Disclaimer I don't own Gravitation or any of its characters, I'm simply borrowing them for the purposes of showing my adoration for this wonderful anime.

Chapter One Will You…?

At exactly four o'clock pm Shindou Shuichi rushed out the front doors of NG Studios and headed in the direction of the apartment he shared with his lover, Yuki Eiri. Shuichi was always in a rush to get home to Yuki, but today he seemed in more of a hurry than normal.

What was the reason for his unusual amount of eagerness you ask? Well, you see, Shuichi had something very important to do when he got home tonight. He'd been planning it for months and had barely given anything else a thought (much to K and Bad Luck's disapproval) and now everything was finally ready.

It had been three years since the incident in New York and Yuki and Shuichi were miraculously still together. Yuki was still a cold-hearted bastard most of the time, but he wasn't as grouchy has he had been before. From Shuichi's point of view, it seemed like the wall of ice around Yuki's heart was finally beginning to melt.

After a few more minutes of running and five flights of stairs (he'd decided the elevator would take too long), Shuichi finally entered the apartment. After taking off his sneakers, he silently made his way down the hall and into Yuki's office where the author was sitting, diligently working on his latest novel.

"Tadaima, Yuki." Shuichi announced quietly from his place in the doorway.

"Okaeri, Shu." Yuki replied, still typing away. He was so focused on what he was typing that he didn't even look up at Shuichi.

Shuichi reached into the pouch of his sweatshirt and clasped the velvet box that sat there. Suddenly, he found himself overcome with nervousness as he hesitantly approached the author's desk. Gazing shyly at his lover's profile, the singer finally managed to overcome his nervousness and say something, "Ne, Yuki?"

"What?" Yuki asked, a slight tinge of annoyance in his voice, but he wasn't annoyed enough to avert his eyes from his work.

"Can I ask you something?" Shuichi ventured.

Yuki sighed but still did not look at the singer, "You just asked me something," he responded and then sighed again, "but I suppose, if it'll get you to shut up, you can ask one more question."

Shuichi then took a deep breath, got down on one knee beside Yuki, and opened the ring box. Then, in a shaky voice he voiced the question he'd been waiting to ask all day, "Yuki, would you marry me?"

Yuki still had his eyes glued to his laptop's monitor. He couldn't see that Shuichi was serious this time and so he answered the way he had every other time the singer had asked that question, "Of course not baka, why would I marry a brat like you?"

The author never saw the tears falling silently from his lover's eyes as Shuichi quickly stood and left the apartment. The only thing the singer left behind was the golden engagement ring that sat alone on the kitchen counter.

To Be Continued…

Well minna, what did you think? Good? Bad? If I get a lot of people that want me to continue this story with more chapters then I'd be glad to do so, but if not this will be a stand alone fic with no sequel or continual chapters. I hope you enjoyed it. Read and review, onegai!

Frozen Midnight