When Shadows Give Way to Flame

By: The Gifted Ten & DerrangedBlonde

Chapter 1: The Nightmare

The young man sat at his desk and continued to go through the stacks of parchment that were scattered haphazardly across its surface. The candles had long burnt out, but the darkness in the room was anything but displeasing. He could see perfectly in the dark; his demon eyes could read the reports stacked upon his desk word for word. He sighed, leaning back in his chair, which creaked and groaned in protest. Bringing his thumb and forefinger together, he pinched the bridge of his nose and absently let out a discontent groan. "Gah, I've been going through these reports for hours and there's hardly anything to show for it; I think I will go to the authority headquarters tomorrow morning and fire that incompetent whelp of an assistant." He then chuckled to himself and added quietly, "And by the time the poor bastard realizes he wasn't really fired by his superior, it'll be too late and he will have already been fired for not going to work!" He grinned a big, toothy grin, utterly pleased with himself for having devised another crafty plan. He glanced past his hand and looked at the messy desk again and sighed dramatically. He leaned forward and randomly picked up another report and scanned over it with inhuman speed. "Hmm? Q'est ce se… "Two peasants claim to have seen a strange sight in the sky heading east?" A wolfish grin crossed his face and he flipped his head back upside down and regarded the bird sitting on its golden perch on the opposite side of the room. "Rabe…. Do you think it's him?"

Predatory eyes fell upon her keeper and the bird, pitch as black night, cawed in accord. A low, dangerous laughter filled the otherwise empty room.

"Well, Rabe…" his emerald eyes narrowed dangerously, "Why are you still here?! You heard me! They headed east!" He growled, scaring the bird into taking leave through the open window into the foggy night air that always seemed to envelope Paris. He rose and walked over to the window, leaning one arm against its frame as he gazed out at the starless sky. 'For many years I have sought you out…. To understand how a creature like you--so similar to myself--could come into power so quickly…. To find out how a sense of taboo formed around your name…' He smirked, '..And to prove how much better I am…. To prove that you should belong to me….' The moonlight found its way through the clouds, over rooftops of townhouses, and poured feebly into the room, as if afraid to reveal something it shouldn't. He chuckled and finished the thought out loud, "..and no one else."

He turned and walked back to the desk. He glanced at the date written on the open day planner booklet and frowned. "Monsieur De Renaud will be returning tomorrow morning." He smirked, "I guess I'd better get going then." The youth then quickly gathered up the necessary papers and took his leave of the quaint little room and out of the apartment complex.

He walked past the local nightwatch who tipped his hat and said, "Bonne nuit, Monsieur De Renaud."

"..Oui, c'est vrai. Comment va madame?"

He gave a hearty chuckle, "Ah, elle va bien, merci. Et vous? Partez-vous encore si bientôt?"

"Ahh, mais oui," he lightly tapped the folder under his arm.

"Toujours, le travail?" He patted his shoulder, "Vous devez le vous reposer, monsieur. Les hommes de votre âge devraient penser de prendre la retraite au à la campagne, et de ne pas travailler si tard!" They both laughed wholeheartedly and the watchman clapped him lightly on the back and gave him a nudge in the direction he had been heading earlier. "Bonne chance à vous, monsieur, et se couchez à vous une bonne heure, pourquoi pas?" He laughed again and continued walking down the sidewalk, whistling to himself.

The youkai rolled his eyes as he turned on his heels and walked briskly down the dirty sidewalk. He glanced once more at the folder under his arm and grinned. He looked up, "You will be mine soon…" he said to the cold night air of the dark, empty streets of Paris.

"No!!!" He shouted, sitting bolt upright, his chest heaving. "No…" He put his hand to his cold, damp forehead. "Not again… It's not possible!" He gripped the blankets under his other hand. He could hear the material begin to tear under his fingernails and he immediately stopped. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested his forehead upon them. "Not the nightmares again…" He thought he was free from it. The jewel was gone… He'd left the dreary landscape of his fortress, only returning to brood… But even then, nothing like this had ever happened. Occasionally, memories would haunt him even while he was awake and he would question if he deserved forgiveness sometimes… But he hadn't dreamt of anything after…. "How?!" he asked quietly. He felt Sesshoumaru stir next to him and he lifted his head to look down at the inu youkai next to him and a phantom ache welled and subsided. Now he was torn… Should he tell Sesshoumaru? Should he keep it to himself and think on it? His thoughts were disrupted by inu's voice:

"What is it, Naraku?" he sat up and touched his mate's shoulder, "Was it… a nightmare?" He studied him, noting silently the chilled sweat that covered his body. Naraku did not answer him at first, but Sesshoumaru said his name once more and the kumo turned slightly and glanced at him before continuing to stare at the flames within the large fireplace.

The fire was entrancing; he was lost in the dancing flames and then a memory surfaced.... The walls burning around him, muffled cries through the roaring of the flames, the smell of his own clothes starting to burn... his own cries and.... he tore his gaze from the fireplace but wouldn't look Sesshoumaru in the eye. "I... don't understand it..." he glanced quickly at Sesshoumaru before lowering his gaze to his lap. "The jewel is gone..." he looked at his own hands and blood seemed to cover them for just an instant. He shook his head vigorously, "It's gone..." his upturned palms became clenched fists, "But... the nightmares.... are not."

Sesshoumaru let his eyes wander in thought and he, too, found himself staring unblinking eyes at the fire as it danced, sending ominous shadows throughout the room. He remembered their fateful battle in Antarctica like it had happened yesterday--and not over a year ago. Never looking away from the fire, he spoke, "Do you think the jewel is the cause of your dreams?"

"What else could it be?" He let himself fall back onto the bed. "Unless I've really become weak enough to let such trivial matters bother me…" He put his hand on his forehead, "But if the jewel was in fact behind it all…. That would mean…" he shook his head, "But that's absurd." His voice sounded sure enough, in spite of the fact he was biting down on his lower lip nervously. 'It's gone…' he told himself, 'You'll never have it again….' And he heaved a heavy sigh. He longed for the feeling of power coursing through his veins once more… He missed that feeling of confidence in the knowledge he could kill anyone…

Sesshoumaru glanced down and saw a tiny cut on the kumo's lip. He smirked ruefully and lay back on the bed, propping himself up on an elbow as he looked at Naraku. "For someone who sounds so confident, your lip looks rather swollen--and this time I'm not to blame."

Naraku smiled, "No… but I wish you were." He looked at him from the corner of his eye before closing it once more. The darkness that his closed eyes offered him was, at one time, horrid and terrifying… But now, it was a comfort from the sights his eyes saw--the constant appearance of blood on his hands… blood of someone he loved… the only one he loved…. "Sesshoumaru…" He sighed almost sadly, "What's become of me?" Instead of a verbal response, he could feel Sesshoumaru moving around on the bed and then something tickling at his face. He frowned, moved his hand from his forehead and saw Sesshoumaru's face about a foot away from his--it was his lover's hair that had been tickling him as it fell over his shoulders in long, silvery wisps. Naraku watched as Sesshoumaru reached down and took his hand into his own; there was a certain warmth reflecting in those amber eyes that made his heart ache.

"Naraku…" Sesshoumaru brushed his finger tips over the markings on the kumo's cheeks. "You've become my mate; the reason for my existence…" He leaned in closer, "And you've taught me how to love…." He kissed Naraku's forehead, "That's what you become… And I wouldn't have it any other way." He sealed his lips over Naraku's.

Naraku ran his fingers back through the inu's hair, his fingernails grazing Sesshoumaru's scalp. He crushed the youkai to him, the need for contact was so overwhelming it almost hurt. He only broke the kiss to trail kisses of his own down the inu youkai's throat. His hand ran slowly over his shoulder and down over his chest. A memory surfaced: blood…snow…pain… "Make it go away, Sesshoumaru…" he whispered softly. "Make it stop…" His voice gave off no pain--only need…

Again, his carnal desire rose. "If only it were you…. If only it had been you I conquered…." He took a deep breath to calm himself, the scent of blood and damp soil found its way to him. "If only it was you…." His eyes darted to the corpse once more then back to the sky. "Humans are weak and such frail things. But you won't break so easily…." He grinned devilishly. "I want you more everyday... and you will be mine soon.. I will make you mine.."

Something in the trees behind him stirred, loudly making him aware him of its presence. He growled and then caught the intruder's scent. "Rabe…" He smiled slightly. "I take it you've found his location?" A loud caw ensued. "And you'll be sure to keep a trained eye on him, won't you love?" The raven tilted her black head and cawed, not quite used to the affection her master was showing. "Go… watch him and check the port for my arrival into Japan. Understood, Rabe?" the bird seemed to nod before taking off into the night, becoming a mere shadow amongst all other shadows.

He chuckled, sprinting off through the trees of the forest he had submerged himself into. Days ago he had arranged a ship to take him to the home of the one he so craved. Finally, he arrived at the fringe of the city surrounding the busy port. He composed himself and acted so gentlemanly, that he himself found it hard to believe that he had raped and murdered somebody not fifteen minutes ago. Through the streets he made his way, occasionally flashing a seductive grin at any and all who caught his eye. The salty air was refreshing and he greedily took a deep breath.

The ship loomed ahead and he watched the other passengers wander on board. He both hated and loved the fact he wouldn't be alone on the mid-sized boat. He wanted it all to himself… just as he wanted everything. "Mine…." he whispered as thoughts of the one he desired flitted across his mind. Gingerly, he followed those in front of him, noting how awkward and slow their movements were while his were quick, stealthy and graceful. 'So fragile, so easily broken and shredded.' He grinned wolfishly, the hunger for something more than food was stirred up once more. 'Will you bend so easily to my will? I pray not…. For I shall love breaking you….'

Quickly he went to his quarters, where he began to pace restlessly. To commit another murder on such a small place compared to the mainland would be futile but the thought of it was too pleasing to cast aside. Both his primal urges and conscience fought for control over his body. A sly grin crossed his face, "No one will miss a child gone overboard…." And to the deck he went, waiting for the perfect prey.

The familiar darkness was haunting and utterly recognizable. Naraku bit back the memories as he waited for that shadow…. For that was all the presence had been reduced to. Golden eyes watched him from all around, monitoring his moves. They were fierce but lacked the sharp wit of a large predator and were unnerving as he moved through the dreamscape.

The shadow, vaguely shaped like a man, always danced out of reach right after taunting him. It drove him insane! Occasionally, the shadow would lash out and take Naraku's wrist in its hand, gripping it with enough force to shatter the bone. Then it would take hold of his chin, nonexistent claws puncturing the skin. He would cry and shout and try to fight back against the specter, but he couldn't! The shadow's cloaked figure was only further driven. Emerald eyes glittered through the dark, entrancing him and aggravating him all at once. "Who are you!?" he would shout, but only feral growls and more pain would follow. It felt as if he was being devoured, and it hurt--both mentally and physically. It was wrong, and vile, and horrid! He shouted again and again for help. The emerald eyes bore into his own and then the shadowed man revealed himself. Naraku awoke and sat bolt up right, panting and drenched in cold sweat. "It couldn't have been…." He looked over at his sleeping love. "Sesshoumaru…" The image in the dream had looked identical… except--but the thought was lost.

He had hated the man in the dream… but the shadowed figure was the man lying beside him… wasn't it? He pressed both hands to his face. "I can't understand these dreams…" he whispered. The dream had faded; only the watchful golden eyes from the shadows and the hungry emerald eyes remained with him….and the pain. "I need to… leave…" he said softly, glancing at Sesshoumaru once more. "..for my sanity's sake…" Gingerly, he got out of bed, glancing back over his shoulder to make sure Sesshoumaru was still asleep. He proceeded to get dressed in his usual attire and pulled the hood to his baboon suit over his head. "I'm sorry, Sesshoumaru…"

He vanished, reappearing outside of the castle gates. He paused, looking back up at his new home, right at the tower where he had just been seconds ago. He grit his teeth and turned, walking through the dense forest. The cold night air seemed to both dull and heighten his senses. He could hear some of the night birds fluttering about in the trees as he went past. Occasionally he would see a pair of gleaming yellow eyes staring out at him, which sent a chill of eerie familiarity down his spine.

Before long, he was at his former home. It loomed ahead and possessed even more of a haunted quality than it did when he had resided there. He disappeared, materializing himself within the fortress' inner chambers. He shoved open the old door to his favorite room and stood in the darkness. The moonlight dimly poured in through the window of his old spot. His eyes searched the surroundings as the floorboards groaned under his weight. Cobwebs hung down from the ceiling, and a spider scurried across his path. He could see stains of dried blood that had long since lost their red tint and smell. Specters seemed to lurk in the corners of the empty castle. The wind picked up outside and the whole fortress seemed to moan and creak under the pressure. He went to the window, which was cracked and covered with dust, and put his hand on the windowsill. The dank smell of moldy wood made its way to his nose and he grimaced before taking his seat. He missed the warm castle of his mate that so contrasted to this dank, rotting place. He wanted to be back with his love once more, but the familiarity of this place beckoned him, wanting him to stay. No matter what had befallen this place, he still knew it as: "Home…"

It was late morning before Sesshoumaru awoke. The fire had long since turned to ash and the sun was already spilling into the room through the large eastern window. Noticing that Naraku's scent was somewhat faint, the inu opened his eyes and looked at the place next to him. As his eyes quickly adjusted to the light, Sesshoumaru could clearly see his mate was not longer beside him in the bed—and his nose told him that he was neither in the room nor in the castle. Perturbed, he arose from the bed and walked over to the window, squinting his eyes against the sun's rays as he gazed out across his land. The breeze carried no scent of the kumo when he breathed it in. 'Odd,' he thought, 'I wonder where he went off to..' Then, remembering the nightmare from the night before, he concluded: 'He must have gone somewhere to brood. I'll leave him alone to his thoughts for now.' And with that, he walked to his chest of clothes, which had significantly doubled since Naraku had begun living with him, and he put on a simple maroon kimono and went outside for his daily training in the courtyard. As he practiced the complicated motions that worked out the knots in his muscles, he calmly thought, 'He'll return in a few hours….The nightmare will be but a memory and all will be well again…"

That was, In fact, very far from the truth. Naraku wasn't going to recover so quickly from these nightmares so easily. Dejectedly, he stared off into space. He was sitting in his old spot as he had done so many times… How long ago? It didn't seem important…. at least, not compared to the current matters at hand. "Sesshoumaru…. Emerald eyes…. I don't understand these dreams!" He covered his face with both his hands and clenched his teeth. He sighed and looked past his upturned palms, "These aren't like my other nightmares…. Not at all…." He closed his eyes and smiled bitterly. "Will I ever finish repenting for the crimes I've committed?"

He heard a loud, demanding "caw!" and a flutter of wings as a large raven settled outside his window. He looked at it, the bitter smile never leaving, "Seems I have my answer, haven't I?" The bird looked at him with harsh predatorial eyes. He felt a twinge of familiarity but paid it no mind; it was just a bird.

Gingerly, he lay back against a wooden beam that had fallen between the wall and the damp wooden floor. Memories and that nightmare had stolen sleep from him the night before; fatigue had an iron grip on his chest. He wanted to sleep, but the nightmares…. He was certain they would return. His body wasn't going to cooperate with his mind at that point and his eyelids became heavy and he yawned slightly. The clawing, devious phantom with emerald eyes became just a tiny flicker of a memory as he fell into an unwanted slumber.

The raven remained on the windowsill and watched the youkai until it was sure he was fast asleep before it gave off an eerie triumphant caw and took off into the forest.

Meanwhile, in a local doujo, a certain sadistic demon was wiping fresh blood off of a stolen dagger. The two harlots who'd been slain were still entangled in the blood-soaked sheets. Chuckling, he said quietly to himself, "I so tire of being disappointed by these weak and pathetic forms." He tossed the dagger onto the bed next to the bodies and walked over to the free-standing mirror. "Where are you, my beloved prince of thieves?" He heard a loud caw and laughed. "Excellent!" Turning from his reflection, he saw Rabe on the windowsill, a delightful gleam in her golden eyes. "Where is he, my love? Where is my treasure?" The raven answered him with a short caw and turning, flew out the window, her cries telling him to follow. Using his demonic gift, he made his form shrink and twist, black feathers sprouting all over him, and soon there was a large, green-eyed raven standing in the middle of the room. Giving out a low cackle, it fluttered its feathers and quickly flew out the window in the direction the first raven had flown.