed, holding out a hand for the pillow. He nodded and tossed her the pillow and stretched out on the lower bunk, not bothering with his clothes.

"Besides," he began, "I don't want to leave until nightfall. The less people who see me leave the better, "he yawned and rolled over onto his side closing his eyes.

"See us leave you mean," Lon corrected as he stumbled to his own bunk, hauling himself up to the top bunk.

"Yeah Onasi, you're not dumping us here. We're coming with you," said Jenna as she peeled off the jacket and shirt she wore and found a looser tunic to wear and slipped that on, peeling off the dark trousers she wore. She felt the guys watching her appreciatively as she climbed up into the top bunk, giving a display of shapely long legs. She curled up sleepily and leaned her head down to see Dustil squirming, removing his shirt. She whistled admiringly and settled back on the bed to close her eyes.

Crev watched Jenna for a few moments, but continued to think of Mission as he tossed his own clothes on the floor, drawing a rebuking glance from Jenna. Collapsing on the lower bunk, "Just for my two credits, don't think I'm staying here either. I guess the Qantara Sector it is," he said, the words almost swallowed by a yawn.

In his own bunk, Dustil should have been asleep, but he heard his friends offer in their casual way to accompany him to the Qantara Sector. He closed his eyes and smiled.

In moments, he was asleep, happier than he had been in years.

Mission stretched outside Dustil's room and glancing around, decided to risk sneaking back to the Ebon Hawk. She still had her stealth field generator on and the enclave was just rising for the day so she passed very few people in the corridors. When she boarded the familiar ship, she deactivated the stealth field generator and started to head to her bed. She would sleep for an hour or two, and then tell everyone what she had heard. As she walked down the narrow corridor, a hand shot out and grabbed her arm. Startled, she nearly screamed but swallowed the cry when she saw Canderous glaring down at her.

Wordlessly, he propelled her towards the centre of the ship and she saw Zaalbar pacing around the room.

"Does this look like the Twi'lek you told me about?" Canderous asked dryly, releasing her. Zaalbar swept her up in his huge furry arms and hugged her tightly. After a long moment, he released her and she spat out the fur she had just swallowed. Even T3's bleeps sounded worried and reproachful.

"Look, I'm sorry. I really am. But I've been up all night and I do have to talk to you but not right now," Mission backed up. She was going to get some sleep and then explain this whole mess to them. She kept backing up and backed right into Juhani.

"Oh there you are, Mission," the Cathar Jedi commented. "Zaalbar was very...." she trailed off and studied Mission curiously. "Mission? What is it? Something is troubling you," Juhani asked. "I sense great distress and...a feeling of-"

"Stop it!" Mission cried out. "I'm sorry Juhani, but don't do that. Don't broadcast how I feel," Mission pleaded, trying to move past the Jedi. She could see Juhani's concern for her but she chose to ignore it for now. Mission paused at the doorway, "Wake me up in three hours, please," she requested, looking into Canderous' eyes. The Mandalorian nodded slightly and she turned and hurried down the corridor to her own bunk. She threw herself on the narrow bed and cried herself to sleep; emotion and exhaustion had finally caught up with the young Twi'lek.

Zaalbar kept a silent vigil near the communications station, casting worried glances towards Mission's quarters on the Ebon Hawk and growling softly on occasion. HK-47 had powered down or likely the homicidal droid would have offered to kill whichever meatbag was disturbing the Wookie. Canderous cast a glance towards Zaalbar and Juhani and headed for the solace of the swoop bay. Juhani glared after Canderous' retreating back, and casting a disdainful glance around the room swept out of the room to meditate.

Juhani slipped into Mission's quarters and reluctantly shook the sleeping Twi'lek awake. Canderous had been striding towards Mission's quarters but Juhani had intercepted him and gone to wake the Twi'lek. She blinked several times in confusion and shook her head, trying to clear it as she sat up on the bunk. Juhani sat down beside her and with uncharacteristic tenderness, took Mission's hand. "What is it Mission?" the Cathar asked, studying the younger woman. "I felt your distress earlier and know you would normally talk to Carian-" she broke off when she saw Mission wince at the mention of the other Jedi's name.

"Juhani, let me just jump in the 'fresher and I'll come out and talk to everyone," Mission replied, and Juhani noticed that the usual sparkle was missing from the Twi'lek's manner. Juhani nodded and left the room without another word. As she walked down the corridor, she heard the sound of the 'fresher and reached out with the Force to see who was on the ship.

She headed for the exit and spotting Canderous, she spoke to him," Mission will be out soon. Do not let her begin her tale until I return. I have to go to the enclave to get the others," she instructed sternly. She exited the ship before Canderous had a chance to reply.

Juhani returned a few minutes later with Jolee and Bastila in tow. No one had seen Bastila for some time and Mission's soft apology to Zaalbar was silenced as everyone took in Bastila's drawn and haggard appearance. She leaned against a wall and levelled a look around the room daring them to comment.

Canderous would normally have commented on Bastila's appearance but he was anxious to hear what Mission had been up to the previous night and why she had been so cryptic when she returned to the Hawk. He leaned against the wall as well, but unlike Bastila who gave the appearance of needing the support, the Mandalorian seemed to be holding up the wall.

Mission waited as everyone found a place to sit or stand in the communications room. Someone had even remembered to go power on HK-47 and T3 so that they could listen to Mission's story and she need not repeat herself.

Sitting on a low bench against a wall because she still lacked the energy to stand, Mission took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Big Z and I ran into Dustil and some of his friends at the cantina last night when I went to go play Pazzak," she began. "He's here looking for Carth and we talked to Dustil for a while last night after his friends left and I decided to follow him," Mission continued.

Zaalbar had lowered himself on the small bench beside her, lending her his support as she continued to speak in a low voice, studying her hands.

"I listened to Dustil and his friends talk last night, and Carth hasn't been to Telos like he's told us, or like he's told Carian," and her gaze went to Bastila's then and Bastila quickly dropped her eyes.

"Listened at a few doors last night, kiddo?" asked Jolee, teasingly, trying to coax a smile from the sober Mission. She nodded but did not smile.

"I wasn't the only one with that idea. One of Dustil's friends went for a walk, late last night," Mission's voice rose slightly on the last few words for emphasis, "and I almost couldn't believe what he had to say," she continued, swiping a hand across her face so the tears wouldn't fall.

"Carth and Carian aren't on Telos; they're on a Sith ship in the Qantara Sector," Mission said. She watched Bastila as she spoke and saw the blood drain from the older woman's face. 'So it is true then,' Mission thought to herself

"Statement: My Master has returned. I must return to her so she will activate the assassination protocols and I can destroy many meatbags for her!" HK exclaimed.

"I told Revan that I'd follow her no matter what path she takes," Canderous stated. "I'll join her at the Qantara Sector and fight alongside the new Dark Lord," he proclaimed.

"I cannot believe that Carian would fall to the Dark Side after all this time, after all that she has done," Juhani said sadly. "Must we not-" she was interrupted by a sharp cry from Mission.

"STOP! Everyone stop talking right now! Just shut up! You don't know anything!" Mission cried, jumping to her feet. "Tell them Bastila!" she lashed out at the young Jedi, whose head had jerked up at the sound of her name and was gripping the wall she leaned against as though the Hawk would crumble around her.

"What shall I say Mission?" Bastila asked her quietly. Mission seemed ready to leap across the room and throttle the young woman but Zaalbar kept a restraining hand on her shoulder, holding her in place. Facing the Twi'lek's mounting anger, Bastila sighed heavily and found her own seat near the door. 'It's almost like she's securing an exit for herself,' Canderous thought.

"Fine, I'll tell them that Carth Onasi is the one who brought their ship to the Sith. It was piloted on to a larger ship with no shots fired and Carth now wears a Sith Officer's uniform and Carian is in the detention unit where they are exhausting every effort to turn her back to the Dark Side," Bastila said in a rush. "Oh, and let's not forget the Republic Operative who was sent to kill her because it was thought that she went back willingly," Bastila concluded. There was a stunned silence for several long moments, punctuated by occasional sniffling from Mission.

Canderous advanced on Bastila and jerking her to her feet by grabbing her upper arms, he demanded, "How long have you known about this Bastila?" The words were little more than a growl.

"Let me go!" Bastila yelled angrily, shoving out at him with the Force. He felt the waves of the Force wash over him and braced himself. He bared his teeth at her in a feral smirk.

"You're not half the Jedi she is!" Canderous mocked releasing her with a light shove to the wall. "How long have you known?" he repeated, spacing each word slowly as though he were speaking to a very stupid child or someone whose auditory senses were damaged or impaired.

"A while," she admitted, straightening to regain some of her dignity. "Since not long after she was gone, but I did not know for certain," Bastila said pleadingly.

"Why didn't you come to us?" Canderous asked, a little more calmly. "What were you hoping to accomplish by hiding this from us?" he demanded.

"My motives are none of your concern," she flared at the Mandalorian.

"If Carian's been put in danger by that Republic bastard, it makes it my business," he roared. "Your delay could have put her in danger...or don't you care about that?" he demanded.

"Of course I care!" Bastila yelled back. "I just never expected Carth to do this, if anyone would have betrayed her, then..." she trailed off, unwilling or unable to continue.

"Say it!" Canderous challenged, advancing on her again. "You thought I'd be the one betraying her?" he asked, his expression unreadable. "Isn't that right Princess?" Canderous pressed. He braced his arms on either side of her head and trapped her against the wall. He stared down into her face and the young Jedi glared back at him. She shoved against his chest, her strength ineffectual against the Mandalorian's power.

"Don't call me that!" she hissed and pushed against him once more.

"Shut up, both of you!" Mission's voice cut through the heat of their anger.

"We don't have time for any of this!" she yelled, her head tails quivering with her pique. "Carth's son and his friends are just going to fly to some Sith controlled sector without a clue of what they're doing and get themselves killed!" she raged. "I thought that was our job!" Mission continued, drawing a light chuckle from Jolee and easing some of the tension from Canderous. He had stepped away from Bastila and stalked across the communications centre to listen to Mission's tirade.

"I'm really mad at Carth right now, but I don't think we should let Dustil go and get himself killed," Mission said, trying to calm down.

"So you suggest that we fly into the Qantara sector in one of the most recognized ships in the galaxy right now and try to get them out?" Jolee asked her in all seriousness.

"Yeah, I guess that's exactly what I'm suggesting," replied Mission with a sigh. "I know that we can't leave her there, and we can't let Dustil try to do it. He'd never make it and..."she trailed off and shrugged. "I think it would be important to Carian that Dustil is safe, no matter what Carth has done," the young Twi'lek said in a soft voice.

Canderous grinned, "So you want us to go take on some Dark Jedi and Sith?" he asked Mission. She nodded, looking around the room. "Well what are we waiting for?" asked Canderous, heading for the cockpit to program the coordinates for the jump to hyperspace.

"We better get cleared for take off," Mission said happily. "I'll just check to see the spaceport schedule to see how soon we can get out of here," she said as she moved the computer. She punched a few buttons and frowned at the display. "That's weird," she muttered, biting her lower lip.

"What is it?" said Bastila, moving to her side and studying the display over her shoulder.

"It says we don't have clearance to leave, we can't take off for 24 standard hours," Mission read aloud.

"Bastila heaved a sigh, "Wonderful, delay tactics." she said. "I should have expected as much. Mission, can't you appropriate the clearance for us?" she asked.

Mission cocked an eyebrow at her, "I'm trying, but Spaceport Authority System is pretty hard to access." She shook her head, "No, I don't think I'm going to get in." Juhani slipped out of the room and went to tell Canderous that there would be a delay with the Spaceport Authority.

"Bastila, can't you fix it with the Jedi Order?" Mission asked.

"No, they feel I'm too emotional too leave right now," Bastila replied dryly, eliciting a snort from Jolee. Bastila turned her gaze upon the older Jedi, and smiled, "I think I know just who may be able to reason with them.

"Forget it kiddo, I'm not going to talk to those old cranks," Jolee barked. Bastila merely smiled at him. He sighed heavily and glaring at the younger women, turned and left the Ebon Hawk.