Chapter One

Rory was confused. Did Tristan DuGrey somehow make a point about liking her? Or was she just being stupid. Tristan didn't like her. Not like that anyway. He loved to annoy her, and call her Mary and…kiss her breath away. Damn it.

No, she was sure he had been talking about Summer. He was still hung up on Summer. He agreed with her when she said it. The fact that she saw a little flicker of something in his eyes when he said it did not mean a thing. Because Tristan DuGrey could not possibly like her, Rory Gilmore. It just wasn't right.

Except it not being right, didn't make her think about it any less. It just made her think about it more.

She had never once since starting Chilton thought about Tristan that way. Even when he was standing in front of her locker, his tongue down some girls' throat. She never got jealous, or wanted to be in that girls place, or even think Tristan was worth any of the effort Paris and all the other girls put in to trying to get him to notice them.

But she was thinking about it now.

Damn him.

It wasn't right. She wasn't supposed to think about Tristan that way at all. It was against all that was right in the world. Of course now that she thought about it that way, she couldn't help thinking about his lips…against hers. Kissing her.

He, Tristan DuGrey had kissed her, Rory Gilmore. And it had been a good kiss. Of course at the time she hadn't thought about it. Hadn't really thought about much as she ran out of the room in tears. But that wasn't about Tristan.

It was about Dean. Dean, who had told her he loved her and then broken up with her, leaving her heartbroken. Lorelai had been right; Rory had needed to wallow, because she didn't understand how someone who claimed to love her could break her heart like that. She felt bad that she couldn't say those three words. But she just wasn't ready. She needed more time. But Dean wasn't willing to give her that.

She had needed to cry over Dean, and so all thoughts of Tristan's lips had been shifted to the back of her mind. Where they belonged. They definitely did not belong in her day to day thoughts like they were at the moment.

Especially when Tristan was sitting right next to her.

"Have you heard a word I've said, Mary?" Tristan asked, perplexed at Rory's lack of concentration.

"Yes, Tristan," she lied. "I just don't find your latest conquest all that interesting." Being Tristan DuGrey, it was pretty easy for Rory to figure out that he was talking about some random girl. Like she wanted to know which bimbo had his attention these days.

Tristan frowned. "I was asking if I could borrow your Math notes from yesterday."


"Are you feeling okay?"

"Fine," she dismissed. "They're in my locker. I'll give them to you at lunch," she told him, effectively ending the conversation as she turned to face forward as Mr. Medina walked into the classroom.

Tristan was puzzled by Rory's behavior. She had never before daydreamt in the middle of a conversation before. Even when he was annoying her, she was always listening, ready to shoot him down.

That was one of the things he liked about her. Just one of the things in a long list, he'd realized lately.

It was weird, liking a girl this much. Sure he had girlfriends before, but none of them had ever made him feel as much as she did. At first he had teased her because she was different, and he could. But when she never backed down from him, he realized he liked her. Every day became about getting her to notice him, getting her to react to him, like other girls did. And the more she refused to notice him, the more he wanted her.

And she amazed him in every way. Her life amazed him. And before he realized it he was falling for her. Really falling, for the first time.

When she told him Dean had broken up with her, he really meant it when he called him an idiot. What kind of moron would break up with someone like Rory?

Of course kissing her and sending her running with tears in her eyes had not been his plan. He always had to mess up, didn't he? The kiss in itself had been amazing. Her soft lips against his had felt so good, and she had kissed him back. He felt her mouth open up to him, and he really felt like he was in heaven.

That didn't last long though. Stupid Dean was between them even when he wasn't there. God, he really hated that guy.

He didn't know why he had even agreed to go out with Paris. He had never seen Paris that like. But Rory had asked him, and they had actually been getting along. She looked so eager that he couldn't say no. He regretted it afterwards. He'd seen how much effort Paris had made, and he hated hurting her. She was probably his oldest friend, even if they weren't exactly friendly at the moment.

But he couldn't lead her on. He wanted Rory and he couldn't date someone else. Meaningless sex he could do and forget, however messed up that sounded. But dating involved a whole new level of intimacy and he only wanted that with Rory.

She was oblivious though. He thought about telling her straight, but she had a habit of not taking him seriously when it came to this. Like the time he'd tried to ask her to that dance. Maybe he had been a little cocky and wrong in his approach, but she had made it clear that he would be stupid to think she would go out with him.

Things were different now though. They were almost friends now. And if she learnt to tolerate him, maybe she'd realize that he wasn't so bad.


Rory stopped suddenly when she noticed Tristan leaning against her locker, looking extremely…well hot. God, where did that thought come from? Tristan was not in any way good looking. Okay, she knew that was a lie, but she was not allowed to think about his good looks.

Shaking out of her thoughts she carried on walking, wondering why he always managed to appear when she just stopped thinking about him. His little comment about liking 'someone else' was still bothering her. She didn't know what she would do if he actually did like her.

She didn't like him like that. And she had only just broken up with Dean. Knowing he actually had genuine feelings for her would make school really awkward and she hated awkward situations. Not to mention the fact that Paris would hate her. Not that she didn't hate her already for setting up a date Tristan didn't even want to go on.

"What are you doing here?" Rory asked him as she approached her locker.

"It's school Ror, you know, we have to be here."

"I didn't mean here, here. I meant my locker here," she said as she opened her locker and started moving books around.

Tristan frowned. "You said I could borrow your notes," he reminded her. "It was only a couple of hours ago. You losing your memory in your old age?" he teased.

Rory just glared at him. "Here," she said, handing him the notes of the class he had slept through. "I want them back tomorrow, in the same condition."

"Come on, this is me."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Tristan just rolled his eyes.

Rory closed her locker and started heading outside where she was planning to eat lunch and read in the relative quiet. But Tristan started walking with her.

"What are you doing?" Rory asked, stopping suddenly and causing Tristan to almost walk into her.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"Coming with me."

"You're eating outside, right?"


"Well so am I."

"Why? Won't you be missed by all your fans," she said sarcastically. She knew they had decided to be somewhat friends now, but his presence was unnerving her.

"Ha ha, Rory. Besides we're friends, right?" he said, almost daring her to object.


"So you won't mind if I eat with you."

Rory just sighed defeated. She walked outside, Tristan following closely behind her. They sat on one of the deserted benches, Tristan sitting opposite her. Accidentally his leg brushed against hers, but he barely noticed. Rory however jumped slightly, and then felt really stupid. Jeez, what was wrong with her? Why was Tristan affecting her like this?

Deciding she was going to do what she originally planned she took out her book and started reading it while she ate. Tristan smiled at this and decided he wouldn't disturb her. He took out a sandwich he had bought earlier and started eating it.

Rory was busy reading so he took the time to watch her. She couldn't blame him for looking at her when she was sitting right opposite him.

Her face was so innocent; she hadn't been touched by any harsh realities of life. And he suddenly realized he wanted her to remain like that, and never lose that innocence.

Her skin looked soft, and her lips were full and looked extremely kissable. Now that he knew how they felt, it was harder for him to not want to kiss her. He was controlling the urge every time he spoke to her. Her hair looked so soft that he wanted to run his fingers through it for hours.

Her uniform covered most of her body, but he knew what she hid underneath it. He had seen it at the dance when she had worn a dress that showed off the curves of her body, while being completely modest. He wanted to take her in his arms and feel her against him.

"Who do you still like then?" Rory asked suddenly, pulling him out of his thoughts.

She couldn't concentrate on her reading. Especially when she could feel him inspecting every inch of her skin. Dean had watched her before, and it had always made her blush a little. But Tristan's look was completely different. It was electric and sexual and she didn't even want to think about the thoughts that were running through his mind.

"What?" Tristan asked, confused.

"You said it wouldn't be fair to date Paris when you like someone else," she reminded him. "It's obviously not Summer because you've barely noticed her all week."

"You keeping and eye out on who I notice now?" he teased.

"No!" she protested, a little too quickly.

"What difference does it make, anyway? This girl is unattainable."

"That's never stopped you before," she pointed out.

She was sure it wasn't her now. Tristan wouldn't be talking to her about the girl if it was really her, right? It didn't matter that he had just been looking at her like she was something he could eat; he did that with all the girls. And they were friends. That's all.

"Well this one's different."

"Why?" Rory asked.

"Because I like her," he admitted.

It was somehow easier to tell her this, when he knew he could just pretend it's someone else later on. He knew he was being a chicken, but he knew that if he admitted he liked her more than as a friend, she would go running. They were barely even friends, and he knew she would think he was just playing with her.

"You must have liked all the other girls you've dated," she said, because she didn't understand why anyone would date someone they didn't like.

"Well, yeah. But not really."

"So, you really are just a love 'em and leave 'em type."

"Hey! Some of them leave me," he protested, thinking of the embarrassment that was Summer. "And it's not like they mind. Everyone wants some of Tristan," he said with a cocky grin.

"God, you just reminded me why I hate you."

"You don't hate me, Mary."

"Don't be so sure."

They lapsed into silence again as Rory pondered his words. She wondered how one ended up like Tristan. Thinking it was okay to treat people that way. But also to never have really liked someone. She liked Dean. She hadn't loved him, but he was her first boyfriend and her first kiss and she had felt those new exciting sensations when they started dating. It was sad that Tristan had dated a lot more than her and never felt that way.

"Maybe if you tell this girl you like her, she'll give you a chance," she said, not knowing why she suddenly wanted Tristan to be happy.

Maybe because she had seen glimpses of the real Tristan. The one that hid behind the cocky smirk and good looks.

"I don't think so."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"She's not interested," he assured her.

"Maybe if you showed her the real Tristan."

"As opposed to the fake one that I am all the time?" he said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean."

"No, actually I don't."

She sighed, trying to explain. "Right now, you're being real. You're talking to me and we're having an okay conversation. When I first met you, I couldn't stand you. You thought because you're so damn hot I should want to talk to you and that's just annoying."

"Yeah, well, its….Wait, you think I'm hot?"

Tristan grinned and Rory rolled her eyes. "You're not listening to me!"

"I am. I distinctly heard you say you think I'm hot."

"I do not think you're hot, Tristan." Rory said through gritted teeth.

"Rory, it's okay. Many women suffer the same problem."

The bell rang and Rory started gathering her things. She picked up her book and whacked him over the head lightly, before putting it away. "You're hopeless."

"Yeah, probably."


The day was almost over, and Rory couldn't be happier. Between the classes they shared and lunch, she had spent most of the day with Tristan. She just hadn't been able to shake him today. And she was looking forward to going back to Stars Hollow and leaving his piercing blue eyes in Hartford for the whole weekend.

But her day was not over yet, she realized as she watched her bus drive off just as she came outside. It was early and there wouldn't be another one for half an hour.

"Hey Ror, you want a lift?" His voice tickled the skin of her neck as he came up behind her, walking towards his car.

"No!" she answered automatically, before softening. "I mean, no, its okay."

"Seriously, those buses take forever to come. Let me give you a lift."

"It's out of the way, Tristan," she tried to protest. He was so annoying leaning against his car with that casual smile on his face, being all nice to her. How was she supposed to resist this when he was doing his best to be her friend?


She wanted to protest again. She didn't want to take him back to her world. That would make him real. But the bus wasn't going to come and she didn't want to wait.

"Fine, thanks."

She followed him over to his flashy car and got in. He got into the drivers seat and started the car, without a word. It felt weird not saying something, but for once Rory didn't know what to say.

She was feeling nervous around him and she didn't understand why. Tristan hadn't made her nervous since her first days at Chilton, and that was only because she hadn't figured him out yet. But then she realized he was just a stuck up annoying idiot and all was right in the world. Now she didn't know what to think of him again.

It was just like him to completely throw her world upside down by suddenly being nice. She had gotten used to the Tristan that called her "Mary" and acted like god's gift to women. This Tristan she wasn't used to. The one who got upset about a girl, the one who talked to her about her break up, the one who kissed her. It didn't make sense.

Tristan wasn't talking to her and she, not having anything else to do, was drawn to his hands on the steering wheel. He had really nice hands. They looked really soft, but still strong. God, what was she thinking? She was losing her mind.

After ten minutes of silence Rory couldn't take it anymore.

"God, say something already."

"What?" Tristan said jumping out of his thoughts.

"Why are you being so quiet?"

"I don't know," he lied.

The truth was, if he started talking to her, it would turn into sparing, and she would get all aggressive about her point and he'd just want to pull over and kiss her breath away. And obviously that wasn't a good plan. So he was focusing on his driving.

"Well, talk about something, you're freaking me out."

"Okay…" He tried to think of something to say, but couldn't think of anything. "Why are you so jumpy? Worried that if we don't talk you'll be overcome by the urge to jump me?"

"No!" Rory said, but she felt a blush creep up her cheeks. Why did he always rile her up?

Noticing her blush, he was quite surprised. "Oh my God, I was right. You were thinking about me."

"Whatever you want to believe," she said flippantly. Realizing she preferred it when they weren't talking she got out her book from her bag and started reading it, clearing telling Tristan that she was not going to talk to him.

He thought it was cute how flustered she got. He was sure her relationship with Dean was all hearts and flowers with little kisses. If he ever had a chance to be with her it would be pure passion and lust and love. He wouldn't know how to keep his hands to himself. He wouldn't know how to stop thinking about her all the time.

"Why do you do that?" Tristan asked after a couple of minutes.

She wanted to ignore him, but curiosity got the best of her. "Do what?"

"Start reading every time a conversation gets too difficult."

"I don't," Rory said.

"You did it just now."

"Well you were annoying me. Once does not make it always. Always implies this is something I am known for, something I do all the time. First of all I don't see you enough for you to know any of my always' and secondly I don't always do that so it's not one," she finished and then realized from the amused look on Tristan's face, that he was laughing at her. "Don't laugh at me," she told him, although she was suddenly smiling herself.

"I can't help it," Tristan said. "You're just so cute."

"Like a puppy?" she argued. "Gee thanks."

"Not like a puppy," he told her, suddenly serious. "Just cute."

She hated that word usually. What the hell did cute mean? But the way he said it, it made her smile. Why was he doing that to her so much lately? It just wasn't right.


When they pulled up outside her house, Rory wanted nothing more than to run outside and forget all the crazy thoughts she had been having about Tristan today.

"Thanks for the lift. I'll see you on Monday," she said quickly, practically running out of the car and into her house.

Tristan was a little amused. Rory had definitely not been acting herself today, especially since she had completely forgotten to pick up her school bag when she ran out of the car. If he didn't know any better, he'd think she was nervous to be around him.

He smiled when he noticed Rory come back out of her house and make her way more calmly over to his car. She felt really stupid, forgetting her bag of all things, but being around him was making her feel weird, and she didn't want anyone, especially her mother, to see Tristan and assume things.

"Sorry," she said as she reached the car.

"Don't apologize to me. I just feel bad for your poor bag. Obviously you have very little regard for it."

"Yeah, I'm sure it's upset, since it has feelings." Tristan grinned as she picked up her bag and closed the door again. "Thanks for the lift," she said.

"No problem."

She started to walk away, heading into her house. Tristan quickly opened his car door and stood up.


She stopped and turned around, confused.

"It's okay, you know. Thinking about me. It just means you're human," he joked.

She laughed, actually feeling comforted by the return of his cockiness. "Tristan," she called back.


"Go home!"

He laughed as he got back in his car and drove home.
