Love This Feeling

Disclaimer: JKR…..Must I say more?


Lily eventually forgave James without him knowing, having to spend two hours with James every night. Their conversation was cold and distant, on both parts. They never touched each other or laughed with each other, Lily just feeling cold and empty inside without James.

"Lily." James said, pushing Lily against the wall. "We need to talk."

Lily looked away, not being able to look into James' eyes. "Then talk James." She told him.

"I've tried to tell you over and over about what happened that day. I was looking for you and those girls surrounded me, asking me why I was going for you, when we weren't shagging. They wouldn't let me tell them why I wanted to be with you, Lils. I was so anxious to get away, that girl ran past, having the red hair, and pulled me into the closet. I knew you were the only redhead here Lils, and I didn't have a chance to see anything more before we were in that closet. I swear to God, Lily, I didn't mean to." James told her, his hands running through her hair.

Tears were streaming down Lily's face, having to hear what James was saying. It made her heart break, hearing the pain, that she was causing. She felt like she wasn't good enough for him, not wanting to give James what obviously every other 7th year girl had given him so willingly.

"James, I know the story. I heard you that night, I was sitting in the next corridor, crying my eyes out. I know what happened. I know that I'm not going to give you what every other girl has so easily. I'm not the girl for you James. I'm a girl who'll tell you no, when you want to hear 'yes'. You don't need me James, I know you don't. I know that somewhere in the back of your mind, I'm a challenge to see if the only virgin girl in Gryffindor will give it up to you James." Lily said, slipping out of James' grasp, and running out of James' sight.

"That's not true, Lils."


'I'm falling for bloody James Potter.' Lily's thoughts echoed in her mind, eyes open wide and trying to figure if that was the truth. A few weeks had gone by, James always trying to talk to her, and Lily's wall was slowly breaking, letting the emotions take over her heart.

"Lily?" A voice called from behind Lily's door.

"Yes?" Lily called, moving herself from her bed, opening her door to find Brianna standing there.

"Do you like James?" She asked, jumping on Lily's bed, eyes sparkling.

"What makes you say that?" Lily's eyes narrowed, wondering why she was asking.

"It's bloody obvious to me, Lils, But to you, I'm not sure. So, are you?" Bri asked.

'Shit, Fuck, Damn……Why is she asking? She's my best friend; I shouldn't have to lie to her. I don't know what I feel……it's James Bloody Potter for Gods sake.'


Bri's eyes took on a soft look of sadness, before hardening and she looked defiantly up into Lily's eyes.

"I can't believe you lied to me. 'James Bloody Potter.' "

Bri got up, not looking back, and left the room.

'What am I going to do now?'


"She said that she doesn't like you. She didn't deny that she was lying, either. Looks like we're stuck. I swear, that girl is stubborn. She's been looking for the perfect guy since she was 13, and can't see him when he's right in front of her face. I don't know what will make her realize what the fuck she's missing. Maybe you should move on………." Brianna trailed off, looking at both Sirius and James as she sighed.

"I've got it." Sirius jumped up, looking around the common room.

"Prongs mate, if you had to snog anyone in this room, who would it be." Sirius asked, an amused glint in his eye. "Besides Lily." Sirius grinned, watching as James' mouth closed.

"Tasha Blake" James answered, frowning. He didn't like the sound of this one.

"Oy! Tasha!" Sirius called. "Come here for a second, will you?" Sirius called, turning to

"As soon as James and Tasha leave, get Lily and tell her Professor McGonagall is waiting outside the portrait." Sirius told her.

"What did you want?" Tasha asked.

"Mind snogging James for a bit of Jealousy?" Sirius asked, grinning.

Tasha raised an eyebrow, "For?" She asked

"Why, Lily Evans, of course! And when Lily and James start to talk, you can come back in here." Sirius smiled. "For me?" sticking his bottom lip out, Tasha rolled her eyes, smiling.

"You know I'll do anything for you, Oppah." She smiled, grabbing James' arm and leading him outside of the common room.


"Lily, McGonagall is waiting for you outside of the portrait. She wants to have a word with you about some assignment or another." Brianna told Lily, shutting the door behind her and smiling. This was sure to work.

Lily opened her eyes, running her hand through her hair and heading downstairs.


'How could he!?' Lily thought angrily to herself, watching James press his body and mouth against Lily's roommate, Tasha. 'That bastard!'

"Oh! Hi Lily." James said nonchalantly as he walked towards her, forgetting Tasha, who seemed to disappear.

Bile rose in Lily's throat. "Hi." Lily said through gritted teeth, trying to keep back her anger.

"What's wrong?" James asked innocently.

"Nothing," Lily replied, not looking at him and arms folder across her chest in a carefree manner. "So, how's your whore?"

"She's good. Really good, if you know what I mean." James winked, grinning. "I've thought about what you said, and I've realized that you're right. We just weren't meant for each other. So I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I've finally moved on, and I won't be bothering you about going out with me anymore." James grinned, shrugging. "Why go chasing rainbows when you can never truly reach the pot of gold." James turned, his robes flowing after him, down the hallway towards the common room.

"James!" Lily called out, without thinking.

James turned around, looking at Lily with a puzzled look, his hazel eyes holding a mischievous glint. "Yeah?"

"I-I…….Do you love her?" Lily said meaningfully.

James walked towards Lily, standing close enough to smell her, to feel her breath on his neck, brushing a lock of fiery hair away from her face.

"No. I'll never love any other person than you Lily, You'll always have my heart. But I guess that I'll find the girl I love second best if I can't have you."

'My eyes searched James, wondering what the hell I should do. I was going to lose him this time, this time and forever. My only love sprung from my only hate. Never had I been faced with more of a decision than this. If I left him go, what would my life be like? Would I ever find someone who I loved, as much as I loved James Potter. I realized, that Yes, I do love James Potter. I couldn't live without him in any way possible. If I let him go, I would never see his loving face, loving eyes directed at me again, but at some other lucky girl.'

"James." Lily said, her heart racing with indecision. "You can't just buy fake gold to replace the real gold. You've got to keep chasing the rainbows." Lily said, smiling and closing the space in between them.

Their lips met, in a small, loving kiss. James' hands wrapped around Lily's, holding them tightly, as if reassuring her that he would never leave her.

"Lily, look," James squeezed Lily's hands, drawing her attention to the golden ring on her finger.

With A Touch, A Spark, after 5 years of total and complete hate, A Christmas Holiday that I could never forget and a ring that fit so perfectly. It all lead to these words, the words that were now written on my ring.

"I love you Lily." Scrawled over the glossy surface of the ring, sparkling in the dim hallway light, as Lily threw her arms around James' neck.

"And I love you……James."

-:- FINISH -:-

AN - Hey you guys! I got a review saying my P.O.V's were all messed up, so I decided to redo this chapter, and here it is! I want to thank everyone who has reviewed for this story, as this is the end of this particular part. I may, and probably will finish the rest of the story, but I'm not to sure about that. I've already planned out the end of everything, so I don't think that that will be a major problem for me. Please review telling me where you would like this story to go, or if you think it should end. Any mistakes I made in this story that you could find? Please tell me, I'll be grateful and change it ASAP!

To everyone who has reviewed, I want to truly thank you. You're reviewed helped me so much in writing this story, helping me learn more about writing, and knowing how to write a better story. It's an honor that you all are reading my story. I want to give special thanks to Cappuccino Squirrel, who wrote a couple chapter outlines for me, and to my nerdy friend, Steph, my lemon jolly rancher girl. Love to everyone, you all is great!